KOTR Tournament on RAW


The Canadian Sensation
Source: Wrestlezone.com
We have just been informed that the word making the rounds backstage at RAW today is that WWE will bring back a one-night only 'King of the Ring' tournament next week live on RAW. Next weeks RAW is a three-hour special.

The belief is that the whole tournament will be held over the course of the show next week, with all tournament matches being held that night.

It looks to be an eight-man tournament. I'd expect an announcement tonight.

In my opinion, this isn't the best move by the WWE. I would much rather have the 3-Hour RAW be filled up with the draft. Then put KOTR on a seperate PPV, with more than 8 wrestlers in it. These 8-man tournaments WWE are making now are a disgrace to the KOTR tournament. They can't do anything with 8-men, that's why the should expand the tournament for more than one night, or put it on a seperate PPV.

Discuss your opinion's here.
I'm a fan of the winner having to win three matches in one night, but I agree that they should build the eight man tournament up with some qualifying matches first. That way people know the tournament is coming well in advance as well as who's in it. It is also nice to see who beats who to get in as it adds stories to the whole tournament (i.e. if Morrison were to upset HBK to get in, he would all the sudden be the guy to beat).

I see why you don't like this thrown together version of the King of the Ring, probably because it loses its prestige when its not its own PPV, but I would rather have this than nothing.
At least the WWE is bringing back the King of the Ring. I do like the concept of having to win 3 matches in one night, unlike the last piece of crap we had for King of the Ring. Would it be better as it's own PPV? No. You have 10 or so PPV's every year by the WWE, unless they were to take out Judgement Day or a second tier PPV. I know that's what all you want, but I'm fine with it being on the 3 hour RAW. It may hold back the draft, but at least KOTR is back.
If they do this, that'd be great. KOTR could deserve its own ppv, but I'd rather see it on a 3 hour Raw or a "Saturday Night Main Event" than not at all.

And if they DO in fact do this...they HAVE to...repeat...HAVE TO....give it to Morrison or Kennedy. These two would benefit SO much by having it. There's no point in giving it to a main event star, and there's no point in giving it to Punk or MVP as Punk has the MITB and MVP has enough momentum on his own to be in the main event. Giving Morrison or Kennedy the nudge here would just be the best...maybe even more so for Kennedy than Morrison unless Kennedy is slated to win the IC title from Jericho. Either guy, I'd be really happy with...and I'll be really pissed if they wasted it on someone like Carlito lol.

As long as we're still getting the draft lol. And its a shame its an 8 man instead of a 16 man tournament. I'm really hoping to see Morrison or Kennedy win this.

Now that we know that there will be 8 men....LET'S SPECULATE ON WHO! WOOOOOO!!!

Ok, energy spurt is over.

The only people I can see most likely being involved: Morrison, Kennedy, Shelton, Carlito, Umaga, Festus, Finlay, MVP, Matt Hardy, Burke, Miz. Main problem with that, though, is that almost every one of them is a heel. So thusly, I can see Festus and Finlay definitely being involved just for their face value (mind the pun). MVP and Hardy, I think they'll only be involved if they screw each other out of their selective matches, so I really hope that they aren't, as that will diminish the KOTR winner's push.

Here's to hoping we crown King Morrison (if not just to add on another nickname...Guru of Greatness...Tuesday Night Delight...Shaman of Sexy...King of the Ring..) or King Kennedy!!
i love the king of the ring tournament. it brings back memories of when the tournament actually meant something and was a stepping stone for greatness (Ok, i remember Billy Gunn winning, but he's the exception).

generally though, the KOTR indicates who WWE is going to push in the near future and i think its a big chance for the young talents of WWE to step up and show they can do it. i just hope they don't ruin it with a Jeff Hardy comeback or Cena adding it to his resume.

the only problem i have is the fact that they get obsessed with pushing the King gimmick. King Booker was an awful gimmick and Sharmell's screeching just annoyed me.

