Michelle McCool Ranked #1 In The PWI Top 50 Females List

Taker's Bride Is #1. Should She Be?

  • Yes - Michelle McCool is great

  • Yes - Michelle McCool isn't much, but she's better than the rest of what's out there

  • No- Michelle McCool is absolutely horrible

  • No - There are better and more deserving women's wrestlers than her.

Results are only viewable after voting.


It's being reported that WWE Diva Michelle McCool has been named the top female wrestler from July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010 by Pro Wrestling Illustrated.

According to reports, PWI attributes its decision to give the top spot to McCool due to the following:

"FACT: In June 2009, McCool became the first woman in WWE history to have held both the Divas and Women's championships, thanks to a win over Melina.

FACT: Over the past 12 months, McCool has scored pinfall victories over Melina, Gail Kim, and Mickie James—three of the most decorated women wrestlers of the past decade.

FACT: From July 1, 2009, through June 30, 2010, McCool held (or co-held) the WWE Women's championship for 325 of 365 days."

Women's wrestling isn't exactly a powerhouse in the United States. Truth is, it's never been a draw. Michelle McCool has gotten her fair share of criticism from both fans and wrestling insiders alike. She has demonstrated legitimate ability inside the ring, but many feel she has little to no charisma and many hate the gimmick of Team LayCool. So, taking into account the general state of women's wrestling, particularly in TNA and WWE, did PWI make the right call here?
From what I've seen, the PWI list is for people who had the biggest year, not who has the most ability. If that was the case, Kurt Angle would have been number 1 for the past decade.

So, when you look at the facts listed, its hard to argue against it. She may not be the best, but no one else has had her success in the past year.
I'm torn. She certainly IS better than say the Bella's, but creative has to be really dry before those two get matches, but at the same time, she's definitely no Mickey, Melina, or Awesome Kong (yes I know she's not a WWE Diva, but you get the point). She doesn't have the charisma of some of her peers, but she gets the most consistent air time of the all the Diva's and at least on SmackDown! they're not having gimmick-of-the-week-Diva's-invitational, she's in actual matches. I do also feel she's only getting attention because she's shackin' up with 'Taker.
I hope I'm not the only person who noticed that both the #1 male AND female wrestlers this year use the style's clash as their finisher. Crazy, huh? I don't know what drug PWI was doing when they decided Michelle McCool was the best female wrestler this year. Oh, she held that women's title for sooooo long. Yeah, with a cast on. She was probably injured for most of that reign. Yet Melina and Beth Phoenix have to forfeight the title when they get injured?
Although, I find McCool to be horrible in the ring, due to the state of Women's wrestling in alotted time period she wins by default. Most of others who topped the list last year were either injuried, took time off, were released, or wrestle in the indies or japan. So, as much as I don't like her, she should be number 1.
Makes sense. Her match with Mickie James at TLC was the best female match of a wrestling calendar year. It's not like anybody else has reached that level of ''yeah, it was alright for a ladies match'' for quite some time in any promotion. I'm sure there was a Shimmer match here or there that was ok, but who really gives a fuck?

McCool, female wrestler of the year by default. Layla, legitimately best female wrestler of the half year.
If they base it on who had the biggest year in Professional Wrestling then I think she deserves it. Although I don't believe she's the best performer out there by no means. There are certainly better female wrestlers out there but it's hard to argue that McCool hasn't had a big year. I still voted no though, I don't think she should be number 1.
I can't think of a woman who's had a better year.

LayCool is one of those grudgingly good gimmicks. I can't stand it, and that's what's so good about it. They aren't the kind of heels that you hate because they constantly beat up on the good guy; they're the kind of heels you hate because they are like nails on a chalkboard, and that's exactly what they're going for. (Same vein as Vickie Guerrero- that so many people hate her is a testament to what a heat machine she is.)

McCool isn't something special in the ring, but the audience for people watching a technical woman's match is limited to about 50 people at a SHIMMER taping and the 100 who buy the DVD. She has passable ring skills, and that's all she needs. Right now, "not sucking" is a very strong recommendation for a woman wrestler in the Big Two.

