Isn't Kelly a little conceited bitch?

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Jazz went after her in a house show, didn't she?......they might be trying that out so they can then put it on TV
JohnnyRodz said:
To be honest with you I wish they get rid of all the divas.

Why?? There's still a lot of talented female wrestlers in both WWE and ECW. Lita, Jazz, Victoria, Trish Stratus, Mickie James, Beth Pheonix to name a few. Their airtime and matches go to other divas like Kelly- no offense.

Flames Out
Rated R Superstar said:
why don't you give her a break. with the ecw she is just doing what vince is telling her to do. so cut her some slack!

Vinnie may be telling her what to do, but is she capable of doing anything else other than a lame been-there-done-that striptease? Her lines are clearly read off of cue cards, and she can't wrestle - she has no wrestling experience and was put on TV about a month after being signed! That's unheard of - there are wrestlers that have toiled for years in OVW, and she gets a call up that quickly? There is no justice.
theguppee1234 said:
no. as a matter of fact, she's pretty nice.

Surprise, surprise. Well, given her private MySpace profile and her attitude toward the OVW fans, you would never think that was the case. I think her attitude stems from the fact that she achieved a modicum of success quite quickly - a person starts to become arrogant and believes they're infallible. As far as her being a nice person, I'll take your word for it, but I will remain skeptical until I see it for myself.
they could do one of three things with Kelly:
1)fire her, because that whole striptease thing is stupid.
2)teach her to wrestle, and put her in some matches.
3)put her on RAW.
Soul Crusher said:
Surprise, surprise. Well, given her private MySpace profile and her attitude toward the OVW fans, you would never think that was the case. I think her attitude stems from the fact that she achieved a modicum of success quite quickly - a person starts to become arrogant and believes they're infallible. As far as her being a nice person, I'll take your word for it, but I will remain skeptical until I see it for myself.

she is a damn nice person cuz I am personally one of her friends from back here in Jacksonville. she is not stuck up one bit at all and she is nice to every person she meets. you cant take wrestlezone so seriously. all it said is she doesnt like all the attention and fans always asking her questions. cuz like I said before, and she actually told me this over the phone, that she doesnt like people asking personally questions about her life. she has no reason to have to tell people about her personally life. they arent just asking her about what its like to be in wrestling now they are asking personal questions and thats why she doesnt like being at OVW. and she also told me she has guys around there always stopping her and one guy even stalking her following where she goes and thats why she doesnt like the attention cuz everyone in kentucky is now starting to know her and all these guys are always on her ass. And for her being vocal about not wanting to return to OVW I mean come on. would you wanna go back to the minors if you had some big role in ECW? I dont think so. She is one of the coolest girls I know and one helluva good friend. So get the facts before you start this major shit talking on her cuz its not at all how its going down.
opballa said:
she is a damn nice person cuz I am personally one of her friends from back here in Jacksonville. she is not stuck up one bit at all and she is nice to every person she meets. you cant take wrestlezone so seriously. all it said is she doesnt like all the attention and fans always asking her questions. cuz like I said before, and she actually told me this over the phone, that she doesnt like people asking personally questions about her life. she has no reason to have to tell people about her personally life. they arent just asking her about what its like to be in wrestling now they are asking personal questions and thats why she doesnt like being at OVW. and she also told me she has guys around there always stopping her and one guy even stalking her following where she goes and thats why she doesnt like the attention cuz everyone in kentucky is now starting to know her and all these guys are always on her ass. And for her being vocal about not wanting to return to OVW I mean come on. would you wanna go back to the minors if you had some big role in ECW? I dont think so. She is one of the coolest girls I know and one helluva good friend. So get the facts before you start this major shit talking on her cuz its not at all how its going down.

Alright, if you say so. But I'll bet any amount of money that it's happened to other WWE Divas and Superstars in the past, and they don't go around making a big stink about it like Kelly has. The problem is this: Barbie Blank / Kelly didn't have to work at all to get where she is. Therein lies the problem - that's why she projects this whole "I'm better than you" attitude.

