Foley to TNA

  • Thread starter Koko B Ware's Parrot-Kes!
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Wade Keller of is reporting that Mick Foley has agreed to contractual terms with TNA. He will be able to debut with the company once he's contractually allowed to do so. His WWE contract expires at the end of August, but I'm not sure whether he has a 90 day non-compete clause or not.

TNA just had tapings last night, so it will still be a little while before he could possibly show up on television (of course, this being only possible if he doesn't have a non-compete clause). They have a pay per view September 14th that could be an option, but there's no word yet on how TNA plans on using Foley if and when he does show up.

Man, the month or so of rumors has finally come true by the looks of it. My first impressions are, Fuck You Vince McMahon. Seriously, the way he's treated Foley throughout the years is disgusting, and I applaud Mick Foley for having enough pride and character in himself to not be treated like that, and simply walk away.

Now is it wise on Foley's part to essentially throw his WWE legacy away, I'm not too sure. The sad thing for us as fans, Mick Foley will probably end up getting the Benoit, Savage, Warrior treatment, and that means pretty much be erased from the history of the WWE so Vince can stroke his own ego.

I'm happy, yet pissed at the same time with this. Happy that Mick Foley will be on TV in some way shape or form, but pissed that Vince McMahon the asshole just let him walk away. As far as the 90 day no compete clause, he should be able to compete right away since he isn't under contract at all with the WWE.
I think that it's a good move by Foley, like Shocky said a good finger up to Vince. While it has been debated that this could throw away his WWE legacy, I think a move away from WWE could only strengthen the fans position on him.

What do I mean? Well it's almost a case of absence makes the heart grow fonder, and really Foley was struggling for a position in the company. To me he's not WWE, he's given it all for WCW, ECW, WWF/E and his sporadic ROH lets hope he gets a decent chance in TNA.

I'd like to see a return to the ring for him and see how this could go, but is he in the shape at them moment to do that? I hope we'll find out soon the details of his TNA contract whether it is as an announcer or as a wrestler, part time or full time. Either way "things are looking up!"
Congratulations Mick Foley!

It's nice to see someone stand up against mistreatment and honestly I didn't believe Mick could do it. He's a tough guy; if not the toughest guy to step into the ring. But I never believed he'd jump ship. He's been misused, hell not used, for the past years even though he wanted more face time. The guy is one of the best and his promo with Edge proves that and if Vince can let a man of his caliber, a living legend just walk out well then it appears as if Vince doesn't care.

Congratulations TNA, This may help boast your rating Foley is a legend and he may not help as much as Kurt Angle helped but he'll attract a new crowd that admires Foley's matches and dream that he'll wrestle again, which hopefully in TNA he will get that opportunity.
Well at least for the time being, I'll be watching TNA. I know it won't make that big of an impact, but I've respected Foley's entire career to at least follow the guy into TNA and give it a shot. I did the same for Angle, it's just that the Impact Zone can get mighty terrible to watch.

Also, and someone correct me if I'm wrong, Foley owns the name of Cactus Jack. So that could be a plus. People know Mick Foley and they Know Cactus Jack. I'm hoping that they use Foley on the announce team, and finally, finally we can be rid of Don West. If not, a feud with Abyss is almost a given at this point.
Also, and someone correct me if I'm wrong, Foley owns the name of Cactus Jack.

I think he does own the rights to cactus jack, and in my head the same to Dude love (but then Stevie Richards had a stint as dude love so I'm probably making that last bit up)

So that could be a plus. People know Mick Foley and they Know Cactus Jack. I'm hoping that they use Foley on the announce team, and finally, finally we can be rid of Don West. If not, a feud with Abyss is almost a given at this point.

While I feel that an announcing post will be on the cards for Foley, I think he has one more run in him as a wrestler. To go all out for the next 6/9 months would be brilliant and a proper send off, as opposed to being put through a table by Edge. Either way it will make me watch TNA a lot more regularly than I do now. Foley Is God.
Well...there goes my hopes that Foley will get into the WWE Hall of Fame. No way is Vince going to want him in there if Foley goes to TNA.

