KB Answers Wrestling Questions

Your thoughts on someone doing a Rasslin' version of Lucha Underground? Saw it on reddit and thought of you:


IMO this screams TNA niche.

Yeah I don't see that working.

Differentiate them. Nak's flamboyance will always be his defining attribute. Make Itmai a cocky killer, which he more than has within him.

Not sure what the comparison is aside from them both being Japanese guys who know how to fake hit people. I like to think WWE's becoming progressive enough to handle two prominent Japanese guys in the system at the same time.

I'd think so but I'd need to see Itami pull that off.
The more I think about it, the more I become unsure. Should Christian make the Hall of Fame?

I mean, if Koko B. Ware can make it, surely he can, but I'm unsure if he's quite the level of talent to make it on his solo merits.
Would WWE recognise his title runs as NWA champion??

I mean Christian's had a pretty good career regardless of people calling him the 'Jannetty' of the group. Why do people feel they have to label each member of a tag team that breaks up as the 'Shawn Michaels' and 'Marty Jannetty'?
With some wrestlers have well known themes in particular companies (e.g. Nakamura with his NJPW theme or Hulk Hogan and Real American) why can't they have a cover of the song if they go to a different company?
I rewatched the 2005 Royal Rumble, and the ending looked so perfect. Yet, apparently it was a botch that both guys hit the floor at the same time.

Do you really believe the double elimination was a botch? I mean, the referees arguing, and both guys eliminating each other during the chaos... It seemed way too good to be improvised. Your thoughts?
Given that Shane lost at WM and is still running Raw, do you think if Cena was healthy he would've beaten Taker at WM to give Shane an actual reason to run the show? It would give a legitimate reason for what I imagine is eventually going to be a power struggle storyline for control.
Yep. Instead we get Shane diving off the Cell after kicking out of a Last Ride and chokeslam onto the steps followed by NONE OF THIS MATTERS. But I'm being over critical because it was exciting or something.
Yep. Instead we get Shane diving off the Cell after kicking out of a Last Ride and chokeslam onto the steps followed by NONE OF THIS MATTERS. But I'm being over critical because it was exciting or something.

I'm just focusing on the "we get Shane running Raw which is great" and the "we saw a man jump off the hell in a cell which was awesome".

It doesn't make sense that Shane's been given control of Raw, but I'm glad he has.
Is Charlotte suppose to be scared of Bret Hart in Nattie's corner? I mean I'm pretty sure Charlotte has definitely beaten Nattie in a title match with Bret in her corner before.
Is Charlotte suppose to be scared of Bret Hart in Nattie's corner? I mean I'm pretty sure Charlotte has definitely beaten Nattie in a title match with Bret in her corner before.

Of course, because Bret is old and therefore a better option to take out Flair than say ANYONE else.

Chances of TrIple H being revealed as the one behind Anderson and Gallows attacking Reigns and the Usos?

Not likely.

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