Just figured it out

I wasn't trying to threaten anyone either. I was making a point. People talk a lot of shit on here to others that they disagree with like they are going to beat their asses for disagreeing with them, that's the tone of their words.
You're pathetic.
You're pathetic.

Who's more pathetic? Me the one you call pathetic? Or you calling me pathetic for answering the question honestly? Get your satisfaction of verbally lashing someone elsewhere, I have no use for you.
Argh Game Rage you've made it impossible for me to read through a flame thread in the matter of hours.. (and no that's not a bash at you, I don't mind your long posts, but I'm also very fond of short flame posts.. it's good bed time reading.. I need to be properly awake to read yours properly if I don't want to loose my place in the paragraphs)

Shame you got thrown in here though, I liked your posts man, although I guess I'll continue to enjoy them from here, but people don't come around here that often (unless you discount as of late, this place has been on fire)

Let me know if you're still up for the debatings, could throw Salv in there too (if you're up for it Salv)
Everyone else on this board can take their lumps like a man without feeling the need to flex their muscles, talk about how many fights they've won, and call people out when the heat gets to them. Being threatened by someone's tone is on you. Nobody ever said something to you that deserved the reaction you gave them. Honestly, I didn't give a shit about you before you posted that thread. But if that's how you handle people in the real world, then I can't think highly of you, no matter how well you feel you can articulate yourself on boxing, religion, politics, or whatever the fuck else. I'm glad I don't associate myself with pricks that would stoop to that level when someone looks at them the wrong way. You're an absolute mouthbreather the likes of which this world doesn't need. I'd feel much better about life in general if ***** like you would make good use of your ability to hurt people and simply remove yourself from the gene pool.

If you're going to lash out whenever someone calls you a bad name, you have no place being around people.
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Yeah, sorry Game Rage, you're an asshole. Maybe some of us have insulting "tones" and we shit on people, but we SURE AS FUCK do not physically threaten people like a fucking fourteen year old child commenting on an ICP video on YouTube. That is absolutely positively one of the most pathetic things you can do on this forum, and congratulations, you've brought yourself among an elite group (finally you're an elite!) of petulant children who when upset resort to threats of violence. Congratulations, you have the maturity of a prepubescent child.
Everyone else on this board can take their lumps like a man without feeling the need to flex their muscles, talk about how many fights they've won, and call people out when the heat gets to them. Being threatened by someone's tone is on you. Nobody ever said something to you that deserved the reaction you gave them. Honestly, I didn't give a shit about you before you posted that thread. But if that's how you handle people in the real world, then I can't think highly of you, no matter how well you feel you can articulate yourself on boxing, religion, politics, or whatever the fuck else. I'm glad I don't associate myself with pricks that would stoop to that level when someone looks at them the wrong way. You're an absolute mouthbreather the likes of which this world doesn't need. I'd feel much better about life in general if ***** like you would make good use of your ability to hurt people and simply remove yourself from the gene pool.

If you're going to lash out whenever someone calls you a bad name, you have no place around people.

Oh I see, we have a misunderstanding, like you thinking I give a fuck what you have to say, I get it. You take my words, their meanings, and their context all out of whack. I was making my points that I have taken my lumps in the real world, but here it never stops. Remember before you throw that high powered perception my way, that I take more than most. I'm not saying that justifies by outburst and I can answer for that, and I am. But, everyone has their limits and I reached mine at that point. You talk a good game perched up there in your mod position taking little to no criticism because people don't want to deal with your verbal lashings, but why don't you turn that high powered perception inward and take a look at yourself before you go judging me.

Besides? What is wrong with calling people out? That's the whole problem with you isn't it? You talk about me not being able to take it, what about you. As I said you talk a good game but it's not like you take on the heat I do by any stretch, lets see how well you take it when everyone is bombarding you with hate on every topic you post in. I doubt you'd be as cool a customer after a while either. You want to point the finger but you've got three pointing right back at you BOSS. Besides, your evaluation of what does or does not constitute whatever response doesn't mean shit. Your not the one that takes it non stop so I really don't care to hear what you think was said that was or was not worth. You might be looking at that one conversation but it wasn't all about that one conversation as I've already stated earlier possibly in another thread.

Also, how I handle people in the real world is all dependent on the situation I am in. The people I talked about winning my fights with all came at me, those people wanted to beat ME down without my provocation because I am a big guy and everyone wants to show how tough they are by beating up the big guy. Plus, I was never a fighter. I was always a very friendly person, but people mistook kindness for weakness time and time again. I had to respond and I did.

