KB Answers Wrestling Questions

Combination of all those. He has that it factor which is what most people don't have. He comes off like a natural rather than someone trying to get every little thing down to make him believable.
What is the best part about the WWE right now? I haven't kept up with it on tv for a while and I am trying to get back into watching it.
I have liked Team HELL NO when seeing them on PPV. Ryback is my best friend's favorite and in turn has grown on me. Punk obviously would be big for me, regardless of what has gone on lately. Shield also intrigues me a bunch. This is mostly observations from TLC and from the past few PPVs outside of Survivor Series.
Combination of all those. He has that it factor which is what most people don't have. He comes off like a natural rather than someone trying to get every little thing down to make him believable.

Antonio Cesaro comes off natural? Seriously? I can't buy any of his promos or his tries of a sarcastic smile, he's gotta be one of the worst promeurs since John Morrison left. He's always pausing after a word, his thing with his arms is ridiculous and in the end he does not bring to the table anything new aside from his wrestling ability and WWE is filled with good wrestlers already, we need characters and guys that can sell a character. Antonio Cesaro can't do none of that, if he's showing frustration or if he's just professing his love for himself I can't ever describe the differences in that. Oh and he uses way too much of cheap heat to get a reaction, which half the time he can't get. I say that if Christian does not return to be a proper opponent for him, he will be just another guy that was there, much like Drew McIntyre in his day. Lots of potential, overpushed and not even interesting.

For the last six months what did Antonio Cesaro actually did different than others before him?
Sting's son signed with UK Wildcats recently out of a Juco School in texas to play football next season. Thoughts? (sorry just had to ask)

We need all the help we can get.

I watched Tribute to the Troops tonight and saw your review of it. Pretty sure that was Mick Foley as Santa.

It really didn't look like him at all. I remember hearing it was going to be him but if it was, it's the best makeup I've seen in WWE in years.

Antonio Cesaro comes off natural? Seriously? I can't buy any of his promos or his tries of a sarcastic smile, he's gotta be one of the worst promeurs since John Morrison left. He's always pausing after a word, his thing with his arms is ridiculous and in the end he does not bring to the table anything new aside from his wrestling ability and WWE is filled with good wrestlers already, we need characters and guys that can sell a character. Antonio Cesaro can't do none of that, if he's showing frustration or if he's just professing his love for himself I can't ever describe the differences in that. Oh and he uses way too much of cheap heat to get a reaction, which half the time he can't get. I say that if Christian does not return to be a proper opponent for him, he will be just another guy that was there, much like Drew McIntyre in his day. Lots of potential, overpushed and not even interesting.

For the last six months what did Antonio Cesaro actually did different than others before him?

You REALLY don't get how heels work do you?
Oh yes I do, they need to be bad guys not boring and bland guys. They need to make us want to see him get beaten up, not fired because they can't cut a promo. If being uninteresting is a goal of an heel than yes, I don't know how heels work.

Is Cesaro getting boos from the crowd?
How does one properly book Ryback vs Punk on the 2013 opener?

Cancel the match. That's not sarcasm.

I have a question.Punk's pretty much nothing without the title,is he?

I don't know if I'd go that far. He'll be in the title picture for a long time to come. You don't hold the world title 400 days and not get promoted.

Very few, unless you are in a crowd loaded with the so called hardcore fans. In that environment he gets just few boos.

Go read some Martin Gabriel posts. It might help you a bit.
If you could have unlimited access to the WWE warehouse/storage units where virtually every old prop* is stored or the WWE video archives which would you choose?

*including 15 caskets and the katana used to choppy choppy Val Venis John Wade Bobbitt's pee pee.
I'm sorry, who are you really? The guy that can't post a shitty thing about wrestling and that apparently has a love fetish with Orton and with a bearded Eve?

You need to stop taking everything so seriously. Maybe check your blood pressure.

And we all need to give KB some space, he's a busy man.
Yeah, the guy was flaming me and I'm the one who needs to check blood pressure. It's not my fault the guy was a complete jerk I believe.

How was that a flame? You need to calm yourself, it's the internet, no need to take it seriously?

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