Kentucky lawmakers shocked to find evolution in biology tests

Moon Knight

Original Prince of Darkness
A report surfaced this week that suggests Kentucky legislators may be experiencing a sort of cognitive dissonance that is likely to be a preview of things we can expect elsewhere. After dictating that schools in the state include tests based on national standards, the state lawmakers were shocked to find that evolution made a prominent appearance on the science tests. Considering that the same legislative body was considering undercutting evolution less than two years ago, this may have come as a bit of a surprise.
It really shouldn't have.
Nationally, the No Child Left Behind Act has dictated that there need to be standards for educational performance, and standardized tests will be used to make sure those standards are met. Although that push started with basics like math and language, national science standards were also called for. Many states have since implemented them: the Kentucky legislature apparently adopted the national standards in 2009. ACT, a company that creates and manages standardized testing, was contracted to handle the science tests.
Given that evolution is extremely well supported and provides the central organizing idea of biology, ACT's tests featured it heavily. That made a number of the state legislators rather unhappy, and gave them the chance to demonstrate that they should not be setting education policy.
"I would hope that creationism is presented as a theory in the classroom, in a science classroom, alongside evolution," the Lexington Herald-Leader quotes Senator David Givens as saying. Givens is apparently unaware that creationism is not a theory, and that the Supreme Court has ruled that teaching it is a violation of the establishment clause.
The same report quotes Representative Ben Waide, who demonstrated his lack of scientific knowledge by saying, "The theory of evolution is a theory, and essentially the theory of evolution is not science—Darwin made it up." Waide went on to say that "Under the most rudimentary, basic scientific examination, the theory of evolution has never stood up to scientific scrutiny."
The legislators apparently asked ACT whether it could create a Kentucky-specific version of the test; one that, presumably, would be a sort of formal recognition of the state's distaste for mainstream science. They were told, however, that doing so would be prohibitively expensive.
Kentucky is hardly the only state that has issues with evolution, though. Both Louisiana and Tennessee have passed laws that specifically target the teaching of evolution. These state-level efforts, however, are now running up against national science standards that accurately depict evolution's status as a well supported scientific theory. Kentucky will certainly not be the last state where the conflict between local desires and national standards ends up creating problems.

Ran across this and found it rather amusing, not in a good way. I thought of KB right away and felt he maybe interested in taking a look. If he hasn't already and assuming nobody posted this yet.
Gee. Never would have seen this coming in a million years. Not in Kentucky, home of the Creation Museum and soon to be home of Noah's Ark.....
The Kentucky legislature is lucky to be able to find their own cars at night. This isn't shocking and Beshear likely won't change anything. He's a level headed guy and sane 99% of the time.
Slashdot said:
Kentucky mandated that schools include tests that are based on national standards, and contracted test maker ACT to handle them. Legislators were then shocked that evolution was so prominently featured, even though evolution is well-supported and a central tenet of modern biology. One KY Senator said he wanted creationism taught alongside evolution, even though the Supreme Court has ruled that teaching creationism in science classes is a violation of the establishment clause. Representative Ben Wade stated that evolution is just a theory, and that Darwin made it all up. Legislators want ACT to make a Kentucky-specific ACT test, though the test makers say that would be prohibitively expensive. This is just the latest in a round of states' fight against evolution — Louisiana and Tennessee have recently passed laws directed against teaching evolution.
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Apparently Kentucky legislators were incredibly surprised that the theory of Evolution made it on the science portion of the standardized test. Who would have ever thought?
Moon Knight made a thread on this last night.

Most of the General Assembly would be hard pressed to remember what their middles names are. Beshear will see whatever measure they cook up for this and laugh at it before going on to real business.
The same report quotes Representative Ben Waide, who demonstrated his lack of scientific knowledge by saying, "The theory of evolution is a theory, and essentially the theory of evolution is not science—Darwin made it up." Waide went on to say that "Under the most rudimentary, basic scientific examination, the theory of evolution has never stood up to scientific scrutiny."

Don't be so hard on ol' Stump Jumpin' Jethro. I mean he's probably just come to terms with stuff like the Earth being round.

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