Kane is Better Without the Mask

Yes, this conversation again. Allow me to explain myself. I’m writing this because of a discussion I had with a friend the other day.

It’s a very common thing to hear people say, “Kane was soooo much better before 2004.” Why? Because originally, Kane’s gimmick revolved around not being able to see his face. Kane was the Undertaker’s viciously burned half-brother, and immediately asserted dominance on October 5th, 1997 by tearing his way into Hell. This mysterious man was very unpredictable. Understandably traumatised by his experiences, Kane was a wildcard. As Steve Austin said, “I’m gonna be on the side I’ve always been on, and that’s my own”, an outlook that can definitely be applied to Kane, even now.

Kane had flirtations with the main event on occasion, but aside from his love-hate relationship with his brother, he never really did much aside from function as WWE’s Worf – if these guys can beat Kane, then surely they’re ready for anything. Yet, people say these were the best days of Kane. And to some extent, I can agree with this sentiment. So why would I prefer Kane maskless? But to understand what I’m talking about, take a look (pretty pictures!)


How we fondly look back on Kane / How Kane actually looked​

Yeah yeah, I know, different points in Kane’s career. Anyway, what I am saying is, Kane then would not have fit in now. Kane was probably one of the best gimmicks of the Attitude Era, but looking like that these days, he’d definitely be the “Weird One” among the roster. Now I’d like to draw your attention to this:


Yeah, why doesn’t the Undertaker also get accused of this? He effectively went through the same transition, just earlier on. Undertaker now is a diluted, more believable version of the original character. And the same applies to Kane. Yet with Undertaker, people just accept it, whereas Kane (or the creative team) gets insults hurled at them because the character “isn’t cool anymore”, or he’s not a badass. Half-mask Kane (late 2002-2003) had it as a storyline that he was going soft and “becoming human”. Current Kane is way more badass than that.


^ Boring? Decayed Villain? No, just more real.​

My concluding thought is that Masked Kane was great, but Maskless Kane works better in the current day. Maskless Kane is more believable. He actually looks like a guy that gets paid money to wrestle, but is still convincingly psychopathic. Whether he has “fire powers” or not is more left to mystery than heavily implied. We can discount the 2010 Taker/Kane feud in this respect, that was a deliberate hearken back to Attitude. What we should pay attention to was Maskless Kane was doing way more consistent main eventing than ever before.

And as for the character suffering decay, well what’s he done that’s been any different? Not a lot. He’s still the reliable upper-midcard guy. But there’s somehow, more to it now. Maskless Kane has actually achieved more than his former masked self. His title reign lasted longer than 24 hours for one thing. He’s been in more character-based storylines, yet he actually relies less on his gimmick than he originally did.

And that’s why I think Maskless Kane is better. Justified rebuttals welcome.
People look back on masked Kane more fondly due to him making a huge impression on them when they were younger. Masked Kane might not work as well today as he did in the Attitude Era. That was a different time. Taker is one of the few who can get away with cartoonish gimmicks and still remain legit threats to the world title. Kane HAS achieved more unmasked than he did masked, and that's an important point to look at. No matter how much we nostalgically look back on his masked days, he has been more successful without it. The current version of Kane is more of a fit in today's product anyhow.

Do I want to see the mask come back? Sure. It won't though. They teased it in 2008 and instead we got one of the worst feuds ever in Kane/Rey. We would be more likely to see his old entrance theme from the masked days return than the mask itself. That I'd love to see.


It's a shame that Kane was not coming out to THIS when he had his world title reign last year.

Regardless, while most of us older fans might miss the mask it isn't coming back and Kane is better off in today's product without it. Was he really THAT much better to any of you masked? There really isn't anything masked Kane did that unmasked Kane can't do today. It's more nostalgic inflation of our memories of masked Kane that are to blame than anything.
I would not say better, I would use the word different. He is a different character and different for better or worse is up to what the individual wants out of it. Masked Kane was and still is one of my favourite WWE characters since I started watching wrestling. He epitomised everything I like in a horror movie move character... emotionless, mystique, cold relentless machine like approach to destroying everything in his path to get to what he wanted. The Mask for me added a lot to this character and the fact you could not see his face just underlined his inhumane, sadistic and cold characteristics. He was Michaels Myers but he was in the World Wrestling Federation not in a movie. The way he tilted his head to the side as one of his only forms of showing anything close to an emotion. I just really became drawn towards the whole gimmick this mysterious being infront of me that hid all his self pity, sadness, confusion and all manner of feeling behind a mask and let out only rage. I would love for Kane to return with his Mask...it really would make a huge difference to me and not just because of nostalgia but because it turns the character into something I adore both in horror movies and in the world of wrestling.