I kind of get the feeling that if a male fan approaches her, she'll automatically react to him as if he's a stalker. There's no reason for her to act that way unless someone asks really personal questions (i.e. "Are you a virgin?", "Where is your home address?", "What is your bra size?", etc.). If someone wants to talk to you and it doesn't go that far, that's no reason at all to give that person the brush off. I for one would love to see her at an autograph signing - girl seems like she needs a major attitude adjustment to me. Sorry Kelly, but fan interaction is part of the business, and if you don't want any part of that, maybe you should start cleaning prison bathrooms instead. You also didn't acknowledge that she marked her MySpace profile as "Private". I have never seen that before. So maybe I'm not one of these Fall Out Boy fans that spends the whole day trolling MySpace, but still...

I'll take your word about her being friendly in the past, but now that she's a "big star", that's all out the window. Maybe she should have been placed on Raw or SmackDown!, because she is a Diva in every sense of the word.
JohnnyRodz said:
To be honest with you I wish they get rid of all the divas.
wat kind of ****** are u! not all the divas are rubbish and all of u gay idiots shut up about kelly i couldnt give a shit about her she is hot thats it! plus der are more fings in ecw to worry about just shut the fuck up about kelly and get a life u gay shits! god she is basically the only person with a real storyline so u should be greatful its been 4 freakin weeks just 4! can u idiots please just wait wait for ecw to evolve and stop freakin complainin!
ok guys are you gay? you dont like looking at hot girls come on what diva is not going to complain there women they complain and there also superstars millions of people watch them ever week and all the guys are in love with them do you really think that there going to be nice get real was the hottest girl at your collge or highschool nice more than likely no so why complain sat back and enjoy her takeing it off complain about real issues like tna and how it sucks
opballa said:
first off dont be talking shit about my girl. shes had plenty of oppurtunities here in Jacksonville where shes from doing modeling and WWE gave her an offer she couldnt refuse. now I do agree with yall saying that she shouldnt be complaining cuz shes only 19 and new to the business but that dont give yall no right to be talking about her like that. her myspace profile is set to private so she doesnt get a million comments and friend request everyday cuz thats what was happening to her. shes a fairly private girl. and for you to say you never seen having her profile private you need to check out myspace a little more because there are a lot of people that have their profiles set to private. and the reason she doesnt like going to OVW is because she always has people asking her personal questions that she doesnt feel are appropriate to be asking her so she tries to just stay to herself and not say much and get private. so dont be talking shit about my friend cuz she is the only good thing in ECW right now

You're an idiot. She's pretty private huh? Seems like "Kelly Exposed" and her whole stripping ordeal is quite ironic then. I'll agree that she's the only good thing in ECW right now, but that's not saying much. It doesn't change the fact that she is a spoiled little bitch. Everything Soul Crusher made in his post was dead-on accurate. If the WWE got rid of Kelly and brought in another diva like Torrie Wilson to ECW, she'd be just as sexy. The point is - Kelly is just eye candy. Nothing more, nothing less. Call me sexist, but she's lucky to even be in a promotion that big.
To be Honest.I dont like her act.It takes up 20 minutes.20 minutes that suck.I mean they play the same old song.She dont take it all off.Nothing shows!No body parts.The 20 minutes are a waste of time.You could have a great wrestling match but no!!!! they decide to put on some 19 or 18 yr old girl to strip.Thats shit.And if shes not 18 or 19 i really dont care.Shes too young for that shit.And htey should put on a wrestling match instead of that bull.
She is taking up valuable ECW air time, even though she's hot, nobody really cares about her and Mike Knox's current angle.
Soul Crusher said:
I saw this report on WrestleZone about Kelly already having demands when she's been with the company for what, two months, tops? According to this article, when she appears on Ohio Valley Wrestling, Kelly doesn't like it when the fans try to approach and talk to her. Hey, kid, you're too young to be throwing hissy fits - you've got a golden opportunity even though you're not any more talented than your average stripper working at a seedy club in hick country. I mean, what do you do besides clearly being fed lines off of a cue card in backstage segments, along with stripteases in your predictable little "Kelly's Expose" segment? You don't do anything worth a shit. You're just lucky that Vinnie Mac is a dirty old man who finds barely legal chicks irresistible, otherwise you would be working in one of those seedy strip clubs - either that or flipping burgers.