What use is it for him to go to TNA, really? He's too injured to wrestle. He doesn't have a legacy with TNA that he has to honor. A lot of the guys are most likely foreign to him, so it can't be a sort of camaraderie.

I just don't see the point in doing it unless you're so incredibly mad at WWE that you're willing to give up your friendship with the company and possibly your chances to be initiated into their Hall of Fame.
Well...there goes my hopes that Foley will get into the WWE Hall of Fame. No way is Vince going to want him in there if Foley goes to TNA.

What use is it for him to go to TNA, really? He's too injured to wrestle. He doesn't have a legacy with TNA that he has to honor. A lot of the guys are most likely foreign to him, so it can't be a sort of camaraderie.

I just don't see the point in doing it unless you're so incredibly mad at WWE that you're willing to give up your friendship with the company and possibly your chances to be initiated into their Hall of Fame.

while i agree with the injuries playing a big part in a possible wrestling run (I mean, the man is a Living Injuries museum) Foley is capable of making an big impact(no pun intended) without having a match. I mean, you've said it guys, who doesnt want to see Foley instead of fucking Don West??
Or someone else said it too: what about a mentor role? get rid of Nash for Christ sake!! let Foley lead a new faction, guys like Rhino, MCMG, even Christian Cage could play a big part in some sort of storyline.

The possibilities, while not endless, are vast.

Now, with the hall of fame part...

I'll be damned if Vince let Foley get into the HoF. That is Horse shit of course. Foley was a lock even if his relation with Vince wasn't the best. But now, we can only hope.

Nonetheless, Foley will stay in the mind of the fans for a long time. And I wish him the best and hopefully he can help TNA to grow faster (so he can give Vince a not-so sweet time)
I;m not really sure why people are reacting like signing with TNA is going to ruin his legacy or that he will never make the hall of fame. I mean look at the long list of men who gave Vince the proverbial "finger" and signed elsewhere who are in the hall of fame. You have Ravishing Rick Rude, who screwed Vince over so bad that he was on both RAW and Nitro in the same night, exposing RAW as being prerecorded and making Vince look like a fool for having had him on tv without a signed contract. And then you have Bret Hart, who spent nearly ten years of his life dragging Vince's name through the mud, only to come back and accept his hall of fame induction in person. So if Vince ever had plans for him to be a hall of famer, then he will still be one. But that's a big "IF" to begin with, considering that Vince has used Mick Foley's name to wipe his ass with over the years.

As far as Foley making an impact, he most definitely will. He is coming in as a well developed all around entertainment factor. Noone will have to groom him. He's a polished wrestler, can work spots, be multiple characters, and has shown that he can be an announcer as well. And let's not forget that a lighter schedule will give Foley time to continue to be a best selling author. And people knowing that Foley doesn't need the money, will make TNA look more like a viable alternative. This signing just might sway guys who are currently some of the most sought after free agents like RVD and Bobby Lashley. This was a superb signing for TNA and will more than likely turn more curious heads than Christian Cage's signing did. I would have mentioned Kurt Angle's and Booker T's signings, but face it, they were out of work and TNA had money. There was no surprise involved.
I think this will help TNA a little bit but not as a big impact move. When Kurt Angle came to TNA everyone thought that it was going to be a big success for both him and the company. It was okay at first but now Kurt Angle has became kind of dull character wise, but thats just my opinion. Foley will draw a little at first but it will eventually die down because he is not going to be a very long term plan at all especially because of the state that his body is in now a days.
I agree that Angle was a bigger impact to TNA, due to him being a active wrestler still. But I don't think Angle was ever over with fans as much as Foley once was. Sure Foley isn't as over as he once was, but he's still a bigger name then Angle ever was, so I think he could bring more hype/ratings at first, if TNA builds this up right.