I can see the other side of the coin though and really understand any arguments against the mask. Not only has Glen been more positive about not having the mask but I can also see how if somebody wants to see emotions on faces then they would see the mask as something that only hinders this. I like the unmasked Kane and I would not lose any sleep if he stayed tis way until the day he retires but a part of me will always want the mask to make a comeback...just for one last time. He could and has shown without the mask that he canbe just as big a monster... even more perhaps on a complex level but still the look the Mask gave him for me is pricess is nothing else.
I've been saying for years that I prefer unmasked Kane to masked Kane. Kane is more real to us in the modern era than he would be as this masked demon. Fans just want to see masked Kane for nostalgia purposes. We seem to feed off that kind of stuff and we just want to be reminded of what use to be. Well sometimes that isn't for the better of the product. Kane has become relevant again courtesy of The Undertaker and likely will flirt around the upper midcard upon his return as he has a built in feud with Mark Henry if they chose to go that route. Kane is better off in today's product as he is. He is more real and more believable and he has that human quality we all seek. It seems the only person we never want to see human is The Undertaker.
It's nostalgia, fuckin nostalgia. Wrestling is most rewarding (to most) when you're a kid. so you want things to "feel" like that again.

Personally i don't give a shit. The masked Kane worked because there was mystery. He was this monster with a supposedly scarred face who didn't talked and just murdered people and kinda had the same mannerisms as michael myers only he was 7' 300 pounds.

If you were to go back to the mask, it'd only be an image thing that makes it work. Not a psychological, emotional reason like it originally was.

I mean, most of the Yankee dynasty of the late 90s (if not all of them) is still alive. To win 4 titles in 5 years should the Yankees reassemble that team? Fuck no, they're too old. it's the same on paper, but the REAL reason it was successful (the substance) isn't the same.

Same thing with kane. The REAL reason the mask worked, the substance and story behind it, isn't there anymore.
I wouldn't say better but I still agree that he's just fine without the mask. What drew many fans to Kane was the mystery behind the mask. People wanted to see the scarred and burned flesh of Kane but couldn't and that drove many Kane followers crazy. He took off the mask and followed with one of the best storylines I have ever saw, there's no reason to put the mask back on. Posters here can come up with any bullshit story they'd like to but in reality, the mask is gone and a second round would be incredibly stupid. Was he better with the mask? I think so. He had a little more character. Would it work today? Hell no it wouldn't. He doesn't need the mask to remain a mystery. He doesn't need the mask to entertain the fans. He doesn't need the mask to be scary; he's fine the way he is. It's the evolution of his character and character changes are important in the wrestling world.
Kane's mask did have a really cool design and it was one of the things that attracted fans towards the Kane character. However, everyone knew even back then that the mask had to come off at some point. But when the mask did come off, it was viewed as somewhat of a disappointment. Fans had been led to believe that Kane would have an extremely disfigured and repulsing face, but it turned out to be the face of a very normal man. That disappointment is what I believe has led fans to believe that Kane was better off with his mask. I guess it is even somewhat understandable.

As for Kane being better without the mask, I would like to term the event as more inevitable than better. That is what made Kane lose the mask more than him portraying a human figure in this era. I, for one, felt that there was nothing ever supernatural about the mask. Mystical, yes but not supernatural. One thing I know for sure is that it would make no sense for Kane to return with the mask because, as Hamler puts it, his character has evolved beyond that point. The other thing is that I read an interview of Glen Jacobs once where he stated that he was uncomfortable working with the mask. And as we all know a happy worker is always a better worker.
Wow TWJC its hard to tell if your post inspired ur sig or if ur sig inspired ur post.. Fail..

First you guys are right, the mask can not return because it comming off was a permanent thing. Thats how masks work in wrestling/puroreso/lucha libre. We see Mysterio with his back but in the WCW universe that could not be done under any circumstance or rational.

