Just pathetic

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TNA recently bought time on ESPN. Does that count as trying to get themselves out there to the main stream and marketing themselves better in your mind?
I disagree. I don't see a problem with it. A lot of WWE fans don't know TNA exists, so why not send people out to one of the bigger WWE PPVs to spread the word?

The Problem is TNA is attempting to make itself seem like a threat to the WWE, and stuff like this is shameless, I have never seen Vince attempt to get WWE fans in a TNA show by offering them free tickets, check out the quote as follows from the article

Credit to the Sun Wrestling

And one fan revealed he'd been sent to ambush the WWE show with promo kit for the October 18 PPV.

He said: "If we give out all this stuff we go to Bound for Glory for free."

This is whats making people thrown in terms of TNA's status, they keep attempting to do dumb things to see if they can steal some WWE fans, instead the WWE ignores it, TNA doesnt gain any fans and it doesn't boost PPV sales, they want the WWE to retaliate but they don't bother acknowledging them.

As for giving free tickets away, that really shouldn't surprise anyone. TNA has given free tickets out to PPVs (or at least that has been reported) just to fill up seats. At least they are getting something in return for the free tickets this time.

Well it does prove that their product isn't getting enough PPV customers, they can say its due to the recession or due to the fact that wrestling in general is suffering, I blame lack of direction and creative, Dixie needs to focus on making TNA's product better then attempting to become competition because right now they are not putting bums on seats.

I don't think it shows that TNA is awful. Actually I don't think TNA is awful in the first place. And how do you know it didn't work? Maybe those people got some people interested in TNA, I think that is what the goal was

Wrestling is a very diverse animal, it varies from place to place, some may like ring of honor, WWE, TNA or any other die hard independent promotion. at the end of the day if TNA wants to compete with the WWE why not attempt to show people who they truly are instead of playing childish games, I for one have never seen an advert outside of spike promoting tna, or a Poster on the street promoting no surrender, thats the issue TNA is not doing the steps necessary to promote its company, and by being as childish as they are can create an adverse effect and totaly turn people off.

TNA is pathetic for doing so, I believe its true. I'm not just saying this because I dislike TNA its my opinion on the matter. Everyone knows its fact that WWE are the top Wrestling promotion in the world, with TNA in second. The fact that they've had fans do that shows how pathetic they really are. They can run ads, on TV or in cinemas (if thats plausable) they can put posters up promoting the PPV but fucking hell having fans going to SummerSlam, which was an epic PPV and try to sway the loyal WWE fans, is again pathetic. TNA needs to grow the fuck up and realise that WWE is better than they are

They probably thought they could get people who don't like the WWE product to tune into the TNA brand, but the problem is the alternative X division that braught them to the dance is not whats leading the brand anymore, many internet journalists call the program WWE light, but if you want to promote alternative then tna needs to step up its game instead of trying to compete.

So let me get this strait, cause I'm not sure what you are upset about.

Are you upset that TNA...a wrestling company was trying to sell their product to...wrestling fans, because I agree that’s crazy, like film companies putting adverts for other films on at the cinema, or TV companies putting adverts for thier shows in the ad breaks of rival shows. :huh:

thats fine putting adverts up promoting impact whilst raw is showing, but to attempt to get fans into bound for glory by having them attempt to sway wwe fans away is kind of stupid, and also illegal, the security had to stop these kids from entering the building in order to maintain peace, and the fact that the WWE knew that TNA is attempting to sabotage their product in order to create tension is kind of childish if you ask me.

Or are you mad that they used fans who they could get to work for free tickets (with little to no cost to TNA). Instead of using a high priced marketing company do it?

actually the high priced marketing company probably would have done a better job.

I agree I’m shocked at the actions of TNA :wtf:

Im glad we agree on something.

