Howard Stern Promoting Bound For Glory


Mid-Card Championship Winner is reporting that TNA and the Howard Stern Show are scheduled to film a promotional spot for this year's Bound For Glory.

Bobby Roode has been cutting promos on former TNA Today Host and Howard Stern regular Eric The Actor. The spots mentioned have been put on TNA's latest podcasts.

The report mentions that TNA and The Stern show plans to have Eric in attendance at Bound for Glory weekend in San Diego and to film the meeting between the two for Howard TV.

Howard Stern is still a pretty big name. I haven't listened to him on radio for a long time or even seen his TV show with him on radio. but I read he still is also a judge on America's Got Talent.

be interesting to see how this is done.
could/should TNA have Howard Stern show up and do something at BFG?
Why not? We've seen TNA sack up lots of low level celebs, but funny enough, none have been in Bound For Glory. Unless you wanna count the Adam Jones blunder or Black Label Society's guitarist Zakk Wylde. Stern is still a very recognized name so it would be pretty great if TNA can have him on their biggest show which despite it's great history with matches, still lacks that major flare that makes it feel like a big show.
Stern is one of the highest paid TV personalities in the world and his radio show is still pretty damn huge so this is a nice deal for TNA. Hopefully he won't make fun of them as he usually does with anything. Scratch that. TNA's ass is grass.

Either way, good promotion.
First off, TNA can't afford to have Matt Morgan and Brooke Hogan on the roster, but now they're supposed to bring in Howard Stern? Stern won't be at the show as TNA can't afford him. WWE could, but it likely wouldn't be worth the price.

Yeah Stern is a big celebrity and if we were in the 1990s I'd definitely try to bring him in. However, TNA has tried the celebrity route many times now and it hasn't done much of anything. The idea of bringing in a celebrity is fine and has worked for years, but TNA needs to worry about getting people to watch the show every week, not for one night a year. Promoting with part of the Wack Pack is a good idea, but trying to bring in Stern himself would be too much to try.
I think it was brought on by Eric the Actor more than anyone else.. He's some midget in a wheelchair who is a big wrestling fan.

I guess Bobby Roode talking down to a disabled midget to get the attention of Stern to play a couple clips regarding TNA on his show could be good for TNA...

Stern will likely not show up... it's Eric the Actor who will be at Bound For Glory...the whole thing is him asking Stern to get him tickets to the event.
First off, TNA can't afford to have Matt Morgan and Brooke Hogan on the roster, but now they're supposed to bring in Howard Stern? Stern won't be at the show as TNA can't afford him. WWE could, but it likely wouldn't be worth the price.

Yeah Stern is a big celebrity and if we were in the 1990s I'd definitely try to bring him in. However, TNA has tried the celebrity route many times now and it hasn't done much of anything. The idea of bringing in a celebrity is fine and has worked for years, but TNA needs to worry about getting people to watch the show every week, not for one night a year. Promoting with part of the Wack Pack is a good idea, but trying to bring in Stern himself would be too much to try.

My God, would you relax, Captain Finance? You have little to no actual information on TNA's finances and all you can do is speculate based on the people they released and piece it all together with a logical option which is certainly one of the few available ones out there.

TNA might be short on money, but they might not be. You don't know. Neither do I, but I ain't making statements like "they can't afford him".

It's one of two things:

1. They can afford him, they will afford him and he'll be there.

2. They can't afford him, they'll still pay him and they'll throw money away.

Whichever one you pick you can't know for sure, so why are we discussing who they can and can't afford when we have no information on the matter? Doesn't it seem like you're criticizing TNA for something there's a good chance they never did? Let's discuss what we know for sure. TNA and Howard Stern will be involved in some fashion. Discuss away.
My God, would you relax, Captain Finance? You have little to no actual information on TNA's finances and all you can do is speculate based on the people they released and piece it all together with a logical option which is certainly one of the few available ones out there.

TNA might be short on money, but they might not be. You don't know. Neither do I, but I ain't making statements like "they can't afford him".

It's one of two things:

1. They can afford him, they will afford him and he'll be there.

2. They can't afford him, they'll still pay him and they'll throw money away.

Whichever one you pick you can't know for sure, so why are we discussing who they can and can't afford when we have no information on the matter? Doesn't it seem like you're criticizing TNA for something there's a good chance they never did? Let's discuss what we know for sure. TNA and Howard Stern will be involved in some fashion. Discuss away.

