TNA couldn't pay all their performers for two months? Is it EVERYONE, or a few people? Yet they have done it without a hitch for 10 months, they keep on being on the road, signing new guys and maintaining their company just as they ever did and no one bats an eye. Payments are delayed in a lot of companies due to many reasons. It could be due to a lack of finances, it could be a silly administrative mistake. Especially in wrestling which has never ran like a well oiled machine. Again, I don't claim anything, I just keep my mind open to what it could be. Why? Because I don't ... fucking ... know.
Say it with me now. C'mon. "I don't know". Do it again. Come on it's not that embarrassing, you are allowed not to know something on the Internet. "I" ... there you go ... "don't" ... good job, good job ... "knooooow". Yay! Good boy.
Sorry. I'm not part of the cult of idiocy around here. I believe that I'm a functioning human being, capable of solving simple logic puzzles, without going "well, I
might not know it, and I
could be wrong, so I don't know anything!" In logic, there's something called "Occam's Razor". It would save you a lot of trouble, because it reads "The simplest solution is usually the correct one". (You're good at simple, but then you don't like the simple answer and you start inventing fairy godmothers.) Once you get to be right a certain very large percentage of the time, you actually get to be pretty fine with being wrong that remaining 2% of the time. No one's perfect, the object is just to get as close as possible.
So, we can choose your path- "I'm an idiot who can't know anything, because something else technically
could have happened", or my path, "this is the most likely set of circumstances for these events to occur, based on historical record
." The Royals
could still win the AL Pennant this year, and I don't knwowowowoow that they won't, but given the facts available to me, I can make a very reasonable prediction and say that they will not make the playoffs. There is a very small likelyhood that they could still make it, however. I
could be wrong, but it's very unlikely. This is how extrapolation works. Smart people- Captain Business Analyst and Captain Finance amongst them- can look at the evidence available to them and say "based on historical trends and understanding that fairy godmothers don't fucking exist, this event is likely to happen." Your Cult of Idiocy, however, preaches "I do not get it, and thus, no one could get it. Angels could be delivering sacks of money to Orlando as we speak, and thus your answer is invalid. Now prove fairy godmothers don't exist." (Like many message board idiots, you have a habit of demanding people prove negatives that have no possible proof to them, or one which would take way more time than anyone's willing to put into a message board. Yawn.)
So for the bottom 50% of this board who approves of your cult of idiocy, keep plugging away at that "you don't knwoowowowow!" crap. Keep insisting upon reasonable doubt, as if this was some court of law where you can say "well, baby angels
could be falling from the sky". Do that all the way until Daddy Carter sells TNA to another investor (or worse, until they can't find a buyer and shut down.)
When a company can't pay it's employees, that is the very worst sign they can have for their financial health. Most companies do not regularly go through spells where they cannot pay the people who work for them, that's just your fevered imagination going "rah, TNA, rah!" In the real world (not the television world where everything works out fine, Mike Teavee), when you can't pay your employees, that's about the last thing you do before winding up your company. Before you lecture me about business finance, you might want to remind yourself that's what I worry about professionally, and I get advice on that topic from people drastically more qualified than some bottom 50%er on a professional wrestling message board.
The rest of your post I pretty much passed over, but it seemed to be ongoing self-praise for your decision to understand as little as possible. I understand you have reasons for wanting to stick your head in the sand (TNA looks much more economically stable from that position), but please stop insisting that everyone else here join you.