How To Improve/Make King of the Ring Relevant Again

I don't think it'd be very useful to make it for a WWE/World title shot because Money in the Bank and Royal Rumble already accomplish that quite nicely. Instead, make it for the winner's choice of an Intercontinental or United States Championship match. By lining up 8-16 guys or whatever it is all fighting hard for that shot, it also helps to build those two titles back up.

EDIT: Reading back through this, I don't really like any of the over-the-top gimmick ideas where different rounds have different match types or different "seeds" based on what title or accolade you currently hold. That's all just too much. Besides, if you throw together a bunch of submission matches in one round, you've basically just exhausted the allure of submission matches for some time. You really want to do that with 2-3 gimmick matches?
First things first get rid of the stupid cape, crown, and wand this is 2011 not 1980. Secondly make it a special once a year thing but don't bring it up every other week through the rest of the year. Maybe have the winner get a trophy or an actual Ring like they do for pro sports but not something the winner is going to carry around forever and a day like they do with the stupid MITB Briefcase. The winner should get something symbolic for winning but not something that's going to be shoved down our throats every time we see that person.

Also here is another idea open that one night up to wretlers from all over the world and different organizations. Japan, Great Britan, Australia, etc... even have TNA and WWE wrestlers in the same building again just for that one night a year.

It won't ever happen because god forbid Vince have to share anything with the competition even if it is something the fans would want to see and would probably bring in more money than all the other PPV's throughout the year combined.
I don't think it'd be very useful to make it for a WWE/World title shot because Money in the Bank and Royal Rumble already accomplish that quite nicely. Instead, make it for the winner's choice of an Intercontinental or United States Championship match. By lining up 8-16 guys or whatever it is all fighting hard for that shot, it also helps to build those two titles back up.

HAHAHAHAHA funny. No one's gonna wanna go through the hassle of a KOTR tourney for the IC or US title are u nuts?

The difference between KOTR winner for a title match and MITB is KOTR winner would announce when & where he's gonna do it. MITB u can cash in anytime w/out telling anyone
HAHAHAHAHA funny. No one's gonna wanna go through the hassle of a KOTR tourney for the IC or US title are u nuts?

The difference between KOTR winner for a title match and MITB is KOTR winner would announce when & where he's gonna do it. MITB u can cash in anytime w/out telling anyone

You basically just validated my idea, since you instantly dismissed two of the WWE's titles. I understand the differences between the two feats (MITB vs. KOTR), but the difference is stupid. So now three pay-per-views out of the year award a world title match to an up-and-comer? Nah, don't like that.

The Intercontinental and United States Championship might not have that much value today, but that's only because they've been burying those belts for years. Having the tournament winner get a shot at one of those belts would most certainly elevate the perception of those championships. Instant credibility. It's called forward-thinking. And the whole "no one's gonna wanna go through the hassle" argument is just weak. If that's the case, that the roster and the entire company doesn't give enough of a shit to book a tournament for their second tier belts, they may as well throw them in the garbage and attach some winner-gets-a-WWE-title-match stipulation to every pay-per-view.
First off, this isn't a damned chatroom. Second, as long as the Money In The Bank concept exists, King Of The Ring, is has and will be obsolete. If the idea is to push a star, MITB does a far better job and with 2 potential winners a year, that makes KOTR, which only gives the winner a crown and a cliched king gimmick, brutally and mortally obsolete. Thank you.
You basically just validated my idea, since you instantly dismissed two of the WWE's titles. I understand the differences between the two feats (MITB vs. KOTR), but the difference is stupid. So now three pay-per-views out of the year award a world title match to an up-and-comer? Nah, don't like that.

The Intercontinental and United States Championship might not have that much value today, but that's only because they've been burying those belts for years. Having the tournament winner get a shot at one of those belts would most certainly elevate the perception of those championships. Instant credibility. It's called forward-thinking. And the whole "no one's gonna wanna go through the hassle" argument is just weak. If that's the case, that the roster and the entire company doesn't give enough of a shit to book a tournament for their second tier belts, they may as well throw them in the garbage and attach some winner-gets-a-WWE-title-match stipulation to every pay-per-view.

No u see the thing is while those titles have a long and rich history and I get that, but when has there ever been a KOTR tournament where the winner gets a shot at the IC, or US Titles?

And how do u know that 3 ppvs out of the year are a World title match vs an up & comer? First of all you dont know who will win the RR or KOTR tourney.. it could be a John Cena, Rey Mysterio, Big Show, Kane or someone who has hit the big time... or it could be a new guy like Del Rio, Miz or someone. You dont know. The only ones who know is the people who write the script.