The main reason why Foley seems like a over the hill has-been is because thats how Vince has made him look over the last few years. It's pretty obvious HHH/Vince have buried Foley in recent years. Foley has said he wanted to wrestle the last two WrestleMania, and was not given at match. He's came up with storylines/ideas and they were all rejected. Brian Gerwitz(who was a believer in Foley still) even came up with storylines for Foley last year and they also were rejected. Think about it after SummerSlam 06, Foley kissed Vince ass, it was suppose to lead to a match with Vince and a push for Melina. What happen nothing? Foley is then a throw in a Vengeance- Night of Champs main event. What happens? A week before the PPV, Foley/Umaga are suppose to have a match to hype the PPV. What happens is they brawl before they get in the ring, and Umaga destroys him. Now if your ordering this PPV, what chances do you think Foley has at winning, if you see him get destroyed by another guy in the match? Then of course Foley jobs and gets pinned by Cena. After that Foley wrestles the The Coach in a two minute match on Smackdown, and tags up with Hornswoggle against the Highlanders to get into the Royal Rumble(in which HHH gets him out). I can't see any better example of being buried.Now Foley starts calling Smackdown, and Vince treats him like his bitch. Seriously does Vince realize what this guy has done for your company over the years? I know there realtionship has been very hot and cold the last 7-8 years, but thats just BS.

Not to mention even before Vince buried Foley, his storylines were very boring. Foley played the old great wrestler, trying to prove he still has it against a young guy, and always would lose. It was pretty cool against Randy Orton, but got pretty old after that. If Foley is going to work in TNA, they just need to bring back the Foley that was a success. He needs to be the 90-00 Foley, and no mention of him being old or how good he use to be. He just needs to be the fun loving guy, who will kick ass and get his ass kicked trying, and he also needs to win some matches to keep things interesting. In all honestly Foley isn't that old he's only 43, and a few years older then many of the WWE main eventers. Sure his body is beat up and he can't wrestle full-time anymore. But I think he will still wrestle 6-7 matches a year(thats what he did in 06), as long as he doesn't have a major injury. If Foley gets himself in decent shape, he can still put on quality matches , he just hasn't been given the chance to do that in WWE since 06. If Vince wasn't a cock I think Foley would have been happy wrestling a few more matches, and just do stuff for the WWE and retire for good. But going to TNA is gonna make him wanna wrestle more and do what it takes to make their show better. Only time will tell the impact this will make on TNA, but Foley probably the biggest star to ever be in TNA(next to probably Sting), so it has to worry Vince some, and if it didn't I don't think Vince would have paid Foley big money to stay three years ago. As for Foley contract it seems like Spike TV helped pay part of Foley deal(so they must think he will bring in a good amount of ratings), in which Foley would agree to do TV work with their network as well. So it does seem like Foley will get a decent amount of money to go to TNA after all.
If Foley takes DOn West's job, I will start watching TNA.

Yea I said it. And I mean it. This alone should show everyone the Impact of Mick Foley. On the other hand, Don West calling a Mick Foley match may be the most absolutely excrutiating thing ever known to the human ear. So, may be a double edge sword as far as the veiwership from yours truly.

Overall, I cant see it having TOO much of an impact, but its certainley a step in the right direction, especially if they allow his to help out on the creative side of things, and with booking.

As far as his legacy, im not so sure I can see this tainting it really. I mean HOW many times has he and Vince had falling outs??? Among other things, and people. I can garuntee that Foley, Christian, and Angle could all come back any day if they so chose. So I wouldnt worry all that much about it. Vince can edit videos, but he cant remove memories.
I really don't think TNA is bringing Foley in to be a announcer, thats just not a big enough role for Foley. If he's not wrestling right away he will be a manager or have front office type role. So he would have a big role in actual wrestling angles. If Foley takes time off from wrestling or isn't involved in wrestling storylines after a while, I can see him doing announcing but not anytime soon. Remember TNA is taking the Mick Foley name the former huge WWE star to their show. They will do their best to bring him back to being the star he use to be, after Vince has tried to killed that over the last few years. Nobody is going to care if he replaces Don West announcing matches, sure it will be a bonus to the show, but won't bring in any ratings. Spike Tv wouldn't have gotten involved with his contract, unless they were expecting Foley to increase ratings on Impact and other TV work Foley will be doing for Spike TV. So Foley is gonna be used as something big, either wrestling or non wrestling angle.
Breaking: Mick Foley Agrees To Contractual Terms With TNA
Wade Keller of is reporting that Mick Foley has agreed to contractual terms with TNA. He will be able to debut with the company once he's contractually allowed to do so. His WWE contract expires at the end of August, but I'm not sure whether he has a 90 day non-compete clause or not.

