Michelle McCool should thank Taker for keeping her job

actually another example comes to mind that is so similar to this and this can go in another direction. ok everyone is jumping on this saying she is only on top cause she dating Taker but the same can be said for HHH marrying and screwinig Stephanie. that's the only reason he got so much control now is because he's dating the daughter

And this has been bitched about until people are blue in the face, Click. That's not news to anyone, and most consider it not even open to debate. However, Hunter was getting a major push -- carried by his popularity, in-ring and mic skills -- well before he & Stephanie became an item. The Michelle McCool thing is a little less blatant, and her skills less noticeable, so that's why it's stirring discussion.
And if any of those girls you listed were dating a veteran superstar, you would be up in arms about it as well.

I wasn't saying anything about them...I was saying that the WWE employs women for their looks, not their skills. She doesn't have many, so I'm sure she'd have a job anyway. Her having the title and getting pushes is all due to 'Taker.

I highly doubt that. McCool has more exposure than Styles, so it's pretty much a safe bet to assume SHE popularized it from one point of view.

Did you just say McCool is more popular than AJ Styles? AJ is one of the best performers in wrestling, and whether people watch TNA or not, they know who he is. There's people that watch WWE and have no clue who any of the women are. The move is named after Styles, so I'd say he popularized it.

You can take any Diva (except Beth and maybe Natalya) and stick them against the KOs, and they'd all lose. McCool is no exception. She's not great, and is barely good to even her fans. I can't believe you don't think Taker is the one keeping at the top...
I'll admit that Michelle needs to work on her mic skills. But other than that, the woman can get it done in the ring. So no she doesn't have to thank Taker for keeping her job. Michelle is actually talented. She has pretty damn good matches. And she's also a good heel. She plays that "bitchy/I'm better than all of you" role damn good. And as far as the whole "McCool stole AJ's finisher" argument is concerned....I feel that its complete bullshit...and I'm a Styles fan saying this. If we're going to condem Michelle for "stealing" AJ's move then people need to do the same with all the people who "stole" the DDT. I don't hear anybody bitching about Raven doing that. Or what about RKO "stealing" the Diamond Cutter. Where's the uproar over that? Or what about all the tall dudes who use the chokeslam? Or what about all the people who use the Superkick. I don't hear anybody saying that they stole that from Shawn Michaels? And I don't hear anybody saying that HBK "stole" that move from whoever started it. And I don't hear anybody bitching about how one of the IWC's favorites, CM Punk, used HHH's Pedigree. Or what about Awesome Kong using HHH's pedigree? I don't see any uproar over that. I don't hear anybody bitching about Edge using the spear. So it's perfectly ok for them to do it, but if Michelle does it then it's wrong? Chris Jericho would not be pleased with most of you. And if memory serves me right, didn't Crash Holly use that move before AJ Styles? So in a sense, AJ "stole" that move from Crash. But to most of you, that's perfectly ok. But if Michelle does it, then it's wrong. Can't stand the double standards.
Michelle can wrestle, there is no question of that. I think the current draft of Divas on Smackdown will benefit ALL Divas on that show now. Better competition for the women who can REALLY wrestle. And as far as the title goes, GO MICKIE GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now, SHE is the totaly Package!!!!!
Well for me she has improved her ring skills a lot and like someone else said before she rarely has botched moves, and her character in the ring is believable. Her mick skills need improvement, yes but now is one of the better heels there. Maryse has more charisma but is worse in the ring.

She certainly got the belt because she was the best the Diva search (in the ring) had to offer. From the first Diva search only Candice was the one that got noticed and then McCool. Maria is nowhere near her. I am not counting Melina because eventhough she was on the Diva search she was an Indy wrestler before.

Now true, she is not the best heel performer there, but she was the best heel at Smackdown and her work with Melina was good.

I think the Belt got to her fairly because there was no other better female wrestler around from the Diva search. Now if you look into it the day they allow Katie Lea to wrestle instead of being manager and being a stepstone for the crappy Bellas, that day you have a great female wrestler and someone who should be champion, her job in the indies as Nikita was superb and her feud with Phoenix at OVW was great.

But right on the matter I think Michelle got her belt because of her hard work, not because she is with the Undertaker.

Want proof that Taker did not got her where she was? Take Sarah (Taker's ex) for example, she worked a few shows but when they saw she was not what they looked for she dissapeared (babies or not) and never came back.
It's no secret that Michelle is awful on the mic, but I like to think her in-ring skills make up for it. She's not the best diva currently in the company, however she brings something different to the ring, most of the women have generic move-sets, which they can't even get right 60% of the time, where as Michelle is clean cut, solid and has given Eve, Maria, and even Maryse their best matches. Whether she's got to her spot through dating Taker, or through working her ass off, I don't know, it seems she was rewarded for her improvement, but that's debatable seeing as none of us really know what goes on behind the scenes. However, she plays her bitchy character well, her only problem is her lack of crowd reaction and charisma, a wheel barrow of bricks could bring more charisma to the table than she ever could, which is a bigger problem than her lack of mic skills.