2nd of all the MITB PPV is headlined by those 2 MITB matches. Who says that the winner has to announce when or where he will use it on Raw, SD or a PPV. So there's no guarantee of anything u just said.
Hold on... I got a great idea for WWE and for the fans.

You know how ESPN does those Tournament challenge things for the NCAA Tournament? Where if someone correctly guesses every game right they win $1 Million.

Well here's what WWE should do with the KOTR Tourney

Have matches to qualify for the KOTR Tourney

- 32 Participants (Include Raw, Smackdown, and NXT)
- Have each Round a different type of match for example:

Round 1- All 16 matches would be a standard match
Round 2- All 8 matches would be a Submission match
Round 3- All 4 matches would be a No DQ match
Round 4- Both matches would be a Steel Cage Or Hell in a Cell Match
Round 5- The Finals of the KOTR tournament would be a TLC match.

- Have the Finals at the PPV before Summerslam.. (whatever the PPV is that year) with the Winner getting a title shot from his brand at Summerslam. So if Christian won.. he'd face the SD champ, if Cena won he'd face the Raw Champ and such.

Now here's where they'd really hit it big with this tournament.

The 32 names have been randomly placed in the brackets. Then what WWE should do is, put a WWE KOTR Bracket Challenge on

Let fans go on and submit their bracket of how they think each round will play out with each round labeled as what kind of match it would be so for example:

Round 1 Swagger beats Evan Bourne in a standard match, and Ziggler beat Kofi in a standard match, and then if that played out theyd face each other in round 2, and the fan would know ok it's going to be a DQ match, and make their pick based on that for each round.

And if a fan correctly picks every match.. then they win a trip to Wrestlemania the following year. I'd be willing to bet you that w/ all these ideas combined that WWE would successfully revive the KOTR tourney.

So you want to blow ALL of WWE's big matches in the period of a few weeks; matches than usually aren't bunched together and spread out over the entire year? Not smart. DEFINITELY not Hell in a Cell; that is the ultimate feud ender. Not fit for a tournament. TLC match; no. You might as well just have a ladder match. However, your idea for the fans submitting what the brackets would look like, I do like.

This may shock a few people, but I'd prefer it if the WWE DOESN'T give the winner a title shot. If the winner gets a title shot, then they're pretty much the same as the royal rumble/MITB winner. I think the King of the Ring should be more of a title in itself. Now, I know people will say 'but they've done that with Regal and Sheamus and nothings happened...' this is very true.

It all depends what we wanna see. Do we want it to be another 'guaranteed World title match' like the three we already have (RR, and both MITB's). or do we want something different. An annual championship in the form of the King of the Ring, in my opinion, could be great.

Here is how I would book a revived King of the Ring tournament. Please bear with me.

(also, I'd like to point out that this is what I would WANT to happen. I don't expect the WWE to actually do this)

Firstly, the WWE needs to build up the tournament BIGTIME before it begins. Let's say that KOTR would take place in Capitol Punishment's place; I would advertise at Wrestlemania (just a quick ad in between matches) and continue building it up between WM and Extreme Rules. Maybe have people like Bret Hart, Austin, Edge, HHH and Booker T talk about winning it and what it did for their careers. At Extreme Rules, have the draw for the KOTR take place; 16 superstars form RAW (minus the WWE champion) are randomly put into 8 matches, and the same for Smackdown. This serves as the kick-off for the tournament.

Then, as most people have suggested, have the 32 peeps from Raw and SD combined duke out the first round over the next four weeks (two matches on Raw a week, two on Smackdown a week) leading up to Over the Limit (if it remains as OTL). At some point in the PPV, have a mini-interlude where the first matches are crammed together into a highlight package, maybe with some interviews from some of the key superstars in the tournament.

Now, there are 8 superstars from both brand. Each winner from Raw would then be paired with each winner from Smackdown in the order that they won.
So, if say Dolph Zigger won the first KOTR match on Raw, and Rhodes won the first Smackdown MITB match, they would then compete in the second round.

Then, for the next two weeks, have a two matches a show again (2 on Raw, 2 on SD), so by the third week, we're at the quarter finals. From this point on, there is a quarter final each show, so each of the two raw's and each of the two smackdowns will have a QF in the lead up to the ppv.

We would now be at the formerly known Capitol Punishment, which is now King of the Ring. Winners of Quarter Finals 1 and 3 would go at it in the first semi-final, and QF winners 2 and 4 would fight straight after. Then, the rest of the PPV matches, including the title matches, with the PPV capped off by the final.

