Legacy of the Dudley Boyz

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Hey i reckon that the dudleys has payed their dues as heels and as faces all around the world. This has prompted them to be considered one of the greatest tag team of all time. Their long and lustrious carrer has made them two of the toughest sons of bitches that have ever wrestled
Dudley's have done things that no other tag team can say they've done. I do think their legacy is being a bit ruined in TNA. I just think they were better in ECW and WWF/E. TNA has shown that the Dudley's reign as one of the top tag teams in Wrestling. LAX have officialy been pushed over them. Sad. They made the Tables special in WWE. They were crazy in ECW. What is their gimmick in TNA?
The only reason the dudleys/team 3d have made more money than LOD is because of the era they are wrestling in.Inflated salaries are the norm now and have been since 'the monday night war'.

As for as drawing more , what are you smoking (Pass that to me) ? In ecw (original) they were such great heels that they inspired near riots.Are u telling me that ppl paid to be spit on,beer thrown in their face and generally get shit talked to?Then in wwe they started off throwing women through tables and shit. Are u telling me ppl wanted to see that kind of stuff/be apart of that?
That doesnt draw ppl.

First of all, yes, I am telling you exactly that. People LOVED seeing women thrown through tables are you joking me? Tables were rarely if ever used in the WWE before the Dudleys arrived, people loved it when they used them. And in ECW, the crowds were so small that it really didn't matter who drew what. And yeah, Dudleys were a big draw for ECW too, because they always put on great matches and trust me the ECW fans came to see great matches despite whether or not they got spit beer on them. And further more I don't even remember them ever doing that, but if they did, so what? That's what a heel does, in any company. The Rock used to do that all the time back in '99. What do you think people were pissed when they saw the Dudleys at ECW shows? Hell no, they loved 'em! They gave them heat because thats what they were supposed to do, but they respected them always.

So yeah, people did pay to get spit on and whatnot. People have paid for far worse things trust me.
I don't know what other tag titles they need to win. They just need to win the NWA titles more and more and that will be all good :D
People went to the ECW arena just to see the Dudley Boyz get their asses kicked. That is a cold hard fact. People hated the parade of Dudleyz coming to teh ring and Bubba telling a mom that she taught her daughter how to suck dick. That is heel heat to the extreme, and people wanted them to get their asses handed to them week in and week out. Now, are they the greatest tag team ever, nah. But for someone to think that they aren't top 10, even top 5, then they are smoking some crazy stuff. They might not be the best, but people are seriously under rating their ability and story telling.

One thing that isn't deniable, the Dudleys are the most decorated tag team in North American Wrestling history, like it or not. And when TNA turns the belts into the TNA titles, that will be 5 franchise titles that they have held.
Team 3D.......

They are a great tag team in a time of wrestling where there aren't any great tag teams... Yeah people will say the Hardy Boyz are great... Well if this was the 80's the Team 3D couldn't hold a candle to The Road Warriors, Rock N Roll Express, Minnesota Wrecking Crew, Midnight Express, and The Stiener Brothers. Tag team wrestling isn't important anymore in wrestling and Team 3D has made a career of benefiting from that plain and simple... They are good but not in my top 10 greatest tag teams of all-time...
People went to the ECW arena just to see the Dudley Boyz get their asses kicked. That is a cold hard fact. People hated the parade of Dudleyz coming to teh ring and Bubba telling a mom that she taught her daughter how to suck dick. That is heel heat to the extreme, and people wanted them to get their asses handed to them week in and week out. Now, are they the greatest tag team ever, nah. But for someone to think that they aren't top 10, even top 5, then they are smoking some crazy stuff. They might not be the best, but people are seriously under rating their ability and story telling.

One thing that isn't deniable, the Dudleys are the most decorated tag team in North American Wrestling history, like it or not. And when TNA turns the belts into the TNA titles, that will be 5 franchise titles that they have held.

I put the Dudleys in my top 10, but people went to ECW for the whole event. The Dudleys weren't the only draw. Road Warriors on the other hand were a draw. Sure people wanted to see the Dudleys get beat, but ECW was so different that people went to see the whole promotion. You are forgetting that ECW had Raven, Sandman, Dreamer, Sabu, Taz, RVD, Douglas, and cat fights. The Dudleys did not draw anything.

And you can't say the Dudleys drew in WWE. The WWE had Austin, Rock, Jericho, Benoit, Taker, Kane, Angle, etc. etc. etc. The Dudleys were not the big draw. Sure people wanted to see tables but that is not why they went. They went for the whole show.

The Road Warriors were a spectacle. They were like no one else in wrestling history. The times have really changed in wrestling. It was still "real" back then. People were in awe at seeing guys like the Road Warriors.

