Foley to TNA

  • Thread starter Koko B Ware's Parrot-Kes!
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I can't see Foley going to TNA. Retiring, now that seems likely, but not abandoning the company he's most familiar with to go downward on the wrestling scale and simultaneously join the rival company. That just seems like something he'd only do if they really, really pissed him off. The same goes for the rumors that Flair would sign with TNA. I just don't see it happening.

We may very well have seen the last of Foley as a commentator, though. Its a shame. I was really enjoying him. Now we're going to have to sit through two hours of Tazz stuttering and saying "you know, I like this guy, I'm a big fan of ____" instead of just one. Yeesh.
Please, TNA. Please replace Don West and put Foley in there with Mike. I would actually be open to watching the show again if that actually happened. Even though I might not really think their booking is competent, I'd still tune in every now and then if West got removed in favor of someone whose voice would actually be pleasant to listen to.
Though the chances of Foley going to TNA are Slim, it would be interesting what role Mick would take if he did go to TNA. On-screen it'd be nice whether he was an active wrestler like Sting or a commentator replacing Tenay or West. Off-screen I'm sure Mick would work wonders with the young talent backstage in how to cut promos and such. As for ratings I don't know if he could draw a big number, true if Kurt couldn't draw rating will Mick be able to? Then again kurt was the one to put TNA on the map or at least give it that push. Either way Mick has his fans and where ever he goes his fans are sure to follow. The man is a Legend who has inspired many other wrestlers throughout the world.Then again how many wrestlers have been rumored to make the jump (RVD, Ric Flair) but if he did make the move I'm sure Vince will take notice on that. So far he has lost an Olympic Gold medalist, One of the most decorated tag Teams in Pro wrestling, and other wrestlers as well. They've made their own Impact, so what would Mick Do?
If Mick went to TNA i doubt it'd make any real difference. I think Mick just wants to be involved with professional wrestling in some form or another, because it's a business he loves so much. 15 year of being powerbombed on floors, applying guillotines to himself, hundreds upon hundreds of chair shots and some of the most memorable gimmick matches the world has ever seen and a match that many wrestling fans will probably hold in their top 5 wrestling moments of all time and he still keeps re-appearing. If TNA really wanted Mick, they should hire him as a booker or a talent agent, but not on screen because it wouldn't be worth it for them as a company, and it's not going to add anything to Foley's career now. He made it to the top of the wrestling mountain, and to climb back down again and be exploited based on his accomplishments elsewhere, regardless of whether he's willing or not, would just be sad.

He achieved nothing in WCW except losing an ear, made a name for himself in the states in ECW and then proved himself all over again in WWE. What exactly would he do as a competitor in TNA? On screen talent? maybe, but not competitor.

And yeah i'd probably check out tna more often if he did go, but probably not for long
IMO For Foley to be sucessful and win over fans, he needs to stay OUT of WORLD TITLE pic.
He should jump into the X-division and revamp that thing!! I remember before SABU left for wwe, he was about to beat Joe for the X, and thats when it was just awesome!
But now its little cruiserwieghts that look like fools and a scott steiner wana be that is doing nothing but waste good belt space on a wrestler that wont ever be able to carry a company! That my friends is what a belt is really for!
X title should be around the waste of Roode, Morgan, Storm, Rhino, hell even Sharkboy (because he does more indy shows than anyone in the world lol!!)
Joe as X title was fun, but as world champ he is a snooze..
The only way this could work in T.N.A.'s favor in my opinion, is for Mick Foley to turn Abyss back into the blood-lusting hardcore addicted violent freak that he truly is.

Mick Foley is a big name, so naturally T.N.A. would want to latch onto that quicker than anything just to "stick it" to the W.W.E., because instead of trying to win via their own talent.. they obviously still feel the best way to do it is use the other guy's discarded players.

Foley isn't exactly someone I'd call discarded by any means.. but he isn't exactly a "saving grace" type of player either. He's most notably great for being violent. Which is what Abyss is also great at being. This "I can't turn violent anymore" phase needs to find an ending at some point, and if they land Foley, it makes sense to have him involved with it.
This would be a huge monumental move for TNA I think, foley is so well known more well known then Angle I feel, im not5 sure about him wrestling, would be good to see him in the ring again but I rather liked him commentating on Smackdown, so if he would replace Don West it would be excellent! If not than just having some kind of involvement with TNA I think would be brilliant and boost TNAs ratings for a while. TNA needs another huge star that hasnt been washed up. I also agree with the idea above of foley mentoring Abyss, I thin Abyss could be booked as the next foley and I thought that after he went to the "rehab" he would be booked that way. But I thikn that would be a superb storyline!
What are we, a year removed from Abyss being crazy, and what exactly did this new, nicer Abyss accomplish, damn near nothing? One of the biggest waste of time and destruction of a character since Kane took the mask off.

