Kelly Cant dance for SHYT!!!

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Occasional Pre-Show
So I was watching ECW last night and saw the Kelly segment with her dancing to snoop dog's music. Now PLEASE don't get me wrong people... Kelly is pretty damn sexy and there is NOTHING that can take that away but OMG she had no fuckn rhythm. Well at first she didn’t... she was clumsy and seemed very uncomfortable dancing. Now I am a 25 year old guy who has been hitting strip clubs world wide during my travels, so I guess I'm a bit picky when it comes to what a girls should look like when trying to entertain with their bodies but still! Please tell me that I am not the only one who thought her dancing (in the beginning) sucked. I will say this...towards the end...once in her bra...she did get better but most of the time before that she was very very clumsy and the transitions from dance move to dance move were not that great.

Sorry just my humble opinion...
She can't dance, she can't undress. She is attractive, I'll give her that, but that's all. It's a shame that she has bypassed several people that have probably been at OVW or DSW for a very long time - it's like she was signed and brought up to the main roster nearly immediately. I don't know if there's any explanation for that, other than that dirty old man Vinnie Mac having the hots for her.
They just need to get rid of Kelly. This is actually one of the problems I've had with wrestling over the past 10 years. I don't have a problem with them focusing on the women. My problem is the women that they focus on can't wrestle to save their lives. I don't need to see a strip tease when I'm watching wrestling. That's what my girlfriend is for.
Just kind of on the same topic, did anyone hear the guy's heart break when the segment was stopped? He sounded so sad, "What are you doing? Let her finish :("

My view:

If I want wrestling, I watch wrestling. If I want porn, I watch porn. I don't like to mix work and pleasure, thnx.
WWECW needs to drop this shit immediately. Kelly, MAcho Libre, Zombie, Big Slow. NO NO NO. Then showin Mordecai for 5 seconds, no no no. He should be having matches with Sandman and Tommy Dreamer, not standin outside the arena.
Kelly shouldnt be allowed to show herself naked two weeks in a row, especially if she cant even undress correctly. It was hot the first time, even if i was giggling about it cuz she couldnt get a bra off.
They should just take that segment off, theres no need for it because we already know the outcome (since its public tv)
goleafsgo23 said:
They should just take that segment off, theres no need for it because we already know the outcome (since its public tv)

Need more proof that they're playing to a younger audience? There it is - the people that are actually naive enough to think that Kelly is really going to strip down. She's not, everyone over the age of 15 knows it, so ECW should just abandon both this storyline and Kelly.
Soul Crusher said:
Need more proof that they're playing to a younger audience? There it is - the people that are actually naive enough to think that Kelly is really going to strip down. She's not, everyone over the age of 15 knows it, so ECW should just abandon both this storyline and Kelly.

*holds onto thoughts something might happen*
wait we are talking about SMACKDOWN Fans oh wait never mind that is an Oxy-moron

I gave WWECW two week and BOTH SUCKED i say we boycot this and let the wonderful thought of the REAL ecw stay in our minds and hearts
I enjoyed watching the videos posted on WWE (No ECW in Aus :( ) I loved Sabu vs. Mamaluke, great highlights of the match, Big Shows Choke Backbreaker Submission was pretty kool, but Dreamer doesn't deserve that. I laughed so much when Tazz said when Show slammed Dreamer into the ring steps "That was ECW Harcore style" o_O?

While watching the segments they had that Kelly one on, WTF? Shes very attrative, but she can't dance for shit and whats with that dude interrupting? Anyways, if there trying to get some in like Buellah, get rid of Kelly and Bring in Lita, cause we all know that she likes it HARDCORE!
I was really hoping that when Kelly was dancing, Tommy Dreamer would come in and piledrive her through a table... that would've made my day... I like watching women get piledrived... it's sexy lol.
drop the segemnt! wat! are u mad! she is hot as hell! leave her alone god its one segment and they are obviously makin a storyline out of it with that mystry guy so it is going somewhere!
drop the segemnt! wat! are u mad! she is hot as hell! leave her alone god its one segment and they are obviously makin a storyline out of it with that mystry guy so it is going somewhere!

See,it's fans like you that are the reason we have to keep putting up with this crap.
Gaijin Khan said:
I was really hoping that when Kelly was dancing, Tommy Dreamer would come in and piledrive her through a table... that would've made my day... I like watching women get piledrived... it's sexy lol.
You might want to get looked at :blink:
TorrieW lover said:
drop the segemnt! wat! are u mad! she is hot as hell! leave her alone god its one segment and they are obviously makin a storyline out of it with that mystry guy so it is going somewhere!

Maybe Kelly is hot, but I'd rather see her in person or in a porno flick than ECW. It's a shame that we're seeing her instead of the likes of Francine, Beulah McGillicuddy and Jazz.
TorrieW lover said:
the whole kelly thing is going somewheere y else would a man just come and take her away it is going somewhere
Don't worry, I'm sure Kelly will get piledrived soon... that's what I really wanna see... maybe they'll turn Kelly into a new Francine type of feuding bitch. That would be great... hopefully she'll get trained (if she isn't already).
Gaijin Khan said:
Don't worry, I'm sure Kelly will get piledrived soon... that's what I really wanna see... maybe they'll turn Kelly into a new Francine type of feuding bitch. That would be great... hopefully she'll get trained (if she isn't already).

I havent heard much about her in reference to developmental areas.

Her lack of skills at "dancing" make me further grimace when i think about her potential in ring skills. If she can take a bump here or there then we might be on to something.

Its insulting to real fans that came to expect a certain product. Its a blatent ripoff of kimoa "wanna-lay-ya" ;)

We need this type of entertainment just as much as we need "sports entertainment". Gimmie some wrestling.


(sorry i had to get that out there )
On one hand she is very hot, but on the second hand, she looks like a half ******ed ****e who cant dance at all
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