
Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens
I know odds are good this won't help my case any but I need to know if there is anything I can do to get out.

I'll do anything take any restrictions you feel the need to place on me I just want to be able to post in the maim sections again.
You can shut the fuck up, that's what you can do. You've been here long enough and seen enough prisoners get locked up, now I want you to take a fucking minute and think, when exactly was the last time a prisoner was released after nagging the admins to death with questions of "how can I get out of here?"
Sorry, I accidentally hit enter....anyways let me finish. Don't ask KB, ask Sly. Chances are they're going to be the same, but Sly always seemed like the fairer..more educated Admin to me.
that makes sense now.

however the problem with that is Sly doesn't care one way or the other and told me that the last time I asked him.
You can shut the fuck up, that's what you can do. You've been here long enough and seen enough prisoners get locked up, now I want you to take a fucking minute and think, when exactly was the last time a prisoner was released after nagging the admins to death with questions of "how can I get out of here?"

Justin if anyone needs to shut the fuck up it's you. You're everything you don't like about OM (Original Milenko). You cry about fucking everything. You cry to the internet about how fucked up your living situation was because you wanted validation. You fucking sook, you are the one who should take his own advice. You hypocritical son of a bitch.

How exactly am I unfair about this?

You mainly did this to please the cool kids. He didn't break any rules... if you count anything he has done as pissing off staff then maybe you need to get a thicker skin because that makes you petty. This is insane. He has been a rather active member of here for nearly four years... I thought a person who preaches that you have to earn a right on here would see that he earned his right by being a rather well behaved member and to simply be left alone.

Instead he is simply pissed on by members who actually have no room to talk in this case... because of his music taste. His opinion from then on in most cases was voided of any credit because of this case.

My god do people ever have to have a look hard look in the mirror.
How exactly am I unfair about this?

Don't worry kb, your not. Milenko has been breaking the rules for a long time now and no one called him on his shit because he was such a popular member, but you were the one to have the balls to put this guy away, whether anyone else liked it or not.

Milenko should just fucking leave already. No one wants him here. That's why your here Milenko. You never brought anything to the forum. The staff has always hated you and the best thing you can do is just find another forum.

No one gives shit bout MVP threads.

Btw, congrats on being Admin for a year KB. It's nice to finally have a strong admin team after that wacka-do Sid's reign. Talk about a self-absorbed pussy. So congrats and may it be a long reign as Admin for you. People don't realize your effort and how big a heart you have and I wish they would.
Justin if anyone needs to shut the fuck up it's you. You're everything you don't like about OM (Original Milenko). You cry about fucking everything. You cry to the internet about how fucked up your living situation was because you wanted validation. You fucking sook, you are the one who should take his own advice. You hypocritical son of a bitch.

You mainly did this to please the cool kids. He didn't break any rules... if you count anything he has done as pissing off staff then maybe you need to get a thicker skin because that makes you petty. This is insane. He has been a rather active member of here for nearly four years... I thought a person who preaches that you have to earn a right on here would see that he earned his right by being a rather well behaved member and to simply be left alone.

Instead he is simply pissed on by members who actually have no room to talk in this case... because of his music taste. His opinion from then on in most cases was voided of any credit because of this case.

My god do people ever have to have a look hard look in the mirror.

So let me make sure I have this straight.

As one of two people in charge here, I put someone in prison for a reason I picked. There are no established rules as far as putting people in prison. The other person that is capable of taking him out of prison and has equal power to me hasn't taken him out.

I'm still not seeing the unfair part of this.
Don't worry kb, your not. Milenko has been breaking the rules for a long time now and no one called him on his shit because he was such a popular member, but you were the one to have the balls to put this guy away, whether anyone else liked it or not.

Milenko should just fucking leave already. No one wants him here. That's why your here Milenko. You never brought anything to the forum. The staff has always hated you and the best thing you can do is just find another forum.

No one gives shit bout MVP threads.

Btw, congrats on being Admin for a year KB. It's nice to finally have a strong admin team after that wacka-do Sid's reign. Talk about a self-absorbed pussy. So congrats and may it be a long reign as Admin for you. People don't realize your effort and how big a heart you have and I wish they would.

You're still not getting out.
I think it is unfair that people on this sight have been forced to deal with Milenko for so long. Now those who love him so dearly get to see him, but others don't have to.
Justin if anyone needs to shut the fuck up it's you. You're everything you don't like about OM (Original Milenko). You cry about fucking everything. You cry to the internet about how fucked up your living situation was because you wanted validation. You fucking sook, you are the one who should take his own advice. You hypocritical son of a bitch.

You mainly did this to please the cool kids. He didn't break any rules... if you count anything he has done as pissing off staff then maybe you need to get a thicker skin because that makes you petty. This is insane. He has been a rather active member of here for nearly four years... I thought a person who preaches that you have to earn a right on here would see that he earned his right by being a rather well behaved member and to simply be left alone.

Instead he is simply pissed on by members who actually have no room to talk in this case... because of his music taste. His opinion from then on in most cases was voided of any credit because of this case.

My god do people ever have to have a look hard look in the mirror.

You should change your name back to Keyboard Warrior, regardless that was fucking awesome. Justin thinks he's tough shit because he bullies people over the internet.

Don't worry kb, your not. Milenko has been breaking the rules for a long time now and no one called him on his shit because he was such a popular member, but you were the one to have the balls to put this guy away, whether anyone else liked it or not.

Milenko should just fucking leave already. No one wants him here. That's why your here Milenko. You never brought anything to the forum. The staff has always hated you and the best thing you can do is just find another forum.

No one gives shit bout MVP threads.

Btw, congrats on being Admin for a year KB. It's nice to finally have a strong admin team after that wacka-do Sid's reign. Talk about a self-absorbed pussy. So congrats and may it be a long reign as Admin for you. People don't realize your effort and how big a heart you have and I wish they would.


I'm pretty sure Jenks was just being sarcastic though.
Justin if anyone needs to shut the fuck up it's you. You're everything you don't like about OM (Original Milenko). You cry about fucking everything. You cry to the internet about how fucked up your living situation was because you wanted validation. You fucking sook, you are the one who should take his own advice. You hypocritical son of a bitch.

:rolleyes: Yeah I vented about my living situation on here like a year ago, & then I fixed it, that's totally the same thing as Anus whining and constantly asking when he's getting out of prison, dumbass. I didn't need validation, I need to vent cause I was angry about my situation, & I was reminded real quick why I rarely share much of my personal life on the forums. Go fuck yourself Snyper
You should change your name back to Keyboard Warrior, regardless that was fucking awesome. Justin thinks he's tough shit because he bullies people over the internet.

Says the dickless ****** who can't reheat spaghetti, defends a rapists, and picks on band kids...
:rolleyes: Yeah I vented about my living situation on here like a year ago, & then I fixed it, that's totally the same thing as Anus whining and constantly asking when he's getting out of prison, dumbass. I didn't need validation, I need to vent cause I was angry about my situation, & I was reminded real quick why I rarely share much of my personal life on the forums. Go fuck yourself Snyper

Justin do us all a favor and fuck off. You are a hypocrite. You're nothing more than the product of a fucked up up-bringing. Always angry at the world.

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