Which would you rather have the KOTR tournament or the MITB match?

  • KOTR Tournament

  • MITB Ladder Match

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I think we should have both. MITB should stay as a annual Wrestlemania match. The winner has won the title everytime. Well,technically,2-out-of-3. It vaulted Edge into being the top heel in the business. The first one gave him the WWE Title and a short relief of Cena as champ and the third one he won from Kennedy gave him the World Heavyweight Championship and stayed at the top or near it. Now he is fighting against Undertaker for the Championship which should arguably be headlining the biggest PPV of the year. But I also think they should bring KOTR back as it's own PPV with all the matches in one night as before with more people than the one Booker won. The winner should get a chance for the title at Summerslam. Just look at some of the above posters lists of the winners as to see the history and prestige behind it.
Well KOTR was a Pay Per View all on its own whereas MITB is a type of match used at Wrestemania. I dont see why there cant be both? KOTR in my opinion was one of the best, if not the best Pay Per View WWF/WWE had going for it, but I'm just very fond of the tournament bracket personally! They really should bring it back especially with some of the talent they have now. Could you imagine Kingston, Jericho, Morrison, MVP, Yang, Punk, Carlito, Matt Hardy, Kane, Chavo, Mysterio, Festus, Benjamin, Burke, Finlay, and Kennedy all in a 16 man tournament? That would be the perfect exhibition of WWE's talent!
The MITB is the KOTR. So far every winner (except Mr. Kennedy) has gone on to become a world champion. The KOTR didn't always give us that (Big Daddy V, Billy Gunn and Ken Shamrock being the only ones).

As for the last winner, Booker T had already been a 5 time world champion before then, why did he have to win the tournement, wasn't it supposed to be for wrestlers that have yet to win world titles, like his opponent in the final Bobby Lashley.
I believe MITB should be a mainstay at wrestlemania however i agree with most that KOTR should be a one night PPV with the winner getting their hot at summerslam. It can't be done with just mid-cardes though. You can take guys like Punk, Shelton, Kennedy, Carlito, The Hardys, MVP, Burke, Then some guys who are just coming up, Kofi Kingston, Santino Marella, and guys with credibilty to them already, Jericho, Edge, Batista, HBK. I would think right off the bat everyone will expect Batista to win, However put him in a first round match with Edge with Edge overcoming him even if he cheats to do so and you take the biggest guy out of the picture right away. its already known the Jeff Hardy can put on a great match with Jericho and HBK and what if Matt Hardy and Edge end up in the ring together given their past. I'd love to see a final match of Kennedy vs. Benjamin as Shelton is deserving of his push(just give the guy a mouthpiece and take the mic out of his hands) and Kennedy who should of already had that title run. Not to mention it would be heel vs. heel thouh if kennedy is given the mic i can see him becoming an instant face sort of the way stone cold did on the infamous night of Austin 3:16 being born. If those few bigger names aren't thrown in there howerver then the midcarders are just beating out other midcarders and that does not help you climb the ladder to the top
How about a 16 man King of the Ring style tournament with the final 2 competitors meeting in a one on one ladder match with a brief case hanging above the ring for a shot at any title, anytime in the next 12 months...Mix MITB and KOTR - I think it sounds awesome!
I like MITB as a midcard gimmick match to elevate talent at Wrestlemania. KOTR should make a return though. I've always been high on wrestling tournaments and KOTR is classic. They should replace Vengeance with King Of The Ring. I read somewhere that a person suggested KOTR winner should get a title shot at Summerslam.
I think they are both good but my pick is Money in The Bank.

It's been said before KOTR had the tendencies to be pretty predictable. Then again it had some good matches and really helped elavate the person who won it. It's a great tournement and I'm a fan of them but King of the Ring could be boring at times.

With MITB it is for the most part completely unpredictable. You never know whats going to happen from one minute to the next. It provides some memorable moments. Whereas I think the KOTR has provided only one memorable moment. That would be Austin 3:16. MITB is full of entertainment and suspense. They might have dropped the ball with it this year when they had C.M. Punk win it. Don't get me wrong I like Punk but he shouldnt have won the match.

