KB Answers Wrestling Questions

I'm expecting as he is in NXT, Don't burst my bubble KB! I haven't been this excited in years for a debut!

I know what you mean though. Do you think the, sort of biblical side his character has taken, referring to the book of revelations, as the eater of worlds and all, will be a problem in WWE?
They can't?! The fuck?!

Why not? Can they still not say 'I hate you' too?

Oh now I dread what's gonna happen to the family.
Notice on Raw that Cena said something like "Ryback you'll be put in that ambulance and taken straight to receive medical attention."

Not to the hospital, but to receive medical attention. I believe Ryback said something similar when he challenged Cena for the ambulance match.
Ryback did. He called it a medical facility. I didn't even pick up on that until you said something.

So with Kofi out to go get surgery like reports say, do you think Kofi will return with a new character and a potential push or will he float around like he has been for the past number of years? I hope it is the first (though I'd be fine with just a push) with a MITB win, a fan can dream right?
With the tag division under SHIELD control, the midcard titles being held by heels and a general lack of faces, who do the Wyatt Family do business with first? Sheamus? Orton? Jericho? Kane?
Someone mentioned Orton but it seems pretty sure he's going to be paired with Sheamus for awhile. I would think Cena but that's very wishful thinking. Del Rio.....no. The only one I can think of would be Cena actually.
I think I should cool off with the Wyatt talk for a while.

I have a nervous feeling after you brought the non-existence of the word HOSPITAL in the WWE Universe.

When cable really started growing in the US, why didn't any other promotion work as aggressively as McMahon did to promote their product in all the states that they could?

Did they still believe in the ethos of the NWA? Were they scared to go against tradition?
They were perfectly happy to be where they were in their territories. It had worked for years so why wouldn't it work now? Also you have to remember what Vince did was INSANE as you flat out did not go to other territories, period.
There are so many stories. How people said Vince Jr. absolutely went against his father's wishes. How Vince Sr. was a very moralistic man who would never have done such a thing.

Some of them contemplated killing Vinny while J.R overheard shitting on the can :lmao:

Love that story.

But hold on Didn't Crockett do the same? Didn't he start expanding and eventually spent so damn much that he couldn't pay off his debts and went bankrupt and then got bailed by Turner?
To a degree, but the diea was Crockett would buy the territories, not go in while the other territory was still around. Also Vince had a hand in him going bankrupt.
Ah yes, by holding TV Stations hostage. If they wanted Mania they had to also show Survivor Series which coincided with Starrcade. TV stations had to choose SSeries as Mania became such a monstrous hit, and they needed to have that.

Do I have that right?
Cable providers, not TV stations. Also on the night of Bunkhouse Stampede (a horrible show with its own problems) Vince aired a free show called the Royal Rumble.
Patterson's best idea to date.

I take you as a connoisseur of southern wrestling so I ask have you seen the Legends of Wrestling: Culture of Southern Wrestling?

Do you know that at almost the end of it, they show footage of a 'trainer', the name escapes me, breaking another man's arm while 'training him' in Florida in '78?
Is the WWE being cautious with Orton? Meaning that they don't want to give him a push for a while since he's 1 strike away from getting the pink slip.
No not Matsuda.

His name just escapes me, he was kinda well known during the territorial days.

That piece of film is fucked up. First he breaks his arm, then cusses him out and then chases him as the guy screams for mercy 'Please oh God No' and the footage ends.


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