First off, it doesn't say Stern will be involved. It says one of his regulars will be. Stern happened to mention it on his show. Never does it say that Stern himself will be involved.

Can we drop the "you don't know that" argument? None of us knows anything about what really goes on. If we use the you don't know that argument, there's no point in having these forums at all.

However, let's use common sense instead of "you can't know that so you can't say it." According to Forbes, Howard Stern made $95 million from television alone last year. This would be in addition to making millions off radio, meaning he's pulling in over $2 million a week. That would be roughly $285,000 a day. Assuming TNA can get him for that price, which is VERY unlikely, TNA would have to get over 7,000 buys at $40 apiece to cover just Stern's cost.

With TNA having four PPVs a year now plus the high costs of running TV on the road, do you think it's wise to spend that much money on one guy, hoping that he'll bring in enough buys to pay for him? I would say I do, but then again i can't prove anything i say other than with common sense, so I better not.

In short, it would make little sense and it would all hinge on Stern saying yes, which is highly unlikely in the first place.
TNA's not looking to bring Howard Stern in. They're just capitalizing on free promotion.

Eric the Actor/Midget gave an audition tape to WWE so he can become a manager. The Stern Show thought it was hilarious and played it on the air. The following day, Bobby Roode sent a tape in saying Eric is welcomed at Bound for Glory and could possibly be a manager for someone if he can survive a beatdown from Roode himself. This goes back to Eric and Roode having words months ago on TNA's former webshow.

So, tthe only thing TNA will have to pay for is bringing Eric to Bound for Glory. The Stern Show will promote it since Eric is a "Wack Pack" member who's on their show pretty much weekly and they will find all of this humorous. Howard himself will have nothing to do with TNA, but precious airtime will be dedicated to promotion for Bound for Glory and that's all TNA really wants and they're getting it here for free. This is simply shit reporting by PWInsider, who didn't really look into the situation.
I think it was brought on by Eric the Actor more than anyone else.. He's some midget in a wheelchair who is a big wrestling fan.

I guess Bobby Roode talking down to a disabled midget to get the attention of Stern to play a couple clips regarding TNA on his show could be good for TNA...

Stern will likely not show up... it's Eric the Actor who will be at Bound For Glory...the whole thing is him asking Stern to get him tickets to the event.

I 100% agree. Anyone who knows anything about Howard's Wack Pack knows who Eric the "Actor" is. Eric makes ridiculous demands to Howard all the time, including tickets to WWE & TNA events, NOT being included as part of the "Wack Pack", and having Howard (and everyone else on the show, including CALLERS) stop using his old on-air name "Eric the Midget".

I saw an episode of Howard TV where Eric met Kurt Angle (one of his idols) after Kurt left the WWE for TNA. For Eric to be meeting one of his supposed idols, he acted as if he couldn't have given two shits. Eric is completely delusional, and I agree with stagestareyeam - this is not only about getting Eric to the event (for free), but Eric will probably also demand a playboy bunny be his date (I'm serious, he'll probably say that he won't show up if he doesn't get what he wants). Eric is an entitled maggot who doesn't deserve the tiny bit of fame he has. I would hope TNA would be smart enough to recognize this, but they're probably holding out hope that Stern will also attend BfG. I have my doubts.

Does anyone else remember when members of the Wack Pack (most notably Beatlejuice & High Pitch Eric) were having matches on Nitro? Probably not, everyone was busy flipping over to see what was happening on Raw. I love TNA, but I think this is a bad move. I'd hope that Stern's involvement in promoting BfG 2013 would be a great benefit for TNA, but the only person I see this benefiting is Eric the Midg...I mean "Actor"...and he doesn't deserve it.
I think it's a clever move by TNA. As I understand it, Howard Stern's show is pretty raunchy and the WWE wouldn't use him (today), since that's not the image they're trying to cultivate. In turn, that leaves a gap in the lowbrow demographic. In steps TNA with Stern plugging their show. Good move.
howard stern is not working for tna. He only talks about it because eric the midge is doing it. if eric the midget worked as a trash man than stern would spend that amount of time talking about it. tna got the lowest on the totem poll from stern as they got a wack packer who is just a person that is a guest of the show becuase of physical or mental ailments. its actually pretty sad that tna would aim that low.
My God, would you relax, Captain Finance? You have little to no actual information on TNA's finances and all you can do is speculate based on the people they released and piece it all together with a logical option which is certainly one of the few available ones out there.

