Foley to TNA

  • Thread starter Koko B Ware's Parrot-Kes!
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Mick Foley will be over straight away. He will probably be in the main event straight away if he wants to be. He will be the TNA champion within a month if he wants to be.

But I don't think that if this move happens whether it will be good for Foley. If he keeps wrestling, he will just destroy his body further, which he can't really allow to happen. But if he works as creative, it will be great for both the company and Foley, as he has great ideas and Foley could become head of creative.
Yeah, Foley vs. Abyss would be great. Bring back James Mitchell and stick him with Abyss again, the promos in the build-up could be amazing. I'd pay just to see the promos between Foley & Mitchell. Then maybe have Abyss go over Foley and stick Foley behind a heel Joe for an Abyss vs. Joe feud. The promos again could be of diamond caliber. I prefer a heel Joe and heel Abyss. Heel vs. heel is hard to do, but I'm sure between the tongues of Foley and Mitchell, they could pull it off if anyone could.
I didn't read any of the posts here but has a picture of a smiley face with barbed wire saying "Have A Nice Day"

Damn, Mick Foley is coming to TNA. Add that to the jam packed roster TNA has with established names and young stars. TNA is making money and forking out cash to all these big names? Awesome news..

Russo finally gets to work with Foley again after a 9 year hiatus - that's probably why Foley decided to come. I can't wait to see him entertain, because Foley has been unhappy with "Creative" (i use that term loosely here) in WWE. Russo/Foley work well together and maybe there'll be some really good stuff here for TNA too!!!

Go TNA - Go Foley!

I predict a HUGE reaction for Foley's first apperance, followed by lesser reaction as the weeks go by, lol - this happens to all the big names at TNA: Sting, 3D, Rhino, Christian, Angle, BOoker T
I didn't read any of the posts here but has a picture of a smiley face with barbed wire saying "Have A Nice Day"


Russo finally gets to work with Foley again after a 9 year hiatus - that's probably why Foley decided to come. I can't wait to see him entertain, because Foley has been unhappy with "Creative" (i use that term loosely here) in WWE. Russo/Foley work well together and maybe there'll be some really good stuff here for TNA too!!!

I've been perhaps the most positive poster in this thread, but this inspires so much cynicism within me it's unreal.

I predict a HUGE reaction for Foley's first apperance,

I predict that Foley lights himself on fire and comes out and starts nailing Samoa Joe with a Barbed Wire baseball bat. Crickets. The crowd quietly disperses as Foley grabs Joe in the Mandible Claw. He hits the Piledriver onto the bat in front of a near empty iMPACT! zone. The last solitary little kid looks at Foley after everyone's gone home. A broken and distraught Mick looks up, hopeful that he's still managed to touch one fan... Only to have a coke thrown at his head in disgust. I honestly don't see how he could come out to any sort of reaction.

followed by lesser reaction as the weeks go by, lol - this happens to all the big names at TNA: Sting, 3D, Rhino, Christian, Angle, BOoker T

There's only so many six man tag matches that people can take.
If T.N.A. shits out Mick Foley v. Kurt Angle at Bound For Glory instead of Kurt Angle v. Jeff Jarrett, on their most important Pay per view of the year.. no.. of ALL TIME.. then I'm going to be extremely pissed off and will most certainly NOT be having a nice fucking day.

Mick Foley is out of shape and if I wanted to see Foley interact with Kurt Angle, I'd just go back to old W.W.F. tapes. This is really bad in my opinion and could've been done in a lot more ways. Foley v. Angle will be horrible, and not even a hardcore/monster's ball(ish) setting will help Foley look good, and not make Angle at the same time look horrible for even remotely putting an out of shape Foley over.

I admit Foley in the Main Event(ish) will spark more reaction because Foley is a name.. and it seems Abyss right now is about on par with Matt Morgan for becoming someone that's less and less important as the weeks go by, which means Foley/Abyss wouldn't be worth wasting now. (I still think it'd be worth it to a degree, but Abyss since his return has been awful.. Kane awful)

I just think Foley would be better served against any number of other guys than Kurt Angle. If T.N.A. wanted to swerve people, well done.. I doubt anyone could've predicted they'd intentionally take the risk of shitting on their biggest Pay per view of the company in this manner.

I can only hope Foley v. Angle is a 'build-up' match while Jarrett trains for facing Angle AT the p.p.v.. but my guess is Angle v. Jarrett will round out the rest of the year in meaningless Pay per view matches and 6 Man Tags, while Foley will get the shot of glory at the self-titled p.p.v.
You have to put some thought into this.

Foley vs. Angle isn't the end of the world. This fight isn't about Angle vs. jarett, though this whole program could have jarrett go through Angle to reach his objective. Jarrett's main target is Sting. So why would we put jarrett in a match with Angle at BFG if we need to have jarrett involved in Sting vs. Joe, continuing that fued? Jarrett and Sting will wind up being the leaders in this battle for "respect".