Will's scenario is a good one, use the sick son of a bitch that the other sick son of a bitch emulates to bring back both sick sons of bitches. Mick Foley is still the best on the mic in the business, and the sick sadistic Mick Foley is still probably one of the better matches on the card, even in his forties.

With BFG coming up, and any truth to the rumors Mick is jumping ship, this would easily be a match that I could get behind and support.
Mick Foley is a big name, so naturally T.N.A. would want to latch onto that quicker than anything just to "stick it" to the W.W.E., because instead of trying to win via their own talent.. they obviously still feel the best way to do it is use the other guy's discarded players.


Any programs "home grown" tallent is pretty suspect. Having TNA use Foley is no different than CM punk in WWE, OR OR. using Both Hardies, Jerico, Taker, HHH, HBK, Kane, Henry, who were around and peaked about 10 years ago, but just now are starting to get title runs b/c nobody else can draw.. and dont argue cena/batista b/c they were force fe so bad and nobody over the age of 12 likes them.

TNA is different than WCW.. WCW had $$, TNA does not, so I think you are right when the STICK it to WWE b/c it certainly should say more about the company to the fans that if main eventers (booker, angle, rhino, christian) leave there must be a good reason.
Breaking News: I watched Impact on Thursday.

This is breaking news because I don't watch Impact and its actually getting pretty good. With the random Sting and Jarrett appearances along with this stuff which is clearly Kaz I have proof which I will only show you if you ask nicely,and if Foley does go to TNA I will continue to watch. I don't think it will drastically improve ratings but I do think it will be an interesting addition to the TNA family. Good stuff on thursday nights and yes NorCal like you I shudder at the thought of watching TNA but I promise you'll enjoy it if you give it a chance.Foley is god and would have amazing feuds with Abyss.He could also improve the X-Division.I would enjoy him more in a in-ring role in TNA than I would announcing in WWE. I actually prefer the announce teams as they are now with JR/Tazz on SD, Cole/Lawler on Raw, Stryker/Grisham on ECW.No more Foley the only thing he should be doing with an announce table is going through it.
Foley would be a great loss to WWE. I don't understand why Vince McMahon always on the rag when it comes to announcers. He sucked as one. Foley in my view is a better side man than Tazz or the King. He has substance and that's hard to find these days in side kick announcers.
You know, I've always liked Mick. But, after reading Hardcore Diaries, I have to say that I think he's a bit of a spoiled brat. Let me elaborate.

This man has done quite a bit for WWE, but he's not Hulk Hogan. He's not Rock or Austin. He's a man who is willing to do anything to and with his body to put on a good show, and deserves respect.

But, demanding contracts that hardly include any work, barring WWE from a book signing WHEN WWE basically made all that shit possible, and now leaving a company that, let's face it, made him rich beyond his wildest dreams and treated him like gold simply because he can't get his way is fucked up.

Foley needs to realize he's not all that. Vince really must like and respect him to put up with some of the shit that he's done, because WWE could CERTAINLY have lived without him, even years ago.

Vince has bent over backwards to give this guy a light schedule, and now he's crying because he gets yelled at on the headset? AAAAAAAAW, poor baby!

I also find Mick to be very self-promoting, always talking about his charity work, how the Divas love him, and stuff like that. Hardcore Diaries was a self-gratifying Foley Fest that actually got quite a bit sickening after awhile. His first two biographies were great, and I respect the way he violently defended WWE in "Foley Is Good." But, are these his true colors coming out, or has he just soured over the past few years.

Foley cannot put on a quality match anymore. What he hopes to accomplish in TNA is beyond me, and why he would burn bridges with Vince, who, once again, has been VERY tolerant is something I just don't understand.

Bad career move, and, yes, a slap in the face to WWE that I feel, for once, is quite unwaranted.
Foley can't and shouldn't wrestle.

If he were to go to TNA, the only thing that would work is a mentor role, to a guy he is a big fan of...Samoa Joe.

His involvement, let's say...over a year's time...could result in Joe being offered a job with WWE.