I told you about what has happened every time people have done that as an example of what I have had to deal with. Don't get it confused, I'm not just some huffing puffing short fused brute or something, but I have taken more than my share of abuse and I am not willing to take anymore. You couldn't imagine the ass beatings I've taken for nothing, for being white and in the wrong school, and being big, and being nice, constantly being stalked, harassed, and beat the fuck out of with no option but to take it so fuck you if you don't like it when people talk to me like their going to do the same thing if I don't shut my mouth like a good little bitch and let them be right on anything and everything.

Then you want to call me a mouthbreather? Who the fuck are you to call me anything? Besides I never said "If someone even looks at me the wrong way I do this and that to them". What you're confusing is when I was talking about how shit goes down in my neighborhood. That's the people you are taking issue with. I was stating, this is not the type of area where you can run your mouth like that and get away with it. Here, if you do give someone the wrong look they very well may just come at you 6 deep in a hoop-d and beat the shit out of you until you're begging them to stop. I've seen it and I've been on the receiving end of it. You want to talk tough, I am tough, I have taken my lumps. That's what I was saying, I've never lost a one on one occasion, and I've dealt with a lot more than a few people, sorry if I'm not so convinced some internet tough guys who say "Oh I'll take out your knee" "Or, I'd do this to you" aren't very convincing to me. I faced greater odds than one person who thinks they know a little martial arts.

Here its' the same thing only the weapons aren't fists their words and people use them every bit as violently. I'm sorry if that doesn't bode well with me, a person who's done nothing but take shit from people and had to fight for any amount of respect they got in the real world on the streets or here for that matter. I don't just lash out whenever someone calls me a bad name either. I only lash out after it's been non stop for an extended period of time, by a group of assholes who think they are better than me in every way and show that's what they think in everything they say towards me. You act like I was completely unprovoked but guess what? You aren't me, you have no idea what it's like to be me, and it's very less than likely you could be me.

Go ahead and deal with the almost daily gang beatings I used to take, and the constant harassment before that, and the abuse as a child all the way into adulthood, fucking try it I dare you. And then, after you've taken all the abuse, and you've endured and endured your whole fucking life, let some self appreciating assholes on the internet tell you everything about you is wrong, and that your a million horrible things, and when you try to stand up to them let have them just insult you and insult you some more, I fucking dare you to endure the shit I have and be as peaceful as you expect me to be. Fuck you, you couldn't have walked a day in my shoes. Keep in mind asshole, the devil you know is better than the devil you don't know.
GET OVER IT! SERIOUSLY! I get shit on pretty much all the time on these boards. you don't see me going around whining about it. ohhh I'm getting buthurt because people are ganging up on me. GROW THE FUCK UP DUDE seriously.

Edit: maybe I do sometimes but I eventually get over it.
Oh come on guys...he was being all calm and nice when talking to Guy about the boxing match and now we're back to poking him?

Also stfu Doug. Yes you do get butthurt about it.
Exactly, Doug gets shit on quite a bit, perhaps unjustly, but he just defends himself and moves on. He doesn't fall to the floor kicking and screaming in a temper tantrum because someone made fun of him. He doesn't challenge people to fisticuffs either. Which is why Doug isn't in the prison right now, and you are. It's also why Doug is much, much cooler than you.

You need to find a way to control your emotions. Seriously man, you wonder why we renamed you "Roid Rage"? Try meditation, worked wonders for me.
Yeah, sorry Game Rage, you're an asshole. Maybe some of us have insulting "tones" and we shit on people, but we SURE AS FUCK do not physically threaten people like a fucking fourteen year old child commenting on an ICP video on YouTube. That is absolutely positively one of the most pathetic things you can do on this forum, and congratulations, you've brought yourself among an elite group (finally you're an elite!) of petulant children who when upset resort to threats of violence. Congratulations, you have the maturity of a prepubescent child.

I don't even want to get started with you Mr. High and fucking mighty! I simply said that if anyone tried to talk to me like that, and be so disrespectful to my face like that, they wouldn't get away with it. I also expressed how angry I was and what I wanted to do in my anger. You want to keep beating me over the head with it, too bad, get over it.

I really don't care who you are in the hierarchy, you have been one of the biggest violators of all the things that make me tick and pushes my buttons. I said it earlier and I will say it again, you are a smug nasty little creature. For all your hype and all your greatness the only thing I've ever seen prompt a reaction out of you was the opportunity to treat someone like shit. You know what that makes you? Nothing, that's what it makes you. An insignificant bitter little man if I can even call you that who does nothing but take pleasure in belittling others to inflate his own ego. It's pathetic, and as much as you want to talk shit about me, your the biggest phony of them all. You're supposed to be some big shot, all I've ever seen from you is big bullshit, fuck whatever you did in the past, this is now baby, and according to now my evaluation is dead on and you are one of the most pathetic of the group.

