KB Answers Wrestling Questions

In theory yeah.

I'm not sure but I remember talking with a buddy about it in high school, which was a long while ago. That's not a good sign and yeah it needs to be changed.

I wonder if I can apply this rule to the Cena-Rollins feud.. Cena technically got the upper hand since he got the last words and the writers made him verbally destroy Rollins.. but then again this is Cena we're talking about, so who knows.
In theory yeah.

I'm not sure but I remember talking with a buddy about it in high school, which was a long while ago. That's not a good sign and yeah it needs to be changed.

I was thinking about this myself and always assumed it was a manifestation of WWE's 50/50 booking: this way both guys get to look strong, Taker on the go-home and Brock when he beats him. It also helps build drama if it's the heel (or 'heel' in this case) who has said advantage, making the odds look even greater for the hero.

Anyway, six-seven months out, what's main eventing Mania 32?
Can someone tell me the name of the Championship that Hijo de Perro Aguayo is holding ?


Yo Kilj!

I wonder if I can apply this rule to the Cena-Rollins feud.. Cena technically got the upper hand since he got the last words and the writers made him verbally destroy Rollins.. but then again this is Cena we're talking about, so who knows.

I still think that's a double DQ etc.

I was thinking about this myself and always assumed it was a manifestation of WWE's 50/50 booking: this way both guys get to look strong, Taker on the go-home and Brock when he beats him. It also helps build drama if it's the heel (or 'heel' in this case) who has said advantage, making the odds look even greater for the hero.

Anyway, six-seven months out, what's main eventing Mania 32?

Probably Rock vs. HHH and Undertaker vs. Lesnar III.

Probably Triple H vs The Rock or Undertaker vs Sting/Kane (his last match)

See my responses to BSE.
When do you expect Daniel Bryan to return?

Why do people find the Prime Time Players entertaining?

Since Taker and Lesnar are headlining, does that lessen the chance of Cena winning the title or Sheamus cashing in?
When do you expect Daniel Bryan to return?

Why do people find the Prime Time Players entertaining?

Since Taker and Lesnar are headlining, does that lessen the chance of Cena winning the title or Sheamus cashing in?

Hopefully never.

They have charisma.

Not really and yes.

Um ... what ? :confused:

Killjoy. The guy I go to for lucha information.

And he better sig that.
Nothing. I want him out of the ring so his next injury isn't as bad as his previous one. He's never going to top Wrestlemania XXX and he's had more than enough classics over the years. I'm fine with never seeing him again and having him able to walk when he's 45.
Part of the reason why everyone in the WWF was over during the Attitude Era is because the general audience had become more adult, and in step with the product were generally drunker and rowdier.

I've had this said to me recently in discussion regarding Attitude Era crowds. I don't quite buy it, so I figured I'd refer it to you.
Would you say wrestling's popularity seems to rise and fall with the economy?

80's/Hogan = Reagonomics
Attitude Era/SCSA/Rock = Clinton/NATO

In between those two was a bit of a stagnant period...After Clinton everything kind of fell apart, and now there's a rise in popularity again, just as things start to level out/turn around.

I'm sure it was similar, going back before Hogan, but I'm only 31.
Eh.....that sounds like it's getting into ice cream/violent crime territory.

I just mean that it seems that the business seems to do better, when people have more money to spend. Not just merch, or buys...But the stuff we get for "free" is a step up as well. Raw, Smackdown, NXT, Lucha Underground...TNA is an aberration. It really takes a lot to fail in this business. Like you've said before. OVW has been around a long time. Why can't TNA? Hell, I've seen some awful WXW shows, and they're still hogging high school gyms across PA and NJ.
According to Bernkastel, Kane is a bigger draw than Sheamus, The Shield, and Daniel Bryan. Is this true? He compiled a list of selective house shows to attempt to prove this. Lmfao.
According to Bernkastel, Kane is a bigger draw than Sheamus, The Shield, and Daniel Bryan. Is this true? He compiled a list of selective house shows to attempt to prove this. Lmfao.

....right. Yeah I've had some issues with his Kane love before.
....right. Yeah I've had some issues with his Kane love before.

Except I tend to believe the validity of this source. It certainly was not selective. And it's not like Kane wasn't a decent draw in the past. Why else would WWE continue to use him as upper mid card talent if he didn't have some appeal?
A decent draw is one thing. A bigger draw than Bryan, who had a Wrestlemania around him and the Shield, who dominated the company for the better part of a year, is another.
A decent draw is one thing. A bigger draw than Bryan, who had a Wrestlemania around him and the Shield, who dominated the company for the better part of a year, is another.

