Bobby Lashley Vs. Kurt Angle at Bound For Glory 2009?

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Dark Match Winner
After watching last night's iMPACT!, it seemed that there was a small dose of what could be the main-event at Bound For Glory when Kurt Angle came down from the ramp and provoked Lashley; causing some hostility. They've been having this storyline going on for a while now of how Lashley decided not to join the Main Event Mafia and that Kurt Angle is going to make him pay. This could mean that they're gonna have a feud going somewhere. I'm thinking that it's at Bound For Glory '09.

I've noticed this hype that TNA is giving to Lashley of how he's making "history", of how he's making his "epic" return at No Surrender, and how he's a former "World Heavyweight Champion" (The ECW Title is not considered a World Title). Alot of hype it seems which to me is typical when it comes to guys of his physique. With all this, it won't surprise me a single bit if TNA would give Lashley the TNA Title sooner than later.

What do you guys think of this? Will it happen? Will you like it or not?
Though I don't regularly watch TNA, I hope they don't give Lashley the belt this early. If they do, I think Hernandez, Roode, Storm, Styles and several others should reconsider their position with TNA.

It's not right to push Lashley over some of the other tenured TNA talent.

I know that this sort of thing happens in WWE but TNA is not anywhere close to being WWE and should put some distance to that notion in the minds of the fans. It is not an alternative and there is no reason to "cross the line" if all they are going to be is WWE emulators.

I'm just tired of seeing WWE rejects getting the glory on TNA while those who have been loyal to the company have been ignored. And to be honest, I think Lashley is a little overrated.
how he's a former "World Heavyweight Champion" (The ECW Title is not considered a World Title).

Actually, yes it is. As for Lashley I doubt he'll hold gold in TNA he can't wrestle often due to his MMA work. Him facing Angle would be interesting but it'd have to be non-title. He hasn't earnt it and I doubt he will due to his MMA commitments.
First off, the ECW title may not have the prestige as a WCW or WWE top belt...but it has a lineage of the "top" belt from back when ECW was its own is the ECW World title...dont undermine it just cuz it didnt originate in WCW/WWE.

I am mixed in feelings about outside talent being pushed in TNA. From a fan standpoint I understand why it makes sense to push the loyal originals. However from a business standpoint, it makes sense for the sake of monetary gain, give the title to an established draw. Especially in these days of Lashleys popularity as both a wrestler and MMA competitor, it would draw some good publicity for TNA.

I know this sounds bad, but the "loyals" of TNA like styles and roode really arent going anywhere so u can put the title on them whenever...guys like Lashley who may be temporary attractions should be TAKEN ADVANTAGE of immediately for their drawing power however shortlived it is.
"World Heavyweight Champion" (The ECW Title is not considered a World Title).

Both PWI and WWE recognize it as a world title. It's a third tier title no one cares about, but according to the WWE and PWI it is considered a world title. Going by that, yes, Lashley is a former world champ. As for him being pushed over the others, of course he is. Vince was pushing him to the WWE title before he quit. He has name value due to that and the MMA stuff. There was no chance TNA wasn't going to push him to the moon.
Why does this match *have* to be for the title. TNA has an out waiting for them right now. Have Angle and Lashley in some kind of situation where they both get crashed through a table, wall, window etc. Have Hernandez come in pick up the pieces and use his money in the bank to take the title off Angle. Setting up Bound For Glory card looking something like this
Angle vs. Lashley MMA Star vs. Greatest Wrestler
Sting vs. AJ-Sting's last request match
Joe vs. Daniels vs. Suicide vs. Pope Ultimate X for the X Division Title
Hernandez vs. Morgan TNA World Title Match
Beer Money vs. Steiner/Booker TNA Tag Team Title Match
Plus the debut of Mrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Anderson..................Anderson.
My guess; the sequel to Joe/Angle. That's right - the second ever MMA match. It'll end with Angle tapping out to strikes. Sounds alright, I suppose. It'll be underwhelming but everything in TNA is. "The God of Thunder" - what the fuck is that shit?

As it is, I was hoping the main event of Bound For Glory would feature AJ Styles. If Angle is leaving the company - which he hopefully is - then the person he should hand over to AJ. I don't think many would really dispute that.
My guess; the sequel to Joe/Angle. That's right - the second ever MMA match. It'll end with Angle tapping out to strikes. Sounds alright, I suppose. It'll be underwhelming but everything in TNA is. "The God of Thunder" - what the fuck is that shit?

This would be a million times more entertaing than any wrestling match they have. Lashley will fucking destroy Angle, so I guess it'd be worth it. However, it would be a completely stupid move for TNA to promote their main event at their biggest PPV as an MMA fight, I'm talking stupider than usual.

By the way, he is "The Boss" Bobby Lashley now, I have no idea why.
By the way, he is "The Boss" Bobby Lashley now, I have no idea why.

Depends where you look. I noticed his shirt said "The Boss" on it, then found an advert for No Surrender bragging about how "The Thunder God" (or "The God of Thunder", whatever) was gonna show up.

But yeah, I doubt they would advertise it as an MMA match. If it even will be an MMA match. They didn't advertise Joe/Angle as an MMA match.
Depends where you look. I noticed his shirt said "The Boss" on it, then found an advert for No Surrender bragging about how "The Thunder God" (or "The God of Thunder", whatever) was gonna show up.

During his entrance yesterday, they did have the graphic for his name as "The Boss" Bobby Lashley. Maybe it's part of his new gimmick, the man of a thousand nicknames.

But yeah, I doubt they would advertise it as an MMA match. If it even will be an MMA match. They didn't advertise Joe/Angle as an MMA match.