Instead of maybe showing any worth, or showing any decency you just pick your places to trash people you see as less than you. Well newsflash cookie, that makes you trash. I've never done anything but try to defend myself against assholes like you, but here you have a safe haven where you can seemingly say what you want, to whom you want, however you want. You know why your here and that's what you do? Because of exactly what I said happens to people like you where I come from. You hide on your computer on your personal pedestal, propping yourself as some elite? Elite what? Asshole? Cruel heartless bastard? What makes you so elite? Your ability to make people feel like shit?

That doesn't make you elite at all, anyone can throw stones but can you catch them? I doubt it. Once again like Coco, you're not the one on the receiving end because of your place in the hierarchy, but if you were the one taking all the bullshit you and others like you feel the need to dish out to everyone, I doubt you'd even show your face. It is easy for punks like you to sit there and pass your judgment on others, but what about when the judgment is on you? You don't like it do you? Well neither do I and neither would anyone else. You want to mock me, and call me a prepubescent child, you're the child. You're the one who sits like a mean spirited kid getting their rocks off by verbally abusing others, your the piece of shit, not me. Now you can kindly get off my ass, leave me the fuck alone, and ride your high horse off in the sunset and go talk shit about someone else.
The Roid Rage said:
You know what, 99.9% of the time I am above all that. I'm actually very very passive, it's easy to be that way when you've taken ass beatings against your will for a few years due to numbers you couldn't overcome, and been physically, mentally, and emotionally abused your entire life. Give it a try anyone I beg you and see if you don't crumble under the weight of it all. I certainly didn't have any intentions when I got on to get that angry and I know it's just a forum on the internet, but it's still serious enough for people to say all those despicable things for no reason. That's pretty serious to me. I guess when that's what you've had dealt to you your whole life, not just the normal stuff people go through, it's a little easier to take offense to it.

What is this? Now your life is so hard that it's justification for flying off the handle? I don't care if you were bullied, beat up by tweekers, or raped as a kid; some kid in Africa most assuredly has it harder than you. I thought you said not too long ago that you had that shit over there on lockdown, and that others would pounce on a dude in seconds for fucking with you? You are not the only person to catch shit on the internet, and you are not the only person to have unpopular opinions and beliefs. You are not the only person in the world to deal with problems, and your life can't be that bad if you have the liberty of flipping out over internet forums instead of, you know, REAL FUCKING PROBLEMS.

As you were.
GET OVER IT! SERIOUSLY! I get shit on pretty much all the time on these boards. you don't see me going around whining about it. ohhh I'm getting buthurt because people are ganging up on me. GROW THE FUCK UP DUDE seriously.

Edit: maybe I do sometimes but I eventually get over it.

Exactly, Doug gets shit on quite a bit, perhaps unjustly, but he just defends himself and moves on. He doesn't fall to the floor kicking and screaming in a temper tantrum because someone made fun of him. He doesn't challenge people to fisticuffs either. Which is why Doug isn't in the prison right now, and you are. It's also why Doug is much, much cooler than you.

You need to find a way to control your emotions. Seriously man, you wonder why we renamed you "Roid Rage"? Try meditation, worked wonders for me.

Yeah well if doug had an ounce of self respect, and didn't yearn for approval maybe he wouldn't take it either. I will not, you sure as fuck will respect me, and when you do I will respect you back. But if you think you're just going to be a bunch of dicks for no reason and get respect here and especially in the real world you are more delusional that you could ever accuse me of being. Sorry I'm not okay with people just talking down to me, sorry I'm not okay with people treating me like dog shit. If that's what makes you cool that you've got your priorities pretty fucked up.