Besides, I wouldn't mind seeing Angle and Foley go at it in a six sided ring, and see how well Foley adjusts to it. I'm sure it'll be a normal match, as Foley is probably doing a light schedule, and Angle hates gimmick matches.
You call foley out of shape yet this out shape guy can put on better promos then anyone on TNA right now.. This out of shape guy was able to put on some of the best matches with guys like ric flair, randy orton and edge.. He's still great and has alittle more under the hood... He's a big name with a big fan base... I like foley and I will watch tna to see what happens with him around.. I think bringing in foley is the best thing tna can do right now
You have to put some thought into this.

I did, it the original thread that was designed to discuss the Mick Foley coming to T.N.A. thread. Apparently you didn't put much thought into finding that same thread though, huh.

Foley vs. Angle isn't the end of the world.

No, that machine in Switzerland likely will be the cause of that. Foley v. Angle is just T.N.A.'s way of thinking they could take two of the 'bigger' W.W.E. names and have them meet. Because it's not new or innovative, it's just T.N.A.'s theory of being that way.

This fight isn't about Angle vs. jarett, though this whole program could have jarrett go through Angle to reach his objective.

That's kinda funny you said that, because I was pretty sure this 'fight' was about Jeff Jarrett siding with the younger talent over the major 'vets' would didn't wanna give up their spots. Kurt Angle being one of them.

If you jump to iMPACT!, Kurt Angle was even pointed out in being Jeff Jarrett's hand-picked successor.. which means Jarrett 'made a mistake' and needs to rectify that mistake. How does that work in wrestling again?

Kurt Angle said:
I want a match with you, at Bound For Glory, Jeff!

Thanks Kurt.

Jarrett's main target is Sting.

I'm pretty sure Samoa Joe's Main target was Sting, Jarrett only views Sting as "one of" the 'bad guys'.. along with the other guy that's been getting taken out by guitar shots. That of course being Kurt Angle.

Since Sting already has an opponent (and a streak of title wins) at Bound For Glory, that left both Jarrett and Angle without dancing partners.. in a normal wrestling federation gearing up for their biggest Pay per view.. that would normally mean a double Main Event type setting. In T.N.A. it just means..

T.N.A. Fans said:
FIRE RUSSO *clap, clap, clap, clap, clap* FIRE RUSSO

Thanks guys.

So why would we put jarrett in a match with Angle at BFG if we need to have jarrett involved in Sting vs. Joe, continuing that fued?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but when did it become Wrestling 'law' to have a Superstar only appear once on the same show? And seeing as to how Sting has attacked both Samoa Joe, and A.J. Styles on the same show.. why can't Jarrett fight Angle, then cost Sting the Main Event?

Seems to me that'd set-up your Jarrett v. Sting match-up, as well as give the fans what they want in another match-up.

Jarrett and Sting will wind up being the leaders in this battle for "respect".

Which is funny when you truly think about it. You know, the "old school guys" taking on the "new kids on the block". Yet the war is being waged, in what I assume would be the Main Event of some Pay per view.. by two "old school guys".

Ah, you have to love T.N.A.'s way of thinking.

Besides, I wouldn't mind seeing Angle and Foley go at it in a six sided ring, and see how well Foley adjusts to it.

My guess is he'll adjust like any wrestler would when wrestling inside a WRESTLING RING. It has two extra turnbuckles. Foley doesn't climb those things anyway.. so I doubt he'll get confused as to which one to go to.

I'm sure it'll be a normal match

You aren't really a T.N.A. fan, are you?

as Foley is probably doing a light schedule

Well, considering T.N.A. does them, yeah, that'd be my guess too.

and Angle hates gimmick matches.

He does? Wow. He sure as hell signed up to compete in the wrong Wrestling company.
Dude, what's with the attitude?

Considering i spend alot more money watching TNA PPV and alot less on WWE, i think i can safely say I at least enjoy TNA, if you (Big Will) don't consider me a "fan". I consider myself a Kurt Angle fan, but I'm sure there are bigger ones out there.

Wish you put as much thought into analyzing the concept of wrestling angles as much as analyzing my post.

All I said was this is going to build up for months culminating in Jarrett vs. Sting, or as a huge tag match (new guys vs veterans). Does that mean Jarett won't fight Angle? No, he will. It just won't be at BFG.
Dude, what's with the attitude?

Just because I broke apart your post and debated with you, doesn't instantly mean I have an attitude. I'm sorry that you instantly take someone having a difference of opinion as someone obviously giving you attitude.