He'd do a much better job in the role being performed by useless Kevin Nash.
I can't see Foley going to TNA it would tarnish his career TNA just isn't big enough yet.
I see foley 'retiring' for a few months (for the umpteenth time) untill Wwe come up with another role for him maybe doing what Flair was going to do for them behind seens before he left, or even in a creative role that would be great lets face it wwe writters suck at the moment
I think Mick going to TNA is the biggest step down he could take. He had the option before and didn't take it. He can't wrestle full time, maybe 1-2 matches a year. He has all the money he needs to live. If he is in fact leaving WWE, that is a shame, he was a good broadcaster. I was hoping he'd be the next Gorilla. I can see Mick taking time off, and in 8 months returning to WWE in some capacity. He would never sign up for another promotion, he has too much running on his legacy to leave WWE and go to their biggest rival.
I just can't picture this happening. Foley is just one of those guys now who is with WWE or he is with no other company. He himself claims he can't go anymore and that after a great run, his body is rather broken down. He can still do bumps sometimes and some matches here and there but other than that, what would he do in TNA? Be the commissioner?
It just doesn't seem like he has a connection with TNA enough to go over there. Sting was the only guy who was around when Foley was in wCw but that's hardly enough. And there would be an extreme paycut, so why put your body at risk if you're not even going to get payed as well for it. With limited opportunities there, I would be totally surprised if he actually ended up in TNA.
On a side note, whether WWE renews his contract or not, I fully expect to see him back in WWE before too long.
THis is interesting to me. Foley never officially retired and maybe he's got a match or two left in him. He's name that's still very familiar to wrestling fans and its clear he's still got it on the mic. He would be a good addition to any roster if nothing else for his experience. This guy is one of the few that has absolutely paid his dues and has earned everything that he's done. Foley is one of the few guys that can truly make big spots in matches make sense. His psychology is off the charts which is what TNA is desperate for. If he's unhappy in WWE, TNA should welcome him with open arms.
if he does go to TNA he wont be hurting the WWE he will be hurting himself and his legacy, let me go from a main stream business to one that has mostly washed up wrestlers that the WWE didnt hang onto because they were not good enough except the few that have some potential but it would be probably the stupidest thing he could do because it will most likely keep him out of the HOF and just like everyone said, the WWE will just bury his career and most importantly, his legacy.

Goddamnit, stop it! TNA is not filled with washed up wrestlers, that is completely a false statement. Many were released from WWE due to travelling and the fact that they weren't given the real push they deserved with the exception of Booker. WWE was crazy enough to release such talent that they did and look how limited they are now, trying to build more obviously. Kevin Nash now, I'll permit to be called a washed-up wrestler but he's really the only.

Mick Foley's legacy will be just in tact, nothing will negatively effect his career. I'm Sure his tenure in TNA won't be very long and he will return to WWE. Also if in fact true that Foley is defecting to TNA, I'm truly excited and can't wait to see what he'll do over there. Rumors have it that he will wrestle on a part-time schedule while helping TNA to become competition for WWE, so can't wait to see how that pans out. Foley is very intelligent and maybe he can lend a hand to Russo too. Perhaps, I have my hope too high but I wanna see what comes out of this if in fact it happens.
I really liked him as an announcer on SD. but I guess he just doesn't want to be a part of the company anymore. Going to TNA might not be a bad decision but it would take some getting used to. I would rather see TNA develop more of their own talent instead of having another WWE alumni.

WCW made the mistake of taking WWE's rejects and old timers, just for the sake of having them and look which direction that wrestling company spiralled into. I think if TNA truly wants anything from the WWE they'd be better off adopting WWE's initiative and building young superstars that will be able to carry them once developed.
Mick Foley isn't going to TNA. There is no point for him to go and I'm sure Mick knows that.

He hasn't done anything signifigant in years and as much as I hate to agree with him Ric Flair was right. Mick is pretty much a glorified stuntman. Not that I don't enjoy the hell out of seing Foley get his ass kicked but it's true.

Plus at this point in his life do you really think he is going to go on TV and PPVs and take huge bumps for a company that will be paying him signifigantly less than the WWE would be?

There is no point in discussing if it would be a good thing or a bad thing if Foley came to TNA because it's not going to happen.
Whats amazing in the few things i read on this topic so far make me laugh. People actually think that Mick Foley will make TNA ratings go up, thats a joke.

Kurt Angle was much bigger than Foley when he jumped. He actually wrestled, and was good, Foley is done. Honestly, if Kurt Angles jump didnt peak and interest and boost the ratings, Foley CANT do it.

So he can wrestle Abyss, ok thats about it, have 1 feud with Abyss then have him play a non wrestling role. So basically people think that fans will dump WWE and run to TNA to see Foley wrestle a handfull of times, then just see him on the show in some way.

If Foley thinks he can put TNA on the map, then all those hits to the head have caught up to him. If Angle, Booker, Christian jumping, Styles being there cant jump start it, Foley wont.