And you Doug, don't even come at me right now. I don't need anymore shit from any of you. Just because you're so defeated you won't stand or your too scared doesn't mean that I have to or that anyone else should. Maybe you are the one that needs to grow up, and get some fucking dignity and stop letting people trash you every chance they get, have some fucking pride man! It's not being butt hurt, it's calling out people on their bullshit. I'm not butt hurt at all, I'm pissed off with reason. What makes you think in any sect of society you would get away with treating people like that? you wouldn't, you'd be ostracized and shunned into a house, probably in a room, on a computer, talking shit to people there and treating them like dirt because it's the only place you can get away with it. The world has no place for disrespectful people like you and if you think I'm lying go try that shit out on the streets and see how far it gets you.
/facepalm It's like talking to a child. How old are you? You're going to tell me that I don't have an ounce of self respect? YOU of ALL PEOPLE should know about having self respect. I take my shit like a fucking man and I don't whine about it. Yea I get but hurt sometimes but I eventually get over it. It's a fucking internet forum for Christ sakes! I've been made fun of my entire life. I don't have much support at home because they're too busy making a life of their own so don't tell ME what the fuck I should be doing.
What is this? Now your life is so hard that it's justification for flying off the handle? I don't care if you were bullied, beat up by tweekers, or raped as a kid; some kid in Africa most assuredly has it harder than you. I thought you said not too long ago that you had that shit over there on lockdown, and that others would pounce on a dude in seconds for fucking with you? You are not the only person to catch shit on the internet, and you are not the only person to have unpopular opinions and beliefs. You are not the only person in the world to deal with problems, and your life can't be that bad if you have the liberty of flipping out over internet forums instead, you know, REAL FUCKING PROBLEMS.

As you were.

Wow, and the band played on. Come on people, come get your two cents in, fuck it. Why pull an punches I'm just the asshole no one likes or cares about. It's not like I'm a person or anything.

Way to be a heartless bastard when someone is trying to honest with you, and maybe give you some insight as to who they are and why they are that way. Stupid me for trying to be real with the so many of you that are so fake.

I didn't try to justify anything BTW that's the spin people like you put on anything I say so that you can continue your harangue and justify IT. I simply said, after enduring people constantly fucking with you your whole life, more so than normal, it's not like you're going to take kindly to the shit. And you have to turn it into something to degrade me, yet again. And who will do anything about any of it? No one, thanks.
I don't even want to get started with you Mr. High and fucking mighty! I simply said that if anyone tried to talk to me like that, and be so disrespectful to my face like that, they wouldn't get away with it. I also expressed how angry I was and what I wanted to do in my anger. You want to keep beating me over the head with it, too bad, get over it.

Doesn't affect me in the least bit bud, I'm not the one in prison here. You keep talking about how everyone was disrespecting you---how so? By calling you out on your bullshit? By disagreeing with you? Shit happens all the time to the rest of us, but we don't turn into children who start challenging people to fights because of it. Which brings me back to my point about you needing to learn to control your emotions.

I really don't care who you are in the hierarchy, you have been one of the biggest violators of all the things that make me tick and pushes my buttons. I said it earlier and I will say it again, you are a smug nasty little creature. For all your hype and all your greatness the only thing I've ever seen prompt a reaction out of you was the opportunity to treat someone like shit. You know what that makes you? Nothing, that's what it makes you. An insignificant bitter little man if I can even call you that who does nothing but take pleasure in belittling others to inflate his own ego. It's pathetic, and as much as you want to talk shit about me, your the biggest phony of them all. You're supposed to be some big shot, all I've ever seen from you is big bullshit, fuck whatever you did in the past, this is now baby, and according to now my evaluation is dead on and you are one of the most pathetic of the group.

When you say "treat someone like shit" you mean defend myself against someone who was telling me that I was literally evil and would be burning in hell for all of eternity? Was that the part where I was treating someone like shit? Silly me, you're right, I should have joined his hand in friendship! And the NAACP should have lunch with the KKK! :rolleyes:

Where did I ever claim to be elite? Never. You're the one throwing that word around bud. I'm one of the most pathetic of the group because I defended myself against a bigot? Which, yeah I know you like to pretend you aren't one, but sorry, you are. This brings me back again to my point about calling you out on your bullshit. Don't like my opinions? Too bad. You told me I was pure fucking evil and I didn't resort to childish threats of violence. I call you a bigot and you blow up like an infant. If anyone is pathetic here, it's you.

Instead of maybe showing any worth, or showing any decency you just pick your places to trash people you see as less than you. Well newsflash cookie, that makes you trash. I've never done anything but try to defend myself against assholes like you, but here you have a safe haven where you can seemingly say what you want, to whom you want, however you want. You know why your here and that's what you do? Because of exactly what I said happens to people like you where I come from. You hide on your computer on your personal pedestal, propping yourself as some elite? Elite what? Asshole? Cruel heartless bastard? What makes you so elite? Your ability to make people feel like shit?

Again, feel free to point me to where I ever claimed to be elite, or where I'm "propping myself up as an elite". Was it when I was telling everyone to vote for Ricky over me in that Bar Room tournament yesterday? Was it when I was supporting and campaigning for many of our current mods to be brought onto staff in the first place, because of just how good of posters they were? Honestly for you to accuse me of being egotistical is just downright hilarious, and really shows me you don't know me in the slightest bit, as anyone who knows me knows that the last thing I am is egotistical. Quite the opposite.

