Just pathetic

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Championship Contender

So it looks like TNA will try anything. According to this, they were sent there by TNA to get into Bound for Glory for free. Seriously? If that's true, then it just shows how awful TNA is.

They're trying to take the WWE fans from their own event, and take them to a watered-down, shit version. Obviously, it didn't work. They tried it with the banner on a plane at WrestleMania 24, which the WWE managed to stop with quite some ease. Maybe they're still pissed that the WWE managed to go into TNA's zone and beat them?

I don't know, but I don't see the logic. It makes them look pathetic. Agree, disagree?
I disagree. I don't see a problem with it. A lot of WWE fans don't know TNA exists, so why not send people out to one of the bigger WWE PPVs to spread the word?

As for giving free tickets away, that really shouldn't surprise anyone. TNA has given free tickets out to PPVs (or at least that has been reported) just to fill up seats. At least they are getting something in return for the free tickets this time.

I don't think it shows that TNA is awful. Actually I don't think TNA is awful in the first place. And how do you know it didn't work? Maybe those people got some people interested in TNA, I think that is what the goal was.
TNA is pathetic for doing so, I believe its true. I'm not just saying this because I dislike TNA its my opinion on the matter. Everyone knows its fact that WWE are the top Wrestling promotion in the world, with TNA in second. The fact that they've had fans do that shows how pathetic they really are. They can run ads, on TV or in cinemas (if thats plausable) they can put posters up promoting the PPV but fucking hell having fans going to SummerSlam, which was an epic PPV and try to sway the loyal WWE fans, is again pathetic. TNA needs to grow the fuck up and realise that WWE is better than they are
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So it looks like TNA will try anything. According to this, they were sent there by TNA to get into Bound for Glory for free. Seriously? If that's true, then it just shows how awful TNA is.

They're trying to take the WWE fans from their own event, and take them to a watered-down, shit version. Obviously, it didn't work. They tried it with the banner on a plane at WrestleMania 24, which the WWE managed to stop with quite some ease. Maybe they're still pissed that the WWE managed to go into TNA's zone and beat them?

I don't know, but I don't see the logic. It makes them look pathetic. Agree, disagree?

So let me get this strait, cause I'm not sure what you are upset about.

Are you upset that TNA...a wrestling company was trying to sell their product to...wrestling fans, because I agree that’s crazy, like film companies putting adverts for other films on at the cinema, or TV companies putting adverts for thier shows in the ad breaks of rival shows. :huh:

Or are you mad that they used fans who they could get to work for free tickets (with little to no cost to TNA). Instead of using a high priced marketing company do it?

I agree I’m shocked at the actions of TNA :wtf:
TNA needs to grow the fuck up and realise that WWE is better than they are

LoL, what a great quote. I think you need to grow up mate.

Why would TNA not want to try and sell their product to a target market of 100% wrestling fans? Are they saying don’t go to Summer Slam, are they saying don’t watch WWE, NO.

What they are they saying is...... You know this WWE stuff you love, well as you love this, if you tune into Spike on a Thursday night there might be another show you will like as well.

Its not all us or them, one or the other, you can like TNA and WWE, if you don’t fair enough, but TNA are not Pathetic and dont need to grow up for marketing their product.
TNA is pissed because WWE went to the Impact Zone and beat them? Do you know what the hell you're talking about? Do you even watch TNA? Clearly you don't since you have such a blind hatred of something you don't understand. If TNA wants to promote let them promote. Vince McMahon doesn't see TNA as a threat so why would he take away the Sting masks from the fans? hmmm very interesting. I would rather go to a wrestling event where they are allowed to say what they want to say, and bring whatever signs they want to bring.

WWE censors it shows, wrestlers, and now even its fans. TNA is a watered down version of WWE? More like a spiked punch version if anything. TNA is TNA that's it. What's wrong with having other wrestling companies? Competition is a good thing. You wouldn't want to see just one type of movie from one company now would you? People want variety. TNA having fans wearing masks to promote Bound For Glory is nothing compared to WWE showing up on WCW Nitro in a tank. Did that seem pathetic?
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It seems to me that this is just a smart marketing attempt on TNA's part. TNA needs to get more viewers, and letting casual WWE fans know their product exists is a vital part. Unfortunately, Mr. McMahon seems to quash their attempts at every turn. (and why shouldn't he? I wouldn't want the competition advertising directly outside my #2 PPV either!)