To further illustrate my point, check out Kelly / Barbie Blank's page. It's blocked off to the public! This is the first person I've ever seen do this! Who the hell does this bitch think she is? Not only is she pretty much talentless, but she comes off as a nasty stuck-up little princess bitch on top of all that. What Vinnie Mac and the ECW fans see in her, I'll never know. Hopefully the fall from grace will be just as quick as the ascent to stardom.

haha sounds like a huge ass bitch and shes not even that hot!!!!!
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ThE cErEbRaL aSsAsIn said:
ok guys are you gay? you dont like looking at hot girls come on what diva is not going to complain there women they complain and there also superstars millions of people watch them ever week and all the guys are in love with them do you really think that there going to be nice get real was the hottest girl at your collge or highschool nice more than likely no so why complain sat back and enjoy her takeing it off complain about real issues like tna and how it sucks

No, I'm not gay, but I'm not 14 either. It takes more than a woman pretending to take off her clothes on TV to get me excited. However, if someone like Trish, Torrie or Ashley were right in front of me - that I would be enthusiastic about (alas, they're all spoken for - not that I thought I had a chance, but still...).

For the record, I have it on good authority that the Divas I just mentioned, along with Christy Hemme from TNA, are some of the coolest people around - so you can throw your "spoiled diva" theory out the window.
Demolisher said:
She is taking up valuable ECW air time, even though she's hot, nobody really cares about her and Mike Knox's current angle.

Amen. "The only real storyline in ECW" is pretty boring if you ask me. There's more attractive women out there than Kelly (who does the same boring striptease every week, to the same crap music every week), and Mike Knox is just another bland big guy that can't wrestle for shit. Unless CM Punk figures into this angle in some way, or unless someone from the original ECW gets "hardcore" on their asses, then this angle is going nowhere fast and should be abandoned. If I was running ECW, Mike Knox would be demoted to custodian and Kelly would be terminated, and forced to seek a career in blue movies or stripping.
opballa said:
first off dont be talking shit about my girl. shes had plenty of oppurtunities here in Jacksonville where shes from doing modeling and WWE gave her an offer she couldnt refuse. now I do agree with yall saying that she shouldnt be complaining cuz shes only 19 and new to the business but that dont give yall no right to be talking about her like that. her myspace profile is set to private so she doesnt get a million comments and friend request everyday cuz thats what was happening to her. shes a fairly private girl. and for you to say you never seen having her profile private you need to check out myspace a little more because there are a lot of people that have their profiles set to private. and the reason she doesnt like going to OVW is because she always has people asking her personal questions that she doesnt feel are appropriate to be asking her so she tries to just stay to herself and not say much and get private. so dont be talking shit about my friend cuz she is the only good thing in ECW right now

than whats the point of a myspace????? alot of wresters have them but they dont block them off
and wats this about her being a private girl. ummmm kell exposed say something to ya???
HighflyaTNA said:
where do you get off calling beuatiful women bitches?

Just because they're beautiful doesn't necessarily mean they're angels. A lot of people think that Britney Spears is beautiful (I'm not one of them), but in reality she's bloated white trash with disregard for everyone except herself. For crying out loud, she's nearly dropped her kid several times and thinks nothing of exposing him to the sun's harmful UV rays. Then she goes on Dateling NBC to do some damage contro, but it blows up in her face and shows what a moron she really is.

There are other examples, but that's one that springs to mind immediately.
Well I guess your not called Soul Crusher for no reason,eh?
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