KB Answers Wrestling Questions

1. Triple H having one more nostalgia world title run: Good idea, bad idea, unnecessary?

2. Is AJ better off in storylines with male talent? Because I'm starting to believe this whole fantasy about AJ saving the women's division as a wrestler is just that, a fantasy, especially when you consider WWE's "who cares?" treatment for the Divas.

3. Austin VS Cena or Austin VS Punk?
1. Unnecessary.

2. As is the case with every "savior of the tag/Divas division", it makes absolutely no difference if they have no one to work with.

3. Cena by FAR.
Do you think CM Punk's title reign would have meant so much more and been more impressive if he had not lost the WWE title to Del Rio when he cashed in at SummerSlam last year?
I have to ask you since I didn't read anything you said there and since people get your opinion to high on the subject:

Was 2002-2003 good years in terms of the product in itself in WWE? Did 2002 and 2003 showd to have an impact in WWE's future? (try to leave the state of the market away, because with WCW down and Rock and Austin leaving it's not even fair to compare two different eras I believe)
Smackdown was entertaining and was getting the bigger stars, but it was a REALLY bad transitional period from the Attitude Era to Ruthless Aggression, as you basically had HHH on Raw and Angle/Lesnar on Smackdown. The problem with Angle and Lesnar is they cater to fans like us and aren't capable of being THE guy. The problem is there wasn't really A guy at that point until Batista rose up in 2005.
Smackdown was entertaining and was getting the bigger stars, but it was a REALLY bad transitional period from the Attitude Era to Ruthless Aggression, as you basically had HHH on Raw and Angle/Lesnar on Smackdown. The problem with Angle and Lesnar is they cater to fans like us and aren't capable of being THE guy. The problem is there wasn't really A guy at that point until Batista rose up in 2005.

I agree with you that they needed the guy so called the "face of the company" since HHH was their franchise player for most of this time period. But still, do you consider it good years or bad years to watch the product and just enjoy as a fan? I'm talking everything, since Jericho's run, to Hogan x. Rock and to the formation of Evolution.
2 questions:

There is a high chance that CM Punk won't be in a title match at Wrestlemania29, as he will probably lose to the Rock. Say this happens, what match would be his best option? I'm thinking a grudge match vs Triple H. Easy story to write as well. You have a 6 man Chamber match which Punk is in. Now say a face gets injured right before the match (another story-line for another day), there is an urgent requirement for a replacement. There is no-one around and Vince is panicking thus Triple H inserts himself into the match as that's the only possible option. Say the main story of the chamber match is Punk vs Rock and Punk wanting another shot at Rock. Well what if Triple H pedigree Punk and subsequently eliminates him before he can get to Rock (Rock enters last). The Story could write itself from there, HHH's ego ruining Punk's shot at the main event at Mania, tie it in with the hijinks that went down during the Hunter COO storyline. Punk would be the best choice, if HHH was going to have a fued based on someone calling him out for his ego and holding down others etc? just an idea

Other ideas?

Ryback (Give Ryback the win)
i'm not sure what else would work

question number 2:

who do you want to win the rumble?

Iv'e heard whispers of Orton vs Sheamus for supremacy of Smackdown. I like that idea but it should have happened at Survivor Series. Sheamus should never have lost the belt to Show (What gives? Sheamus lost 3 in a row). Well it looks like Sheamus will beat show at the rumble anyway. But i like the idea of Ryback winning the rumble and challenging Sheamus rather than Orton. The aura of such a match has kind of gone though considering both guys lose all the important matches they are in lately and are no longer portrayed as unstoppable. Cena is an obvious choice as well so he can go on to face Rock at mania for the rematch.

Different idea but maybe Rock vs Cena 2 is where the much anticipated heel turn can happen. Simple, Cena can't beat Rock, they have gone 30 mins AA hasn't worked so Cena low blows Rock and AA's him again for the pin and the title. Goes completely against his character (cheating to win) and they can build of that.


