KB Answers Wrestling Questions

If Sami Zayn/Kevin Owens won the SmackDown Main Event last night, would the majority be singing a different tune? Either would have been perfect last night, lMO.
Also, why did AJ Styles have to take the pin if the intention was to make a statement? Wouldn't it have made more sense to let Cena take a few finishers and then the pin as well to establish Ziggler as a threat to Dean Ambrose?
If Sami Zayn/Kevin Owens won the SmackDown Main Event last night, would the majority be singing a different tune? Either would have been perfect last night, lMO.

Yeah because they've actually changed over the last three years.

Also, why did AJ Styles have to take the pin if the intention was to make a statement? Wouldn't it have made more sense to let Cena take a few finishers and then the pin as well to establish Ziggler as a threat to Dean Ambrose?

Yep. Last night was a mess and I really don't get the thinking from almost any standpoint.
With regards to the Women's division on SmackDown... after looking at the women who showed up after the Becky-Natalya match, the question has to be asked... why was someone like Paige not drafted to SmackDown, given that Bayley is most probably headed to RAW? She would have been a perfect rival for Becky given their Team PCB history, ntm, she could have helped elevate the likes of Alexa Bliss and Carmella also.
Think they're going to implement say, Tag and Women's titles on Smackdown?

Better yet, should they?
Which of the Cruiserweight Classic competitors do you think will be sticking around after it's over? I'd like to see:

Brian Kendrick
Kota Ibushi
Tony Nese
Akira Tosawa
Noam Dar
Lince Dorado
TJ Perkins
Raul Mendoza
Zack Sabre Jr
Which of the Cruiserweight Classic competitors do you think will be sticking around after it's over? I'd like to see:

Brian Kendrick
Kota Ibushi
Tony Nese
Akira Tosawa
Noam Dar
Lince Dorado
TJ Perkins
Raul Mendoza
Zack Sabre Jr

Well, they've already signed Ibushi & Gran Metalik, so those two for sure
Kendrick as a trainer
Ibushi is signed
No on Nese
Maybe on Tosawa
No on Dar, Dorado and Perkins
I would on Mendosa
Sabre apparently is signing next year
I think Nese has everything Vince would love. The build, the look and the move set. His combination of power moves and stuff like the 450 would really make him stand out. I don't know his mic skills though
Later in '92 and especially in '93 WWE was gearing up for some major changes. Despite the focal point swaying towards a few smaller and/or athletic talents Vince still had his eye on the bulking monsters. Yoko, Mabel and Diesel to name a few. Why is it that Vince didn't go full tilt towards Taker? Don't get me wrong, Taker was handled with respect. He always had a high profile mid-card program and would occasionally be moved up to reinforce the big names. It just seems with his size, ability and even mouthpiece he had all the tools. I know he had some injury issues early but that could've been protected.

Whats the deal yo?
Read your review for tonight's SD:

First thing; I disagree on the part about SD TAG titles with little depth as I think the division will be all about how awesome AA are until someone like the Revival gets drafted. Ntm, the Usos aren't so bad in the ring, and I'm actually looking forward to seeing them feud with AA in the near future.

Also, agreed on AJ Styles' promo.
I want to see him and Cena in a huge 1-on-1 match, but I really feel given the struggles in the ME scene, they could have really gone for a Triple threat at SummerSlam with Ambrose vs Cena vs Styles.
Assuming Cena is really taking time off post-SS as is being rumoured, it could easily transition into an Ambrose vs Styles feud for the title.

Ntm, guys like Bray and Ziggler should never be hotshotted into a title feud with so little momentum when a huge PPV is coming up. That is some crap booking, lMO.

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