I didn't know Glenn Beck was a member of the forum.

Okay, well since I'm HALF NATIVE AMERICAN, I guess that "racist" shit will not be working against me now will it? No. Sorry. I could have done the same thing as a bunch of other people or other races and "act black" as I see a lot of Asians, Mexican's, Whites, and pretty much every other race under the sun, but why bother? Try not following what everyone else is doing, and be your own person, because the whole "Gansta" thing makes you come off as a complete and utter piece of Ghetto Trash.
#1 you do it horribly.
#2 your "Glen Beck" comparison is aweful since you are more like him then anyone else around here.
#3 You really don't expect people to attack your posts with the shit you've been saying? You called KB a ***, as well as talked shit about 2 or 3 other staff members. yet you REALLY don't see why people don't like you?
#4 Stop acting like you're a big shot. You're not. Nor can you do anything to prove otherwise.
#5 Jose showed you. Called him a raciest, and yet he was the race you were trying so hard to defend! But instead of admitting you were wrong, you dug your hole deeper and deeper.

It's not about being the same race or not. It was about him being all ready to fling his shit at everyone else, but not being man grown up enough to take it. He felt it's fine to slam on Stinger's family, fine to knock you for your recent bullshit, and yet he assumed my username was mocking his race and he got butt hurt. Simple as that. Everything else is crap; he's ready to start hate threads but isn't ready to deal with the kind of shit himself.
Actually I think you and Blue Cardinal are 2 of the best of this years join ups. I can't really remember anyone else of this year though.

To think you had hate threads at the start.
I started of with numerous positive threads before I ever had a hate thread. The hate threads were ridiculous, people wanting to call me out for no reason.
I started of with numerous positive threads before I ever had a hate thread. The hate threads were ridiculous, people wanting to call me out for no reason.
Was it you who asked for somebody to make you a hate thread or am I mistaken?
Actually I think you and Blue Cardinal are 2 of the best of this years join ups. I can't really remember anyone else of this year though.

To think you had hate threads at the start.

Doc started a small, friendly thread about me, then Tdigs started my first flame thread because I hadn't grasped the concept that sending a flame PM was a bigger dick maneuver than flame via noob red rep.
I see, I guess flame repping is in the past now, I remember when it was cool.

WZ Prison was cool at one point too, Jake made it funny.

Not fully dead.. I got a shit load of them early this week. 10-15 of them I think. But they were well deserved at that time.
I gotta say, those were some pretty funny jokes Jose, nice to see that most of the people in this thread have a sense of humour. I can't believe Jenks is getting so worked up about it, or the fact that he can't spell ******, its quite funny, and a little sad
Hahaha, well I enjoyed reading them. Did you think them all up yourself dude? If so man goood fucking job.

Also, who is this Jenks asshole? Every thread I see him in, he is being a complete fuckhead. It's pretty amusing.

I mean seriously, this dude is a *** IT. Sorry, had too.

Also, it's not racist if you hate evenly. But that's not me, I love all races, Just not the stupid people race.

But hey, this dude will find a way to do something stupid and kill himself off, allowing him to never have to reproduce and make some more idiodic offspring. Natural selection is a wonder in this world.

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