TNA is pissed because WWE went to the Impact Zone and beat them? Do you know what the hell you're talking about? Do you even watch TNA? Clearly you don't since you have such a blind hatred of something you don't understand. If TNA wants to promote let them promote. Vince McMahon doesn't see TNA as a threat so why would he take away the Sting masks from the fans? hmmm very interesting. I would rather go to a wrestling event where they are allowed to say what they want to say, and bring whatever signs they want to bring.

Obviously you have no idea of TNA's intentions, the fact that Dixie Carter is doing everything to generate the buzz for another monday night war in order to create another wrestling boom, but the problem is that people have seen this all before and is creating a negative buzz, I watch TNA and WWE and i can tell you nothing has changed in tnas product apart from its main eventers, TNA i find wrestlers personal lives more interesting then TNA's overall product because the booking is being left to people who have no idea what they are doing and its a crying shame.

WWE censors it shows, wrestlers, and now even its fans. TNA is a watered down version of WWE? More like a spiked punch version if anything. TNA is TNA that's it. What's wrong with having other wrestling companies? Competition is a good thing. You wouldn't want to see just one type of movie from one company now would you? People want variety. TNA having fans wearing masks to promote Bound For Glory is nothing compared to WWE showing up on WCW Nitro in a tank. Did that seem pathetic?

DX showed up outside due to Bischoff and WCW giving away storylines and attempting to take this way further, WCW took the first shot and WWE retaliated, this time TNA is attempting to take shots in order to get noticed and by far they are just being ignored.

Stop trying to make this into another WWE hate thread, and attempt to stay on topic.
Stop trying to make this into another WWE hate thread, and attempt to stay on topic.

The thing is that the original topic was basically "let's use this old news headline as an excuse to hate on TNA" I don't think anybody was trying to turn this into a WWE hate thread, more like people were defending TNA's actions by comparing them to WWE's past actions (not that I am claiming that they were good comparisons)

This is whats making people thrown in terms of TNA's status, they keep attempting to do dumb things to see if they can steal some WWE fans, instead the WWE ignores it, TNA doesnt gain any fans and it doesn't boost PPV sales, they want the WWE to retaliate but they don't bother acknowledging them.

I agree that TNA should invest in some more effective advertising, like more commercials on other channels. However I don't think they were trying to steal anybody away from anything. I really doubt their goal was to make people leave the Summer Slam event and go all "WWE Sucks!" or something, I think they were just trying to inform people that there's another promotion out there, as again, many WWE fans don't know TNA even exists.

Also I disagree that WWE didn't even acknowledge them. They threw the Sting masks in the trash, didn't they? Of course this doesn't mean they were threatened by them but they at least took notice, somewhat.

Wrestling is a very diverse animal, it varies from place to place, some may like ring of honor, WWE, TNA or any other die hard independent promotion. at the end of the day if TNA wants to compete with the WWE why not attempt to show people who they truly are instead of playing childish games, I for one have never seen an advert outside of spike promoting tna, or a Poster on the street promoting no surrender, thats the issue TNA is not doing the steps necessary to promote its company, and by being as childish as they are can create an adverse effect and totaly turn people off.

Again I agree with that TNA needs some more effective form of advertisement. However I wouldn't call what they did childish. Really all they did was send guys wearing Sting masks to talk to some fans attending Summer Slam, and promote their product. As minimal as the effects of this advertisement may be, they were at least TRYING to promote the product, so if one extra person tunes in Thursday night because of this, it was beneficial.
Obviously you have no idea of TNA's intentions, the fact that Dixie Carter is doing everything to generate the buzz for another monday night war in order to create another wrestling boom, but the problem is that people have seen this all before and is creating a negative buzz, I watch TNA and WWE and i can tell you nothing has changed in tnas product apart from its main eventers, TNA i find wrestlers personal lives more interesting then TNA's overall product because the booking is being left to people who have no idea what they are doing and its a crying shame.