That doesn't make you elite at all, anyone can throw stones but can you catch them? I doubt it. Once again like Coco, you're not the one on the receiving end because of your place in the hierarchy, but if you were the one taking all the bullshit you and others like you feel the need to dish out to everyone, I doubt you'd even show your face.

LOL you think I haven't been called out before? Yo think I haven't blown up and made a fool out of myself before, like you have been and continue to do so? I assure you, I have, more than once. I used to be quite like you in fact, prone to flaming and extreme anger whenever someone disagreed with me, in fact it led me to being removed from staff and banned at one point several years ago because of out-of-line statements I made to a former admin. I never challenged anyone to fights or tried to build myself up as some fucking internet tough guy, which is what you've been doing for weeks now and is really the most pathetic thing here of all.

It is easy for punks like you to sit there and pass your judgment on others, but what about when the judgment is on you? You don't like it do you? Well neither do I and neither would anyone else. You want to mock me, and call me a prepubescent child, you're the child. You're the one who sits like a mean spirited kid getting their rocks off by verbally abusing others, your the piece of shit, not me. Now you can kindly get off my ass, leave me the fuck alone, and ride your high horse off in the sunset and go talk shit about someone else.

Again, if you think I've never had judgment passed on me, you simply do not know what the fuck you're talking about, and as I mentioned before, you obviously don't know me. I've gotten into spats and arguments and flamefests with most people on this forum, including some of the people I consider to be friends and others that I have loads of respect for. So come on Game Rage, lets go, start calling me out since I can't take it right? What is it that I've done that's so bad? Defend myself against someone telling me I was evil? Yeah I threw some insults, what's your point? Insults had been thrown my way first, I never claimed to be above these petty spats (like you keep claiming that I have), and this is an example of that.

I don't know you very well, you obviously don't know me at all, but all I have to say is that you've conducted yourself absolutely 100% immaturely and that you need to learn to control your emotions. It's obvious you're an intelligent person, and like many intelligent people you're prone to letting your emotions get the best of you and getting swept up in your argument, but seriously, chill the fuck out. When you start challenging people to fights, you've crossed the line. You need to learn how to properly conduct yourself, and then maybe you can be released from here and not be receiving these attacks left and right for your childishness. Anything else you'd like me to clear up for you?

Oh and don't you fucking dare pull out the "I've had a rough life!" card bud, because myself and many others here don't need you to fucking tell US that, I absolutely assure you of that one.
/facepalm It's like talking to a child. How old are you? You're going to tell me that I don't have an ounce of self respect? YOU of ALL PEOPLE should know about having self respect. I take my shit like a fucking man and I don't whine about it. Yea I get but hurt sometimes but I eventually get over it. It's a fucking internet forum for Christ sakes! I've been made fun of my entire life. I don't have much support at home because they're too busy making a life of their own so don't tell ME what the fuck I should be doing.

Oh yeah keep the insults coming, keep proving my point for me, all of you. Now It's like talking to a child? how nice of you. What else? Oh you want to retaliate? What's wrong? You don't like it in reverse do you? I didn't think so. What are you getting all mad about it's an internet forum remember, you shouldn't get mad. Take it like a man!!! YEAHH!!! Come on, you all like to dish it, but you don't like taking it anymore than me. Maybe you should back off, quit being dicks all time to each other, have some self respect as I said, and not act like adolescent assholes yourselves because you don't like what I am saying. Sucks when it goes your way doesn't it. My point stands.
Wow, and the band played on. Come on people, come get your two cents in, fuck it. Why pull an punches I'm just the asshole no one likes or cares about. It's not like I'm a person or anything.

Because you can't accept that the world isn't a candy coated perfect little world. People aren't going to treat everyone the way they should be treated all the time. Getting mad and flipping out is not the way to deal with it.

Being honest, I really don't know you all too well; what I know of you is what I've read here. I've kind of always had a soft spot for you because the first things I read about you were "screw that guy, he's blah blah blah", and I decided that I was already going to like you a bit. If I was trying to earn points and join the bandwagon, I'd be sounding more like X, Coco, or even ZeroVX.

Way to be a heartless bastard when someone is trying to honest with you, and maybe give you some insight as to who they are and why they are that way. Stupid me for trying to be real with the so many of you that are so fake.