But the masked Kane was alot stronger and succesful then the Kane of today. That twenty four hour title reign was more important then his whole ECW and WHC tittle runs combined. The Raw he lost the WWF title on was more important then the ppv he won the WHC on.. Thats not me missing being ten in those badass 1990s, its not nostalgia, its the truth. His World heavyweight title reign was forgettable, six years too late, and did nothing but gave him a break from being the greatest victim of upset victories since Tank Abbot's train wreck of a WCW run!!
When Kane was unmasked and could not turn that into a title victory against HHH STILL I knew it was all down hill from there..

ThAt would had been the beauty of the failed Kane vs Kane storyline. It would had rejuvinated the contemporary Kane by reminding him of what he once was.
Wow TWJC its hard to tell if your post inspired ur sig or if ur sig inspired ur post.. Fail..

First you guys are right, the mask can not return because it comming off was a permanent thing. Thats how masks work in wrestling/puroreso/lucha libre. We see Mysterio with his back but in the WCW universe that could not be done under any circumstance or rational.

But the masked Kane was alot stronger and succesful then the Kane of today. That twenty four hour title reign was more important then his whole ECW and WHC tittle runs combined. The Raw he lost the WWF title on was more important then the ppv he won the WHC on.. Thats not me missing being ten in those badass 1990s, its not nostalgia, its the truth. His World heavyweight title reign was forgettable, six years too late, and did nothing but gave him a break from being the greatest victim of upset victories since Tank Abbot's train wreck of a WCW run!!
When Kane was unmasked and could not turn that into a title victory against HHH STILL I knew it was all down hill from there..

ThAt would had been the beauty of the failed Kane vs Kane storyline. It would had rejuvinated the contemporary Kane by reminding him of what he once was.
Maybe my observations of the IWC inspired both? Look up my other posts from the Attitude Era vs PG thread, to pretty much any "the past is better" thread, to any "john cena has too many title reigns" thread. Pretty common theme in my posts that I believe the IWC love nostaliga. Not really a fail.

It wasn't the mask that made Kane a badass. It was the mystery behind the mask. If he still had the mask on today, there would still be less mystery. You can only go with an incredibly simplistic character for so long before it has to evolve. Kane can't just be the monster with scars who doesn't speak forever. If he were still that, he wouldn't be over at all.
What does the IWC have to do with anything? Just because u liked something thats from the past does not mean its nostalgia.. time marches on and everything becomes past.

Why should Kane's mask come off? Mil Mascaras' never did nor did Ultimo Dragon's..
In American wrestling an unmasking is tantamount tobeing cut down to size. Kane was as unstopable as Undertaker between 1997 and '99.
He was a very complex and menacing character with a complicated backstory.. he was by no means simple. The more human he got the easier it became to make him job.
What does the IWC have to do with anything? Just because u liked something thats from the past does not mean its nostalgia.. time marches on and everything becomes past.

Why should Kane's mask come off? Mil Mascaras' never did nor did Ultimo Dragon's..
In American wrestling an unmasking is tantamount tobeing cut down to size. Kane was as unstopable as Undertaker between 1997 and '99.
He was a very complex and menacing character with a complicated backstory.. he was by no means simple. The more human he got the easier it became to make him job.
The IWC always wants things (a segment of them) to be like they were in the tude era . "no more PG" "more blood" etc.

He wasn't complex. Only hicks think his character was complex. he was the Undertaker's brother with a Jerry Springer baby daddy storyline, was supposedly burnt, and beat the shit out of people. It's not complex.

Time marches on and everything becomes the past and it's time to MOVE ON. The mask was for that time and it worked for one reason. Mystique. It fit kane at the time now. Kane putting the mask on is the equivelant of going to see Kiss do a reunion tour. Also, it IS nostalgia when people want things to be "how they used to be". Instead of thinking how can we make Kane better? They think "how can we make things like they used to be?"
Why should Kane's mask come off? In American wrestling an unmasking is tantamount tobeing cut down to size. Kane was as unstopable as Undertaker between 1997 and '99. He was a very complex and menacing character with a complicated backstory.. he was by no means simple. The more human he got the easier it became to make him job.

Not really. As I said, he fitted that description better when he became unmasked. He's main evented more without the mask, and in my view had more memorable feuds too. And the most "human" he's been is during the half-mask phase.