One more fact that's easy to look up, but from my "always always business" perspective, it's an important one. She's been as successful as she is without having to be trashy. There have been so, so many females who push their breasts out there and act all ruttish to get over. I love breasts, but that's not what the WWE is (publicly) going for. McCool is delivering exactly what a PG company should want out of their top female heel.
As much as it pains me to say this, but Michelle Mccool has had one of the best years of any female wrestler out there, she held the womens title and damn near dominated the whole of smackdown.

She is a dual champion and every story on the smackdown womens side has revolved around her in some shape or form.

So does she deserve it?, well yes because she has worked her socks off to get there even though I think she needs to keep her ego in check.

Well done Michelle.

Now i need to go and take a shower, I don't feel right after giving Michelle Mccool praise.
The fact is for a WWE Diva she's not that bad in the ring. Also, Laycool, while definitely not TBP, is the best thing the WWE Diva's division has going and that's been true for awhile now. Not like Raw's women are doing anything of note, that's for sure. She has had an amazing year, but it's really only because the female wrestlers who should beat her are all out. Mickie James - released. Melina - injured. Beth Phoenix - injured. Natalya could be up there if they did anything with her. A lot of the TNA Knockouts could be up there, but none of them have really had the year that she has. She almost wins by default.
Considering it's a kayfabe magazine I get a good chuckle as opposed tobeing irritated. If you were going by skill (and considering the same magazine ranked Nexus above most of the ROH roster) it's obviously in kayfabe involving titles and tv time and allt he other bs that the casual fan who buys that mag look at to find "importance". Don't get me wrong I would be just as confused if anyone on the TNA roster got #1 as well. If you are going by the kayfab life, then yeah McCool deserves it (or at least to share it) but going on strictly talent alone? Oh hell no.
This is sort of why I don't pay any attention to the PWI...it's cool to see how everybody's ranked, but at the end of the day, it's not really an award as much as it is obvious. If McCool was ranked #1 because she was the best, than it would be an award. Giving it to her because she had the best year is just...dumb. Let's point out the obvious and award people for it. I don't really like her all that much, but that aside, she did have "the best year". But in a serious list of who the best diva of the year is... I would have to go with Maryse. Mainly because she went from an annoying nobody to a solid Diva's champion for quite some time, and is in my opinion one of the best divas out there today. Of course they wouldn't make a list on pure ability, because people like Kurt Angle and Mickie James would win every year. But let's not forget that it was Mickie James who made McCool's time as champion even remotely memorable... Without that feud and her release, McCool wouldn't have half the heat they have today...
Like the other poster mentions, in this PG era, getting over as a Diva is so much more difficult than it was in the Attitude Days. They can't rely on or fall back on flesh melons and overt sexual prowess.

Sable was positioned as a sex idol

Lita was always showing a thong / having Live Sex

Trish was boob-ifying everything / barking like a dog

Chyna was constantly accentuating her penis

Vince has taken away the most successful tools divas previously used to get over. So i think when taking this into perspective, Michelle McCool has done a very good job with the opportunity.

This along with TNA's title revolving too much for any knockouts to be considered (6 champions in 8 months) I think PWI got it correct.
Yeah. . .I've never taken the PWI list of male wrestlers all that seriously, but if we're going by the standards that they claim they base their lists off of then this one actually makes sense. Does she have the most presence/charisma? No. Does she have the most in-ring ability? Not really. She's had a good run this year and has been at the forefront of her division for almost the entire time. I'm not necessarily a McCool fan, but that doesn't stop me from giving her her due when she deserves it and I think PWI got this one right.

Hopefully, either TNA or WWE will give someone more entertaining (*cough*Layla*cough*Daffney*cough*) a better run next year.
Gail Kim is a million times better then McCool. McCool is a terrible wrestler. I laughed when I found out she was #1. Hilarious.
I wouldn't really take this list TOO seriously, since all these female wrestlers are probably suffering from that same stereotype right now that "Women's wrestling is at its worst" right about now thanks to the spotlight on WWE and TNA. I would say that knowing the well being dry right now in both wrestling programs, everyone will have their opinions, McCool, is talented, more in the ring than the promos, however, I think people need to consider the source of this list, its decided upon by people who are paid to 'hock' the gimmick for certain brands and they interview the wrestling stars and of course it going to be the ones with the better creative run at the time that will tend to have a higher standing at the top. If the magazine wanted a more honest angle on it, they would be best going with what the NXT show does, going with staff picks, and taking subscribers input as well on a ballot format if possible. That's why I say that in the WWE's pretty bare Women's division, it shouldn't be that much of a suprise that McCool was put as #1.
Would this be a bigger accomplishment if the general paying audience actually.. I dunno, give a damn about her? That is why she will never be recognized as big deal because the WWE fans don't view as a big. Just another bland stick with bad implants and/or a bathroom break with too much air time.
Mchelle McCool, ranked number 1?...PWI made the right call on this one.