TNA might be short on money, but they might not be. You don't know. Neither do I, but I ain't making statements like "they can't afford him".

It's one of two things:

1. They can afford him, they will afford him and he'll be there.

2. They can't afford him, they'll still pay him and they'll throw money away.

Whichever one you pick you can't know for sure, so why are we discussing who they can and can't afford when we have no information on the matter? Doesn't it seem like you're criticizing TNA for something there's a good chance they never did? Let's discuss what we know for sure. TNA and Howard Stern will be involved in some fashion. Discuss away.
Yes. You are absolutely right that there could be some sort of fairy godmother out there, sprinkling good blessing and throwing several million dollars around out of her fairy godcoach.

What KB is doing here, however, is assuming that people act logically before extrapolating a position. That people who have large sums of money got that because they were smart about their investment choices, and not because they threw endless amounts of money after vanity projects. KB is working from the position that at some point, somebody wants to be paid for TNA, and that all available information- which is actually quite a bit- points to a very likely picture. Before we start believing in fairy godmothers.

Whenever someone seems to come at you with any informed analysis recently, you seem to call them Captain _______ and make fun of them for knowing more about something then you. It's cute, but you've always been granted the bottom 50% of the audience. You appeal very well to idiots who want to believe in fairy godmothers.

In case you've conveniently forgotten again, TNA couldn't pay their performers for two months. That should be as obvious a sign as a giant X painted on the ground on Pirate Island, but your "you don't knowowowowow" crap has just a wee bit of determined ignorance to it.
I 100% agree. Anyone who knows anything about Howard's Wack Pack knows who Eric the "Actor" is. Eric makes ridiculous demands to Howard all the time, including tickets to WWE & TNA events, NOT being included as part of the "Wack Pack", and having Howard (and everyone else on the show, including CALLERS) stop using his old on-air name "Eric the Midget".

I saw an episode of Howard TV where Eric met Kurt Angle (one of his idols) after Kurt left the WWE for TNA. For Eric to be meeting one of his supposed idols, he acted as if he couldn't have given two shits. Eric is completely delusional, and I agree with stagestareyeam - this is not only about getting Eric to the event (for free), but Eric will probably also demand a playboy bunny be his date (I'm serious, he'll probably say that he won't show up if he doesn't get what he wants). Eric is an entitled maggot who doesn't deserve the tiny bit of fame he has. I would hope TNA would be smart enough to recognize this, but they're probably holding out hope that Stern will also attend BfG. I have my doubts.

Does anyone else remember when members of the Wack Pack (most notably Beatlejuice & High Pitch Eric) were having matches on Nitro? Probably not, everyone was busy flipping over to see what was happening on Raw. I love TNA, but I think this is a bad move. I'd hope that Stern's involvement in promoting BfG 2013 would be a great benefit for TNA, but the only person I see this benefiting is Eric the Midg...I mean "Actor"...and he doesn't deserve it.

I think that TNA being promoted by Howard would at least get them some more publicity and if anything, maybe there'll be a "Twitter War" between Roode and Eric The Actor..

Also, in addition to High Pitch Eric and Beetlejuice wrestling on Nitro, Crackhead Bob also did commentary for Monday Night Raw in 1998. I think on that same night on Raw, Hank The Angry Drunken Dwarf and Crackhead Bob appeared together in a segment.
Ok let's get this all straight.

Eric the Actor might be at Bound for Glory and as a result, Howard Stern might talk about the potential appearance. Let's all jump up and down because "the king of all media" will be talking about TNA and thus will bring in tons of buys!!!!

Except that Howard Stern talks about and promotes Bound for Glory every year already.

Yeah, this bald dude with a Fu Manchu comes on his show at least twice a year to talk and obviously his current project comes up in conversation. The last two BFG's have been talked about on Stern by Hogan so it's not like Eric the Actor being involved will all of a sudden change things dramatically.

