what do you think the Bound For Glory card will look like?

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Pre-Show Stalwart
I really feel that there should be a big gap between No Surrender and Bound For Glory like wwe no way out and wrestlemania and this small gap between the ppvs in TNA for the biggest show hurts the anticipation for it.

Onto the card i feel that Kurt Angle will head into BFG as the TNA Champion and rumours are going around that he might face Lashley even though Lashley has done nothing to deserve the shot. Morgan v Angle with Morgan winning he title would be something worthwhile.

Sting v AJ Styles looks a cert and Foley, Abyss and Nash might be involved in some form of monsters ball.

A big tag team match is likely between all the tag teams and the tag team knockouts title might be awarded at the ppv for that new title.

It looks a little hard to predict at the moment so what do you think the card should or will be at Bound For Glory?
I'd say something to do with and Awesome Kong, Tara, and ODB match for the knockouts

I'd say Samoa Joe loses to Daniels and Daniels and the Pope for the title maybe throw in Suicide, but i think the pope will have the belt soon

I think Hernandez will have soemthing to do with the tna title

I agree with sting and aj

I hope though matt wins the belt and goes against Lashley

I also agree with the monsters ball for the legends
*Reminder this is a non-spam section so don't forget to list reasons on why you think a match or what not will take place* :)

Anyways, BFG is TNA's big PPV, so I'm really hoping they don't hold back. They really need to stack the card with name value and do a good job building up the feuds, leading to the event.

For the mainevent spot, my money is on Lashley Vs. Angle. Lashley is fresh, has the MMA buzz, and company backing(Dixie made her 1st ever appearance on TNA just to introduce him). I think this is a pretty good match, and has the star power TNA needs. Adding a 3rd or 4th person to this match is possible(we all know how TNA loves multi people matches)so I guess Hernandez and/or Morgan or possibilities as well(I can see Morgan being in it more though).

It seems pretty obvious(well to me)that Sting Vs. Styles will be on the card. If this is indeed Stings last match in TNA, I think it's a great way to go out, and a great feud leading up to Sting's moment could be something general wrestling fans(and not just hardcore TNA fans)would love to see.

I guess everything else will be clearer after the next few Impacts, but I am excited and I hope TNA doesn't disapoint.
I am really looking forward to this year's Bound For Glory. I think for sure we will see Sting vs. AJ Styles. I'm also going out on a limb here and predicting that Sting will be the new Heavyweight Champion at No Surrender. I just don't think Angle will go against Lashley for the championship yet. I'm pretty sure those two will face off against each other though. I'm sure the Knockouts and the Tag Team Division will face off, probably in a six sides of steel or something of that nature.

I think we will see a mixture of Foley, Richards, and Abyss in a Monster's Ball match. Maybe Nash will play a part, but I doubt it. I also think that Mr. Ken Kennedy Anderson will debut before Bound For Glory, and challenge Joe for the X Division title. That leaves Matt Morgan and Hernadez. Maybe they could have a fatal 4 way with Angle, Lashley, Morgan and Hernadez for the title if Angle retains at No Surrender.

However it winds up, I'm sure we will all be in for a real treat. TNA never disappoints when it comes to PPV in my opinion.
TNA vs. NJPW: Motor City Machine Guns (Shelley & Sabin) vs. Apollo 55 (Devitt & Ryusuke) (c) for the IWGP Jr Tag Team Championship:
If TNA were smart, they'd get on the phone to Japan and get Apollo 55 over and show the American fans what they were missing out on in Japan.

Kevin Nash (c) vs. Dr. Stevie vs. Abyss vs. Mick Foley in a Monster's Ball match for the TNA Legends Championship:
It's bound to happen, that way everyone's got a spot and there's finally the return of the 4-way at BFG that is sorely needed.

Beer Money (Storm & Roode) vs. Main Event Mafia (Booker T & Steiner) (TNA c) vs. Team 3D (Ray & Devon) vs. The British Invasion (Magnus & Williams (NJPW c) for TNA World Tag Team Championship & NJPW World Tag Team Championship:
It makes sense to me. All four teams are constantly criss-crossing into each other's feuds, this match sorts out everything.

ODB (c) vs. Tara vs. Awesome Kong vs. Velvet Sky for the TNA Knockouts Championship:
I know I've yet to make a one-on-one match but there's a lot of talent that needs to be showcased. This is another example.

Samoa Joe (c) vs. D'Angelo Dinero vs. Daniels vs. Homicide vs. Jay Lethal vs. Sheik Abdul Bashir vs. Kiyoshi vs. Suicide in an Ultimate X match for the TNA X Division Championship:
This would be a great match to watch plus the unpredictableness of who would win would only add to it.

Hernandez vs. Eric Young:
Puts this one to rest, while finally giving someone for Young to go over on.

Bobby Lashley vs. Rhino:
I think there're gonna start Lashley's main event run after BFG, seeing as Russo has had all the shows written up to that point weeks in advance.