I honestly don't see finlay, Carlito, Miz etc winning it. finlay's good enough to make the final and win it, but if its to put over youth, he'll do the job in the final.
John morrison or benjamin/burke is the only combo i'd have winning it, the latter because it could spark a feud between two of the best athletes on ECW which i think would be good.
Here are the eight guys who I'd expect to be in the King of the Ring: Jericho, Morrison, MVP, Matt Hardy, Carlito, Umaga, Finlay, and CM Punk. I know you'll be asking, "Why isn't Kennedy in there?" Well, Kennedy is filming a movie right now, which I believe is in production, and hasn't been on RAW since WrestleMania. He might deserve this push, but he's not getting it. First round matchups would be:

Jericho vs. Carlito with Jericho winning

Matt Hardy vs. John Morrison with Morrison winning after MVP screws Hardy.

MVP vs. Finlay with MVP winning

Umaga vs. CM Punk with Punk winning.

Then the second round would be:

Jericho vs. Morrison with Morrision pulling out the upset and

CM Punk vs. MVP with Punk winning after Hardy screws MVP out.

The finals would then be:

Morrison vs. Punk. These two have met on ECW before, but I would like to see another match between these two. I'd see Punk going over, to be honest. Both men are at midcard status right now, but Punks about to get his push with the Money in the Bank. Why not have him win the King of the Ring. Then he can be: The King of Punk. It would help build up Punk as a Main Eventer. It wouldn't hurt Morrison either because he would've defeated Y2J and Matt Hardy. Two Upper Mid-Card performers. I think having Punk win would benifit both greatly.
I like that they're bringing the King of the Ring back, but I wish they would drop One Night Stand and bring the actual Pay-Per-View back. King of the Ring used to be one of the greatest PPVs of the year, and now it's reduced to a Tournament on Raw with no hype of build up whatsoever. Anyway, I'd definitely like to see some up and comer like Morrison or Kennedy win it. Actually this is just what Kennedy needs to build up momentum like he had on SmackDown. Here's to hoping Kennedy wins the King of the Ring.
I'm a huge fan of a single-night, eight man elimination tournament. I loved the King of the Ring tournament, and regardless if its on a Pay Per View, or a Monday Night Raw.. this is how it should be done.. in one night, where the winner must win three matches.

Now, the thoughts are on who would be considered the odds on favorite to win. However, before I give my suggestions.. I'd like to point out another (possible flaw) thats been rumored.

Its been reported the winner will be the next in line to take over the gimmick of what "King Booker" had, in which they'll pronounce themselves as Royalty and a King. If this is the case, then it ruins almost any possibility for Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, Umaga or Mr. Kennedy to be in the top running. However, I think it won't be exactly one in the same. (short of them ruining any of the above mentioned names, gimmicks)

Now, here are my possible outcomes.

Shawn Michaels: Logically I could see a beautiful finals match between Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho, since next Monday's Raw will be the final one before Backlash. If thats the case, an H.B.K. v. Y.2.J. outcome would be fantastic! However, that type of match deserves a Judgment Day build, not a Main Event Raw build. So if Shawn does indeed make it to the finals, I can't see it being against Jericho.

The other reason I'm assuming Shawn could be a top choice is because the King of the Ring tournament is the only thing/event that H.B.K. hasn't won. Steve Austin, Triple H... they've both won the Royal Rumble event and the King of the Ring event. H.B.K. only has multiple Rumble victories, but no KOTR wins.

Mr. Kennedy: This isn't so much my idea as it is Wes' but Mr. Kennedy is the future of the business, and the only guy who seemingly is lost in the fold right now. The guy hasn't seen a victory thats been meaningful since his Raw victory over Shawn Michaels that to be honest, most have forgotten.

If Kennedy is gonna become anything more than a random jobber that was once a big name, then they need to push him back to the top. Allowing him to go over three remotely big names in one night would return Kennedy to the top instantly. Whether W.W.E. does this or not, is another story. I personally think they're simply cutting their losses with Kennedy and he'll be gone and T.N.A. bound within 2 years.

