I know one of the Tough Enough contestants

correction noah..most people tolerate you..everybody hates him

Yeah, that's closer to what I meant.

RvC, you, sir, are a ******ed transvestite that likes to have sex with gay monkey babies. Your name is more ******ed than Snooki times 2000. Your insults are as bland as John Cena's moveset, and you are about as smart as a rock. Actually, that's an insult to rocks everywhere, because they just got compared to the pile of shit that is ROCKY VS CENA OMG.
Yeah, that's closer to what I meant.

RvC, you, sir, are a ******ed transvestite that likes to have sex with gay monkey babies. Your name is more ******ed than Snooki times 2000. Your insults are as bland as John Cena's moveset, and you are about as smart as a rock. Actually, that's an insult to rocks everywhere, because they just got compared to the pile of shit that is ROCKY VS CENA OMG.

Dude. You're mom doesn't even let you leave the house.
First of all, it's your, not you're. Second, I can leave the house. Third, that's the best comeback that you've got?
My God, your insults are horrendous. I think a 9 year old could come up with better insults than that.

And who the hell are you? You make your age 3, you have 21 posts, and you joined in February, and you act like you own the entire fucking forum. Well, here's a news flash for you. YOU DON'T! No one likes it when some cockfag comes on the forums, and starts parading around as the "Face/Tweener/Heel of Wrestlezone" and acting like they are the user to save the forums. And guess what happens to guys who act like that? They get thrown in the Prison. No one cares about you, and the fact that you make up shit makes you even more of an asshole than you already are. Have fun in Prison, cause that's where you are heading.
My God, your insults are horrendous. I think a 9 year old could come up with better insults than that.

And who the hell are you? You make your age 3, you have 21 posts, and you joined in February, and you act like you own the entire fucking forum. Well, here's a news flash for you. YOU DON'T! No one likes it when some cockfag comes on the forums, and starts parading around as the "Face/Tweener/Heel of Wrestlezone" and acting like they are the user to save the forums. And guess what happens to guys who act like that? They get thrown in the Prison. No one cares about you, and the fact that you make up shit makes you even more of an asshole than you already are. Have fun in Prison, cause that's where you are heading.

I haven't done a single thing wrong. While you've been recently banned. Have fun playing checkers with your mom.
I got banned for a "spam" post in the WZ Tourney.

And yeah, you have done shit wrong. For one, you stole another person's avatar, one that him, and maybe one other person had, and then you stole his user tag. Then, you go and make up some bullshit story about your family, to try and get us to feel sorry for you.

How old are you anyway?
I got banned for a "spam" post in the WZ Tourney.

And yeah, you have done shit wrong. For one, you stole another person's avatar, one that him, and maybe one other person had, and then you stole his user tag. Then, you go and make up some bullshit story about your family, to try and get us to feel sorry for you.

How old are you anyway?

3. That isn't illegal. You on the other hand got banned. So you had what 3 infractions. God grow up.
Oh, I'm supposed to grow up. You're the one who is going around stealing other people's avatars/user tags, and making up bullshit stories about your family. And I believe it was Lee who got a 1-year ban, and look at where he is now. So 1-week bans aren't that big of a deal.
Oh, I'm supposed to grow up. You're the one who is going around stealing other people's avatars/user tags, and making up bullshit stories about your family. And I believe it was Lee who got a 1-year ban, and look at where he is now. So 1-week bans aren't that big of a deal.

People like Lee. No one likes you besides your mom. Is it your bed time yet?


Noah, It's only a matter of time until he goes to the prison with the likes of Bill Lesnar
Yeah, that's what I figured. It's getting pointless, and I can do better things with my time than arguing with him.

And RvC, it's 1:40 where I live. In the afternoon.
R v C just killed this kid. I found myself laughing at most of R v C comments but none of Noahs.
It's to soon to call yourself King of the cage tho. Need to work your way up. One day maybe...
Yeah, that's closer to what I meant.

RvC, you, sir, are a ******ed transvestite that likes to have sex with gay monkey babies. Your name is more ******ed than Snooki times 2000. Your insults are as bland as John Cena's moveset, and you are about as smart as a rock. Actually, that's an insult to rocks everywhere, because they just got compared to the pile of shit that is ROCKY VS CENA OMG.


Typical IWC banter.

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