It's pretty much the only logical choice. In the WWE, the Diva's department, talent is really lacking.

Gail Kim and Eve are adequate.
The Bellas are ****s.
Alicia Fox is a joke.
Maryse is hot...but thats it.
Kelly Kelly...same as Maryse (little better wrestling skills tho)
Mickie James got fired.
Melina (the only cometition in WWE I would have considered) was absent for a long period of time.

Awesome Kong was released
Tera...also released (may return)
Angelina Love maybe could have been in the top but wasn't she absent for a good while also?
Madison Rayne has bearly made it to Mainstream

But McCool was NEVER released. And...
FACT: In June 2009, McCool became the first woman in WWE history to have held both the Divas and Women's championships, thanks to a win over Melina.

FACT: Over the past 12 months, McCool has scored pinfall victories over Melina, Gail Kim, and Mickie James—three of the most decorated women wrestlers of the past decade.

FACT: From July 1, 2009, through June 30, 2010, McCool held (or co-held) the WWE Women’s championship for 325 of 365 days.

So by process of elimination...Yea...McCool deserves that spot when compared to the other Divas/Knockouts...
So, taking into account the general state of women's wrestling, particularly in TNA and WWE, did PWI make the right call here?
Had a great year both in and out of kayfabe; Dominated her division; She gets the business end of wrestling and realizes it has little to do with moves etc. (that why she's on TV in front of millions and Shimmer is barely getting by); Has been in a great gimmick with Layla and the high profile "Piggie James" angle.
On paper it all makes sense, and more to the point it would be hard for someone to argue the merits of another viable candidate over her so yea why not give it to her?
As a few have said, I don't generally put much stock into PWI rankings or awards. But, they usually are an interesting topic to talk about.

To some degree, I would have to say that Michelle McCool does deserve to win. If I'd have said that last year, I wouldn't have blamed someone for laughing in my face and say it was a mistake for my mother not to have gone to the clinic. Michelle McCool is actually a pretty decent women's wrestler but, when you think about it, who did she really have for competition? It's only been within the past several months that most of the WWE Divas have shown that they actually have some wrestling ability. Most of the Diva matches we see on Raw or Smackdown are 90 second running gags and a lot of the better in-ring Divas on the WWE roster, like Gail Kim for instance, aren't featured enough or have been out for months with serious injury. I will say this about McCool in that she does do her best with what she's given. She isn't given much and she isn't exactly given much quality, but she really does try her hardest and that does count for something.

The Knockout Division in TNA has been on the overall same level as The Divas in the WWE for a while now. TNA has fired/released most of the good in-ring wrestlers that the Knockout Division had or they've relegated their tv appearances to a few times every couple of months. The Knockout Division in and of itself has been carried almost entirely by The Beautiful People for several months now, and they're not exactly the best in the world when it comes to wrestling. They can actually give pretty solid promos, at least Velvet & Madison can.

I'm sure that there are a lot of talented women wrestlers out there on the indy circuit, but they've got little chance of getting the top spot in the list I think cuz nobody sees them or really knows who they are.
But let's not forget that it was Mickie James who made McCool's time as champion even remotely memorable... Without that feud and her release, McCool wouldn't have half the heat they have today

so so true. the feud those two had was one of the best womans feuds in the last five years. i mean they took the whole piggie james thing and ran with it. so this is absolutly 100% fact. mccool wouldnt have nearly as much heat as she has now. we probly wouldnt even be discussing this. we would probably still be making fun of her for stealing the styles clash lol

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