Also, keep in mind Stern hates wrestling. Look at what he said about Darren Young today.

Anyone getting excited over this is sadly mistaken. In the end, you're talking about a sickly midget coming to the biggest PPV of the year to get beat up by Bobby Roode. That's it. That excites you?
Yes. You are absolutely right that there could be some sort of fairy godmother out there, sprinkling good blessing and throwing several million dollars around out of her fairy godcoach.

What KB is doing here, however, is assuming that people act logically before extrapolating a position. That people who have large sums of money got that because they were smart about their investment choices, and not because they threw endless amounts of money after vanity projects. KB is working from the position that at some point, somebody wants to be paid for TNA, and that all available information- which is actually quite a bit- points to a very likely picture. Before we start believing in fairy godmothers.

Whenever someone seems to come at you with any informed analysis recently, you seem to call them Captain _______ and make fun of them for knowing more about something then you. It's cute, but you've always been granted the bottom 50% of the audience. You appeal very well to idiots who want to believe in fairy godmothers.

In case you've conveniently forgotten again, TNA couldn't pay their performers for two months. That should be as obvious a sign as a giant X painted on the ground on Pirate Island, but your "you don't knowowowowow" crap has just a wee bit of determined ignorance to it.

TNA couldn't pay all their performers for two months? Is it EVERYONE, or a few people? Yet they have done it without a hitch for 10 months, they keep on being on the road, signing new guys and maintaining their company just as they ever did and no one bats an eye. Payments are delayed in a lot of companies due to many reasons. It could be due to a lack of finances, it could be a silly administrative mistake. Especially in wrestling which has never ran like a well oiled machine. Again, I don't claim anything, I just keep my mind open to what it could be. Why? Because I don't ... fucking ... know.

Say it with me now. C'mon. "I don't know". Do it again. Come on it's not that embarrassing, you are allowed not to know something on the Internet. "I" ... there you go ... "don't" ... good job, good job ... "knooooow". Yay! Good boy.

I'm not implying there's someone throwing money at them at the moment. I'm not implying anything. I just ask where this proof is that TNA is losing money and they're paying whoever when they can't afford it. I want to see arguments based on proof. Facts. Papers. Documents. What have you. Not theories. Forming a tiny cute theory out of a few dirt sheet reports and weaving your truth out of it is not proof, it's not solid. You're putting two pieces of the puzzle on and scream "It's a WHALE SHARK!" when you don't fucking know what it is. Yeah, you see blue, you see black, but you don't know. Yet you're so damn sure it's a whale shark. Well I say, it could be anything. And then I'm the silly one.

You are something else.

Companies release individuals all the time. TNA's missed talent payments before. They did it with Flair. It doesn't have to mean they're running out of money. IT COULD BE THAT THIS IS THE CASE, but I'm not sitting here claiming shit, as if I'd know and then criticize TNA for something that never happened and is likely not happening, am I?

What KB is saying does make sense. It is a viable option. With everything that's been going on with TNA he ties it all together and it makes for a nice story.

However, a lot of other versions make sense. That's what happens when you have no proof. Theories arise.

Don't blame me for asking for proof. It's a completely logical and rational thing to do when someone CLAIMS this is the case and doesn't leave much room for discussion. Read that post. "TNA can't afford Howard Stern". There's no maybe, there's no doubt, there's no "in my opinion". TNA just can't afford Howard Stern.

To me, those are the words of someone who knows what TNA has and how much of it they have. Does he have knowledge of that? No. So then the argument is a theory, it's invalid and I have every right to question something that may VERY WELL not be truth.

Do I have to believe everyone with an opinion? Can I not question unproven statements? Don't turn this into another "you rag on everyone who criticizes TNA" post. I do rag on everyone who criticizes TNA. It's no secret. However, that doesn't make what I say illogical by default. It just irks you because unlike others, I tend to make a little bit of sense. It's not a defense on TNA as much as it is being curious about his sources. It mystifies me when people say WWE is losing money as well. There I've seen proof that they haven't. A lot of things mistify me on these forums to be honest. Stupidity is one of the many.

