Isn't Kelly a little conceited bitch?

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RVDblazeguy said:
than whats the point of a myspace????? alot of wresters have them but they dont block them off
and wats this about her being a private girl. ummmm kell exposed say something to ya???

shes private in her personal life. not on tv obviously. she got a nice contract from the wwe so she is gonna do what they want her to do. and i no anybody would do it when your getting paid that kinda money. so yall dumb asses stop talking. you dont know shit about the situation and you believe every damn thing wrestlezone says. they made that story and her look 10 times worse than what it really is. and why the hell do yall worry so much of her myspace being private. send her a damn friend request and if she approves it then it wont be private anymore. what does it matter?
RVDblazeguy said:
dude chiiillllllllllll out ur thinkin too hard on this one haha

im not thinkin to hard im just trying to let everyone know what the real deal is. me and her are friends in real life and i talk to her about once a week and she tells me everything thats going on so wrestlezone took everything out of context and im trying to let people know that so everyone stops bashing her.
opballa said:
shes private in her personal life. not on tv obviously. she got a nice contract from the wwe so she is gonna do what they want her to do. and i no anybody would do it when your getting paid that kinda money. so yall dumb asses stop talking. you dont know shit about the situation and you believe every damn thing wrestlezone says. they made that story and her look 10 times worse than what it really is. and why the hell do yall worry so much of her myspace being private. send her a damn friend request and if she approves it then it wont be private anymore. what does it matter?

Setting up a private MySpace account is kind of like going to Hooters for the food - who the hell does it? If she cherishes her privacy so much, then she sure isn't making the brightest decisions. Get out of the wrestling business and away from the TV, and go clean up bathrooms if you want anonymity. I think it's pretty obvious that the MySpace is not her way of connecting with fans, but rather it's a self-promotional tool that she uses to say "Hey, look at me! I'm in the WWE! Go, like, watch me on TV and drool over my pictures, cuz that's as close as you're ever gonna get!". Until it's proven otherwise, I still think she's a little spoiled princess bitch that's used to having things her way and thinks she's above everything.
Soul Crusher said:
Setting up a private MySpace account is kind of like going to Hooters for the food - who the hell does it? If she cherishes her privacy so much, then she sure isn't making the brightest decisions. Get out of the wrestling business and away from the TV, and go clean up bathrooms if you want anonymity. I think it's pretty obvious that the MySpace is not her way of connecting with fans, but rather it's a self-promotional tool that she uses to say "Hey, look at me! I'm in the WWE! Go, like, watch me on TV and drool over my pictures, cuz that's as close as you're ever gonna get!". Until it's proven otherwise, I still think she's a little spoiled princess bitch that's used to having things her way and thinks she's above everything.

she had her myspace account about two years ago and it was private back then too. its not like as soon as she got to wwe she all of a sudden put it on private. its always been on private. and also her account got hacked into twice so she has had to make two new accounts and that also is another reason why it is private.
opballa said:
she had her myspace account about two years ago and it was private back then too. its not like as soon as she got to wwe she all of a sudden put it on private. its always been on private. and also her account got hacked into twice so she has had to make two new accounts and that also is another reason why it is private.

Well, she wasn't "BarbieBlankWWEDiva" two years ago, was she?

I'm not going to single out Kelly Kelly, but I can't stand all of these people that want to become famous actors and entertainers, but then they turn around and complain about how they never have any privacy. What, are you people morons? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to be able to tell that it comes with the territory - there's a lot of good things that come with fame and success in the entertainment industry, but it comes with a price: the loss of privacy. These people should decide whether or not it's a price they're willing to pay before they get into the industry, not after. Am I wrong?
On the WWE website they are asking
Do you want to see Kelly's Expose continue on ECW on Sci Fi?

go there NOW and vote NO, it's a tie sord of. This takes up 5 min of the show that can be spent on something else
realblackhart said:
On the WWE website they are asking
Do you want to see Kelly's Expose continue on ECW on Sci Fi?

go there NOW and vote NO, it's a tie sord of. This takes up 5 min of the show they can't be spent on something else

yes do it thats how they know whatthe fans buy and hoe to get better ratings
God i loved that. Shit dances week after week and finally The Sandman hits her. She really carnt dance though. Didnt you see her and that other woman (carnt remember her name) when they danced together? She didnt have the slightest idea on what to do
Soul Crusher said:
I saw this report on WrestleZone about Kelly already having demands when she's been with the company for what, two months, tops? According to this article, when she appears on Ohio Valley Wrestling, Kelly doesn't like it when the fans try to approach and talk to her. Hey, kid, you're too young to be throwing hissy fits - you've got a golden opportunity even though you're not any more talented than your average stripper working at a seedy club in hick country. I mean, what do you do besides clearly being fed lines off of a cue card in backstage segments, along with stripteases in your predictable little "Kelly's Expose" segment? You don't do anything worth a shit. You're just lucky that Vinnie Mac is a dirty old man who finds barely legal chicks irresistible, otherwise you would be working in one of those seedy strip clubs - either that or flipping burgers.

To further illustrate my point, check out Kelly / Barbie Blank's page. It's blocked off to the public! This is the first person I've ever seen do this! Who the hell does this bitch think she is? Not only is she pretty much talentless, but she comes off as a nasty stuck-up little princess bitch on top of all that. What Vinnie Mac and the ECW fans see in her, I'll never know. Hopefully the fall from grace will be just as quick as the ascent to stardom.

I understand your point, Soul Crusher. That is why i want to send you this:

If you hate Kelly you love this. If you love Kelly you would laugh at this.

The music is perfect, it's featuring Mike Knox as an chicken and Sandman with his bambustick.
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