Glenn Beck

In any event.. this is what I think when I watch Beck or todays news media in general. Different voices.. same flavor.


I don't mind Glen Beck. He can be irritating and some of his conspiracy theories can be far-fetched but to call bullshit on somebody with views other than your own is fucking UN-AMERICAN and you should be fucking shot. Nobody likes Fox News because they have opposite views than mainstream media so the people who watch mainstream media are brainwashed into thinking that Fox News is the devil. Or some other stupid idea like that. COME ON PEOPLE. GET A FUCKING CLUE.
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Actually Doug, call me Un-American all you like, because that will never bother me. Why? OH, that's right I'M CANADIAN! Are you not doing the very thing you are accusing me of doing?

to call bullshit on somebody with views other than your own is fucking UN-AMERICAN and you should be fucking shot.

Are you not saying I should be shot because I do not view it the same way you do? Why yes, I believe so. I never said that EVERYTHING the guy says is utter garbage, but the fact that he goes on national TV, and accuses the Dem's of doing the very same thing he does is garbage. What he does on his radio show, who cares. It's radio. But to go on TV and fill people's heads with that. How would you like it if I were to go on a news network, have my own show around dinner time each night, and say that Christians are to blaim for all the worlds problems, and I am (insert religion here) and I speak to that god, that god speaks to me. This is what we need to do to survive. That god loves this country more then any other, and this country is the greatest country in the whole world.

You think that would go over well? Hell no. There would be people hunting for my head. Are there some fucked up people working at fox? You're damn right there are! but the same goes for MSNBC, ABC, FOX, CNN and all of the above. Each one has chosen a side and stuck with it, instead of staying neutral and Un-Biased. The way a journalist should be. Hell I got a video of Fox, mainly that idiot Sean Hannity, editing footage together to try and make something look better then it actually was.
That's one guy I can't stand. Sean Hannity. good god what a nut. So your canadian? Good then I amend my statement about you getting shot.

Look you're gonna get commentators that fill peoples heads with whatever talking points they want. IT IS YOUR JOB TO RESEARCH THE FACTS ON YOUR OWN.
Well and that's why I mentioned the Daily Show in my OP, because regardless of the network, or the political view, they will show you some things you may have missed. An example.


The news is depressing, and aimed to make us afraid. That is why I would rather read the news paper, for some of the news, and Watch a little Stewert later on for some laughs. Occasionally you will come across something like that, and then tune into Fox the next day to see how they handle it.

But since you hate Hannity, I'm sure you love this clip. I know he aint in it, but it's funny none the less.

You guys should listen to a little bit of Dr. Michael Savage if you think Glenn is over the top. Savage is conservative, but will destroy republicans just as quickly as he will the dems. He is extremely entertaining and has some very valid points most of the time, however, he will occasionally say the most outlandish shit i've ever heard!
You guys should listen to a little bit of Dr. Michael Savage if you think Glenn is over the top. Savage is conservative, but will destroy republicans just as quickly as he will the dems. He is extremely entertaining and has some very valid points most of the time, however, he will occasionally say the most outlandish shit i've ever heard!

^now that i can agree with. Also don't forget Mark Levin.
Beck is a nutjob. Good entertainment though.

Nobody likes Fox News because they have opposite views than mainstream media so the people who watch mainstream media are brainwashed into thinking that Fox News is the devil.

Fox has some of the best ratings out there. They are the mainstream media.
So some fuck head named "poonpoon69" gave me a neg rep for my Glen beck pics a page back saying

"Add something besides memes, please"



Hey Poonpoon...


and before you ask!


So some fuck head named "poonpoon69" gave me a neg rep for my Glen beck pics a page back saying

"Add something besides memes, please"



Hey Poonpoon...


and before you ask!



Lulz, you really are a fucking idiot.

Hey, whatever happened to Super Hans? Now that was a cool motherfucker!
So some fuck head named "poonpoon69" gave me a neg rep for my Glen beck pics a page back saying

"Add something besides memes, please"



Hey Poonpoon...


and before you ask!


That "fuckhead" is a mod. Insulting a mod is not the smartest thing to do.

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