Just to get something off my chest.

Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
So I shall tell you a little story.

Last weekend my brother went to a party after work and drank so much his BAC was a .43. He was bleeding from his mouth and nose and when a cop showed up due to a disturbance call, my brother's so called friends just threw him into the back seat of his car. Thankfully someone decided to mention my brother was not doing too well and the cop was able to get an ambulance out there and get my brother to the hospital. I will add this in for later, but note that the entire high school football team was out there drinking as well. The cop was so busy saving my brother's life he didn't bother writing anyone else up for anything. My brother got to the hospital and was in a coma damn near over night, with no idea of when he would wake up. Thankfully he did wake up and survived that ordeal. The cop decided not to charge my brother with a minor in consumption due to the fact being in a coma and damn near dying is enough of a deterrent.

Fast forward to last night. My parents get a call from the same cop saying that he is being forced to charge my brother with a MIC because the school said that he needs to be punished. Yes that's right, apparently the high school somehow has the "legal" capability to force a cop to charge someone with a crime. Mind you that this wasn't on school grounds, and my brother is not on any sports teams. Yet at the same time last night, all those football players that were drinking and out past curfew that the cop let go because he was saving my brother were all out on the field playing even though the school and the coach both knew they were out the weekend prior drinking and past curfew. The school has said they are making an example out of my brother.

Now I think a 16 year old kid nearly on his death bed in a coma from drinking is enough of an example wouldn't you agree? Secondly, since when does a high school have the right to even pull this kind of shit? They have no legal leg to stand on for pressuring a charge against a kid when the school wasn't even involved in the incident. I know it's just a MIC which isn't the end of the world but it's the situation that's forcing it upon him after the fact. In my eyes that's tampering with an investigation or at least influencing an investigation. Either way it's just wrong. I spoke to my mom just a bit ago and she's going to be contacting the high school athletics association here and try to get an investigation going into why the football players were allowed to play even though the school knew about their indiscretions. My brother will likely be transferred to the high school in the neighboring town, and myself personally I want to transfer my step daughter out of the school as well. I graduated from that school as well and I used to be proud of that. Now I want absolutely nothing to do with them and their crooked fucking ways. And with the Pandora's Box my mom is about to open, who's to say they won't target my step daughter now or even keep this in mind when my daughter starts school? I wouldn't put it past them, hell they targeted my middle bro for so many years for no apparent reason, and my brother was a good kid. I know many times he's come home from school damn near in tears because the principal and the teachers kept trying to get him in trouble for some reason. Who's stopping them from doing the same shit to my youngest brother and my stepdaughter now?

Bottom line is I'm lucky to even have my brother still with me, but right now I'm just in a pissed off rage that needs to be vented properly. Thanks for reading my story.
As stupid as it is, it's probably because fans will come and pay money to see the football players whereas your brother is just another student. Stupid, but how things work in life.
At the very least he's okay. As stupid as it sounds, it's likely that they won't do anything to the football team because it's the football team. Targeting your brother is their way of trying to send a message to everyone else. What they don't realise is that by letting the football team off, that sends an even worse message. I would definitely say get them out and into a different school; it's not worth the hassle to keep them there.

I know I've never spoken to you on here, but I do hope you manage to sort everything out, man. Stuff like that isn't cool.
That's some fucked up shit Ty. It's good to hear you mom's fighting the good fight as the double standards in highschool happen everywhere, you'd be surprised (or maybe you wouldn't) just how corrupt some of these highschool athletic programs are.
Typical for High School's to treat the athletes different from the other kids. That school has no right to tell the officer what to do.
Should probably get yourself down there and use Concentrated Banishment on all their candy asses. Best of luck to your entire family in this entire situation.
Not sure I get the outrage. The cop didn't ticket a bunch of football players because he decided to save your brothers life. After the fact he has no evidence against them while your brother has plenty of medical records stating his guilt. If he drank to a ridiculous .43 (as you seem to understand he pretty much should have died) he probably needs this on file somewhere so any issues in the future are not ignored. If he truly learned his lesson then this amounts to almost nothing. I think anything attempting to deny his fuck ups that night is a step in the wrong direction.
The outrage comes from PC Niceguy deciding that drinking yourself into a coma is going to leave a more lasting message about drinking than any slip of paper he can give, but then being forced to ticket the kid by the school, which has no business in the incident. Meanwhile a bunch of equally guilty football players get off scot free and learn nothing while the kid who nearly died gets made into an example.
It's hard to make judgments here based on the information that is provided. I am happy to hear that your brother still has his life but let me play devil's advocate:

You still have your brother, all this outrage and moving students around isn't going to help anyone. Your mother focus should be on your brother that almost killed himself not on the school, cop or other kids. Your brother has a long life to live and the sooner he and your family can put this behind the better.