The Dudleys made more money because of the era of wrestling they are in. Merchandising now is bigger than ever. Back in the days wrestlers were selling there own merchandise to make a few extra bucks. Now wrestling is huge corporation. You have video games, magazines, tv, internet, ppvs, toys, clothes, pictures, posters, belts, whatever else you can find on wwe shopzone or any wrestling website.

The money issue is a terrible arguement on why the Dudley's are bigger and better than the Road Warriors. There is no comparison, but the Road Warriors were a draw and they were a better team.

And the Dudleys wrestling in the era of where tag teams came and went is exactly why they are even considered a great tag team. Teams would split up because there was more glory for singles wrestlers in the 90's. In the 80's tag teams were actually draws. There was glory and honor. The Dudleys were just smart and stuck together. It was the right place at the right time situation.
I have to say the Dudley Boyz are a good team but great? I would not stretch it that far.
There has been a gradual decline in tag team wrestling for years. There is a pure art to the form of Tag wrestling & this is why when Tag Team’s split it’s very rare that they become a successes. In my opinion there have only been few tag team that can be classed as great & here are some examples The Road Warriors & The Midnight Express, The Steiner’s & I might even add the Hart Foundation to that list . These teams were at the top of there game when the Tag Divisions round the world was a spectacle to see.
Unfortunately it seems the form of the Tag team has become a joke and as soon as a Tag Team becomes hot companies decide to split them up.
So I’d have to say Bubba & D-Von are a good tag team at the wrong time.
The money issue is a terrible arguement on why the Dudley's are bigger and better than the Road Warriors. There is no comparison, but the Road Warriors were a draw and they were a better team.

Dude, absolutely NOBODY is saying they were a better team, I believe me and everyone else has said 5000 times already that LOD were a much better team. That's not what I said, I said the Dudleys made more money and drew more people to their respective products. Sure, LOD were often the only draw for their old shows in the 80s, but those shows never drew more then a couple thousand people, while the Dudleys were consistently involved in 20000 plus crowds. Sure, they may not have been the main reason for it, the whole show was, but they most definately played a role in drawing people. I mean, if you're trying to say that people weren't drawn to their TLC matches you're high man. Their TLC matches at WM16, Summerslam 2000, and WM17 were some of the most highly anticipated matches in WWE history.
You people are actually arguing Against the Dudleys well let me tell you me tell you something the dudleys are way better than that stupid legion of doom.
To be Honest I have no respect for L.O.D and I have alot of respect in my eyes for the Dudley Boys.
L.O.D cannot be compared to the Dudleys they have their own seperate ways and their own Seperate Styles but still if they are compared The dudleys are far more better than the L.O.D
I dont consider them the best of the best but they are one of the best tag teams out there. IMO, the art of tag team wrestling is the same it was 20 years ago. At least it seems that way to me. IMO, tag team wrestling is more entertaining than single wrestling due to the fact more friction can happen in a tag division than single division. Dudleys are the first team ever to become grand slam champions. Meaning they have won the ECW Tag Team Titles, WWE Tag Team Titles, WCW Tag Team Title and now TNA Tag Team Titles. This is a major accomplishments and is one for the record books. Not only that but they broke the Missouri curse. The Missouri curse is that no tag team ever won the NWA Tag Team Title in an event that takes place in Missouri. So for accomplishments Team 3D has done a lot.

In ring ability as a tag team is just simply phenominal. There in ring chemistry just adds so much to there matches. I liked all there encounters with LAX. The only bad thing was when Brother Runt got involved but thank god they stopped that. In WWF/E they made an impact feuding and having classics with E and C, The Hardyz, A and T and etc. So in ring ability they get points as well.

The Dudleyz are good at developing there character wether they are heels are faces. As heels in original ECW they did anything to win. They spat on fans, cursed them out and etc. When Brother Ray cursed and told Hector to ''get the fucking table'' I marked out because it brought up old memories of their classic ECW days.

In conclusion I find Team 3D as a rare tag team to find. There well rounded imo.
It amazes me that we have a four page thread discussing whether or not the Dudley Boyz were a great tag team.

Were they in the right place at the right time? Oh, absolutely, more so than almost any other tag team and/or wrestler in history.

Are they a good tag team? No. Neither one of them can wrestle, as evidenced during their lackluster runs as singles wrestlers.

To me, the greatest tag teams are comprised of two great wrestlers co-existing as a team. With that being said, the Steiner Brothers are the best tag team of all-time, IMO. The World's Greatest Tag Team (Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas) are a close second, but they haven't proved themselves yet, internationally speaking.

