F*ck Friends, Rather die wiv ma AK!
Recently known for DAMN!!, "The All American", "The Powerhouse"..'The first ever African-American World Champion!!'
Next in the Series:
Ron 'Farooq' Simmons
Years in Promotions
WWF/E: 1996-2003, 'retired', 2006-2009 - making occasional appearances
Next in the Series:
Ron 'Farooq' Simmons

Years in Promotions
WWF/E: 1996-2003, 'retired', 2006-2009 - making occasional appearances
What would you say..Looking at feuds, matches, impact created and accomplishments...Ron Simmons in WCW or WWF/E??
Lets Break it Down!!
The Steiner Brothers, IV Horsemen, Butch Reed, Big Van Vader, Cactus Jack, Barbarian, Tony Atlas...
Ahmed Johnson, The Undertaker, The Legion of Doom, The Disciples of Apocalypse, Los Boriquas, The Rock, Jeff Jarrett, The Brood, The Union, The Dudley Boyz, X-Pac & Kane, The Hardy Boyz, The Right To Censor, The Holly Cousins, The New Age Outlaws, Edge & Christian, T&A (Test & Albert), The Alliance, Benjamin/Haas, Rhyno, The Basham Brothers...
Championships & Accomplishments
1-time WCW United States Tag Team Championship w/ Big Josh
1-time WCW World Heavyweight Championship
1-time WCW World Tag Team Championship w/ Butch Reed
3-time WWF Tag Team Championship w/ Bradshaw
My Opinion
Looking that he accomplished Tag team wrestling in WWF/E, he accomplished singles competition whilst at WCW...he held the World title for just less than half a year 150 days i believe!! Being the first ever African-American world champion...this is very impressive...he had a great feud with Cactus Jack and most notable with Vader which I think was his best!!
I like how he came in to the WWF though and forming Nation of Domination, very good stable, later feuding with the Rock...I will remember his WWE days when he would sit backstage in his office with Bradshaw with the wooden door asking people to knock all the good ol' days..
I have to pick WCW though!! being the first black world champion does it for me!! set an example for other great world champions e.g. Booker T..
What would you say... Ron Simmons in WCW or WWF/E???
Please keep thread on topic...thank-you!!