Is there a larger issue that your brother is able to consume this much alcohol? Does he need help beyond the "life saving" the cop performed? If anything he is the one in the wrong here.

Finally the school has no legal leg to stand on, the cop (who is a hero in my opinion) is probably just trying to protect his job from the publicity he would receive from ignoring such a blatant violation from a minor. You are throwing out some serious accusations toward the school. Put yourself in their shoes. When you say the "school" who at the school is driving these decisions (principal, guidance counselor)? Do you really think they just have it out for your brother? Maybe they want your brother to be punished in this way because they feel it will help him from making poor decisions in the future.

Not trying to be a dick, the important thing is that you still have your brother. I just think the focus should be on him not everyone else.
We're not denying his fuckups. What we're pissed about is that there's an inequality in how the school is handling this shit and the fact they overstepped their jurisdiction in the matter. Fact remains they had absolutely no right to even be involved in it the way they are. They didn't even bother to call my parents regarding the issue. Not one mention to them or my brother. This is just a secondary issue to the matter that popped for no god damn reason that realistically shouldn't have popped up after the matter. The doctor had told my brother he's done drinking for the rest of his life. A sip of alcohol could send his body on the attack and the same shit could start all over again. He understands the seriousness of it now but the point of this rant was to focus on the overreaching done by the school and the lack of discipline for their star football players. The situation right now is to support my brother and help him back up, brush him off and get him back in the right direction. DO NOT fucking assume that I'm not focusing on his fuck up because trust me, he's never hearing the end of it from me. I know he fucked up you don't have to tell me, I was a drug addict at one point in time and I'm not afraid to admin that. I have my own share of demons and it's on those experiences along with what he went through to teach him what this kind of shit can do to your life. Now I will also not pretend I'm a fucking saint either. I drink and smoke. But I don't have a drinking problem. I know how to handle myself. My brother did not and now it's about teaching him what that type of drinking can do to you and your life.

So please, don't act like I'm not focusing on what happened to him. I left WZCW hanging today and I feel horrendous about it but I went and spent most of the day with him and my mom, just working some shit out, letting him now that I am here for him and will help him in any way possible. He doesn't need a fucking slip of paper saying he fucked up. He's got the time spent being in a coma and all of his family trying to help him to remind him of that.
That's no fucking justice Ty, and that's the shitty truth. Like you said, your brother fucked up, no doubt, but he had a scare that most kids his age could only fathom in their darkest nightmares because of it. Hell, even if he wanted to drink again, the fucking scent of alcohol would probably make his body say, "Fuck naw, you get that shit any closer to your mouth, and I'm making you puke your brains out."

Anyways, what the school doing is ridiculous, and, if your family has the money, they could lawyer up and threaten the school with a lawsuit, and I'm sure the Board of Ed would back the fuck up after that. However, if that's not an option, there probably isn't a whole lot you could do. It's a shame that the police department didn't have the balls to tell the school system to shove it.
This whole thing is bizarre as hell to me. I didn't know that shit actually happened, I figured it was only something you'd see in some shitty teen football movie. I guess it could be because my High School football team only won 1 game in my 3 year tenure.

What a crock of shit though. If the cop is gonna ticket one of the kids he needs to do them all. I'd stir up some shit if I were in your shoes. Just think, if you put the school on blast and then a few weeks later one of the kids on the football team get busted with a DUI or something, they'd look like shit.

I watch too much Law & Order.
So people actually believe that the school has had a conspiracy against his entire family for years? Wow.

The football player shit is a joke. It is such a reach and that is why I choose to call this what it is, displaced anger. I bet they didn't ticket a few non-football players as well but that little fact makes this story a whole lot less controversial, so maybe we should skip those details. I realize this is a tough time in your life and wish your family the best dealing with this situation. I just do not think putting a lot of anger and rash decisions towards something over a trivial action is the healthiest way to deal with it. Take it for what it is worth. No matter how you want to spin it your brother got the ticket because of his actions, not because of the schools. IMO taking responsibility is key in these situations and I don't blame the school or whoever said nothing happening sends a bad message to others about consequences. As long as your brother stays true to his word that piece of paper is essentially meaningless. Thus, in such a trying time I do not find find obsessing about it to be a fruitful exercise.

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