Considering i spend alot more money watching TNA PPV

Minus 2 from 2004-05, I haven't missed a T.N.A. Pay per view. I fail to understand how spending any amount of money on the product has anything to do with why Mick Foley against Kurt Angle is a better option than Jeff Jarrett v. Kurt Angle though.

and alot less on WWE

Technically, if you've spent any amount of money recently on a W.W.E. Pay per view, then you've spent more for it than a regular T.N.A. p.p.v.. but this is still off topic and has no business here.

i think i can safely say I at least enjoy TNA

Oh, I get it. So because you spend a ton of money on T.N.A. p.p.v.'s.. that makes you a better fan of the product than say someone who loves it as well, but can't afford to get every p.p.v.. is that it?

I'm pretty sure you can enjoy something without having to buy everything it produces.

if you (Big Will) don't consider me a "fan".

Never once said you weren't a fan. I don't know you. (this is still all off topic)

I consider myself a Kurt Angle fan, but I'm sure there are bigger ones out there.

Meh. To each their own. I'm a Kurt Angle fan as well, as am I a Mick Foley fan (slightly) but I just think for the biggest p.p.v. of the year this is a mistake.

Jeff Jarrett might not market as good as Mick Foley, but to T.N.A. fans Jarrett is like Triple H., Shawn Michaels, or the Undertaker. Having him back is what they want because he's been gone for what seems to them like forever.

So instead of marketing a match like that, and promoting your biggest Pay per view of the company (not just year, but of all time) it seems like you'd wanna save Foley (the bigger marketing ploy) to go against Angle on one of the many B-Shows.. not your A-show.

Save your bigger marketing talents for a show that needs them. Bound For Glory is arguably T.N.A.'s 'best' (said loosely) show they have.. Jarrett v. Angle, with Joe v. Sting.. even with Foley as a Special Ref in the Jarrett/Angle match.. would be better served than Foley v. Angle, with Jarrett running interference.

Wish you put as much thought into analyzing the concept of wrestling angles as much as analyzing my post.

Wait, so you don't think I pay attention to wrestling? Or better yet you don't think I put as much time and effort into wrestling angles?


TheOneBigWill said:
I have an idea that would be better served for a talk show than Karen's Angle.. here it is.
Disco Inferno said:
That's actually a good idea, I'll pitch it to creative.

Thanks again, Glenn.

All I said was this is going to build up for months culminating in Jarrett vs. Sting

Which is once again fine and well, mixed with a bit of irony considering it's suppose to be the young guys against the old guys.. and the best match-up they have is old v. old.

or as a huge tag match (new guys vs veterans).

Knowing T.N.A. I'm sure the rest of the year will finish out this ever-building feud with non-stop 6 man Tag matches.

Does that mean Jarett won't fight Angle? No, he will.

It's a match-up I believe a lot of people would want to see. I'm not discounting that people wouldn't arguably still want to see Foley wrestle as well. I'm just saying that if Foley is the "bigger" draw.. wouldn't you want him to be marketed on a lesser show, that would NEED the drawing ability?

It just won't be at BFG.

Which if that's the case (Hasn't been officially announced yet, to my knowledge) is a major mistake.
i just decided to post this on the foley thread. he continues to defend russo

On TNA's booking: "If you were traveling around the country, you probably wouldn't have fans quite as interested in the backstage happenings. So you would be a lot less likely to hear, "Fire Russo" chants. I was always a supporter of Russo's. I even have that in writing in WWE books. And I think that now we have a cast of guys who could really make things happen. And I think that you will see a better focus on creative… You know, I think [Vince Russo] is a great idea guy. The challenge of coming up with something new every week is probably not fully appreciated by many people."

I really hope Foley on TNA really makes the "higher ups" at TNA realize the potential of a Russo when he's writing to the fullest. If they just let him really try a direction that hasn't been seen, stick to it LONG TERM, I think we'll see the numbers grow a lot faster and we'll see the audience retained rather than being ona nd off. Obviously im an avid TNA follower as I post on the boards regularly.. butsometimes they can't really hold my attention on some shows..

The only show I really enjoy watching everyw eek that leads me to mark out is Prison Break. Oz seasons 1-6 was a show I loved watching this year on DVD.. but a current show taht is really exciting is Prison Break. other shows like Heroes or Lost just don't do it for me..

I hope Russo gets to write.. and I hope Foley's utilization continues to be interesting every week. TNA's roster is COMPLETELY stacked right now and IMO better than the roster on WWE.. so it's essential for the writing to be top notch every week, and given the history i have seen Russo write tons of new stuff every single week.. he said it was a challenge, but it was a good challenge. I want tos ee more of that and I"m confident TNA can grow a lot faster if they stopped reading the naysayers online
So , Mick Foley is now a "Owner" in TNA. This could be a good thing if they involve him in the creative process and have him as the general manager on air. I eventualy see a Jeff Jarrett vs Mick Foley match for sole ownership of TNA. This also leaves Jim Cornette in a odd position. If Foley is the new boss then Cornette is out of a job. Hopefully they add Cornette to the announce team. The announce team is the worst part of TNA and they could realy use some help.
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