Layla El retires

I'll miss Layla. I liked her when she came in and had the original look. I hated when she straightened her hair. I thought the curls gave her more of a personality but that's just me.

Her best work was part of Laycool. After that she just couldn't buy a reaction. She was injured then she came back then worked with Fandango then disappeared. I mean she had a very bizarre run after Michelle McCool left the scene.

I wish her a happy life and all the best.
From wrestling altogether or just in the ring? Cause I always thought she would be a better valet than wrestler. She had a good potential there cause she had the psychology of wrestling, you knew she had "it" if not the in-ring skills. It's a shame wrestling rarely use valet and managers.
While I didn't really like Layla all that much, she'll be missed. She was better in the ring than a lot of the other divas who were in the WWE during the years she was, and she wasn't bad on the mic. Her best time was easily the Laycool angle. I had been wondering whether she would be leaving or not for a while now as she had not done much after her return other than that weird angle with Fandango and Summer Rae. As a former Divas Champion and the final Women's Champion before that belt got retired, I'd say she did well in her WWE career.

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