Best angle of all: retirement
Okay, well since I'm HALF NATIVE AMERICAN, I guess that "racist" shit will not be working against me now will it? No. Sorry. I could have done the same thing as a bunch of other people or other races and "act black" as I see a lot of Asians, Mexican's, Whites, and pretty much every other race under the sun, but why bother? Try not following what everyone else is doing, and be your own person, because the whole "Gansta" thing makes you come off as a complete and utter piece of Ghetto Trash.
#1 you do it horribly.
#2 your "Glen Beck" comparison is aweful since you are more like him then anyone else around here.
#3 You really don't expect people to attack your posts with the shit you've been saying? You called KB a ***, as well as talked shit about 2 or 3 other staff members. yet you REALLY don't see why people don't like you?
#4 Stop acting like you're a big shot. You're not. Nor can you do anything to prove otherwise.
#5 Jose showed you. Called him a raciest, and yet he was the race you were trying so hard to defend! But instead of admitting you were wrong, you dug your hole deeper and deeper.
It's not about being the same race or not. It was about him being all ready to fling his shit at everyone else, but not being