John Morrison: Naturally I might be one of the only people pushing strongly for John Morrison to be the guy.. but I think this would be the greatest feature for him. Hes currently drowning in Tag Team hell with The Miz. I think that what they should do, is have Morrison go over Matt Hardy in round one, either Kennedy, Miz, or Jericho in round two and finish the night out with a shock-value ending against Shawn Michaels in the tournament finals.

If John Morrison wins this thing, and goes over at least H.B.K. in the finals. (due to Batista/Jericho or not) I promise you all, you will never hear the end of me marking out for Morrison's Main Event push!


D.H. Smith: The British Bulldog's son could somehow get a push out of nowhere and win it all, thus renaming himself "King Henry" or "King Harry." Sadly I'd hate for this to happen, because all in all I'm not a fan of D.H. I think he needs to go back to the drawing board and restudy his traits.

Paul Burchill: If they're gonna push anyone for "royalty" then I'd love for them to push Paul Burchill as the next "king." This guy has money written all over him, if they'd merely use him properly. Sister-sex or not, the guy has more talent then some of the current Main Eventers and deserves to shine. This could be the thing that does it.

Overall: John Morrison has my vote. I want him to win it, and have people continue to bitch about how he doesn't deserve it.. all the way to the top, when he defeats a World Champion before year's end, only to continue hearing people bitch about how he doesn't deserve it. :lmao:
If Finlay is involved he may will . Possiablry Mr Kenndey due to push of steve austin.
If WWE on smackdown and ECW sstars pushing their undercard talent . then they would be good . I mish Wwe single undercard single , brand PPV's

Crazy Al . misses the 2 months usaual of feuding of one brand , insted of this years wwe and tna constent . Gimmackes and constent (wwe ) ppv, matches with the the same guys i miss the undercard matches on smackdown , as in the U.K. ,from the me and the british fans , also some Italian, Spainish and the French ( even though the British kinnda hate the french) believe that WWE and TNA don't respect their undercards ( even though all wwe fans i hav spoke 2 in uk like 2 play undercard in computer games , or at least create the wrestlers in create mode on games) . I mean the undercards and low- mid-cards, r more likeable underdog wrestler in Europe .

Lexus19/ Crazy Al ( we don't get TNA on basic cable . I mean upto a couple of months ago on free british tv we got TNA highlights per week ), But without either free uk T.V. or "main stream uk tv" .

I mean the us in the U.K, when we like superstars in the UK we like them 4 at least 3 years . i have not seen the TNA game but the latest wwe game needed more undercard wrestlers . Maria Kanellis , playboy pictures were goooooood !!!!!!

In Wwe ( ecw the MIZ need a push, raw MR KENNEDY ,smackdown need's more male wrestlers)
This is what i think is going to happen:

match one: Umaga vs. Finlay (finlay via sheilegly)
match two: Chris Jericho vs. John Morrison (morrison via clean win)
match three: MVP vs. kennedy (kennedy via dq)
match four: Matt Hardy vs CM Punk (punk via mvp interferes)
match five: punk vs kennedy (kennedy via clean win)
match six: Finlay vs morrison (morrison via clean win)
match seven: Morrison vs kennedy (kennedy wins cleanly) KOTR

This would instantly put kennedy in the main event position like many of you said already. I think this would be the biggest push for kennedy and he could go on to win the title by survivor series. I really hopes this happens. I would be really thrilled if that happened.

*legit marked out when I read this on WZ...like fists pumping yelling in my bedroom*

HELL FUCKING YES. And they are doing it how NorCal said they should, making it all three brands, and one night. muthafuckin right. BTW giving this to CM Punk would be absolutely ******ed. He already has MITB. Id like to say MVP, but he doesnt really need it, and his momentum may be short circuted by the impending doom that awaits him at Backlash LOL. I see an EASILY predicted scenario of Hardy interfering in MVP's match, causing him to loose, and vice versa, later in the night. The guys who stand the most to benefit and who they SHOULD give it to...

