KB Answers Wrestling Questions

I don't believe in Punk vs Lesnar.

Lesnar is a monster who should kill Punk. The guy who got in the ring with Brock were big dudes, or ruthless wrestlers. Punk can only cheat and be opportunistic to look even remotely a threat.

Does this mean Brock goes face? Oh dear god no...
Personally, I have no problem with Punk/Lesnar (or Axel/HHH for that matter), as I think that there is a story to be told - that Paul Heyman is indeed a complete snake and everything bad that is talked about him in kayfabe is true, with him turning on CM Punk despite the 400 day title reign and him being a "Heyman Guy," much like he did with RVD and Lesnar in the past.

However, I think that both these feuds are potentially examples the few occasions that the result really matters.

Lesnar MUST beat Punk. In the first match, Punk throws absolutely every move, stratagem and dirty trick he has at Lesnar but is unable to put him down for the count but at the same time Punk survives Lesnar's best shots before the match is thrown out for some reason (double DQ, double countout, no contest). In the rematch, a similar thing happens only for Lesnar to come up with some ridiculous feat of strength like countering the Anaconda Vice into a 2nd F-5 for the 1-2-3.

Axel MUST beat HHH eventually, preferably in a similar situation as HHH lost to Sheamus a few years back - a Hail Mary pedigree wins the first contest only Axel to win the following gimmick match (with help from Heyman
I don't think HHH and Axel will be interacting anymore. HHH has already done his good deed for Axel and that's probably that.

As for Punk vs. Lesnar, I could live with that but they're going to havae to pull a miracle to get me to buy into it.
Has pretty much every Samoan that's worked for WWE somehow related to The Rock??

I mean Yokuzuna, Rikishi, Umaga, The Usos, Roman Reigns, Rosey. Am I missing anyone??
Well Wyatt is from the Louisiana bayou and talks about being thousands of years old and the eater of worlds. The Family are basically his followers.
It seems like a Wrong Turn/Deliverance mix with a Charles Manson. I love the fact that Wyatt has his own stable. I loved him as Husky Harris.
Which Pro Wrestling Family is the most successful?

And when I mean family I mean everyone ranging from grand parents to grand children etc.

The Hart Family
The Guerrero Family
The Anoa'i Family
The holly cousins
Dudley Boyz?
Von Erich Family?

Or am I forgetting some prominent families?

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