KOTR Tournament on RAW

Explain to me why the WWE would have your IC Champ and your Money in the Bank lose clean in the KOTR ? Think about it. Bad business for everyone. Jericho loses to Punk...then Punk loses clean to REGAL? You kidding me? I want to see what they do with Regal...if anything.

Well if Jericho has beaten punk a lot lately, so by having him win against jericho, it makes him look more credible as a MITB winner. As for Punk losing clean, he lost to the only offence regal mounted. he can claim he dominated but got caught out by 'inexperience'.

i dont understand Hardy losing clean...how does that make him credible as a number 1 US title contender?
ok here is my thought on why they had regal all along

First by having jericho mvp and punk they have guys who are around main events even if they themselves are not main event guys. You have finley who may be one of the toughest 50 year olds on the planet, ever. Then to play a joke on smarks and the IWEC they decide rather then having morriosn or Benjamine or even kennedy in there you bring the comedy element with hornswaggel. Then you bring Kahli so he can domminate someone to show how scary he is for his match with Show.

opening round Matt Hardy looked strong and like he had Punk. This helps both as it makes matt look like on any given night he can beat Orton, Punk and MVP

Y2J vs Mvp- again both were hard hitting with Jericho getting the nod because of his experiance and you don;t wnat the U.S. ttitle looking more important tehn the IC

Kahli vs Finley again used to make Kahli the monster in his matych with Show

Hornswaggel vs Regal used to piss off people and make them mad about how regal got the wins

Second round
Punk vs Y2J well Punk did the job the raw after mania so to have him job again would really make him look weak and by having him injured but win he looks like a warrior

Finley vs Regal possibly to set up a fued between the two or possibly just a way to draw heat as Regal beats up a cripple and yeah teh audiance were giving him some massive heat.

Punk vs. Regal they give it to Regal for two reasons one Punk already has the MITB, and two because all the shit Regal has swalloed. Besides given the number of people who have returned and the rather piss poor midcard and main event on ECW getting him at least in that area helps because he can put peopel over as he did in the past with Y2J, Edge, Test and RVD. In addition his friend HHH may have been pushing for this becauise when Regal was not GM it fit perfectly with his heel character, and now as GM and KOTR he can use his power to put himself in the main event fueds simular to McMahon Austin but my guest would be Regal-Cena hell you can even play on how Cena put Regal out of action during his real life suspension.
OK, I'm lost now...

Is this a KOTR on Raw thread, or just another "Kennedy is just so good that he deserves to be in the main event VS Kennedy keeps blowing all storylines he is in"???

Yeah, I can't do nothing but agree with you about there was an original plan for someone else, not Regal, not Punk, and ok, maybe Kennedy... but the truth is he was not there, the tournament just ended being a non-sense clean win for Regal, Punk tapping out, the great khali jobbing even more (so if he jobs on a regular basis to horny and finlay, is there a chance he can beat Show??), jericho going from face to heel to tweener to face to heel and with no relation to his backlash appearance, MVP losing to the IC champ (this meaning what? he'll be retaining? he'll lose the USC?)...

I just feel Regal will be added to make a multi-man WWE title match at judgement day (a la JBL), then he won't win it, and will have a feud with the one he will blame for the lose... and there you go...

I guess, and is my guess only, Kennedy will return to do what he does best, beat midcard and lowcard jobbers each week while debutting a new finisher (he does every time he returns, and is weaker every time) until he fits on a storyline to see if he is ready to a good push (again). He maybe, and just maybe feuds with punk over the case...

In the meantime we'll get a crowning ceremony at raw next monday, a horny hospital tale, punk receiving "you tapped out" chants, jericho still lost in midcard, a titleless MVP and with no feud...
I've been trolling for awhile, and it's rather interesting to see all the different opinions on the recent KOTR tournament. Over here in my country, I do not have access to WWE programming, and can only keep up by buying monthly PPV DVDs, which are delayed by at least 3 weeks after its live telecast. But I do try my best to make sense of the happenings as much as possible by viewing those short WWE video clips weekly after each RAW and Smackdown.

I was hoping Chris Jericho won the KOTR tourney but I guess WWE loves throwing curveballs, or just plain panic if their original plans are scraped under circumstances, such as the speculation that Kennedy should be the one winning it. If I'm not wrong, Kennedy is out filming for his crap DVD movie, or at least selling his injuries at WM? If it's so, it'd be surely marked down in his schedule, and I dun think it's a cause for panic. Likewise, I think the whole promoting Kennedy's return definitely will set an angle huge for Kennedy.