Let me clear something up; I don't mean to discredit any hardship you've had in your life. I just don't accept it as reasoning towards why it is excusable to act like a three year old on a temper tantrum. I didn't jump on anything else you've said before this; I called this out to nip it in the bud. Everyone has a hard life, Rage. Everyone has problems all their own. I've seen a guy on here talk about how he was getting screwed out of his living situation, but he didn't start flipping out and flaming everyone.

I didn't try to justify anything BTW that's the spin people like you put on anything I say so that you can continue your harangue and justify IT. I simply said, after enduring people constantly fucking with you your whole life, more so than normal, it's not like you're going to take kindly to the shit.

You see, you had me 45% convinced until you used that line again (see bold). You are not the only person in the world to catch shit from others, and constantly. If you don't mean this to come off as justification or as an excuse, don't say things like this.

And you have to turn it into something to degrade me, yet again. And who will do anything about any of it? No one, thanks.

I'm not degrading you, Rage. I have purposefully avoided trying to call you names because part of me does have some respect for you. I'm just calling out what I think is bullshit language like the bolded line above that seemingly attempt to shift partial blame to the rough life you lead.

And didn't you just get on Crashin about standing up for himself? There are ways to do it besides flame threads in the Bar Room that get you imprisoned.
The internet is a medium for people to interact with each other. There are some times where it is worth getting upset over things that happen.

This is not one of those times.
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I wasn't in most of the threads that got you all riled up Game, but I have looked over the boxing vs MMA thread, participated in most of the recent religious cigar lounge threads, and I made the topic that Twist was overwhelmed in. The boxing vs MMA thread didn't even have a chance for logical and rational discussion because your original post insulted MMA heavily, and overall your post was condescending towards MMA fans, as if you were one of the few to grasp the science of boxing. If you start out your post with condescension and insults, you're going to get that right back, and that will motivate each side to not budge an inch on any issue. Hypothetically, even if you brought up some great points, no MMA fan is going to agree with you or attempt to see your point of view, because you have already put them on the defensive, they will completely shut out your side of the argument. You stated you know that there are way more MMA fans on this website than boxing, so if that is the case, are you honestly surprised with the reaction you received after the context of your original post?

That's why insults, condescension and the like have no place in an argument that you truly want to persuade, which is the entire point of a debate. I'm sure I don't have to tell you this, you said you debated in high school, but you will never see a team insult or condescend another, it makes your side look weak, as if they have no legitimate points to draw on so they resort to attacking the other personally. That's what exactly happened in that thread, both sides resorted to implied insults and the like, and it wound up worse for you because there are more MMA fans than boxing fans.

As far as the cigar lounge threads, I think you take them too personally some times. You've accused others of refusing to see another point of view, or to become unbiased, but I don't really see that as being the case. Any of those debates were back and forth between the two sides, granted one side either had more participants, or were more vocal. Just because you lay your points and perspective out there doesn't mean that people are forced to accept that perspective or risked being called bias or close-minded. In fact, the entire point that it was being debated should show to a degree to every one participated was open-minded, they were willing to hear the other sides point of view and then discuss why they disagree.

I can't speak for every one, I am sure there are some who are close-minded and really care to read a post for it's point of view, but I wouldn't say this is the majority, especially in the cigar lounge. However I read this post of yours and I don't really understand:

Twist, just give it up. They hate you for who you are, what you are, what you believe, and do so because it's not what they believe, and nothing you say will change that or stop them from tearing you apart for standing by your beliefs.

You see, your opinion, your beliefs, your feelings, anything about you is wrong, and doesn't matter to them because only THEIR opinion counts here. You, Me, anyone who doesn't think exactly the same as them is torn down, ridiculed, hated on, and treated like shit, because that's how assholes like them handle people who don't see it their way. And if you mention God, oh no!!!! Don't go there!!!! Can't defend God here, don't want any of that. God has no home amongst these people, and as that is so neither will they with him.

I agree partially with the bold portion, nothing will change someones point of view regarding religion, either you are fine with the lack of evidence and choose to have faith, or you are skeptical of the idea and therefore regard the bible as fiction. I can't speak for all, but I don't think any one was tearing him up for standing by his beliefs, it's an argument that goes no where, and if you look at my original post I specifically didn't want any religious perspectives to be brought in to the thread because it would dissolve in to both sides not being able to agree. That isn't to say you cannot feel one way because of your faith, but I wanted a discussion about LGBT marriage entirely on the basis of whether there is scientific reason to deny privileges.

