KB Answers Wrestling Questions

I was of the opinion that FCW was regularly the best wrestling show of the week. Is that position retroactively justified by present day NXT seeing as backstage it's exactly the same as FCW was (excluding the production side).
Assuming it's the same deal, as in having WRESTLING PEOPLE run the show instead of Hollywood writers that are in WWE because they're not good enough to make it in Hollywood, then yeah I'd certainly think so.
Does the legitimacy/prestige/whatever-you want of a title fall more heavily on the title holder or on the challenger? Is the desire to win it what makes us believe its important, moreso than the desire to keep it?
Does the legitimacy/prestige/whatever-you want of a title fall more heavily on the title holder or on the challenger? Is the desire to win it what makes us believe its important, moreso than the desire to keep it?

Desire to want it. Look at the people who fought over the Hardcore Title, whichw as a joke. It made the title seem important because people WANTED it. When you have stuff like no one accepting an open challenge for the TV Title in TNA, it makes it look worthless.

KB -

who was the best transitional champion in the WWF/E for any title?

Punk isn't bad. Strike Force were transitional champions and they've always been a favorite of mine.
Do you think a woman should ever win the WWE title?

AJ wouldn't be a good choice because she's too small to lift most male opponents, but not enough of a high-flyer to make up for it with acrobatic spots. Hell, plenty of male wrestlers don't even include lifting moves in their regular move-sets (the bulk of Christian's move-set consists of non-lifting moves and dive spots), but her trying to DDT your average WWE superstar would look ridiculous. I'm not saying a woman couldn't, but she'd have to be able to actually work a match with a guy for one. Natalya would be a much better option since she's incredibly talented and has enough size and strength to look like a contender against men. However, I still wouldn't want her to get the distinction nor any woman currently on the main roster.

The WWE Championship has been treated well the past year with CM Punk defending it in so many great matches and against so many phenomenal talents. I'd prefer it remain the title of the elites rather than put on a woman just to sell it as a record-breaking event. If a woman ever wins it, it should be because she's legitimately among the best workers in the company. Anything else would be both demeaning to the title and to women as a whole.
Me and a female friend of mine watched the episode of Raw where AJ kissed John.My friend said that it was too bad because of bad acting by Vickie and Cena.My question is,did WWE drop the storyline because getting negative response from targetted demograph?
Also What do you think about AJ Styles shoot promo?
From what I understood it was because Cena is dating one of the Bellas. Whatever gets us out of that story is fine with me though.

If it gets AJ away from Daniels, I'm fine with it.
Shockmaster would have been stupid but at least he could have gotten something almost kind of sort of passable out of it. The Gooker....what in the world was going to be good about that?

Not for awhile I wouldn't bet.

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