Looks very long-winded, but thats the point. Everything in WWE happens really quickly now. Why? Instead of just making it happen in one night, lets invest a hunk of time into it, keep people watching, and deliver a satisfying payoff. To bring this tournament back successfully, it needs to seem that the King of the Ring title is worth a LOT, like, nearly worth as much as the world titles. I'm not against the winner recieving a title shot, but I think that the tournament itself would be self-sufficient enough that it wouldn't be needed.
No u see the thing is while those titles have a long and rich history and I get that, but when has there ever been a KOTR tournament where the winner gets a shot at the IC, or US Titles?

And how do u know that 3 ppvs out of the year are a World title match vs an up & comer? First of all you dont know who will win the RR or KOTR tourney.. it could be a John Cena, Rey Mysterio, Big Show, Kane or someone who has hit the big time... or it could be a new guy like Del Rio, Miz or someone. You dont know. The only ones who know is the people who write the script.

2nd of all the MITB PPV is headlined by those 2 MITB matches. Who says that the winner has to announce when or where he will use it on Raw, SD or a PPV. So there's no guarantee of anything u just said.

So... start a new strand of history? Just because something hasn't been done before doesn't mean it can't be done. It's 2011, not 1995. If there was a Money in the Bank in 1995, people would have been asking what to do to make the King of the Ring relevant then.

Okay, maybe I misspoke a little bit. There are currently two PPVs per year where someone earns a world title match (not necessarily where someone cashes it in): Royal Rumble and Money in the Bank, which hands out two such opportunities. If the KOTR pay-per-view qualified another person for a shot, that makes three.

I guess I should have been more clear in mentioning that, in my theoretical tournament to crown a top contender for either the IC or US belt, John Cena, Rey Mysterio, and perennial main eventers would probably be excluded (in much the same way the MITB matches now tend to leave out established stars).
Got to agree King of the Ring needs a title shot at either wwe or whc , no champions allowed in qualifying - a summer time ppv between wrestlemania and summer slam and prize at noc 3 from raw 3 from smackdown 1 from superstars 1 from next ... and wed beleive a curved ball if superstars or nxt won it - a great entrance into wwe
@vcuplunk and rge2010. I really like both of your ideas. But the thing I was trying to say that a WWE Title shot would make the KOTR relevant again. And how KOTR have really jump start many careers such of Stone Cold, Triple H, and Edge. But the integrity of wrestling with the Money in the Bank Concept really took away from the credibility of wrestling as a whole due to many people easing their way to the belt cashing in their briefcase. But paying extra focus to the tournament itself and providing great matchups along with a WWE title shot will make the KOTR relevant again. So both of you all have great ideas.
First off, this isn't a damned chatroom. Second, as long as the Money In The Bank concept exists, King Of The Ring, is has and will be obsolete. If the idea is to push a star, MITB does a far better job and with 2 potential winners a year, that makes KOTR, which only gives the winner a crown and a cliched king gimmick, brutally and mortally obsolete. Thank you.

The difference is MITB plays more to the weak coward types who can only win a title via ambush. KOTR could come with the reward of a straight up title shot which could work better for deserving baby faces. After all, winning an 8 man tourny and then challenging and defeating the reigning champion looks far more impressive and noble than winning MITB and cashing it in on a wounded champion. Both could work at the same time, you'd just use them to push different guys in the way that fits their character best. I still stand by my wrestlemania idea, because I'd like to see KOTR elevated to the level of RR.
Nope, he liked mine better. I am the OP which brought this discussion to the forefront...:)

@vcuplunk and rge2010. I really like both of your ideas. But the thing I was trying to say that a WWE Title shot would make the KOTR relevant again. And how KOTR have really jump start many careers such of Stone Cold, Triple H, and Edge. But the integrity of wrestling with the Money in the Bank Concept really took away from the credibility of wrestling as a whole due to many people easing their way to the belt cashing in their briefcase. But paying extra focus to the tournament itself and providing great matchups along with a WWE title shot will make the KOTR relevant again. So both of you all have great ideas.
32 guys, main eventers, curtain jerkers to mid carders to legends get them in there, wittle them down over say 2 weeks on RAW/SD.

PPV time " FINAL 16" 8 matches and plenty of time to tell the story and build towards further storylines in the tournament.

Between FINAL 16 and KING OF THE RING, WWE have 4 weeks worth of time to actually build up the matches and possible matches that could happen.

8 men
7 matches
1 KOTR Champion & winner gets to pick which WWE Championship he wants... catch it's got to be at Summer Slam, no cashing in like MITB.
32 guys, main eventers, curtain jerkers to mid carders to legends get them in there, wittle them down over say 2 weeks on RAW/SD.

PPV time " FINAL 16" 8 matches and plenty of time to tell the story and build towards further storylines in the tournament.

Between FINAL 16 and KING OF THE RING, WWE have 4 weeks worth of time to actually build up the matches and possible matches that could happen.