For the underlined portion I also disagree, if any one didn't want a religious perspective or inspired post, they would simply ignore it or purposely make threads that in no way are related to faith. I can't see how you say that only their (non-religious?) point of view counts, no one is disallowing faith-related posts, but there is a fundamental difference on how religious and non-religious people think. Clearly I am not religious because I don't see the bible as proof enough to devote my life to God. I don't see any other empirical proof of any supernatural-esque happenings in the world, so I think a far simpler and more logical perspective would be that it was made up. Now on the other hand, a religious person clearly doesn't feel that way, they are inspired or convinced by the text in the bible. Any argument put forth by a religious person to proof their faith isn't going to meet the criteria of someone with out faith, you cannot provide proof or evidence for your claim, and that's what the person is told.

You see, you had me 45% convinced until you used that line again (see bold). You are not the only person in the world to catch shit from others, and constantly.

It's called personal fable, it's a form of ego centrism. I'm not saying you have that Game, but this is what you're are describing Jose: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_fable .
What adds to this is the fact that he can't accept that there's something wrong with him. No, clearly the mods are biased and he's unfairly treated.
If it is possible to be victorious in this 'argument' or in the Prison in general then I think Salv just did. What he said above is 100% correct.

Rage, I remember reading your early posts on MMA/Boxing and they reeked of a boxing fan who was worried about the stagnation of the sport he loved and the rise of MMA as a potential competitor even if that was not your intention.

For the record, I understand the art of boxing, the footwork, the strategy etc. and would far rather watch it than MMA. However, it is the strategy of 'hit and run' that someone like Mayweather that can make a fight unbelievably tedious. Mayweather is going to do what he needs to do to win and you can respect his ability to follow his gameplan but that does not necessarily make it pleasing to the eye. MMA is just as bad. It can be explosive and exciting but also mindlessly boring.

As for the religious arguments, they are always going to be inflammatory mainly because both sides can seem very smug and intransigent in their beliefs.

This whole 'argument' is ridiculous
I apologize for the length I had a lot to respond to.

Doesn't affect me in the least bit bud, I'm not the one in prison here. You keep talking about how everyone was disrespecting you---how so? By calling you out on your bullshit? By disagreeing with you? Shit happens all the time to the rest of us, but we don't turn into children who start challenging people to fights because of it. Which brings me back to my point about you needing to learn to control your emotions.

Have you listened to a word I've said? How so? Maybe by constantly addressing me like a rum-dum, or just disagreeing with me simply to disagree and shoot down anything I think, feel, or believe, or how about by constantly calling me every name in the book and making up new ones when you disagree with me, or how about not even trying to communicate a disagreement with me and just saying I'm stupid for saying what I think, feel or believe, how much shit do I have to list before you get it? What bullshit can you even call me out on? Being pissed at peoples hard-on for trashing me in every way they can? You can me a child for being upset at that? What the fuck is the deal with that? So apparently then if I don't just like eat shit by the shovel and I profess that I'm being a child? What a fucking double standard.

Where did I ever claim to be elite? Never. You're the one throwing that word around bud.
You don't have to, actions speak louder than words in this case.

When you say "treat someone like shit" you mean defend myself against someone who was telling me that I was literally evil and would be burning in hell for all of eternity? Was that the part where I was treating someone like shit? Silly me, you're right, I should have joined his hand in friendship! And the NAACP should have lunch with the KKK!

Ah, look at this. How interesting. When you're “defending yourself” that's not a problem at all because you're on the “Right Side” of the debate, but when it's me? I'm being a child, that's rich. If you need to defend yourself defend yourself, I don't care about that, but there is a way to do it. You don't have to try and morally debase a person. You keep talking about being able to take the lumps, but here you're professing an outrage at someone calling you evil and telling you you'll burn in hell for all of eternity. Now I am not saying calling you that, and telling you that is ok. But drawing on that experience, that pissed you off right? You didn't like it right? And you retaliated correct? So when you do it it's self defense, but I'm just whining? Ok, sure. Also I want to make it clear as well, I would never suggest that you should join hands in friendship with someone saying that to you, but realize what you have all said to me over and over and over. Here you've cited one occasion. For me, it's almost every day. And right now, it's every minute. Why? Because I won't take shit from anyone and I'm letting you know it. How just of you to attack me for that which you won't tolerate yourself.

I'm one of the most pathetic of the group because I defended myself against a bigot?

I didn't say that, you attached my words to that scenario which has nothing to do with anything I have been talking about, you brought that up, nice decoy, ain't falling for that. Point remains.