As for Beth, I disagree with everybody saying she should be a champion. She's solid in the ring but a terrible worker, and a not so "rounded" wrestler. She can work with good opponents who know their way around the ring, but when it comes to carrying greener/lesser talent (see Kelly and Candice) she does an awful job of it. The match comes off looking extremely messy and sloppy. Not to mention Beth doesn't bring much charisma to the ring, and her matches tend to be boring (hence why she's gotten boring chants quite a few times in the past). It doesn't help that her matches consist of her opponent just blatantly selling her offense, and I don't see the fun in watching somebody dominate (especially with opponents who are better than her in the ring), all the time. I'm not even going to get started on her selling because it's flat-out bad. I'm not a Beth detractor by any means, she just doesn't interest me and I don't find her to be anything special when it comes to in-ring abilities. If Michelle is dropping the title any time soon, Mickie should be the one to pick up and have another run with it, because her reigns have been far more interesting than any of Beths.
I wasn't saying anything about them...I was saying that the WWE employs women for their looks, not their skills. She doesn't have many, so I'm sure she'd have a job anyway. Her having the title and getting pushes is all due to 'Taker.

Again, that is not completely true, she was getting the push before she started dating Taker and she was sent to developmental because she showed skills and willing to learn.

Did you just say McCool is more popular than AJ Styles? AJ is one of the best performers in wrestling, and whether people watch TNA or not, they know who he is. There's people that watch WWE and have no clue who any of the women are. The move is named after Styles, so I'd say he popularized it.

Don't think she is more popular, but she has way more exposure than AJ that is for sure, and as popular as AJ is, internationally unless you keep up with this kind of sites, some pople does not know AJ as much as McCool, but most of those people won't even know the name of the finisher of either one of them.

You can take any Diva (except Beth and maybe Natalya) and stick them against the KOs, and they'd all lose. McCool is no exception. She's not great, and is barely good to even her fans. I can't believe you don't think Taker is the one keeping at the top...

That is just a bland statement that shows that you don't really know the Diva roster they have, and shows a blind vision of KOs division.

WWE have a nice Roster of female wrestlers, that they don't use them as well as they should is another thing, but they have:

a) Katie Leah formerly known as Nikita from the UK who has been champion in multiple indy federetions in Europe and former Queen Of Caos. You can put any Knockout against her and she can outwrestle any of them.

b) Mickie James formely known as Alexis Laree, who actually was at TNA before the KOs division existed and well, can wrestle any of them.

c) Gail Kim, well she was a KO but way before that she was a Diva and she is now a diva, can match any KO on TNA.

d) Melina, a very good performer and before being on the Diva search she was an indy wrestler.

e) Jillian Hall, well she has been on the indy circuit way before the WWE, seems know that she has lost a step or two but she can perfom very well, crappy character but is a good element.

I am only mentioning the good elements with experience before WWE, not mentioning who you already have, only one of them was part of the Diva search but she also was an Indy wrestler before that.

Now I am only mention who I thing personally are KOs that are not really the best the KO division has to offer, so I'm not getting on people like Kong, Wilde, Sarita, Flash, ODB, Brooks, Hamada or Rayne (only person on the BP I thing is good in the ring and yes, the best element was Angelina Love, Von Eric can't fill her shoes even if her life depended on it).

a) Lacey Von Eric, very young with potential, I have seen some of her indy matches and she was not that bad, but since joining TNA seems like a complete different performer and is crap in the ring, she needs to improve a lot, damn even Kelly Kelly at the beginning of her carrer looked to have better ring skills than her and that says a lot.

b) Velvet Sky, I know some are going to jump on this but let me expose my point. She has been an indy wrestler for a long time but sorry she seems like she has not improved at all, she has good mick skills and partially can sell well but when she is on the offense she is crapy as Hell, don't mean she has crappy offense, what I say is that she is sloppy when she is is leading and seesm akward in the ring, and just to point something out, all that crap she says about the divas is just bs because she is a Diva search reject as well.

c) Christy Hemme, Former Diva search winner, when she left the WWE she seems like she had a ton of potential and well, she got better lately in TNA, but truth be told she still crappy in the ring, she is no way better any other diva that has got a push (like Maryse or McCool, not to even mention Candice) and to have a nice finisher just don't cut it, is an original finisher, though.

So all in all, it seemed like Hemme was about to defeat Kong at some point before her injury for the KOs Belt, if you can consider Hemme anywhere near that belt them sorry but McCool would be a no-brainer by far.

Besides, like I said before, even if the Undertaker had that kind of power, he does not use it, other wise why wait until now and not push his former wife Sarah before she got pregnant and had some popularity going for her? Specially when the division was at the top of its game with the likes of Lita, Trish, Victoria, Molly, etc.

As far as the finishers goes (McCool using Angel wings and then the Styles Clash), I didn't see anyone making it a big deal when Gail Kim was in TNA using a lot of finishers of the WWE guys like Finlay's Celtic Cross (used also by Alissa Flash as Cheer leader Melissa), or the Spear...well almost all big wrestlers use it but she got Rhyno there using the Gore, or the Code Breaker, which was taken from Greg Helms who used it as his finisher way before Jericho came back.

Nothing against Gail Kim but taking Finishers has become very common and none gives credit to anyone.

So says she is only there because of Taker does not really has any deep, I mean even if she is not the best, she is the best of girls they are pushing right now (not naming the ones above because eventhough they are the best they have, the only ones getting pushes are James and Melina).
Well she at least made some change. She went from horrible to a little crappy, I like the fact that she's improved in the ring. I always skip Raw's divas but occasionaly I watch Smackdown's and Mccool isn't that bad sidious. But I dont think she should be the women's champ, Natalya is more deserving of that. And by the way, another poster mentioned it but there is one HUGE flaw with MCcool. How the hell did she keep the belt when she was injured? Didn't Batista get a huge parting gift with the belt when he was injured? Well I guess that tells you how Vince thinks of women's wrestling.

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