Obviously....Mr.Kennedy. "King Kennedy" even has a decent sound to it LOL. This could give him his momentum RIGHT back, and get the ball rolling on this future megastar once again. It would easily give him the ability to ham it up and talk shit too LOL.

John Morrison...Give him another thing to be cocky about, and give he and Miz something to split up over. Maybe they meet during the tourney, and Morrison wins, and puts in in Miz's face so much thatthey split because of it. I could also see a fucking FANTASTIC mini feud with this guy and...Triple muthafuckin H!!!...The King of KIngs wants to slaughter the new, younger, cocky king. Itd be great, and it COULD happen...

Elijah Burke...This guy has it ALL and is just waiting to be elevated. We saw him come back, and be made to look dominant last week, and he was booked to look more serious and intense...maybe??

and the OTHER most obvious...Shelton Benjamin...He could really supplement his "gold standard" gimmick with a win here. He belives he is the upper echelon of WWE, and now he would have something else to boast about...

Who I think WILL win, because WWE is fucking gay.....

Festus. No seriously. Think about it, does it REALLY seem that farfetched?? He was booked to look respectable against THE UNDERTAKER. And squashed Burke recently. For whatever god forsaken reason, the WWE is absolutely determined to push this dude. "king bicuitz and gravy"...Dont be suprised.

And they could have someone win it that would make the crown utterly useless, such as Punk (which I think may send him right down "John Cena boo your ass out of every building because u are winning everything always" boulevard) John Cena (because he is John Cena, Or Triple H (king of kings defends his "throne".....which would be MUCH beter used in a mini feud, but this is WWE, who likes to totally waste everything).....I could almost say all of the above are the most likely, because knowing WWE, they will do the safe, boring thing. I just really hope not. This is SUCH a fantastic oppurtunity to make a new star. Please to squander it WWE
This is what i think is going to happen:

match one: Umaga vs. Finlay (finlay via sheilegly)
match two: Chris Jericho vs. John Morrison (morrison via clean win)
match three: MVP vs. kennedy (kennedy via dq)
match four: Matt Hardy vs CM Punk (punk via mvp interferes)
match five: punk vs kennedy (kennedy via clean win)
match six: Finlay vs morrison (morrison via clean win)
match seven: Morrison vs kennedy (kennedy wins cleanly) KOTR

This would instantly put kennedy in the main event position like many of you said already. I think this would be the biggest push for kennedy and he could go on to win the title by survivor series. I really hopes this happens. I would be really thrilled if that happened.


Who Ever this is wherever they r espascially in the mind of an aerage U.K. fan that Heel wrestlers deserve a greater push ( especially RANDY ORTON , who i view as amazing , i would donate some of my usless wages £240 a month working as a cleark ,with a £180 a month student loan , to pay 4 a £92 a week room , when i hav money i will invest in wwe , cause my grandmam used to watch it on occaision with "old skool", british wrestling on free television . So my loyalty is 2 WWE , i would die to create a better WWE 4 the young ones of the U.K. ( people i talk about r english(no E.U. taxes on farming , Unlike the rest of the U.K.), WWE helped me when i was young in 1998 , just B4 hand i tryed but failed 2 commit sucide , wwe as help reduce this with me , actually making freainads . In the past 5 years i hav only once tried 2 commit sucide .

In Short english terms " We the forgotton children , men and women of the U.K. thank the wwe , and all other wrestling premotions 4 giving us knowledge/ lige 8 years ago .
Me and at leat 4 freiands i know a said they owe their life 2 wwf/wcw/ecw combination , and i do 2>
What are the odds that it's actually the big name guys. HHH, Cena, Orton, JBL, Taker, Kane, Y2J, and HBK? If they could pull this off, then we would really crown KotR. First of all, a loss by any of these guys to another wouldn't hurt any heat for any one, especially if any heel wins, or any win, for that matter wasn't clean. Everyone of them is capable of cheating, so there are workarounds.