Don't even mention the Dudley Boyz and the New Age Outlaws in the same breath with the aforementioned tag teams. What an insult to them both.
It amazes me that we have a four page thread discussing whether or not the Dudley Boyz were a great tag team.

Were they in the right place at the right time? Oh, absolutely, more so than almost any other tag team and/or wrestler in history.

Are they a good tag team? No. Neither one of them can wrestle, as evidenced during their lackluster runs as singles wrestlers.

To me, the greatest tag teams are comprised of two great wrestlers co-existing as a team. With that being said, the Steiner Brothers are the best tag team of all-time, IMO. The World's Greatest Tag Team (Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas) are a close second, but they haven't proved themselves yet, internationally speaking.

Don't even mention the Dudley Boyz and the New Age Outlaws in the same breath with the aforementioned tag teams. What an insult to them both.

Devon was ok on his singles run, Brother ray is the lackluster of the two.

Tag teams are typically wrestlers that are average or younger talent that need developing before they move up the roster and develop a singles career.

IMO the dudleys, were on to much of a good thing as the dudleys in ECW and then in WWE, the became complacent with there posistion as a marketable team and had no reason to develop there in ring skills to suit singles competition.

The Steiners were a great tag team although i dont know if i would agree that they are the best ever. They were pretty damm good...i am not sure who i would rate as the best ever...maybe...The Hart Foundation or The Bulldogs
The Dudley Boyz. It doesn't matter if they are good or not. If this thread is this long, obviously somebody likes them.

But in all honesty, they are amazing. They may not be the best, but they did their job. They gave one HELL of a show, and people will always remember this. Younger fans, such as I, who jumped into the attitude era will remember the Dudleyz, Hardyz, and Edge and Christian as some of the greatest tag teams ever, like the New Age Outlaws and, to an extent, the Acolytes (who were just kinda there, but whatever).

What will really depend on their greatness isn't just how many title reigns they have, WWE, WCW (they still held it, if they counted Austin or Angle as WCW Champion, they consider the Dudleys WCW Tag Team Champs), ECW, NWA, and hopefully, TNA Tag Team Champions. It will depend on if they are remembered 15, 20 years down the line. No one will remember London and Kendrick, no one will remember Cade and Murdoch. But you better believe the Dudleys will not be forgotten anytime soon. You BETTER believe it.
The Dudley's were definately in the right place at the right time. They will be remembered because of what they have achieved even if it was kinda luck. Really, just because they aren't the greatest in the ring doesn't mean they won't be remembered. Everyone will remember their legacy and all of their achievements. We won't remember them and think they are the greatest wrestlers because if they were that great they probably would have had successful singles careers.But they will be remembered for all of the different titles they won and being a very stable tag team that suck around for a long time. So they do have a good legacy in that they will be remembered in a good way.
I beleive they have a good legacy, although they were best when they were starting riots in ECW and of course the TLC matches. They are pretty much done now. They now have watered down names and it's not the same calling them Team 3D
People wanted to see them get severely injured or even die in some intense cases. I personally respect some of the things they have done for the wrestling industry, I mean think of the Fatal Four Way ladder match!?

But now, they are getting more and more tiresome every week wit their Wassuuuppp stuff.
You know apparently D-Von is pushing to go back to WWE and ECW, but I seriously doubt that will happen
Right. As a 14 year old who is educated in the ways of old-school wrestling by my father, i can honestly say that i think i can fairly weigh in on both sides of the argument before making my decision. Team 3D (I'm a TNA fan, that's how i think of the Dudleyz) are, no denying, a great tag team. They're instantly recognisable, very charismatic and, of course, infamous for their several catchphrases.

However, so are the Legion of Doom. These guys both held some great tag team titles, including, of course, both holding the WWE and, i believe, the NWA titles. If i'm wrong there, sorry about that. The LOD, it is no doubt, were extremly charismatic, and i personally loved Hawk's stuff, his death was a sad moment in wrestling. Here's some main battles:

Catchphrases: Thought i may as well start with this. I'm afraid i don't know if LOD really had many, but of course, there's the immortal AAAHHH WHAT A RUSH! (Or the legendary AAHH WHAT A BOOGER!) Whereas the Dudleyz have Devon/D-Von, Get the Tables!, the WASSUP stuff (which annoys me, to be fair) and the shout of 3D! Which is mainly the crowd to be fair. So really, it's Get the Tables vs What A Rush. And, in my opinion, based on recognicion and overall entertainment value, LOD just take this one.

Title Reigns: Sorry, but 3D take this hands down. The LOD had some good reigns, but 21 top title reigns in 4 top companies have an easy cruise through for Team 3D.