Does KB have information on TNA's finances? No. Are his claims therefore questionable? Yes. Why? Because they are not grounded in truth and proof. End of story. It's a completely logical and rational way of treating his argument. If you don't want to ask me for proof, don't claim shit that requires it. Do I have to explain everything to you like I would to a first grader? Every time I ask one of you geniuses to back up your professional opinions and miracle working suggestions and criticisms, you get your panties in a bunch because you know you don't have it. When you don't have it, just keep your mind open to other possibilities and stop defending your "opinion" like it is the ONLY option out there because so and so did this and this. Don't get mad because I asked you a very rational question, fellas.
TNA couldn't pay all their performers for two months? Is it EVERYONE, or a few people? Yet they have done it without a hitch for 10 months, they keep on being on the road, signing new guys and maintaining their company just as they ever did and no one bats an eye. Payments are delayed in a lot of companies due to many reasons. It could be due to a lack of finances, it could be a silly administrative mistake. Especially in wrestling which has never ran like a well oiled machine. Again, I don't claim anything, I just keep my mind open to what it could be. Why? Because I don't ... fucking ... know.

Say it with me now. C'mon. "I don't know". Do it again. Come on it's not that embarrassing, you are allowed not to know something on the Internet. "I" ... there you go ... "don't" ... good job, good job ... "knooooow". Yay! Good boy.
Sorry. I'm not part of the cult of idiocy around here. I believe that I'm a functioning human being, capable of solving simple logic puzzles, without going "well, I might not know it, and I could be wrong, so I don't know anything!" In logic, there's something called "Occam's Razor". It would save you a lot of trouble, because it reads "The simplest solution is usually the correct one". (You're good at simple, but then you don't like the simple answer and you start inventing fairy godmothers.) Once you get to be right a certain very large percentage of the time, you actually get to be pretty fine with being wrong that remaining 2% of the time. No one's perfect, the object is just to get as close as possible.

So, we can choose your path- "I'm an idiot who can't know anything, because something else technically could have happened", or my path, "this is the most likely set of circumstances for these events to occur, based on historical record." The Royals could still win the AL Pennant this year, and I don't knwowowowoow that they won't, but given the facts available to me, I can make a very reasonable prediction and say that they will not make the playoffs. There is a very small likelyhood that they could still make it, however. I could be wrong, but it's very unlikely. This is how extrapolation works. Smart people- Captain Business Analyst and Captain Finance amongst them- can look at the evidence available to them and say "based on historical trends and understanding that fairy godmothers don't fucking exist, this event is likely to happen." Your Cult of Idiocy, however, preaches "I do not get it, and thus, no one could get it. Angels could be delivering sacks of money to Orlando as we speak, and thus your answer is invalid. Now prove fairy godmothers don't exist." (Like many message board idiots, you have a habit of demanding people prove negatives that have no possible proof to them, or one which would take way more time than anyone's willing to put into a message board. Yawn.)

So for the bottom 50% of this board who approves of your cult of idiocy, keep plugging away at that "you don't knwoowowowow!" crap. Keep insisting upon reasonable doubt, as if this was some court of law where you can say "well, baby angels could be falling from the sky". Do that all the way until Daddy Carter sells TNA to another investor (or worse, until they can't find a buyer and shut down.)

When a company can't pay it's employees, that is the very worst sign they can have for their financial health. Most companies do not regularly go through spells where they cannot pay the people who work for them, that's just your fevered imagination going "rah, TNA, rah!" In the real world (not the television world where everything works out fine, Mike Teavee), when you can't pay your employees, that's about the last thing you do before winding up your company. Before you lecture me about business finance, you might want to remind yourself that's what I worry about professionally, and I get advice on that topic from people drastically more qualified than some bottom 50%er on a professional wrestling message board.

The rest of your post I pretty much passed over, but it seemed to be ongoing self-praise for your decision to understand as little as possible. I understand you have reasons for wanting to stick your head in the sand (TNA looks much more economically stable from that position), but please stop insisting that everyone else here join you.
Stern is going to be nowhere near the arena, so everyone relax.

It will be funny to see Eric there though have a confrontation with Roode. Given the fact that Eric takes wrestling so seriously, I wouldn't be surprised if he actually thinks Roode wants to beat him up even though Eric says he isn't scared.

This is a guy who wants to sue people on his Twitter account, so I can only imagine what would happen if Roode put one finger on him just out of amusement.

BTW, this is the person (Eric) everyone is talking about.


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