Now that the Shield have been around for a month, have you enjoyed their run more than the Nexus's original first month in the company (before they went shit and lost at Summerslam).
2 questions:

There is a high chance that CM Punk won't be in a title match at Wrestlemania29, as he will probably lose to the Rock. Say this happens, what match would be his best option? I'm thinking a grudge match vs Triple H. Easy story to write as well. You have a 6 man Chamber match which Punk is in. Now say a face gets injured right before the match (another story-line for another day), there is an urgent requirement for a replacement. There is no-one around and Vince is panicking thus Triple H inserts himself into the match as that's the only possible option. Say the main story of the chamber match is Punk vs Rock and Punk wanting another shot at Rock. Well what if Triple H pedigree Punk and subsequently eliminates him before he can get to Rock (Rock enters last). The Story could write itself from there, HHH's ego ruining Punk's shot at the main event at Mania, tie it in with the hijinks that went down during the Hunter COO storyline. Punk would be the best choice, if HHH was going to have a fued based on someone calling him out for his ego and holding down others etc? just an idea

Other ideas?

Ryback (Give Ryback the win)
i'm not sure what else would work

question number 2:

who do you want to win the rumble?

Iv'e heard whispers of Orton vs Sheamus for supremacy of Smackdown. I like that idea but it should have happened at Survivor Series. Sheamus should never have lost the belt to Show (What gives? Sheamus lost 3 in a row). Well it looks like Sheamus will beat show at the rumble anyway. But i like the idea of Ryback winning the rumble and challenging Sheamus rather than Orton. The aura of such a match has kind of gone though considering both guys lose all the important matches they are in lately and are no longer portrayed as unstoppable. Cena is an obvious choice as well so he can go on to face Rock at mania for the rematch.

Different idea but maybe Rock vs Cena 2 is where the much anticipated heel turn can happen. Simple, Cena can't beat Rock, they have gone 30 mins AA hasn't worked so Cena low blows Rock and AA's him again for the pin and the title. Goes completely against his character (cheating to win) and they can build of that.


Now that the Shield have been around for a month, have you enjoyed their run more than the Nexus's original first month in the company (before they went shit and lost at Summerslam).

There's no need to have HHH vs. Punk. It's been done.

Ryback isn't likely to get a title anytime soon.

The heel turn should not happen.

No. Nexus was more intriguing because they happened first.
There's no need to have HHH vs. Punk. It's been done.

Ryback isn't likely to get a title anytime soon.

The heel turn should not happen.

No. Nexus was more intriguing because they happened first.

CM Punk vs HHH has been done but not properly finished, so I would give it a try. He can at least change a bit and blame McMahon's family for forcing him to defend against Rock, who did not deserved to get the shot in the first place. It can be easily written and entertaining, and hopefully we will see Punk get the win at Mania in a proper program with a proper opponent.
For one thing I wouldn't trust HHH at Wrestlemania. Second, it would be a step down for Punk.

Well I think he sees things more clearly now than what he reportedly did when he was a full time wrestler. I can't really see CM Punk go any higher and he needs a WrestleMania moment that does not ruin other Mania moment in Cena vs. Rock II.

He needs to get away from the title, so instead of making him go job to another runner up face, why couldn't he ciment himself with a personal rivalry with HHH? He needs to stay relevant after his championship run ends, or he just flats down flops.
Yes it has been done. Over three years ago.

None, but what chance does anyone not named John Cena have at the Streak?

I would want to bet my two cents on Randy Orton too having a chance to break the Streak, but I believe his personal problems would just exclude him for that. But anyhow, how's a loss to the Undertaker better than a victory against HHH?
Undertaker and the Streak is a who's who in the last few years. HHH wrestles about three times a year and has no streak or anything like that going. It's a waste of Punk's time. Facing Undertaker is the second biggest spot on the show. Facing HHH is like fourth or so at best.
Undertaker and the Streak is a who's who in the last few years. HHH wrestles about three times a year and has no streak or anything like that going. It's a waste of Punk's time. Facing Undertaker is the second biggest spot on the show. Facing HHH is like fourth or so at best.

It makes sense I guess, but we are obviously being very generic here. I believe that if a storyline can be controversy and good, it can for itself gain a all new other level. For instance, make CM Punk retire HHH.

But now onto other things, what are your thought on Antonio Cesaro?

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