I guess we all agree that Regal definitely will not win the WWE title. But there's surely a reason for his win. As mentioned by some, he'll probably use his GM power with the new KOTR status to exert his influence and form a British stable of sorts. While he'll fail in his attempt to win the title, the other titles should probably land in the hands of his lackeys. Either that, or Finlay screws his title shot up and set a one-on-one feud.

I've got a weird feeling that just when Regal is having his kingly celebration and with his GM & KOTR power, he will try to set up a title shot for himself, Kennedy will declare he's the true son of Mcmahon and usurp Regal's power. Mcmahon will embrace this fact and fire Regal from his GM position, and appoint Kennedy as the new GM. I dunno man, I mean, Regal's gonna compete more regularly now that he's KOTR, and his GM role would be neglected somehow. If it sounds stupid, just ignore my rant. :D
welp, ill be taking a giantstep forward for all of IWC kind in saying that I loved KOR, LOL.

Ok first the obvious bad...No Kennedy. Stupid. MVP bounced in the first round, to someone who doesnt even have a match on the PPV. Stupid. Same for Matt Hardy. Stupid. Hornswaggle. Laboriously stupid. No John Morrison, or Miz. Stupid. No Domino. stupid.

Now that thats over....We had...good matches, and the elevation of a character, who everyone ho0lds in high regards, who as faras in ring work, has been outshining 95% of the raw roster. Its amazing how fickle the IWC is. All these people screaming out for how underrrated and underused Regal is, and loving him laying a beatdown on Orton one week, and totally trashing an instant push for his character the next week, just because it didnt go down just exactly the way they wanted. Um you all do realize that Regal is a heel, correct?? You also realize, he is a 40 some-odd year old heel, who isnt really built that largely right?? So how the FUCK else was that tournament supposed to go?? Think about it, now that we all KNOW that the tournament was basically done to elevate Regal, how the fuck else would you have had it go??? This is generally, how heels go over in KOR. Easy match that may has well been a bye at the beginning, another easy match, to face against the battle worn face. Im not sure, but just about every other Heel thats ever went over in KOR went over becuase of unscrupulous happenings during the course of the night. So it was completely logical, and gave us some good matches.

So now we have....One of the better, more entertaining ring technicians, in Regal, being elevated, and making what seems to be, a full time return to the ring. You have WIDE OPEN oppurutnity for there to a royal stable made up of the brits, with Burchill, DH Smith, Katie Lea, and Drew Mcyntire. Cmon guys. Smarks LOVE stables. and its a HEEL stable, at that :wtf: you guys astound me. Nothing is ever good ever. Sorry they didnt book Regal to go over Triple H, John Cena, and then the returning Hulk Hogan, with a series of shooting star presses and canadian destroyers. LOL. The maybe that wouldve been good enough.
My overall point of view of the whole thing was that I'd rather have had someone else pushed than Regal, but I don't mind Regal winning the way he did just as long as the whole King of the Ring doesn't turn out to be the catalyst for a Hornswoggle comedy angle. If they bypass having Regal do stupid water gun antics and succumb to the "double-shillelagh mix-up" method of Finlay winning a match, and they actually push Regal in some form or another (even if its a feud with Jericho for the IC title or something), then ok, I can deal with it. I don't think it was their original intention to have Regal win, I still think they were planning on crowning Kennedy, and because of that, I'm weary of where this will go, as I don't honestly see them pushing Regal very far for very long. If the King of the Ring turns out to be worth something in the long run, then ok, it was just a horribly boring episode of Raw, lol. If it turns out to be a quick comedy angle and then everyone forgetting about it and Regal going back to General Manager, then what was the point? We'll have to see, though. I'd much rather see Regal in place of JBL, but its too late to change that match for Backlash.
My overall point of view of the whole thing was that I'd rather have had someone else pushed than Regal, but I don't mind Regal winning the way he did just as long as the whole King of the Ring doesn't turn out to be the catalyst for a Hornswoggle comedy angle. If they bypass having Regal do stupid water gun antics and succumb to the "double-shillelagh mix-up" method of Finlay winning a match, and they actually push Regal in some form or another (even if its a feud with Jericho for the IC title or something), then ok, I can deal with it. I don't think it was their original intention to have Regal win, I still think they were planning on crowning Kennedy, and because of that, I'm weary of where this will go, as I don't honestly see them pushing Regal very far for very long. If the King of the Ring turns out to be worth something in the long run, then ok, it was just a horribly boring episode of Raw, lol. If it turns out to be a quick comedy angle and then everyone forgetting about it and Regal going back to General Manager, then what was the point? We'll have to see, though. I'd much rather see Regal in place of JBL, but its too late to change that match for Backlash.