I think it would be rather funny if wrestling fans tuned in to see a wrestling match, only for Lashley to knock Angle out in under a minute. That'd sure be a let down. They should make it happen.
Even though I love Kurt Angle....I was hoping that Sting would had won the title since it was his last shot at the last PPV and then they will have Sting VS AJ Styles...where AJ will win and which will be Sting last PPV.

And have Angle VS Lashely in a single fight just like how they did Angle VS Joe. I feel like this would had been a better main event for Bound for Glory.
Sounds about right. I think this was the most obvious choice since Lashley was hired. While Bobby never reached his full potential or popularity in the WWE, I think he's a pretty big name. And with the MMA buzz and interest he has gotten it would make sence to put him in the mainevent at BFG.

Not sure if the match will be anygood, and the build up for this one will have to be really good(doubt it)to make me interested, but on paper I guess it's good. Like other posters have said, I'd much rather have Styles in Lashley's spot, but I guess being Stings possible last opponent, and the storyline they have is better than beating or jobbing to Angle anyways.

If Angle is leaving or taking time off, Lashley seems like a shitty subsitute, but with his potential, the MMA buzz, his look, and the fact he was a pretty big rising star in the WWE, this looks possible.
I agree that the name value of Lashley would surely draw, but I don't know if its just me or what, but I really don't see that much in the guy. He's terrible on the mic and his ringwork is forgettable. Even if he was up for a big push back in WWE, i don't really think he would have been main eventing very long. As for MMA, I don't see why he thinks he's the shit when he hasn't even faced anyone notable. I recall him saying in an interview that he like to think he is "one of the best in MMA" and i just don't see where that's coming from. If you ask me, i say put the strap on either AJ or Morgan and let them run with it for awhile.
I think it would be a smart move for TNA to give him the world title. Think about this...

Bobby Lashley walks into his next MMA fight WITH the TNA Title around his waist. Imagine the publicity he'd be giving TNA. It might not be a very popular move but in some ways, it's a really smart one.
Lashley vs Angle would be an amazing match. They are both great wrestlers and would put on a show. It would be an amazing main event, but i would take the title of Angle first, Hernandez being the obvious choice to take it. Have Bobby Lashley screw Angle out of the title to set up their match. Then have Angle and the MEM attack Lashley for a few weeks, and then make a stipulation so that they cant get involved. This allows them to have a clean match. Have Lashley beat Angle, let Angle leave, and then allow a younger superstar take Angles spot. Morgan, or Samoa Joe might be good options. As for Lashley, let him have a few matches, but dont give him the world title, because that could cause scheduling conflicts. Doesnt need to be pushed to the moon with all the young talent.
I want to see Angle hold the TNA title until they are ready to finish the whole main event mafia angle. It would be ridiculous for him to drop the strap to Lashley. Give it to AJ and disband the mafia THEN have the Angle/Lashley match. All the titles need to return to TNA originals before the MEM angle stops.

Stuff the Angle/Lashley thing with his MMA career thats only going to be a short term solution. The Frontline beating the MEM is a long term way to establish their talent and I think the only way for them to move forward from being WWE Part 2 (the shitty sequel).
Putting the belt on Lashley would be a horrible move! I don't know why TNA signed him in the first place. He can never be reliable cause his MMA schedule won't allow it. He can never take a serious bump cause he'd be risking injury and thus would not be reliable in the MMA world either as their can be a chance that he won't be able to compete in his bouts cause theirs a huge chance he could accidentally get injured in "fake wrestling" thus making him unable to compete in his MMA bouts. People underestimate the hectic schedule a Pro-Wrestler goes through and Lashley can definitely run a huge risk of injuring himself and fucking up his MMA career. This is almost fucking Pac Man jones all over again.

Don't get me wrong I like Lashley and think he can be a force in TNA if he is only in TNA! Lashley should have had his run in TNA first and then devote all his time into MMA. I know Bobby Lashley thinks he is giving his fans the best of both worlds but in reality he is robbing both his MMA and Pro-Wrestling fans of 100% of his best. If I was booking MMA bouts I'd think twice about Lashley as he can potentially get injured at any time wrestling. TNA loses out cause they can never book a long term/serious fued storyline with Lashley that would allow him to wrestle constantly due to him messing up his chances of appearing at schedule MMA bouts.

Not to mention MMA is a lot more popular now than it has ever been. Back when Shamrock was in WWE not many people thought fuck that he's an MMA fighter there's no way anybody can beat this guy in "fake wrestling" and not to mention Shamrock wasn't in the UFC the same time of his WWE stint therefore the WWE was able to make maximum use of Shamrock. See MMA is more popular now and not to mention Bobbly Lashley is doing both at the same time. Albeit he is 3-0 in his professional MMA career but none the less he is undefeated in the world of Mixed Martial Arts which leads people to believe how the hell can a TNA wrestler beat an undefeated Mixed Martial Artist?

In theory Lashley was a good idea but not while he is doing both at the same time. He should focus on MMA and prove that he is the real deal not some lucky guy who is beating people that aren't as on top of the game as they used to be. Dana White doesn't even want to take a chance on Lashley cause he is doing wrestling at the same time and if your an MMA fighter that's eventually where you want to be. Obviously Fedor is an exception cause he is the end all be all at the moment.

Sorry I ranted so long but in the long run Lashley can't do as much for TNA as Dixie Carter is currently envisioning or hoping for. TNA is throwing money away bringing in these stars from other sports where they can properly put that money towards creative, better production, and wrestlers that can actually contribute to the company. Thank you for your time.
Agreed, although you can make a little sense from them hiring Lashley, at least at 33 he is not past his expiry date and they could get some mileage out of him. I just think this happened at the absolute wrong time.
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