Now, personally I think that if this show will be Sting's last match that he would see to it that it was a Title vs. Career match to end it. So I see it as either:

Sting vs. - Kurt Angle
- Matt Morgan
- A.J. Styles:
It will be a hard one to predict, but it should be all clear after No Surrender.
Ok, so after No Surrender my idea's of what the card will be like is still the same. Now, I have NOT read the Impact spoilers and I don't want anybody telling me how wrong I am.

Sting vs AJ was always going to happen, but now it's for the World Championship in a Career vs title type match. Should be a great last match for Sting.

Morgan vs Angle. This has been building up for the past couple of months now. I figured for the World championship but AJ has that now.

Samoa Joe vs either Daniels for the X division (because their feud has been good) or Lashley- not for the X Division championship (I can't think of any other match for Lashley)

Nash vs Abyss vs Stevie vs Foley in a monster's ball match for the Legends championship. An obvious choice.

Booker and Steiner against Beer Money, 3D and British invasion for the TNA tag championship. I can't see why not TBH.

I know that everyone else has chosen this (roughly) but this seems like a TNA card. Hopefully they'll surprise me.

Oh, and Hernandez vs Homicide- should be a good match with the right build-up. (Hopefully Homicide goes over)
I think Sivsysboi hit the nail right on the head with his predictions.

Main Event Sting Vs AJ Styles, simple as AJ is champion and seems like Sting seems 2 have chosen him 2 face.

Kurt Angle vs Matt Morgan, another easy one, i for think their fued has been quite good so fitting for them 2 culminate it and BFG

Hernandez vs Homocide, Seems like 2 have a Brother vs Brother type match seems pretty good, hopefully the build up to will be good

Samoa Joe Vs Christopher Daniels Vs Insert names, Hopefully this will be Ultimate X just seems like these two would make it great and exciting, maybe make it match of the Night

Monster's Ball Nash vs abyss vs foley vs richards, seems like this is going to happen,with the matches and abyss and foley semi fueding. It includes foley so hopefully will be a violent match :)

Cant think of a tag match that we havent seen, Knockout's i cant think anyway hopefully Hamada vs ODB and Sarita in a match.
Bound For Glory is shaping up so far looking like this to me:
Main event TNA World Heavyweight Championship Match
A.J. Styles v. Sting
-they got the retirement thing going on, the mutual respect, a good capper to the career of the Icon Sting.

Main Event Grudge Match
Angle v. Lashley
-TNA have been teasing this for months and i'm betting this show gives us the first of an epic series between these two. you could maybe throw in Matt Morgan as the special referee because "he's the only man big enough to control this...blah blah blah...."

now to go with one that everyone else has and seems obvious
Monster's Ball
Mick Foley v. Nash v. Abyss v. Dr. Stevie
-here for reasons that all come to a head with all these guys tearing the crap out of each other. the bounty, the Mick/Abyss thing, the Abyss/Dr. Stevie thing should all be wrapped up after this.

I am kinda expecting a Homicide/Hernandez grudge match as well, but i think WE will be involved so I think maybe a Handicap match
Hernandez v. Homicide and Eric Young
-maybe add a stipulation that if Hernandez wins he gets back his World Title shot, but if he loses he must join World Elite.

Hardcore tag team match
Team 3D v. Rhino/Mystery Partner
-this might be stupid but i think Jesse Neal turns on 3D saying it was a plan all along to show Rhino how much he had really learned.

TNA Tag Titles
Booker/Scott v. Beer Money
-Tag team ladder or something maybe?

X Division Title
I'm gonna put what i would like to see rather than what will happen, because sometimes we just get a thrown together match with every X division guy and no real story.
Ultimate X
Samoa Joe v. Daniels.

Oh yeah can't leave the girls off
The New Beautiful People v. Roxxi & Taylor

And what the hell
Knockout Title
ODB v. Kong v. Tara.
Apart from the two matches we already have, I'm hoping we get a "unification" bout between Steiner/Booker and the British Invasion. Heel v Heel rarely works, but the Brits are getting a fanbase, whether TNA likes it or not. Magnus and Booker can carry this to being a very good match, and it would put an end to the WE/MEM alliance.

The X Division belt is almost guaranteed to be defended, and since Joe really doesn't have a feud going (aside from whatever this is with Daniels), I think they can pit him against Eric Young. Young is not going to be involved in any way, shape, or form with the Angle v Morgan match, so why not help the split of the factions by pitting him against Joe? I don't think the match has happened on a grand stage, and it would certainly be interesting to watch. Young is better than he's given credit for, and Joe would have to be on his game to retain.

Other than that, the only one I see being a possibility, is Foley v Abyss in some form of a hardcore match. How long has it been since we had a Monster's Ball? Put them in that. I want to see Foley at his absolute sickest against Abyss after he has snapped again. This is going to be a damned good hardcore match, so why not give it a damned good hardcore build?
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