Back to reality. I think Morrison wins, but I would love for it to be Shelton Benjamin. Talk about an athlete worthy of a push. A Shelton vs. Jeff Hardy match a year from now would be simply sick.

Since everyone else is guessing on participants, here's how I think it will go.

Morrison over Matt Hardy
Finlay over MVP
Benjamin over Y2J
Batista over Burchill

Morrison over Finlay
Batista over Benjamin

Morrison over Batista, unclean.

Having him win it over an established star gives the tournament and the wrestler insta-credibility.
I am guessing that Kennedy will walk out as the KOTR, this screams his name, he has been gone for a couple a weeks, King Kennedy, sounds good. On the other hand, what does this mean for the draft? Are they going to push it back to the night after Backlash? Or are they going have it the same night? They better have it because all the shows need it. Regarding the King of the Ring, Kennedy will become King Kennedy.
WWE.com has just officially confirmed that this will happen next Monday on RAW. They also anounced the eight men competing in this tournament. They are: Chris Jericho, Montel Vontavious Porter, Umaga, Big Show, Triple H, Batista, CM Punk, and Shawn Michaels. I have to say that is quite the let down. Where is Kennedy, Morrison, or even Finlay. I don't think that neither Batista, Big Show, Triple H, and Shawn Michaels should not be in this. If any of them won it. They would have nothing to prove. In my opinion put in more young guys, and underrated veterans. But obviously WWE won't do that.

I knew WWE would find a way to screw this up.

What is the point of having guys like HHH, HBK, Batista, Punk and Jericho in this tournament? Is there any point at all? HHH is gunning for the championship, Jericho is the fucking IC champion, HBK is going to win it so he can have that final accomplishment which isn't needed, Batista is feuding with HBK, and Punk is MITB.

Like Agrex said, should have known WWE would fuck this up. Where the fuck is Kennedy? Ya' know the only one that makes logical sense for this push?

Anyways, HBK/Jericho in the finals. One will bury MVP who is the most deserving. This shit angle between the two along with Batista is getting a cheap plug/push from this.
It could still work out. Imagine what it would do for MVP to beat HBK, Big Show, and HHH all in one night. They could use this to bring Jericho back up to the main event as well.

I do see why you are let down though. This is more of the same guys we see on RAW every week. No way is HHH losing clean either, he's the only one from the PPV title match in this thing so I know someone else who screw him over. I really hope MVP or Jericho wins though, otherwise this seems like a waste of time. No John Morrison seems like a dumbass idea though, there is not one legit reason he shouldn't be in this thing.
Report says the contestants are: Chris Jericho, Umaga, Shawn Michaels, CM Punk, Batista, Big Show, Triple H and MVP.

And that right there is the reason that I was weary about the King of the Ring.

What's the point of giving it to any of these guys? Seriously. Look at them.

Chris Jericho - The guy's a main event star who was the first Undisputed Champion, has the record for IC title runs, is the current IC champion, AND he just barely lost the Money in the Bank. Jericho needs it about as much as Cena needs another year long title reign.

Umaga - He's a good enough monster to feud on a whim, and I really don't want to see "King Umaga".

Shawn Michaels - I love the guy, he and the Undertaker are my two favorites ever, but Shawn doesn't need it.

CM Punk - Good god, if they give this guy the Money in the Bank AND King of the Ring, I'll be really pissed off. Punk, in my mind, is prime for an IC title reign, not a world title. This will be overkill. I'm stating it a week a head of time...I think Punk is a talented guy who has a bright future, but if they give him both KOTR and MITB, I will end up disliking him because it would reek of a "publicized push" just for the kids thing.

Batista - Please no. I don't even need to state why. The end.

Big Show - He doesn't need it in any way. Big Show's still fresh off his return and the fans aren't bored yet.