Main Members: I believe this should be a category, as good members sometimes make a good team (for exceptions, please see D-Generation X). Hawk, simply put, is amazing. Some really good stories, but the "suicide" drags him down. Animal is good, and showed that in later years after Hawk when he went singles for a while in 05/06, having some good matches with Matt Hardy. Bubba Ray is a good wrestler and has amazing charisma, but D-Von has a lot less, although his speech to the Stieners on iMPACT! last week showed some stuff. Also, i love the "OH MY BROTHER, TESTIFY!" However, since they've never been succesful singly very much (Bubba's year or so as Hardcore champ on and off was pointless) this one goes to the Legion of Doom.

Pointless 3rd Members: Yep, the next one is for pointless extra members. Although there's been a few in LOD, the main ones IMO are Heidenreich and Spike Dudley/Brother Runt. No contest. Heidenreich was pointless. Absolutly pointless. At least Spike put on a few good matches and had a few title reigns.

OVERALL: The LOD just take it. Better Charisma, better Catchphrases and better Members. Title reigns are pre-determined, other members are useless and not a true part of the team. Legion Of Doom or Legacy Of Dudleyz? Ladies and Gentlemen, your winners: The Legion any day.
OVERALL: The LOD just take it. Better Charisma, better Catchphrases and better Members. Title reigns are pre-determined, other members are useless and not a true part of the team. Legion Of Doom or Legacy Of Dudleyz? Ladies and Gentlemen, your winners: The Legion any day.

Yes, the LOD is probably better than The Dudleyz, but the thread is more to the opinion of what will be the legacy of The Dudleyz right?

Now, i believe they will have a great legacy based on the amount of title reigns they have and having all of the major titles, but honestly how many people would even know who they were if it wasn't for The Hardyz and E & C. I don't remember anything about The Dudleyz before these classic feuds so i believe the legacy of The Dudleyz is that they were a good team who weren't quite as good as The Hardyz in WWF/E.
remember the "whose legacy will be the best Hoagn or austin" not too long back same arguement happening here only with dudleys and LOD and i have the same arguement for both thread, LOD/austin are in fact the better of the two at what they were doing...wrestling however the dudleys/Hogan have the advantage of timing. Hogan no one will argue that point but i can seethe eyebrows raising when i say the dudley were better timed. LOD were great at a time when alot of other tag teams were too, hogan (and more so) how he was marketed made him the single most recognizable wrestler regardless of talent similar to what cena is doing now way better wrestlers were available than hogan (dibiase, piper, macho...) the dudleys get to market themselves as the best for lack of other options and for the last 10 years or so while there are good tag teams (EC, HARDYS, AMW) and for that they will be recognized and have a long lasting legacy and if they stay consistent and continue do wrestle for another 10 years it will only solidify that much more, In the austin hogan comparison there's a notable switch hogan and dudley are the lesser talents austin LOD the better so by legacy it becomes a what do you know about wrestling question. SMARKS will give austin and LOD the better legacy people who tune in once in a while and dont know wrestling will recall the dudley and Hogan. in fighting oth these arguements i have a bit of fun knowing how pointless they really are seeing that in my opinion the best wrestlers of all time are Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, and Kurt Angle. and the best tag team which never seems to get a fair amount of respect was Owen Hart and the British Bulldog, why in the hell are they never listed as one of the best? both people in that team are among the top 20 of all time.
The Dudleys do Have a Legecy But they will only go down as the Greatest Gimmic Tag Champs Ever And ill Tell You Why.

In ECW they were Like 8 time Tag Champs But The ECW Straps were not World Titels Because They Werent Defended any where but America.

They Were Only 5 Time WWE World Tag Team Champs Beacause after WWE split Raw and Smackdown and Smackdown got there own tag straps they lost there world title Status.

They Held The WCW tag team Titels after Vince owned The Company so that dosent Cout.

They Only held the NWA Tag Belts after NWA Strped TNA Of The Rights to use the NWA Titels and were striped of the belts as soo as they won them and Became TNA Tag Champs so that dosent give them the extiction of being NWA World Tag Champs that and TNA mainly Book Orlando and dosent travel around the world much less america Regulerly.

.i Will Give them points for Winning The IWGP tag starps.

they are 19 time tag champs but most of them dont count as World title Runs.

they will go down as the greatest Hardcore tag Team Ever.

But Hell Give me a prop (Weapon) and i can get the Job Done to.

The Rebel Bad Ass
simply. they are up there in the top 10. I have so much respect for them for doing what they did for ECW. They never wanted to split up to go solo like most tags end up doing. They were big and never minded being high flyers. They had no problem being the heal(until recently), They certianly have no problem being hardcore.

But I do think they are past their prime. They stuck out the long haul but they have jumped the shark.
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