KB Answers Wrestling Questions

I'm not surprised in the slightest. WWF in the Attitude Era fit about 60,000 people in there. To think that TNA, who I don't think has ever broken 20,000, was going going to mostly fill a place this big was a pipe dream at best.
Hey KB, it seems like they're trying to squash Ziggler every chance they get leading up to his MITB cash in, which has kind of became tradition ever since Cole tried squashing Bryan every time he got the chance.
I'm not surprised in the slightest. WWF in the Attitude Era fit about 60,000 people in there. To think that TNA, who I don't think has ever broken 20,000, was going going to mostly fill a place this big was a pipe dream at best.
I wasn't at all surprised they weren't gonna use the entire building, but I thought they would at least try to use a good portion of it. They could have used it to set what would undoubtedly be TNAs biggest crowd to date. Instead it will seemingly end up being at max 5000 people Surely they could have gotten a smaller arena that could better suit what they wanted for much less money.

I know back in the day wrestling would use a portion of the massive arenas, but they were famous places (Texas Stadium and the like), baseball stadiums (Comiskey Park, Shea Stadium) that had some sort of impressiveness to them, or spectacle like Fritz Von Erich retiring in Texas Stadium pinning his opponent in the Cowboys End Zone.
1. Is Vince's rumble win really as bad as some people make it out to be?

2. Are you looking forward to Team Hell No & Ryback VS The Shield more than Ryback VS Punk for the title?

3. Triple H's best match as World Heavyweight Champion?

4. Edge's best match as World Heavyweight Champion?
1. It's not the win. The whole match is just horrible.

2. Yes.

3. The triple threat at Mania XX.

4. Probably the main evnet of Mania XXIV
Is Del Rio boring because he sucks, or is he boring because his character has no depth other than "being a rich Mexican" or because Roberto Rodriguez just overshadows him because RR is hilarious?
So I remembered what made me become a fan of John Cena. It was his match against Umaga at the Royal Rumble in 07. I'm currently watching the LMS match at the 04 Rumble between Trips and HBK. Am in the wrong for thinking the match between Cena and Umaga is better? And what were your thoughts on said match between Cena/Umaga.
Putting a hero against a monster is a tried and true method of a quick feud. it worked then and it would work now. It got the WWF through the 80s.

HHH vs. Shawn wasn't taht good if I remember it right.
Past the street fight, Triple H vs Shawn Michaels is almost always pretty disappointing.

Would Kane have been a viable World Heavyweight Champion back in '02?
Many argue that the NWO while being a great idea ran its course far too long and ultimately can be contributed to the demise of WCW.

What would have been the best time to have had WCW defeat NWO and start to shift the main focus of the program away from NWO?

Also if that shift would have happened as you propose, do you think that owuld have been enough to keep WCW on top?

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