Triple H - He does NOT need to be a 2 time King of the Ring winner even if his name is "the king of kings". If Triple H wins this, as he sure as hell does not need a step up on the platform, you might as well close the "unsung hero" thread as there's no shot at it.

MVP - If they can't give it to Morrison or Kennedy, they need to give it to MVP. MVP could use it, unlike everyone else here, and actually benefit. If MVP doesn't win this, what the hell was the point in bringing the KOTR back?
It could still work out. Imagine what it would do for MVP to beat HBK, Big Show, and HHH all in one night. They could use this to bring Jericho back up to the main event as well.

Do you really think WWE would do that? Come on now. This is WWE, the midcard guys never get pushes to the top over these vets.

He won't win it, too much starpower for him to have to go over in WWE's minds. I wouldn't doubt Hardy fucks him over again.

This is more of the same guys we see on RAW every week.

Which is the problem. Time for a new push. AKA Kennedy.

No way is HHH losing clean either, he's the only one from the PPV title match in this thing so I know someone else who screw him over.

Obviously, Orton. Although it would be a nice twist to see Cena do it but won't happen.

No John Morrison seems like a dumbass idea though, there is not one legit reason he shouldn't be in this thing.

Agreed. That's what I said with Kennedy and Finlay.
I don't think the pictures are the people that are for sure going to be in the tournament. I wouldn't mind if it were true, but if you click on the article it mentions Mr. Kennedy, Finlay, and CM Punk as possible winners so who knows.

I'd like to see someone like Morrison win it, but if it were the guys mentioned then I'm going for HBK. Regardless the tournament will be a nice change of pace for RAW next week.
Yeah, that is way too much star power for Jericho to go over. The WWE obviously wouldn't let him beat two of the top guys in the same night. I mean, come on, there is absolutely no precedence of this happening, you know, except for two guys who are way bigger than anyone in this tournament. I knew I was dreaming when he beat Rock and Austin in the same night.

And he's the IC champ, so he shouldn't win. But the US champ should?

The logic is lacking here. I say MVP should win in this group, as he needs it the most, don't get me wrong. I think that it would take a miracle for all those guys to put him over.

The problem for me is, if Punk doesn't win, his briefcase loses legitimacy, but please God, don't let him win. MVP! MVP! MVP!
Do you really think WWE would do that? Come on now. This is WWE, the midcard guys never get pushes to the top over these vets.

Its more wishful thinking on my part than anything but I'll still watch. I really do agree that the HBK Jericho finals are the most likely. Sadly the KOTR this year looks to just be a set up for a PPV.

I would have really loved to see Morrison in it, even if he wasn't going to win. All he would need from this is a win over someone from another brand like Jericho, than he could lose in the semis and still look good.

Overall though, Im still eager to watch despite the fact I couldn't pick a worse group for KOTR if I tried.
You know the worst part about this? Even if MVP does win...which, as I said, is the only reasonable outcome...he'll be made to look weak. WWE is going to cop-out and do their typical bullshit, I bet you.

Jericho/Michaels/Batista - They're in a feud. How much you want to bet they all cost matches for each other?

Triple H - You mean to tell me that Triple H is going to lose clean? No way in hell. Orton or JBL will cost the match for him so he'll look like he could've done it but was screwed, as he always does that.

Big Show - He might even get screwed by Khali.

That leaves Punk, Umaga, and MVP. No matter what, if 5/8 guys lose strictly because they're in a feud and were cheated out of it, anybody who wins this will look weak. If MVP wins over lots of screwjobs, even if he's a heel, it devalues his push and the purpose of the King of the Ring.

As excited as I was when I heard that this was announced, I'm equally disappointed now that I know who is in it. Now I'm wishing that it would've just been the draft show instead.
'WWE has listed the photos of the following 8 men on their website as being the participants for next week's King of the Ring tournament on Raw.