But for me Money In The Bank is Better than the King Of The Ring but not by that much.
the reason kotr should be brought back is because for the past year or so, the mid card scene in wwe has been really interesting in that all the mid-carders could basically be main eventers on any given night. i mean, to all those people that are saying midcarders beating other midcarders would not give the winner credibility, just look at who would be involved: punk, finlay, jeff hardy, mvp, jericho, etc. if the winner had to beat three of them in one night, that would be damn impressive since any of these names could give the world champ a run for his money if given a chance. i dont see how anyone can say the competition would be weak. and adding main eventers to the tourney would kinda defeat the purpose, no? edge doesnt need to participate in the tourney, hes already been champ recently.

but anyway, i think although at first it seems having both mitb and kotr presents a problem, if evenly spaced out i dont think it would hurt anybody having both contests in the year. perhaps even the mitb winner one year can cash it in during the same main event the kotr winner is participating in, making the match a triple threat (if the briefcase holder chooses to do that). if you want to take it to the extreme, you can change the stipulation of mitb from cashing it in within a year to within six months. at first this seems stupid, but this might actually make the months following wm seem more exiting, since you know the mitb winner has to cash it in relatively sooner. the kotr can roll around and we have yet another midcarder getting an opportunity. thats two people being given a legitamite push a year, which is way more than we've ever gotten lol. and this would make sense since we are dealing with three different rosters.

Let's face it. Survival of the strongest, last man standing...can it get any better than that?

Make it a PPV all by itself. Fans would line up just to watch the brackets get filled up. Nothing makes things more sweeter than "one and done". Give the fans what they want, and produce a challenge ladder.
The MitB for sure. For one thing, it is held at mania and on a much grander scale. Which means the person they are trying to move to the ME will have an easier time at doing so. The MitB, although alot more spots and the way it is made, is more entertaining. Plus it can be done in a shorter spam of time.

Although the KOTR is an ok set up, it wouldn't work to well with the "ME'er's", gettting beaten by people who are moving to the ME. Because the people already in the ME, won't want to get held down. Leading to no one getting pushes to the ME.
Source: PWInsider.com

We have just been informed that the word making the rounds backstage at RAW today is that WWE will bring back a one-night only 'King of the Ring' tournament next week live on RAW. Next weeks RAW is a three-hour special.

The belief is that the whole tournament will be held over the course of the show next week, with all tournament matches being held that night.

It looks to be an eight-man tournament. I'd expect an announcement tonight.

If they do this, that'd be great. KOTR could deserve its own ppv, but I'd rather see it on a 3 hour Raw or a "Saturday Night Main Event" than not at all.

And if they DO in fact do this...they HAVE to...repeat...HAVE TO....give it to Morrison or Kennedy. These two would benefit SO much by having it. There's no point in giving it to a main event star, and there's no point in giving it to Punk or MVP as Punk has the MITB and MVP has enough momentum on his own to be in the main event. Giving Morrison or Kennedy the nudge here would just be the best...maybe even more so for Kennedy than Morrison unless Kennedy is slated to win the IC title from Jericho. Either guy, I'd be really happy with...and I'll be really pissed if they wasted it on someone like Carlito lol.
I am a big fan of tournaments. At the same time, it makes the PPV unique, just like the Royal Rumble and Survivor Series (When they used to have the elimination tag). It really builds the wrestler up without any excuse of getting lucky.
I do preffer MITB, simply because it is more exciting, and I love ladder matches.

The KOTR returning is fantastic tho, I must admit. I hope Kennedy wins. Get his push started again. Hopefully we will see some great matches aswell.
How about a 16 man King of the Ring style tournament with the final 2 competitors meeting in a one on one ladder match with a brief case hanging above the ring for a shot at any title, anytime in the next 12 months...Mix MITB and KOTR - I think it sounds awesome!

I believe TNA does something like that with their King of the Ring. I believe it's called the "Fight for the Right" tournament. I'm not sure. But, I do know they end it with a ladder match.

I would like to see the WWE keep the King of the Ring in tact, and have the Money in the Bank still active. You could either give one guy a Mega-push by winning both the Money in the Bank and King of the Ring, for example CM Punk. Or you could push two guys at once, one for the MITB and the other for KOTR, such as Punk and Morrison.

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