Once he gets there he will realize there is no place like home, in the WWE, and he would have attached himself to a failed experiment, just like Kurt Angle did. Angle said in a year they would be beating WWE, see how well that worked out? and he actually helps out the show.

WWE will not lose out if Foley leaves for TNA. Good luck all die hard TNA fans!!!
Whats amazing in the few things i read on this topic so far make me laugh. People actually think that Mick Foley will make TNA ratings go up, thats a joke.

Kurt Angle was much bigger than Foley when he jumped. He actually wrestled, and was good, Foley is done. Honestly, if Kurt Angles jump didnt peak and interest and boost the ratings, Foley CANT do it.

So he can wrestle Abyss, ok thats about it, have 1 feud with Abyss then have him play a non wrestling role. So basically people think that fans will dump WWE and run to TNA to see Foley wrestle a handfull of times, then just see him on the show in some way.

If Foley thinks he can put TNA on the map, then all those hits to the head have caught up to him. If Angle, Booker, Christian jumping, Styles being there cant jump start it, Foley wont.

Once he gets there he will realize there is no place like home, in the WWE, and he would have attached himself to a failed experiment, just like Kurt Angle did. Angle said in a year they would be beating WWE, see how well that worked out? and he actually helps out the show.

WWE will not lose out if Foley leaves for TNA. Good luck all die hard TNA fans!!!

Question...why wouldn't Mick Foley generate interest. People like him, he's well known, he's generated interest wherever he went. Not bad for an out of shape, 'garbage wrestler' who wouldn't be able to chain wrestle a 9 year old amputee. Why do people like Mike Foley then?

Why was WWF so prepared to back a man who has had 4 gimmicks (most running at the same time), and is famous for being described by Ric Flair as a 'glorified stuntman' in the middle of the darkest days of the Monday Night Wars...a move so ridiculous, it prompted WCW to comment that putting the title on Mike Foley on RAW 'that'll put a lot of butts in seats'. Tell did that work out for WCW?

Mike Foley is good for TNA and vice versa. Foley can go in, do what he wants his way, and probably return the favour with a mild bump in the ratings simply because Mike Foley is likeable and enjoyable.

As far as TNA beating WWE in ratings goes...tell me, how good are ECW's ratings again? Technically, Kurt was right. Do you really think he's stupid or arrogant enough to say we will beat RAW in a year? No, he said what he said to get interest, and it worked. TNA has beaten ECW on a good few occasions. It doesn't matter that ECW's ratings are awful, TNA is on a poor channel and to overtake the big company is an acheivement by itself
If it was 10 years ago and TNA was here and he jumped, it would be huge. Foley isnt the same guy, and cant do the same things. Im sorry, but if other stars couldnt bring ratings past a 2, what makes u think Foley will? Because 10 years ago he took major bumps? I dont mean to downplay his career, the best thing he has going for him i feel r his mic skills, which are great, but promos and some matches will not propel TNA. What TNA needs is a product worth watching, and that doesnt start with Foley, it starts with the guys who wrestle, mainly AJ Styles! I say put the belt on Styles and let him run with it. Foley will create buzz, but its buzz that will die down soon after.
My way of looking at it is this...Kurt Angle was a big deal for TNA because he was known. That drew in new viewers to see why Kurt Angle would choose to leave WWE for an unknown company. That got people into watching TNA to see what the fuss was about and some stayed.

To me, that's all TNA want. Some interest which they can funnel in to pushing the likes of Styles and letting people see if TNA are any good or not. I'm not saying Foley will set TNA alight and obtain 2s, I'm not even saying he'll be any good because he is past his best. But here you have a guy who's fresh off a commentating role on Smackdown and so is in people's mind.

That draws interest and that's what TNA want
i may be one of the few who dont think foley coming to TNA is anything. What the hell can foley do for TNA. He is old, he cant do what he used to, and even before i was never really impressed, he just takes bumps, and with that he would only be good against abyss and im sorry, abyss is terrible in my opinion. foley is only a mouth piece, he is 10 out of 10 on the mic, but other then that he has nothing to offer. he wont be in the x division, a match with him and aj, angle or joe would be extremely boring. i wouldnt mind me taking over the announcing, cause TNA announcers are BADDDD. i have said and will always say the only way to bring TNA up is to push the home grown talent. that means the x division should be getting more play then the knockout title, i dont understand how there is more knockout title matches then the x division title, it is slowly changing, but that title needs to be co main eventing. tag titles, if u break up LAX and you have the guns go heel, is there a face tag team that can go after the titles? they need a lot of things to turn things around and foley isnt one of them. maybe he will bring some experience, but honestly thats it, he is an old has been to me, like sting, actually not like sting, sting is useless
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