8 men
7 matches
1 KOTR Champion & winner gets to pick which WWE Championship he wants... catch it's got to be at Summer Slam, no cashing in like MITB.

yup, the way it was to start with well other then the qualifying matches on TV, least that i was aware of, they may have still done that back then.

scrap the PPV b4 SummerSlam and put it back as King Of The Ring, with the winner getting a title shot at SummerSlam. Gee was that hard. Dunno why they scrapped it in the first place, it was a good concept, other then maybe they scared that the stars aren't capable of keeping people entertained in several matches in one night, and the possibility of injuries or forgetting what you were gonna do.

other issue is with brand extension how do they decide which brand is gonna get the shot. No way should it be two mini tournaments like MITB that is just stupid. then again so is MITB as a PPV
The Way I would make it relevant again is to have it as a PPV with a Smackdown vs Raw theme and the winner would get a shot a Summerslam against the champ of his choice. IMO SUmmerslam is like Wrestlemania Jr. and this would really keep things interesting in the summer because the summer is when WWE gets really unfocused and bland
I agree with most everyone that the KOTR PPV should fall in June or July and the winner recieve a title oppurtunity at Summer Slam. The one thing I would do is make it an 8 man tournament but all competitors should never have held the 2 main championships. It'd be a breeding ground for guys like Barrett or Rhodes. I thought back to when Jesse Ventura was the Raw guest host and he made the tournament/battle royal to see who competes for a championship at TLC with guys who never held was just brilliant. Besides does anyone really want to see Christian/Orton 9 or whatever number they are on. Sick of seeing the same guys main event? This is your answer. There are so many great superstars that are stuck because they aren't Cena. Not knocking Cena but you know what I mean.
I'd love to see the KOTR back! it can really elevate a superstar if done correctly! i would have it starting as 32 or 16 men, have the first mathces on raw and smackdown and cutting down to 8 on the actual night. The only thing i would do to make it relevant is to have somebody like Punk or Orton win the first one to make it seem a big deal! but also have a few mid carders go on a great run like someone like Dolph or Barrett get to the final? I like the idea of a fairytale run aswel, a young face like Gabriel or Ryder go on a run beating some credible heels. Defo thbe winner to get a title shot at Summerslam thats a good idea.

The only problem is... at the actual KOTR PPV, with 7 matches already. Would they fit the title matches in aswel and a divas match? That could take it up to 10 matches and would be a bit too crammed i think. And you would definately need the title matches to guarentee buyrates.
I would make it as relevant as how it was back in the 1990s where the winner of the King of the Ring gets a title shot at whichever champion of their choosing
These are some interesting ideas...main thing I like about this tournament has always been that it's about going through 2-3 of the best superstars in the same night. This makes a wrestler look credible and deserving of the push that comes along with the win. Title shot at SummerSlam or not, the winning of the tournament should mean something all by itself, as supposedly these are athletes competing in a sport, right? And I think that is the main ingredient missing now is the emphasis on the flat out winning of matches, for the pride, for the trip to the ol' pay window lol...I actually think TNA was kinda onto something with the BFG series in that way. The idea of pushing someone by them legitimately beating a series of opponents is lost in the shuffle of screw-jobs and ego protecting...anyways, might be an idea to bring back that big trophy they gave to Edge when he won, looked like the stanley cup. All the past winners names engraved on its sides, nobody could ever take that win away from you. There you have a sense of history and prestige. No need for a crown or throne anymore I think that's been done enough.Emphasizing the sport might just be entertaining, eh?
King of the Ring can be made relevant again and it would honestly be a very simple process. Delete the Extreme Rules PPV first of all, it sucks anyhow. Now move Over the Limit and Money In the Bank each back one month. Suddenly, July has a PPV spot open. King of the Ring would go there. Guys from both Raw and Smackdown would be in the tournament. Anyone but the two world champions and their #1 contenders would be eligible. The winner of King of the Ring then gets a Sunmerslam title shot for EITHER world title, and there you have it. King of the Ring would be relevant again if they went about it this way because it would give others a chance to make it onto a PPV card to prove themselves and it also would provide a good gateway for making the Summerslam main event.
2 main things should happen

1) the tournament should consist of every active wrestler on the roster, exceptions to keep it an even number for brackets, and those brackets should be posted on for all to see. They could even have a contest to see who can get the brackets the most correct like people have pools for the NCAA finals.

2) the winner should get something, like a title shot, or even something more interesting such as "3 royal decrees" where they get 3 things of their choice to happen throughout their reign. If this was to happen I'd say title shots are not included, just something that would be entertaining and would get the characters over. A few examples would be to become a special guest ref/enforcer for a match, change the stipulation of a match, something along those lines where it doesn't give them too much power, but just enough to make something happen.

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