KB Answers Wrestling Questions

Cesaro is an interesting case as he's incredibly smooth in the ring but he does the same spots over and over every single week. That can get a bit tiring.

As is with most professional wrestling though, especially in WWE.

It's also a huge basis for the point that in ring skill means little in terms of a wrestler keeping over with the fans.
Repetitive. When you're doing the same spots week after week, it's hard to get excited to see them again.

But then you have to consider the safety and choreography arguments. Varying spots means more risk for accidents. Also, varying spots means more practice for wrestlers, which involves more risk for accidents. Plus more planning for matches involves more choreography. To that extreme, you could bring in Vader's criticism of that match awhile back, which the sequence he was referring to came off as a glorified gymnastics show.

Some of this is solved by just giving the wrestlers more time in the ring. They could spread out the usual spots and throw more psychology and a few extra moves in there. But then how do they step it up for PPVs?

Also, more time spent in the ring means less time for arm wrestling contests, food fights and hand births. How can we live without that stuff? This is the entertainment industry after all.
Not exactly. You should be able to do a match without going to the big spots all the time.

That last part is rather true. We can't dare question our beloved writers.
So let me ask this:

You have the choice to change only one of the following:

1) WWE's formula for matches themselves, and how repetitive they are (because most every competitive match is formulated the same, to include tag matches)

2) WWE's continual booking mistakes. Most notably their propensity for having title holders lose non-title matchups to get their #1 contender. EDIT: I guess this is really the whole 50/50 booking argument.(I didn't use blunders because I would use that word more for booking decisions that really blew your mind)

Which one do you choose?

*Insert Jeopardy theme*
Makes sense. It's not like today's matches don't still get pops for most of the good spots, no matter how much people know it's coming.

Indeed. People are also annoyed that there's no reason to care about a lot of these guys since the booking is going to cripple them.

Thoughts on Austin's podcast with Ambrose?

Awkward to start since Dean didn't want to go to certain areas. He's covered that in pre-WWE interviews and there is no way he could talk about it on the Network.
Repetitive. When you're doing the same spots week after week, it's hard to get excited to see them again.

Pretty much the reason Brock went from exciting to see every time he shows up to me (and I assume many others) not giving a shit, every match is about 20 german suplex's followed by one or two F5's, & maybe a kimura, with a few clotheslines & other various strikes sprinkled throughout.
Do you feel like they overdid the Shield stuff for the last couple months or so? Well it's been going on since they split, but my god I felt like I had to be reminded every 2 seconds that they were a faction and it felt like a case of something that could have been epic organically but they had to drive the point home as much as possible.

I remember a few years ago during a draft that Cena going to smackdown was unthinkable and people would be genuinely shocked if it had actually happened. Why wasn't this the case this time? It just kind of seemed like "whatever" consensus.
Indeed. People are also annoyed that there's no reason to care about a lot of these guys since the booking is going to cripple them.

Awkward to start since Dean didn't want to go to certain areas. He's covered that in pre-WWE interviews and there is no way he could talk about it on the Network.

Is that about his CZW Deathmatch days?

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