Lashley or AJ, who is Bound for Glory?

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Ever since Kurt Angle won the TNA World Heavyweight Title at Slammiversary the Main Event Mafia have been in control of TNA. In the classic struggle of good versus evil, evil was pervailing. Evil is at their strongest now with the Main Event Mafia and World Elite in control of a majority of the titles in TNA at the moment. We are only a few months away from TNA's biggest PPV of the year, Bound for Glory.

In the WWE, Wrestlemania, their biggest PPV, is usually a time when good triumphs over evil and all of the fans are sent home happy at the end of the night. I see the same formula for TNA at Bound for Glory this year. I think that the Mafia will go into BFG in complete control, and come out defeated and broken apart. The climax of all of this will be when Kurt Angle loses his World Heavyweight Title in the main event.

The man who ultimately defeats Angle will not only be the champion, but will also be known as the one who finally beat the Main Event Mafia and ended their reign of terror in TNA. At the moment, the only two men that I see capable of beating Angle in such a match are AJ Styles and Bobby Lashely. AJ is the best worker in TNA and one of the TNA orginials, who better than him to take down the most evil force in the history of TNA. On the other hand, Bobby Lashley is a big name. He is a fighter in the super popular MMA and a former champion in the WWE.

The question is, who should be the one to go over Angle? In my opinion, it has to be AJ. He is what TNA is all about. He has evolved from a spot monkey in the X-Divsion to a bonafide main event talent who can make anyone look good. He has improved in every aspect tremendously, including his mic skills. AJ Styles should be the one to defeat Angle at BFG and he should be pushed as the face of the company going forward.

What is your opinion on who should go over Angle, AJ or Lashely? Or do you see it being someone else? Maybe you don't agree with me at all and see a completely different scenario heading into Bound for Glory, give me your thoughts.
I see something different, as the other two would be obvious. IMO, I see Matt Morgan being the one to do it. Think about it, the Taz story leaked, so they swerved it. Nobody saw the Samoa Joe turn coming at all. Everyone knows that Lashley's going to be Main Eventing... and eventually, the champ... so it would make sense to go the opposite way.
I say AJ Styles for obvious reasons. He's supposed to be the face and future of TNA and he's the most over babyface in TNA today. There's nobody good enough to be the one to end the MEM than AJ Styles, I don't care if you're an MMA fighter and a former ECW and U.S. Champion.

I wouldn't be suprised one bit though if TNA was to give Lashley the TNA World Title sometime this year or next year if he's still around. He's a former WWE wrestler, he has the "look", etc...

But I say AJ all the way. He's the future, he's the Goku of TNA lol, he's the man to do it. Nobody else.
Interesting concept. Wrong, I assume, as TNA would never do anything like that, instead, they would have Kurt Angle prevail, as I assume TNA is completely evil itself.

But if one of those two men were to be the one. I would think it would be AJ Styles. Lashley is a rsik, he is a man who left the WWE, because what I remember, he was sad they didn't send him chocolates in the hospital. Wait until TNA forgets his birthday, he would so be in NOAH. AJ is TNA's Sting really. Sting is the ultimate good guy at the end of the day for WCW, as is Styles. Styles, however, might not be given the role, if the role is actually filled.
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