DX showed up outside due to Bischoff and WCW giving away storylines and attempting to take this way further, WCW took the first shot and WWE retaliated, this time TNA is attempting to take shots in order to get noticed and by far they are just being ignored.

Stop trying to make this into another WWE hate thread, and attempt to stay on topic.

This was a hate thread started by someone who hated TNA for giving out Sting masks? I was defending the good honor of TNA, not bashing WWE. WWE was right to bring a tank to Nitro, it got huge ratings. Nitro would of got huge ratings if they would of acknowledged WWE that night too. TNA is promoting Sting's possible last match at Bound For Glory which is going to be in Los Angeles in October. OMFG they were in Los Angeles promoting Bound For Glory to fans by giving out Sting masks. Let's crucify them. I agree that TNA can and should do a lot more to promote.

They signed a new deal on Spike so maybe they will have some more programming on different nights. A Monday Night War may never happen but would it be a crime if it did? I'm sure lots of people would be interested to have to rival show battle it out week after week. As far as the booking being bad, what's bad about it? World Elite are being pushed. Along with Hernandez, AJ Styles, Morgan,Suicide, MCMG, D Dinero, and Beer Money just to name a few. The Knockouts are given as much time if not more then the other wrestlers, doesn't sound bad to me.

Sure there are things TNA can improve on in order to be a bigger company, but I'm not going to curse at them and not watch their programming because they are in financial trouble. Which isn't true. You can't say it's childish to hand out Sting masks at a WWE PPV and think that WCW and WWE weren't childish during their Monday Night Wars. TNA only wants to be a successful company, why do they have to compete on WWE's level? They have only been in business 7 years. Look at the talent they have. I don't think XPW or other bankrupt promotions that have lasted a few years can be put in the same category as TNA. Give TNA some damn credit for once.
If TNA were a company that is destined to put the WWE out of business or if they're constantly trying to hurt the WWE's image then I'd understand. Yeah TNA did that lousy "invasion" angle where they sent VKM to WWE events just to purposely antagonize them [the WWE] and trying to be pests up until TNA realized just because it was cool 10 years ago doesn't mean it would work for them. But regardless of some lousy crap they pulled in the past and regardless the claims of TNA trying to copy the WWE, they are just being their selves. Of course TNA is having more of an entertainment feel. Staged wrestling alone won't get you anywhere so you have to understand TNA for changing their product overall. They're not trying to put the WWE out of business. They're just a small promotion trying to establish their selves. You can't blame them for trying to succeed. Hell when I went to WWE events I would see people handing out fliers for upcoming indy shows and such. TNA is pretty much doing the same thing and I don't see anything wrong with it.

However I do agree with the WWE for taking away the Sting masks. Sometimes it's not only about fear of having people promote on their shows. If I were the owner of a wrestling promotion with weekly television shows and monthly PPV's I wouldn't want people taking advantage of my product. Why would you want people to use you just to help promote something else? I own a website and I get people trying to advertise websites and such in comments. Regardless no one knows of many websites people are trying to advertise on my website, I still remove all of the spam. It's not that I fear someone becoming more successful than me eventually becoming my competition but I don't like it when people takes advantage of my interactive features. It's the same thing as why spammers and advertisers would get banned from these forums. Yeah people weren't holding up TNA signs but if you know TNA was giving out masks just to get Sting faces on WWE's PPV then I'd consider that as "spam" as well. It would leave PPV buyers scratching their heads wondering what happened to Sting. They would eventually search for Sting in Google and find out he is about to retire in TNA.
Ooooh... Wow!!!! People wore Sting masks!!

Really? That's the best you can come up with, TNA?? Let me give an 80's analogy to this pathetic...whatever: That's like saying Def Leopard invaded a Metallica show because a few lame fans showed up in Def Leopard T-Shirts and one arm tied behind their back.

