You wanted a debate my friend? Ill give you one.
Not much to write home about here.. It was so obvious that Layla was going to win.
By no means am I calling you out here, but I disgaree with this. Yes, with the McCool rumors swirling, it WAS obvious Layla was going to win. But on one hand, you had McCool, who was vicious and didn't care what happened to her partner of two years. On the other hand, you had Layla, who seemed quite conflicted about sending her best friend packing. Even the part with McCool begging was a nice touch, because Layla showed good psychology in that she DIDN'T want to kill her friends career, but hers was on the line as well. She effectively turned face, reluctantly sent her best friend packing, and we saw the debut of Kharma, who absolutely destroyed McCool in the aftermatch. I think this was really well done on both women's parts, and the Kong/Kharma debut was well done. If may not have been the best match, work wise, but the psychoogy was great, as was the Kong/Kharma debut.
This match easily won my pick for the match I go to the fridge for a snack during. I would have much rather preferred for Michelle to win even though she is going to take time off now.
But Layla needed the win so much more. After over a month of being berated and beaten down by McCool, both physically and verbally, the win was a necessity to prove McCool wrong. Layla had been losing match after match and looked less and less like the "equal" in LayCool she had been portrayed in for a long time. So her beating Michelle showed that she was more then just a sidekick McCool was carrying. It wasn't a decisive win, and it didn't need to be. The point is, Layla proved she was worthy of the "Lay" in "LayCool", even if they're done.
Layla will probably get pushed as a face. She was boring as a heel and she'll be boring as a face.
I dont recall Layla as a face other then her time in Extreme Expose, and she turned pretty quickly after that anyway, and has been a heel ever since, if Im correct. I dont see her getting pushed as a face, as I expect the division to be about Kharma/Kong being booked as unstoppable, and someone rising up to try nd stop her. It certainly won't be Layla, expect a Natalya, or more then likely a Beth Phoenix to be the one. Layla will be fed to Kharma most likely.
She did need the win more.
I'd want to see her be one of Kharma's victims in a one-sided match though.
I think you'll get your wish sooner then later, my friend.