KB Answers Wrestling Questions

Isn't kayfabe already dead when you debut characters like the Undertaker or Max Moon?

In the past there were a lot of lady's man characters. Were they often meant in an ironic way? I'm not an expert on what is considered attractive in men and haven't seen a lot of the guys, but guys like Rose or Landel talking about their way with the ladies seems rather implausible to me.

Isn't kayfabe already dead when you debut characters like the Undertaker or Max Moon?

No. That makes kayfabe even stronger when you consider how well Undertaker did. What killed kayfabe was everyone giving up on the idea of pretending it was all real. Now they talk about respecting the business and stuff like that. By calling it a business, kayfabe is damaged.

In the past there were a lot of lady's man characters. Were they often meant in an ironic way? I'm not an expert on what is considered attractive in men and haven't seen a lot of the guys, but guys like Rose or Landel talking about their way with the ladies seems rather implausible to me.


Well Rose's gimmick was that he claimed to be 100lbs lighter than he actually was so it was more delusion than anything else. Landel was literaly a Ric Flair tribute character so going with the ladies man stuff is logical.
They would show faces and heels together in the locker room, they would break the fourth wall and call each other by their real names etc.
Wasn't there a better heel for trips and the outlaws to get on there team for the 8 man tag match at the in your house before mania 14? Also any comments on Austin having Owen on his team after he spent all of 97 feuding against the Hart's and of course Owen breaking his neck some 6 months prior?
Yeah Savio is widely considered a horrible pick for that spot. I'm still not sure why they went with him unless they were picking someone Austin had (ancient) history with.

Eh it's wrestling. Stuff like that happens all the time.
What are your thoughts on TNA's One Night Only PPV's? Should TNA get rid of the themes and book them as normal PPV's like the In Your House PPV's?

Thoughts on Jean Pierre Lafitte?
The problem I see with them is they're taped 11 months in advance in some cases. That's a LONG way off and a lot could change in that amount of time. That being said, for 15 bucks for 2:45 of HD, it's hard to complain much.

Nothing special.
Was HBK better in his first or second run? I think I prefer his matches after 2002, but his heel persona in the 90's was one of my favourites "characters" ever.

Also, in 1998 when HBK leaves, HHH looks like a midcarder. Next year when he wins the title he looks like a bona-fide main eventer, but I can't figure out why. He didn't get any bigger or anything, whats up with that?
Was HBK better in his first or second run? I think I prefer his matches after 2002, but his heel persona in the 90's was one of my favourites "characters" ever.

Also, in 1998 when HBK leaves, HHH looks like a midcarder. Next year when he wins the title he looks like a bona-fide main eventer, but I can't figure out why. He didn't get any bigger or anything, whats up with that?

Probably second but it's splitting hairs.

He was more than a midcarder in 1998. The ladder match at Summerslam made him a much bigger deal than he was before.

Did you enjoy watching Benoit/Angle's matches from 01-04? They were entertaining.


Most overrated wrestlers in wwe/tna currently?

Punk and Ziggler.
I hope you just intentionally misinterpreted the question and are commenting on that story only. Also, don't pretend you didn't like that match with Lethal.

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