Tell me who on the Raw roster is better than Regal?! I doubt anyone, I rate him even more highly than Jericho as it was the feud and matches the two of them had way back in '00 that helped push Jericho as a potential contender in the first place. I'm not sure why Regal hasn't been used much for the last few years, but I know that he is still better than the majority of the Raw roster. I don't think it will be a catalyst for a Hornswaggle storyline, but to be honest whatever it's just good to see Regal back in the ring because their are few technicaly better than him. As for JBL why all the hating on him? He isn't a great technican but he's a decent wrestler, and the most over heel on Raw.
Well, the King of the Ring tournament wasn't limited to just all Raw guys. If it was, I'd put him high on the scale of guys that I would consider winning it, as he's leagues above a guy like Charlie Haas and half the Raw roster like that, I agree with you on that one.

JBL....the only thing I like about him is how genuine he works on the mic. He doesn't stress himself out and just lets it flow naturally. But I think he's really sloppy in the ring and boring, he doesn't have a good look to him while he's out of shape like this, etc etc. JBL could be a fantastic manager to someone, but I don't think he's entertaining at all in the ring, so that's why I don't like him. I'd much rather see Regal, who is good on the mic but also good in the ring, take his place, and for JBL to set his sights on being someone's manager that can't get over on their own.
It's amazing how the WWE reads my mind and does exactly what I say don't do. I thought the idea was to havea sucessful KOTR tournament! I say don't include the ****** with the suitcase (Punk) or any champions because they already have secured spots at a title shots...they did! I said don't use the GM because he is inactive and has no reason to compete...HE WINS!?!?!?! WTF??? This was a stupid as Hornswoggle competing in the event and having it on one night. King of the Ring was a complete failure and if this is the way they wish to treat something that was once the foundation for building careers to that next level they need not bother with it anymore. Regal may have one the event but so did Mabel (Big Daddy V).

We should all thank those who write this crap for ruining another once great idea.
welp, ill be taking a giantstep forward for all of IWC kind in saying that I loved KOR, LOL.

Ok first the obvious bad...No Kennedy. Stupid. MVP bounced in the first round, to someone who doesnt even have a match on the PPV. Stupid. Same for Matt Hardy. Stupid. Hornswaggle. Laboriously stupid. No John Morrison, or Miz. Stupid. No Domino. stupid.

Now that thats over....We had...good matches, and the elevation of a character, who everyone ho0lds in high regards, who as faras in ring work, has been outshining 95% of the raw roster. Its amazing how fickle the IWC is. All these people screaming out for how underrrated and underused Regal is, and loving him laying a beatdown on Orton one week, and totally trashing an instant push for his character the next week, just because it didnt go down just exactly the way they wanted. Um you all do realize that Regal is a heel, correct?? You also realize, he is a 40 some-odd year old heel, who isnt really built that largely right?? So how the FUCK else was that tournament supposed to go?? Think about it, now that we all KNOW that the tournament was basically done to elevate Regal, how the fuck else would you have had it go??? This is generally, how heels go over in KOR. Easy match that may has well been a bye at the beginning, another easy match, to face against the battle worn face. Im not sure, but just about every other Heel thats ever went over in KOR went over becuase of unscrupulous happenings during the course of the night. So it was completely logical, and gave us some good matches.

So now we have....One of the better, more entertaining ring technicians, in Regal, being elevated, and making what seems to be, a full time return to the ring. You have WIDE OPEN oppurutnity for there to a royal stable made up of the brits, with Burchill, DH Smith, Katie Lea, and Drew Mcyntire. Cmon guys. Smarks LOVE stables. and its a HEEL stable, at that :wtf: you guys astound me. Nothing is ever good ever. Sorry they didnt book Regal to go over Triple H, John Cena, and then the returning Hulk Hogan, with a series of shooting star presses and canadian destroyers. LOL. The maybe that wouldve been good enough.