TNA just had tapings last night, so it will still be a little while before he could possibly show up on television (of course, this being only possible if he doesn't have a non-compete clause). They have a pay per view September 14th that could be an option, but there's no word yet on how TNA plans on using Foley if and when he does show up.Wait, a second here it looks to me that Foley is following the footsteps of Kurt Angle,Christian,Christy Hemme,Team 3D,and Rhyno.How are they going to use as an announcer that's not a big role for Foley but, as a Wrestler.Foley can feud with Rhyno,Tomko,Abyss,Aj Styles,Christian Cage,Sting,and Jeff Jarret.
I am glad he went, the more options in wrestling the better for the fans. As far as the Impact, all I can say is I will watch every week Mick Foley is on. So its had an impact on me.
I think they are equally funny, but I would add to folks wondering why Foley would head to TNA, why would the WWE HIRE Sid??

I would watch Foley read the Great Gatsby on TNA any day of the week before I would watch Sid work in any promotion.
Around a year ago Mick Foley was in an interview with The Sun saying that he thought that he still had a few good matches in him and he would definitely be willing to do his hardcore stunts. And when he was talking about where he would have been if he had went to TNA before he said "i can't imagine from their standpoint that i would have been benefitial for more than that 1st year. i don't think that i would have been a part of their company. i'd have had 4 matches and maybe two of them would have been good." Assuming that these words are still relevant it dosn't look likely that Foley would be staying in TNA for too long. And i don't think it would make sense to tarnish a legendary career just to turn your back on Vince Mcmahon so lets hope Mick doesn't go to TNA. Although Creative controll would probably be guaranteed Mick argued with Vince Mcmahon a lot about creative issues in the past so i'm guessing he'd have field day with Russo's shitty ideas

On the other hand, Don West calling a Mick Foley match may be the most absolutely excrutiating thing ever known to the human ear.

sweet jesus christ you're right........god help us all
Having read all the preceding 7 pages slowly bleed into life, I have a rough ideas of the views being thrown around here. However, don't be surprised if my reply comes off as a little incoherent.

Foley to TNA. What impact will it make? I'm not too sure, to be honest. Sure, you can talk about how even Angle only just about managed to make a bit of a dent and how Booker was wasted. You can talk about how a big name like Sting had arguably no effect and how Christian Cage just used TNA for his own benefit, rather than for the company. I've got a theory though; Mick Foley could be the straw that breaks the camel's back, so to speak. No single man can turn TNA around, that much is true. Angle's inability to get that true breakthrough showed that much.

However, the combination of Foley with all the other guy's that are there, with Foley sparking the interest, their cumulative name value could be enough to tip the scales. I'm not even saying Foley will be this guy, I just think the day will come when that'll happen. So don't dismiss the value of just one man, because you add up all those one men and what do you get? Lots of men, that's what!

So, realistically speaking, what will Foley's role be in the company? Wishfully, he'd replace Don West - surely you can just keep him occupied with the marketing side of things? With a competent partner, I think Tenay would come off well. Likewise for Foley. He could be a dream come true, certainly a step up from West.

On a wrestling side, we're most likely looking a short run if any. People have mentioned Abyss, but I don't really know. Maybe down the line. Personally, I'm aching for a short Foley/Angle feud. Two complete opposites and two men who I think can really bring out the best of each other, even if they are getting on a bit. Foley hardly really relied on his athleticism, did he? It's perfectly plausible and - this is the best part - it never really happened in the E.

There's just one question left: Mick, when can you start?
Are people watching because of the so-called "impact" on the business or are they watching because they enjoy certain personalities and wrestlers. I could care less about the business or the "impact" I watch because I am entertained and the Mondays when the WWE does not entertain me I change the channel.