Chris Jericho, Umaga, Shawn Michaels, CM Punk, Batista, Big Show, Triple H and MVP'

Some huge stars in there, although the wwe have wasted a golden oppurtunity to push someone like Kennedy or Shelton. The format would have been better off as it was last time, with qualifiers over the 3 shows (heck with the apparent lack of brand divide at the minuie, it could have been a 32 man tournament, and given tv time to pretty much everyone in the locker room, and given the winner some serious credibility), and a 1 on 1 match at the ppv. Instead the tournament is merely being used to push an already way-over star (unless MVP wins, which i think he will btw) and to keep the current, stale feuds on tv (your not saying to me that HBK/Batista's matches wont feature interference from each other/Y2J, and that HHH wont be costed the match by JBL/Orton?)

I'd say this is the order of likelyhood of each superstar winning it.

1) MVP (winning a tournament with all that talent will put him way over, right into the main event. Only superstar on there that really needs a push, and id say probabably the character best suited to the King gimmick) - 5/2
2) Umaga (kind of my default. The only superstar in there that isnt currently involved in any sort of angle, would give him some fresh momentum as he has, in all honesty, become quite stale recently and sort of the companys main event jobber. Give him the crown and perhaps a corrupt manager/handler like estrada was before they stupidly got rid of him and i think it would re-affirm his main event status) 4/1
3)Big Show (would help re-astablish him as the wwe monster if he plows through that field.Needs a slight push perhaps after the mayweather loss. Khali will surely cost him his match though) 9/2
4)Y2J (Similar to the big show in that his momentum from his return has faded and is starting to fall into the high-mid card like many said he would. A 'king gimmick' would be perfectly suited to him, and he could carry it off with his cocky charm perfectly. Involvement in the Batista/HBK angle, his IC title reighn and his already huge popularity will go against him though) 6/1
5)HHH ( Would fit perfectly in to his king of kings gimmick, and would keep attention throughtout the night on the backlash main event. However, he's a previous winner and theres no need for him to win it at all. His participaton will surely be used purely to help devlop the JBL/Orton storyline, with seemingly obvious interference costing him his match. Think he will lose in the final to a heel, thus keeping the title match in the picture all night but giving the winner massive monetum) 10/1
6) CM Punk (still not fully over,and coupled withthe MITB would make him an instant headliner. Has thr MITB though, which is a big enough gimmick to carry him through the year and would de-value that particular accolade if the focus shifted to the KOTR. Think he will make the semis) 12/1
7/8) HBK/Batista ( Purely involved to further there angle, no clear benefits to either men to win it. Think they will be drawn together and fight to a no-contest, thus giving the mid card heel in there bracket a bye to the final, and the match will help further the angle. Plus it will claer up some tv time not having to have an extra semi final.) 25/1

QF1) HBK vs Batista (NO Contest/Double CO/DQ) - BYE
QF2) MVP vs CM Punk (Matt hardy interference backfires. Possibly ejected from the building) - MVP
QF3) HHH vs Y2J - HHH
QF4 Umaga vs Big Show (Great Khali interference) - Umaga

SF1) MVP via BYE
SF2) HHH vs Umaga - HHH

Final) MVP vs HHH (Interference via JBL/Orton) - MVP (KOTR)
From wwe.com, Next Weeks RAW Preview

It’s not known which Superstars will make up the tournament field, but be assured that the four men involved in the Fatal Four Way Match for the WWE Championship at Backlash – John Cena, John “Bradshaw” Layfield, Triple H and WWE Champion Randy Orton – will want to make their mark and gain momentum just days before their title tilt. A King of the Ring Tournament victory would do just that.

See, the 8 guys that are in the pic of the homepage arent the real competitors in the KOTR, it was just to advertise it. So what do you guys think now, personally they need to get the young guys in there such as Kennedy, MVP, Morrison, Benjamin, Finlay, Burchail, Carlito, Burke. There is no point in putting established main event guys such as HHH and Batista (God Help Us), they simply dont need it as they already have big match ups at Backlash.

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