MVP going out in the first round is fine if he drops the title on sunday, it's hardy losing clean to punk in a match punk dominated i didn't understand. it makes the US title look weak. as you pointed out, the only two guys on the roster that would logically benefit from KOTR where regal and finlay. the fact that he went over Punk was logical, but let's face it, Punk came out of the match the stronger despite the loss. Punk looks good, Regal wins. All good in my book. As for a British heel stable with Regal leading some of the most exciting young talent on the roster and elevating them...a nice angle i'd never even thought off.
I also don't understand why people bitch about Regal being underused and then bitching when he wins. the guy is solid on the mic, a great heel and good in the ring.
better than JBL in the ring by a long shot. He does look sloppy and out of shape.
MVP going out in the first round is fine if he drops the title on sunday, it's hardy losing clean to punk in a match punk dominated i didn't understand. it makes the US title look weak. as you pointed out, the only two guys on the roster that would logically benefit from KOTR where regal and finlay. the fact that he went over Punk was logical, but let's face it, Punk came out of the match the stronger despite the loss. Punk looks good, Regal wins. All good in my book. As for a British heel stable with Regal leading some of the most exciting young talent on the roster and elevating them...a nice angle i'd never even thought off.
I also don't understand why people bitch about Regal being underused and then bitching when he wins. the guy is solid on the mic, a great heel and good in the ring.
better than JBL in the ring by a long shot. He does look sloppy and out of shape.

I guess that the WWE values Punk over Hardy now, since theoretically, they'll be pushing him for a credible WWE/WHC title feud, so they're trying their best to sell him to the crowd now. I'm just dismayed that the WWE have to shove wrestlers THEY think should be the next big things down our throats, instead of wrestlers WE actually love! Back in the Attitude, Stone Cold and the Rock went from nobodies to megastars and were allowed to develop their characters naturally. I have no qualms with John Cena, Batista and CM Punk, but their pushes look rushed to me.

I also hate the fact that the WWE is willing to sacrifice good wrestling matches and midcard potential, just in order for the fans to be more involved and engaged in the later more important matches, such as Regal showing no mercy to Hornswoggle and drawing heat for his match later with Finlay. I think that's rather stupid. Regal could have just snuck out of the ring and abuse Hornswoggle, leading Finlay to save his son, and Regal utilizing the lapse of judgment and beat Finlay down for the 3 count. That similarly draws heat and needn't waste a potentially good match between other deserving midcarders. I've yet to mention that huge hunk of an unexciting brick called the Great Khali. I just hope this move is justified and Regal/Finlay goes somewhere, since this KOTR is already a big joke.
so why not give the match a DQ finish. MVP was already out, he could easily have interfered and made it out that if he didn't advance, Hardy could have gone out. result - Punk wins and goes through, Matt doesn't look weak.

the thing about who fans love is that a) different fans like different things and b) they change their minds.
a) I like william regal - I think he's great and deserves a push. you might like Lance Cade and disagree with me. it's not possible to please everyone, so they choose who they think will do the best in the situation
b) If they chose by this criteria, heels would never really get a good push because the crowd hate them. when i was younger, i'd change my mind on a wrestler every time they did a heel change. ok, I guess a push by how loud the boos are would work, but the fact is, if pushes were based on who we liked, there would be people who were never out of the main event
The KOTR was generally pretty decent and worked out to be a decent program. Although the tournament was pretty mic card - lower main event players, it was still an interesting show. The way they worked the tournament was done pretty well. With an inter brand tournament, and not putting all the big names in there. They worked it decently as well, except for the fact that some things seemed wrong. The hornswaggle thing was interesting, with the Regal squash. The main thing I am not sure about is whether or not Regal should have won. If he is getting a push as a heel, than I guess this was a good way to do it. If this was just a one off thing than thats not as a good idea IMO.

All in all a decent event and a surprise ending.
2. Hornswoggle? Yeah why put him in if you're trying to entertain? But having Regal (the overall winner) fight him is typical. I can't remember a KOTR where the winner had to fight ALL three qualifiers, or where one wasn't a jobber, or every other qualifier had some form of injury. Plus he's a heel GM, what did you expect?

hmmmmm ok when has a kotr winner had to fight 3 qualifiers who wern't jobbers?

How bout Bret Hart, lemmie take you back to 93, Bret beat Razor, Mr Perfect and Bam Bam. None of whom are considered to be Jobbers.

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