Last year I watched more of the Sarah Connors Chronicles than Raw. I am curious to see how Mick does in TNA, that's why I will watch. I also think, its good to see another WWE star walk away.

Hopefully Vince will get the message that there are some who will go elsewhere and even if they are not making millions there or the show is not getting a 3.whatever rating, they still are doing what they love and aren't taking the Vinnie Mac BS.

Good on Mick Foley, hopefully Carlito will walk also.
I would love to see TNA bring Foley back to his potential, either his in-ring potential, managerial potential, or creative potential. I don't care for him as a commentator. He is honestly kinda boring, and he has a kind of generic voice. Doesn't thrill me.

As a side note, I don't know why everybody hates Don West. He's not the best, but he's a good commentator. I've said it before, at least he does play-by-play commentary during the matches he calls, unlike in WWE (well, RAW and Smackdown!, ECW is good) where they just talk about crap that has nothing to do with the match.
It doesn't matter who you bring in it matters how you use them. Foley to TNA is a nothing move. He will not get over because TNA has no clue on how to use people. They're WWE lite. He will have zero impact just like the others have.
It doesn't matter who you bring in it matters how you use them. Foley to TNA is a nothing move. He will not get over because TNA has no clue on how to use people. They're WWE lite. He will have zero impact just like the others have.

Did you just say Foley won't get over? Are you serious? I seriously hope you phrased that wrongly, because this is TNA. Everybody is over in TNA. Curry Man got over by doing a funny dance, Mick Foley will get over by just showing up. He could come out and take a dump in front of everyone and still get a standing ovation.
It doesn't matter who you bring in it matters how you use them. Foley to TNA is a nothing move. He will not get over because TNA has no clue on how to use people. They're WWE lite. He will have zero impact just like the others have.

Although I hope that this isn't the case, I tend to agree with you. TNA hasn't utlized there investements (sting, nash, angle, booker t, rhyno, christian, etc.) well at all. Another thing is their ridiculous child-like characters that make me want to puke. I agree with the majority of columnists who bash it week in and week out. TNA has truly become the minor leagues of professional wrestling.

I was a die-hard supporter for a long time but as of late I am disgusted with the product. However, this weeks segment with Sting was great, and if they can find a way to incorporate foley in that same type of fashion then I think it could help. They do have at least two good segments every week.

Anyway, I don't think foley should wrestle anymore at all, but he would be better utlized in a creative manner.

On Don West and Tenay:

They really need to do something with both of these guys. They insult my intelligence, bore me, and annoy me most of the time. Add a heel announcer at the least. Foley would also be a good addition but I think he needs to be used in more areas than simply announcing.
I would like to hope that Mick Foley will be used as much behind the scenes in creative and such as he would be on camera. I think he could possibly be of equal value to each role. Yeah he'll never be able to be fulltime wrestler, that's obvious, but he seems to be still able to pull out the occasional full star match every year or so, and the value he can bring to the build up storyline is unquestionable in my eyes. If he was allowed to combine that with what he could possibly bring, given his sharp mind, wrestling history and love for the business, to a backstage creative roll, this in my opinion could potentially make him a most valuable signings for TNA. But it depends upon what they want him for, and what they will allow him to do/he wants to do. In my opinion, he has the potential, between on-camera role and backstage role, given the right company and the right Mick Foley, to make a wrestling organisation. But time will tell, there are so many real-world factors, and we know none of them.
I think foley will come in and wrestle Abyss. Did anyone else hear Abyss say he wanted to wrestle 'anyone" and hurt them? foley could end up being a mentor/manager for Abyss and help get him back to being the crazy guy he was. I don't like foley as a person or a wrestler, so I hope he has a backstage roll and isn't used onair very long.
Three years ago there was one ROH match that a hell of a lot of people wanted to see. That be Foley vs. Samoa Joe. Well at least it can happen now. Foley is more out of shape than he was 3 years ago, but I don't see it making much difference. And Joe, even though he has his detractors now, he's the same wrestler he was three years ago. I want to see it, and I'm sure it will happen.

It's pretty much the only postive thing I can see from this move.
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