WCW vs WWF/E: Ron Simmons

Ron Simmons in...

  • WCW

  • WWF/E

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F*ck Friends, Rather die wiv ma AK!
Recently known for DAMN!!, "The All American", "The Powerhouse"..'The first ever African-American World Champion!!'

Next in the Series:
Ron 'Farooq' Simmons

Years in Promotions
WWF/E: 1996-2003, 'retired', 2006-2009 - making occasional appearances

What would you say..Looking at feuds, matches, impact created and accomplishments...Ron Simmons in WCW or WWF/E??

Lets Break it Down!!
The Steiner Brothers, IV Horsemen, Butch Reed, Big Van Vader, Cactus Jack, Barbarian, Tony Atlas...

Ahmed Johnson, The Undertaker, The Legion of Doom, The Disciples of Apocalypse, Los Boriquas, The Rock, Jeff Jarrett, The Brood, The Union, The Dudley Boyz, X-Pac & Kane, The Hardy Boyz, The Right To Censor, The Holly Cousins, The New Age Outlaws, Edge & Christian, T&A (Test & Albert), The Alliance, Benjamin/Haas, Rhyno, The Basham Brothers...
Championships & Accomplishments
1-time WCW United States Tag Team Championship w/ Big Josh
1-time WCW World Heavyweight Championship
1-time WCW World Tag Team Championship w/ Butch Reed

3-time WWF Tag Team Championship w/ Bradshaw
My Opinion
Looking that he accomplished Tag team wrestling in WWF/E, he accomplished singles competition whilst at WCW...he held the World title for just less than half a year 150 days i believe!! Being the first ever African-American world champion...this is very impressive...he had a great feud with Cactus Jack and most notable with Vader which I think was his best!!
I like how he came in to the WWF though and forming Nation of Domination, very good stable, later feuding with the Rock...I will remember his WWE days when he would sit backstage in his office with Bradshaw with the wooden door asking people to knock all the time..lol good ol' days..

I have to pick WCW though!! being the first black world champion does it for me!! set an example for other great world champions e.g. Booker T..
What would you say... Ron Simmons in WCW or WWF/E???

Please keep thread on topic...thank-you!!
I loved Ron Simmons in WWF/E, mostly due to his comedy stuff and his backstage segments in APA's office. I absolutely loved APA.

I think however that Ron Simmons' period was better in WCW, not because he had better feuds, because he really didn't, but because of the fact that he was given a world heavyweight championship, he was honored for what a talent he was in WCW, as opposed to being a very talented tag team wrestler in WWF/E.

Also we cannot forget that Ron Simmons, while it might have been his own choice due to age. He did get to spend a few years with a single word - Damn. That won't build a legacy, he was entertaining as hell with Bradshaw, and as Ron Simmons: Mr. Damn. But that's about it.

My choice is WCW.
WCW without a doubt. All this really boils down to is where he won a world title at, and he won one in WCW yet only held the tag titles in the WWE. Not to mention that he was the first black champion ever and was madly over as a singles competitor. He was also part of 2 succesful tag teams in WCW(one of which I've never heard of), so he was part of 2 succesful tag teams and won a world title, I think the obvious choice is WCW.
My choice is WWF/WWE because that is where I am familiar of him. I didn't honestly know he was in WCW. I know that I am gonna get criticized for voting that way, and I don't care lol. I never really watched WCW, and when he was in WCW, I was a baby and when I was old enough to start watching wrestling, it was near the end of his run there. I also felt that his character got better during his WWF/WWE run between the Nation as Farrooq (especially between his feud with Ahmed Johnson and the Rock coming into the picture) and then when he was paired with Bradshaw in the APA.
I was for nostalgia watching a few 1991 WCW PPV's yesterday, this was the time Doom (Ron Simmons and Butch Reed) had broken up, both managed by "Teddy Long" lol a heel Teddy Long too :P

Anyways, at that time Simmons was battling his former partner Reed and he also got a shot at Lex Luger's World Title at Halloween Havock 91.

In amongst future stars Stunning Steve Austin who was gonna be there star of the future lol and the Diamond Stud aka Scott Hall, if only they knew that within 5 years they'd start a decline to going out of business :P getting off track as usual

It was good to see Simmons actually wrestling

One thing i noticed though in general, Simmons had the physique and could talk if needed but there was something uncoordinated about his inring style. His slam type moves alot of the time were more him losing his balance then actually being in control specially his spine buster finish.

To the question at hand, having only seen a few brief moments of him in WCW and alot of WWF it's hard to judge
1) WCW he held a world title, though only briefly and a few Tag Championships as part of Doom
2) WWF/E Tag Championships, A big part part of the attitude era, helped The Rock and JBL get off the ground, 1 word comedian.

by the time he got to his WWF/E run he was winding down anyway it seemed and was happy to sit back and let JBL take the spotlight and help others noobs get over, if you go by World title success WCW is a clear winner, but WWF/E he was more widely known and had more input

Im 50/50 ;p so WCW gets the dupe :(
i would say wcw as well, winning the world title of the wcw kinda over shadows the other things, and he did not have much push in the wwe, midcard matches, but never main eventing, and i don't remember him getting a shot at the title there, so hands down wcw,

i thought i posted this earlier so i know some one beat me too it, but i was going to say add luger to the list of people he had a feud with, it was not long, but i think that got the ball rolling on the peak of his wcw career, in my opinion
I know I should vote for WCW because that's where he won his title but I watched him in WWE for too long and got so familiar with him being Farooq. The Nation of Domination gig may have been better than his WCW title run (which I do not know a lot about). I really liked him and Bradshaw as a tag team, in The Ministry and afterwards, and they obviously did well winning the tag titles three times. They also had a lot of comedy involved in their backstage skits. I remember one in particular when Kurt Angle walked around the makeshift door they always had that led to their "office" instead of walking through it and they refused to talk to him until he went back around it and walked through it. And it seemed like for a time they had a lot of fan base. My vote goes to WWE but it may be somewhat skewed since I didn't really watch him in WCW.
WCW, hands down. That was where Ron Simmons won the world title and you can't go without acknowledging his success as one half of Doom. And a lot of the great rivalries he had were mentioned, though I was surprised that Rick Rude was left off of the list. But having Ron Simmons win the world title was something I'm sure that nobody ever would have thought would happen back then. Not only did he win the belt, but he beat Vader to get it who at that time was an all out juggernaut and even beat Sting for the belt, straight down the middle in fact. Not to mention when the split up Doom, and they had the match between Butch Reed and Ron Simmons, that was a pretty damn good match, even though we all know where Butch Reed ended up with that one. So I will take Ron Simmons in WCW.

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