And while we're on the topic of "over rated," what the heck is the deal with Sting? What's with everyone's "man crush" on this guy? What's he done that is so spectacular?? Wow!!! He used to hang out in the rafters of WCW events wearing a trench coat and face paint ripped off of "The Crow!" Maybe he embodies the fantasy of a lot of overweight wrestling fans who tear movie tickets in half for a living and live in their mother's basements. "Ooooh, Sting is so cool! I wish I could be like him! I am like him! The cool guy, lurking in the shadows wearing a cool ass trench coat....yea...that's me!!"

Anywho, I got on a rant there. TNA may have had potential initially. But hey, everyone had potential INITIALLY. But after you're no longer "new," your potential is gone and you have to actually DELIVER! For the love of God, lose the cheesey six sided wring already!! It just looks lame and gimicky!!
Pathetic? This is exactly what TNA should be doing. This is how you market products that no one knows about, you go straight to them. Wrestling fans are who they are after so it makes perfect sense to promote at a WWE event. They don't compete directly ratings wise, and PPVs are never scheduled the same days, and currently TNA doesn't tour all that much, especially in larger WWE markets. So they are not stealing fans.

The logic is very simple; introduce wrestling fans to another product.

Not pathetic at all...smart marketing.
Not really pathetic at all, but will it really matter much? No not at all. This won't have any effect on the WWE, other than annoying security who has to chase them off. As for helping TNA... will maybe a few more people might show up to watch one of their shows, but really they are just desperate to get those fans, those ratings. It's not pathetic, but it's nothing of worth either. Besides they didn't even film it... how lame is that? If anything do what WWE did. Film it when they send fans or other wrestlers to 'invade' another promotion. That might of helped just a little more. All in all, this is nothing to get riled up about. I am sure it happens more than we hear about it, but we don't hear about it, because it's nothing.
thats fine putting adverts up promoting impact whilst raw is showing, but to attempt to get fans into bound for glory by having them attempt to sway wwe fans away is kind of stupid, and also illegal, the security had to stop these kids from entering the building in order to maintain peace, and the fact that the WWE knew that TNA is attempting to sabotage their product in order to create tension is kind of childish if you ask me.

What, I have to know what were they trying to "sway wwe fans away" from exactly? Its not like they were preventing people from going into Summer slam, or trying to presuade them from going to summer slam and to go to BFG instead.

So can you please tell me in what was where the TNA fans trying to "to sabotage their product". THe only thing I can think is that they hoped a few people in the crowd would be wearing TNA masks of some sort?????? So....If I watched impact and saw a Rey Mysterio mask in the crowd I wouldn't give a shit.

So if you could enlighten me on what TNA where trying to "sway wwe fans away" from, and how they were trying "to sabotage their product" I'd be most appreciative.
Um Deej, handing out flyers at a WWE show isn't illegal. In any shape, way, or form. At all. WWE security has the right to throw out anyone they want to, it has nothing to do with the legality of their actions. Again, it's not illegal at all to hand out flyers at a WWE show. Not sure where you got that idea.

I SERIOUSLY fail to see the problem here. This is a smart move by TNA, trying to give the WWE fans an alternative to the product they're seeing. Have we all become such blinded WWE marks that we can't appreciate something simple like this? To call it "pathetic" is absolutely laughable, considering the WWE THEMSELVES did this exact same shit 25 years ago.
It's really not pathetic, this exactly what they need to be doing to compete.

Free tickets is what TNA definitely should be doing. If fans can go to TNA to watch wrestling for cheaper/free, why wouldn't they? TNA have go a strong set of wrestlers, old and young with name value.

Now, obviously TNA isn't as good as WWE, but if it ever wants to compete, it needs to try and get wrestling, mainly WWE, fans to come to the shows, buy the merchandise, the PPVs and watch impact weekly.

I don't really see what's pathetic about advertising a wrestling show to wrestling fans, and where better to find wrestling fans than at a WWE PPV. The free tickets are a good start to trying to get TNA's popularity up.
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