KB Answers Wrestling Questions

I was thinking,with the sheild still surviving from Ryback's hunger,will the interfere at the WWE title match at the Rumble?It does make sense.Many smarks think it's injust that Rock comes in and gets a title shot.The shield can think so as well.
Are you surprised that wrestling forums aren't still collectively jacking off dude to last night's events?

Nah. Forum fans are by nature going to find something to complain about.

I was thinking,with the sheild still surviving from Ryback's hunger,will the interfere at the WWE title match at the Rumble?It does make sense.Many smarks think it's injust that Rock comes in and gets a title shot.The shield can think so as well.

It's possible but I'd be surprised.
So, internet idiots are saying that Ryback should be depushed because The Shield got cheered over him. In Brooklyn, NY.

Am I the only one who sees the stupidity in this logic?
Any particular reason why? I'm not as into him as others, but this seems surprising to me.

Charisma. Here's the thing: Reigns looks like a guy that is supposed to be a star which rarely works. Rollins just isn't that good in the ring. Ambrose has the best of both worlds out of the three, which is why he'd be better. I'm not into him either mind you.
Charisma. Here's the thing: Reigns looks like a guy that is supposed to be a star which rarely works. Rollins just isn't that good in the ring. Ambrose has the best of both worlds out of the three, which is why he'd be better. I'm not into him either mind you.

But you were saying you weren't sure if he'd make it in singles. That's why I was confused.
I think his style works better with a straight man there with him to balance out his craziness. The crazy style can only get you so far.
I think his style works better with a straight man there with him to balance out his craziness. The crazy style can only get you so far.

I can see it either way. He has some of the best mic skills I've ever seen on the indies (not necessarily saying much, but still) and can work a match. I could see him getting to the top of the card or never being relevant again. That last part goes for Rollins as well. His mic skills may suck, but he does a good job of making people care when he's in the ring.
I love what they've done though, they made the shield look scared of ryback, kane and bryan on raw and made it look like it was a fight they might not walk out of. They had ryback look as dominant as possible and they strengthened team hell no's unity by putting them into a war like scenario. the bumps were crazy as hell from everyone and just the innovation by the shield was fucking insane.
Hey KB, how do you think Big E Langston will fit in on the main roster?

Great guy, I've loved his work on NXT so far, but the timing's odd. We've got Ryback as the most dominant monster on RAW and Big Show as the dominant monster champion of SmackDown -- so what's this supposed to be? Cena's feud to hold him over until the Road to WrestleMania? It could be fun, don't get me wrong, but what's going to become of Langston after all that? Will he join The Shield? That at least would give him some direction without taking away someone else's screentime, since he'd just share the segments The Shield gets. Yeah, I think that's the direction I'd go. Have him feud with Cena, maybe make him lose in a way that's in keeping with "injustice," so then The Shield recruits him.
Not really.

While I do think this will serve it's purpose for more character development, I didn't like that she never explained why. It made no sense on either hers nor Vickie's part either. One minute Vickie is asking AJ to explain, while AJ doesn't think she needs to. The next, AJ is on top of a ladder ready to explain, and Vickie says nobody cares.
I think Jericho talks about that in one of his books; it's much easier to get fans to boo a guy they don't know, as opposed to cheering a person they've never been introduced to. Fans are going to cheer someone they like, and with debuts, you don't have a reason to like the guy, because you don't know anything about them
why does everyone seem to debut as heel?

I think Jericho talks about that in one of his books; it's much easier to get fans to boo a guy they don't know, as opposed to cheering a person they've never been introduced to. Fans are going to cheer someone they like, and with debuts, you don't have a reason to like the guy, because you don't know anything about them

Pretty much this.

Given how bad the writing is anymore, coming up with a character that people are going to care about is a very difficult task.

Am I the only one who thinks putting The Sheild over last night was a bad idea?

Probably not but they were booked into another corner with that.

Thoughts on Shelton Benjamin possibly returning to WWE? Thoughts on him overall? Why didn't he make it big?

He's getting up there in years. He's incredibly talented but he stopped caring around 2003 and his push stopped accordingly.

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