According to the source Bryan only headlined 10 house shows for the year. Which makes sense given his injury and early vacancy of the title. But of the shows he headlined he was drawing on average, less people than Kane did as a headliner. Which is why I said that in 2014 it makes sense that kane would have been a bigger overall draw than Bryan, since he worked a full time schedule and Bryan did not.
According to the source Bryan only headlined 10 house shows for the year. Which makes sense given his injury and early vacancy of the title. But of the shows he headlined he was drawing on average, less people than Kane did as a headliner. Which is why I said that in 2014 it makes sense that kane would have been a bigger overall draw than Bryan, since he worked a full time schedule and Bryan did not.

I'd put in a low estimate of about 183,384 other factors I'd love to know aside from those to determine how strong of a draw either person is.
I'd put in a low estimate of about 183,384 other factors I'd love to know aside from those to determine how strong of a draw either person is.

From the abstract the bigger stars like Cena and Orton would have worked bigger cities than stars like Kane and Reigns, who worked smaller cities. The bigger the baseline average meant that the star would have been headlining bigger cities over a 5 year period. Bryan's baseline was 5,600, meaning he was headlining the B cities even as champ. And Kane's was 5,500, meaning that in the past Bryan was probably a bigger draw, but not in 2014. In comparison Cena's baseline was 6,600.

Another separate study that was done shows that Cena was a bigger draw than Bryan even as champion so that makes sense.

- Collect WWE Results from the Wrestling Observer from June 2008 - September 2014 (covers 1,866 WWE events)

- Sort events into TV Tapings, House Shows (Raw, Smackdown, Combined) (1,241 house shows)

- Focus on WWE House Shows with attendance figures (1,082 house shows)

- Look at 2014 House Shows with attendance figures (127 house shows)

- Isolate which 2014 House Shows in US/CANADA with attendance figures have a previous attendance figures (91 events)

That was the methodology used for the 5 year baseline calculations for the different cities. Study only covers North American shows.
From the abstract the bigger stars like Cena and Orton would have worked bigger cities than stars like Kane and Reigns, who worked smaller cities. The bigger the baseline average meant that the star would have been headlining bigger cities over a 5 year period. Bryan's baseline was 5,600, meaning he was headlining the B cities even as champ. And Kane's was 5,500, meaning that in the past Bryan was probably a bigger draw, but not in 2014. In comparison Cena's baseline was 6,600.

Another separate study that was done shows that Cena was a bigger draw than Bryan even as champion so that makes sense.

That was the methodology used for the 5 year baseline calculations for the different cities. Study only covers North American shows.

So Bryan, on the B shows, wasn't doing as well as Kane, on the A shows? Shocking indeed.
So Bryan, on the B shows, wasn't doing as well as Kane, on the A shows? Shocking indeed.

No, Kane worked the B cities. According to the study the A city workers were Cena, Orton, and Bray Wyatt. I wouldn't have pegged Bray to be as big of a draw as implied, but looking at his recent opponents and feuds it makes sense.
So where was Bryan then?

None of the US cities Bryan worked in 2014 had a 5 year baseline average attendance exceeding 6,000. According to that study WWE released where they assigned letter grades to cities, they would have been B to B+ cities. Kane vs Bryan on average drew much less than Cena vs Orton, except for on a rare occasion. Bryan vs Kane did draw 7,000 in Charlottesville, while Orton vs Cena drew 7,500 in North Charleston. Both exceeded the baseline average. Most of the matches that Bryan headlined in 2014 were against Kane, though. Kane did headline in some A cities, but that was months after Bryan had been pulled from shows.

Normally I'd look at a really high number like the 7,000 that Kane drew against Cena in Sacramento and think "Kane only drew that much because he worked a huge opponent like Cena." But yet he's drawing maybe a couple hundred under the baseline against Roman Reigns, Sheamus, and Randy Orton, but yet Reigns vs Orton or Reigns vs Rollins is drawing less in comparison. Kane only had one match against Sheamus that could be considered a really poor draw. Another they had met the baseline average for the city.

I think it just comes down to lack of longevity for Bryan that year. Because of that I really do not see why it is illogical for him to have been a low draw that year.

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