TNA has a good product with names many casual fans will readily recognize. (Angle, Lashley, Booker T to name a few.) Advertising and appealing to fans of the competition may bring some fans to your product, and TNA attempting to advertise at WWE's #2 PPV was a smart marketing move (by, in my opinion, a poor marketing department...but that's a discussion for another thread)
It just reminds me of the famous time when WCW announced on Nitro that Mick Foley was going to win the Title that night; thinking that people were going to laugh about it, and all that happened was that everybody turned over to watch Raw! It just seems a little desperate to me. Also, as a jeweller online, I wouldn't allow adverts on my site, promoting another jeweller. That is just common sense, you don't allow a rival business operator to jump on your coat-tails to get advertising time.
Didn't DX do that live and on camera with WCW? I don't know if WWE was losing the Great War of Ratings by that point, but I would say talking to fans outside a WCW event and asking why they'd bother with this company and not WWE is worse than just doing it behind the scenes. At least you didn't have this idea with a huge bias in mind haha
TNA is pissed because WWE went to the Impact Zone and beat them? Do you know what the hell you're talking about? Do you even watch TNA? Clearly you don't since you have such a blind hatred of something you don't understand. If TNA wants to promote let them promote. Vince McMahon doesn't see TNA as a threat so why would he take away the Sting masks from the fans? hmmm very interesting. I would rather go to a wrestling event where they are allowed to say what they want to say, and bring whatever signs they want to bring.

WWE censors it shows, wrestlers, and now even its fans. TNA is a watered down version of WWE? More like a spiked punch version if anything. TNA is TNA that's it. What's wrong with having other wrestling companies? Competition is a good thing. You wouldn't want to see just one type of movie from one company now would you? People want variety. TNA having fans wearing masks to promote Bound For Glory is nothing compared to WWE showing up on WCW Nitro in a tank. Did that seem pathetic?

While I agree with most of your points I do think there is a big difference between WWE sending HHH and DX to Nitro in a tank and TNA having some random fans show up trying to earn free tickets. This is one of the things TNA does I just don't like. Marketing themselves on the cheap. If they want to really compete with WWE they have to put more money into promoting the product. Commercials, wrestlers making appearances on TV and radio, etc. Not have 5 or 6 people hand out fliers at a WWE event.

We are 7 weeks away from BFG and TNA is still being coy about the Sting retirement match. This close to WM WWE was already promoting the Flair retirement match big time. Time for TNA to stop acting like a small time indy which they are not.
Well if TNA is pathetic for this, WWE is even more pathetic. As mentioned the WCW Tank Invasion angle, the tank DX brought out at SS was to remind viewers of such things they had done E.G Invade WCW. So basiclly WWE is doin exactly what TNA has done but a good 10 years apart.

Its called "marketing and advertising" and for one i think TNA have done a great idea on doing this. WWE have the right to do the same, the only thing is Vince doesnt see TNA as a threat so doesnt bother. But i gurentee you, When/If TNA ever gets up to WWEs level, Vince will start doing this stuff to.
Pathetic? How so? Sounds like a great marketing ploy to me. Even if they go outside of arenas and place fliers on every car in the parking lot because they aren't allowed inside it would get them a few more people tuning in. You can't fault them for marketing. Other sports and companies do this so why can't TNA?

To me this is just another thread made by another closed minded WWE Mark that is bashing the rival organization for anything they can think of.
I think its cool they have fans willing to promote. TNA is really becoming a good product. I don't know if its just the irony or not but I haven't been keeping up with much wrestling lately till I caught a few TNA episodes and now im hooked. Its like when I was a kid and saw WCW by chance and immediately stopped watching WWF.
I find it funny that you guys are giving crap to TNA for the exact samething WCW and the WWE use to do to each other. Both of them would try and promote themselves somehow (Handing out flyers, tickets etc.) at the others events. Actually when the WWE was getting beat by WCW regularly they were notorious for doing this kind of stuff
This is not pathetic in any way at all. TNA is just marketing their product, and this is just a way for TNA to try to gain some new fans and promote their product. Sure, they are a not as big as the WWE and they know that. But just because they aren't the top wrestling company in the world you don't need to blindly hate them and everything they do.

This was a smart and clever way to gain new fans and show people that there is an alternative choice out there. Of course some people like you will just call it pathetic and hate on TNA for now reason, but I'm sure there were people who took some interest in TNA and have learned that the TNA prodcut is very good at the moment.

So it looks like TNA will try anything. According to this, they were sent there by TNA to get into Bound for Glory for free. Seriously? If that's true, then it just shows how awful TNA is.

They're trying to take the WWE fans from their own event, and take them to a watered-down, shit version. Obviously, it didn't work. They tried it with the banner on a plane at WrestleMania 24, which the WWE managed to stop with quite some ease. Maybe they're still pissed that the WWE managed to go into TNA's zone and beat them?

I don't know, but I don't see the logic. It makes them look pathetic. Agree, disagree?

