KB Answers Wrestling Questions

Telling someone where you're illegally watching PPVs is against the rules. As is asking people to tell you where they are.
Thoughts on the 04 summerslam?

As I said to you before, I read your reviews and enjoy reading them but what has been the biggest surprise that you've seen on reviewing them?
People here may kill me for this question.Is Colt Cabana that good people say he is?I haven't seen his work.And did he wrestle in WWE?I can't remember.

He's funny but that rarely translates to a wider audience.

I saw him wrestle a dark match as Colt Cabana.

Assuming your not ordering the TLC PPV. What website do you watch new ppvs from?

That would be illegal.

Telling someone where you're illegally watching PPVs is against the rules. As is asking people to tell you where they are.

I knew I liked you for a reason.

Thoughts on the 04 summerslam?

As I said to you before, I read your reviews and enjoy reading them but what has been the biggest surprise that you've seen on reviewing them?

It was 17 minutes of HHH beating up a ******ed guy. It falls way down because of that.

What do you mean?
It's going to take a lot of work for him and he'll need a brand new character. It almost literally can't be any worse though.
Do you think we'll ever see a Royal Rumble match open up a Royal Rumble PPV? Sounds crazy, I know, but we've seen Hell in a Cell matches and Elimination Chamber matches open up PPV's, Royal Rumble winners/World Title matches open up Mania's, so I think it's possible we'll see this happen one day. I wouldn't be suprised if it happens next year actually since Rock vs. Punk looks to close the show.
Hey KB, I have a couple of questions.

Do you happen to have a favorite ladder match? Do you have a favorite spot in a ladder match? How about a favorite TLC match?
HHH vs. Rock at Summerslam 98

Probably the Edge spear to Hardy in TLC 2, which is also the answer to the third question.

That was an epic spot, and the crowd reaction was crazy. Did you like the four way ladder match from Armageddon 2006? I'd say that one was my favorite.

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