KB Answers Wrestling Questions

What do you think of Rene Dupree suing WWE for royalties relating to the network?

At first I thought it was just him trying to get quick money but I've read some other stuff that makes more sense similar to Spotify and the like
Would you of rathered Rock and Cena to did what they did (promo, match, celebrate in the ring) or for extra time to be given to Lesnar/Ambrose or anything other match/combination of matches.
Do you think it's weird they sell these?

http://shop.wwe.com/sting-wwe-world...750.html?dwvar_W10750_color=No Color#start=11

Do you think Sting would ever have been champion if he wasn't injured?

Nah. They had all kinds of them at Mania.

Would you of rathered Rock and Cena to did what they did (promo, match, celebrate in the ring) or for extra time to be given to Lesnar/Ambrose or anything other match/combination of matches.

I'd have preferred the time went away so the show wasn't as long.
For as highly regarded as the Steiners and Road Warriors are as all time greats is it weird that they never had much success or longevity with the major promotions (WWF and WCW)?

To that point would I be wrong in saying that teams like Harlem Heat and even The Smoking Guns had more success in WCW and WWF respectively than The Steiners or Road Warriors did? If so any reason why that was the case?
Randy Orton, as far as I can remember, was taken out by the Wyatt Family a while back and then got injured.
With Bray Wyatt now a face, do you see the WWE following through with Orton vs the Wyatts on his return or will they 'rewrite' history and not acknowledge what Orton did before he went off TV?
Since the WWE has gone the route of stadium WrestleMania's (23 on) which would you say was their best show and what was the worst? For those shows how high do they rank on your all time list of best and worst Mania's?
Thoughts on the Dudley Boys at Heatwave 99

It fit the ECW style but I'm not a fan of that kind of stuff most of the time.

Randy Orton, as far as I can remember, was taken out by the Wyatt Family a while back and then got injured.
With Bray Wyatt now a face, do you see the WWE following through with Orton vs the Wyatts on his return or will they 'rewrite' history and not acknowledge what Orton did before he went off TV?

Not acknowledge it.

Since the WWE has gone the route of stadium WrestleMania's (23 on) which would you say was their best show and what was the worst? For those shows how high do they rank on your all time list of best and worst Mania's?

XXX and XXIX. Pretty high and pretty low, with XXIX just being boring.
*. Chances of

1. Cesaro winning IC Title at Payback?
2. Cesaro winning WWE WHC anytime in future?

*. What would you do with Sasha and Becky now?

*. Should Natalya win the title off Charlotte?

Build them up and have Sasha go over to set up the title match with Charlotte.

Based on the previous answer, no.
You said that chances are weak for Cesaro becoming a WWE WHC.

If you own WWE, would you make Cesaro WWE WHC ever and how you would build him?
He'd need to show a lot more personality to do so. He's definitely a character that caters to hardcore fans but I'm not sure what he's going to be able to do to draw in outsiders.

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