I've already proven in my OP that the "Kane was more badass with the mask" is a tired and illogical sentiment. What you mean is that when Kane was new and a novelty, he was basically less of a jobber, but again that's arguably more true of the latter part of his tenure.
I really disagree and feel almost offended that people just brush off fans wanting the mask back as nostalgia. Yeah, plenty of things the WWE fans want back could be put down to nostalgia (maybe not...everybody cannot be tarred with the same brush) but masked Kane was a different monster to unmasked Kane and wanting that character back has nothing to do with nostalgia. Not for me anyway. I loved the character, loved the gimmick and as much as I like todays Kane, he is a different being and in my eyes a different character. To me it is just like Cactus Jack and Mankind. I like both but they are almost seperate wrestlers in my head. Masked Kane was more than just a dominant big guy...he was an unstoppable force. I can see how a character like that has to eventually come to an end if the gimmick is going to remain unstoppable in the history books but to want it back for one last run is not down to nostalgia. Like I stated in my previous post I wont be losing any sleep if the mask never makes a come back and can see why the unmasking came about and enjoy unmasked Kane but it's annoying that some people feel it's just nostalgia that makes people want one of the greatest gimmicks in WWE history back.
Not really. As I said, he fitted that description better when he became unmasked. He's main evented more without the mask, and in my view had more memorable feuds too. And the most "human" he's been is during the half-mask phase.

I've already proven in my OP that the "Kane was more badass with the mask" is a tired and illogical sentiment. What you mean is that when Kane was new and a novelty, he was basically less of a jobber, but again that's arguably more true of the latter part of his tenure.

Its true he was in more but he was like another kofi kingston or morrison. He was mainevent feeler. He would always do well for the majority of his matches then like a giant dumb oaf ALWAYS get destracted then get pinned. You knew Kane would always come up short.. the big red machine was the little engine that couldn't..You always knew he'd lose and he mostly did. Atleast there was a reasonable expectation with masked Kane. Its not about nostalgia its about a man trying to recapture a glimpse of his prime.
Kane should've stayed with the mask because when he got rid of that mask his career wasn't the same, instead of being a main eventer and winning world titles, he was just a mid-carder and he had numerous failed title and No. 1 contender shots, 1 ECW title reign, and a couple failed MITB ladder matches, the recent one he won was a sign that WWE made a mistake after all these years keeping Kane back and now they made Kane into a main eventer but in the same time he became the most Overrated wrestler of the Year.
However with the mask he was WWE Champion, had Main Event status, won Numerous Tag Team titles, and 2 Intercontinental titles, setting record for most eliminations in a Royal Rumble, Being in the very first Inferno match, Elimination Chamber, and MITB match. It just shows that Masked Kane is more demented than the regular Kane and Masked Kane was a main eventer and wasn't a person to mess with, instead of the mid-card Kane who only one 2 world titles in a span of 15 years.
Kane should've stayed with the mask because when he got rid of that mask his career wasn't the same, instead of being a main eventer and winning world titles,
Kane won one World Title with the mask, for less then a day.
he was just a mid-carder and he had numerous failed title and No. 1 contender shots,
Numerous failed shots at a World Title actually means something.
1 ECW title reign,
That was entertaining.
and a couple failed MITB ladder matches,
He's won one of those too.
the recent one he won was a sign that WWE made a mistake after all these years keeping Kane back and now they made Kane into a main eventer but in the same time he became the most Overrated wrestler of the Year.
I don't think Kane is overrated at all. If anything, he's underrated. Since he's taken off the mask no one seems to give him the credit he deserves.
However with the mask he was WWE Champion,
One day. That would be forgettabe had it not been incredibly short.
had Main Event status,
He was midcard for a couple of years. That doesn't change the fact that whenever an opportunity at the World Title came, he took it.
won Numerous Tag Team titles,
That < his recent World Title.
and 2 Intercontinental titles,
That < his recent World Title.
setting record for most eliminations in a Royal Rumble,
That < his recent World Title.
Being in the very first Inferno match,
That < his recent World Title.
Elimination Chamber,
That < his recent World Title.
and MITB match.
That < his recent World Title. Also, he never competed in a MiTB match with the mask.

Just because he competed in a lot of new match types mean little when talking determination.
It just shows that Masked Kane is more demented than the regular Kane and Masked Kane was a main eventer and wasn't a person to mess with, instead of the mid-card Kane who only one 2 world titles in a span of 15 years.
Lol, Kane was midcard with his mask. I know for a fact Intercontinental and Tag Titles aren't exactly main event status. Kane's as intimidating now as ever. He character progressed. It grew. That's what makes wrestling so fun to watch. Would you pick a fight with a 326 pound, 7 foot monster - regardless a mask or not - you still wouldn't pick a fight with him.

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