Wrestling fans are typically lazy people. And to give you an example, if they aren't happy with WWE, but still want to follow wrestling ..... they still won't give up WWE or bother looking elsewhere for another wrestling product. They will just continue watching WWE, regardless.

TNA has to do something to get the word out for their product. Certainly, doing these kinds of stunts alone isn't going to be the solution, but it is still at least something.
I really don't see the problem here. This has been done for decades now by every promotion from TNA to ECW to XPW to even the WWF in the 80s (Black Saturday? Hello?). Wrestling is a business, and I fail to see the problem with trying to tap fans of the product. I'm sorry, does WWE own the rights to wrestling or something? No, they don't. TNA can do whatever the hell they feel like legally in order to attract more fans to the product.

Please, don't let this thread deteriorate into yet another WWE vs. TNA argument.
Is this really any different than an indie band handing out flyers for their next gig at a U2 concert?

TNA may be in competition with the WWE, but the WWE aren't in competition with TNA. Put both shows on in the same city, same day. It would barely affect the WWE show but might kill the TNA show. I'm not saying one's better than the other, but that's the way the audience stands.
I really don't see the problem here. This has been done for decades now by every promotion from TNA to ECW to XPW to even the WWF in the 80s (Black Saturday? Hello?). Wrestling is a business, and I fail to see the problem with trying to tap fans of the product. I'm sorry, does WWE own the rights to wrestling or something? No, they don't. TNA can do whatever the hell they feel like legally in order to attract more fans to the product.

Please, don't let this thread deteriorate into yet another WWE vs. TNA argument.

Thank you. I remember when ECW used to do it.

When you want to attract viewers you do what you can(like you said legally)to attract them. The people most likely to tune into another wrestling show are people who already watch wrestling. Going to another companies PPV event and trying to advertise actually makes sense. That said it seems like a lot of these people got their stuff taken away so I doubt it worked very well anyway.
Nothing wrong with what TNA does to promote its shows. In my opinion they are not advertising enough, they should buy time on usa and local channels that show wwe shows, they shouldadvertise on the NFL preshows and MNF.

I would value your opinion, but you think orton is a legend. haha
Agree totally. If it was WWE going to a TNA event and trying to get people to give up TNA tickets as they enter for WWE tickets, that would be really underhanded, the big guy trying to kill the smaller guy. But a TNA street team handing out promotional material at a big WWE event, that's just basic grass roots advertising.
There's nothing wrong with TNA using WWE to promote their own product. They're fighting for the same audience after all. What is pathetic is their feeble attempt at converting fans. WWE drove a freakin' tank to Nitro, TNA does what? dresses a few fans up in a Sting mask and a TNA shirt. That's pretty pathetic. If Booker had ambushed HHH before the show and carved T-N-A into his ass, that would have gotten people's attention. If they had Kurt Angle jump out of the crowd and fire 50 rounds into Cena's head, that would have got people's attention. But a few fans in a sting mask? Most of the audience won't even remember Sting, and those who do will either not care abot him, or watch TNA already.
Im sorry but if TNA wants to Advertise do it on their own time not on WWE's time at Summerslam or any other PPV. TNA should worry about themselves and not what Vince is doing. If they want people to watch Impact or any of their PPVs they should take ads out on TV. No wonder their Buyrates are in the tank because they don't advertise their stuff enough. They should do it on their own time though is all Im saying.
Im sorry but if TNA wants to Advertise do it on their own time not on WWE's time at Summerslam or any other PPV. TNA should worry about themselves and not what Vince is doing. If they want people to watch Impact or any of their PPVs they should take ads out on TV. No wonder their Buyrates are in the tank because they don't advertise their stuff enough. They should do it on their own time though is all Im saying.

Ohhhhh-kay. TNA IS worrying about themselves. They are MARKETING. They are getting their asses out there and doing cheaper advertising this way. How do you get a wrestling fan's attention? Go to another wrestling event! WOW! This style of promotion is done in many other forms of business and entertainment. You act like they are being too cheap doing it this way, but how many of you can remember people getting rival promotion's signs in a WCW or WWF/E event and watching security snatch them away? Watching that was better than some of the matches. Do you think that Vince never used these tactics? Oh, wait. He did more than that. You forget he was the one that broke the wrestling territory barriers to make his product larger! Its all business! Wah, wah, wah! WWE is better, TNA sucks. Wah wah wah! I'm sick of it. I'm sick of WWE's unholy main event trintity of 'preperation HHH', Randy 'overplayed' Orton, and John 'company man' Cena. At least TNA blends wrestlers trying to make names for themselves with veterans. Oh, WWE is, finally... by taking other promotion's stars (thanks ROH). You guys can keep being WWE smarks and bash a company thats attempting to become a rival in a one horse town.
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