Which, yeah I know you like to pretend you aren't one, but sorry, you are

Oh and here we are back at this one, I'm the bigot somehow? Do just like to say bigot or something? So you just throw it around for fun or something? I'm about the farthest thing from a bigot you could get if you knew me personally. Frankly that's getting pretty old and lame, and no matter how hard you try to attach it, it doesn't stick, I'm not a bigot, period.

This brings me back again to my point about calling you out on your bullshit. Don't like my opinions? Too bad.
I could care less about your opinions, it's how you choose to represent them as though because they are YOUR beliefs they supersede all and are the only ones that are valid. Not the case.
You told me I was pure fucking evil and I didn't resort to childish threats of violence. I call you a bigot and you blow up like an infant. If anyone is pathetic here, it's you.

Well that's how you act 90% of the time so I said it. You are mean and hateful to people and it's cruel. Sure you don't respond with threats, just words that are meant to strike like daggers. I'm tired of you continually saying "At least I don't challenge people to fights" which is just you taking my statements way out of proportion when I was trying to make a point that you didn't need to talk to me like you want to get physical or something. Really, quit using the same old shit, that's all you've got, clever spin and accusation.

Again, feel free to point me to where I ever claimed to be elite, or where I'm "propping myself up as an elite". Was it when I was telling everyone to vote for Ricky over me in that Bar Room tournament yesterday? Was it when I was supporting and campaigning for many of our current mods to be brought onto staff in the first place, because of just how good of posters they were?

You don't have to say it you act it. As for when have you propped yourself up? How about almost any time I have ever seen you participate in anything. Your condescending and act like conversations and people are beneath you somehow because your "One of the Boys". Well, maybe you don't notice it because it's just the way you are or something, I don't know. But I do know that I'm not making anything up and you most certainly do cast an air of superiority like your the maharishi or something. You might not realize it, and if not I understand that, but realize I'm not just being a dick, this is what I have seen.

So you've thrown some crumbs from your plate supporting people in the bar room that you're chummy with, and have graced with your acceptance, big deal. What about now, or almost any other time when you're just parading as the end all be all. And isn't it funny how I can't bring up my tough times and the road I've had to walk that leads me to where I won't take your shit and you can just throw that in my face. But, when the shoe is on the other foot and I am coming at you, OH FUCK NO I DIDN'T, How dare I speak against any of you, but it's ok for you to speak anything you want of me, call me a child, a bigot, anything else you can to try and beat me down so I won't challenge you any further.

Honestly for you to accuse me of being egotistical is just downright hilarious, and really shows me you don't know me in the slightest bit, as anyone who knows me knows that the last thing I am is egotistical. Quite the opposite.

It's no different than you calling me a bigot amongst other things. You also show that you do not know me for if you did you'd know I am nothing of the sort you claim. The point therein that you need to stop calling me that shit, and if you do, I won't call you anything you don't like. What is wrong with that. I'm not talking about uneven terms here. I'm trying to get you to treat each other as well as me with more respect starting with yourselves.

I never challenged anyone to fights or tried to build myself up as some fucking internet tough guy, which is what you've been doing for weeks now and is really the most pathetic thing here of all.

Actually for the last few weeks all I've been doing is trying to do my best in the CLDL. I interjected myself ever so slightly in conversations which saw people just being hateful and rude to me because I didn't quite see things their way. Then once again we get back to the “Challenging people to fights” which isn't what I was actually doing and you know better. I've said it before and I'll say it as many times as is necessary, I was just making the point that people don't need to talk to me like their going to beat my ass for not agreeing with them so I'm like “If you hate me so bad, and you want to kick my ass so much, fuck it, here's my address, come get if you want to rumble so bad” But of course you can't accept that, you have to take it and turn it into whatever you want it to be so you can continue to fuck with me. What's pathetic is you peoples need to belittle everyone who doesn't agree with you.

That's another thing you've been tossing around is this idea that it all boils down to me being pissed off at people disagreeing with me, that's one of the biggest misconceptions all the way around. It as little to nothing to do with people disagreeing, and everything to do with the way they do it. It's not what you say it's how you say it and you people seem to have a knack for saying things in the most hateful way possible.

Again, if you think I've never had judgment passed on me, you simply do not know what the fuck you're talking about, and as I mentioned before, you obviously don't know me. I've gotten into spats and arguments and flamefests with most people on this forum, including some of the people I consider to be friends and others that I have loads of respect for. So come on Game Rage, lets go, start calling me out since I can't take it right?

Well, what have you been displaying so far? The very same outrage at being attacked, sucks don't it. I never said you've never been attacked, but boy oh boy you sure have become accustomed to not being challenged haven't you. I haven't seen it. I do know what I am talking about, and you can either acknowledge the truth or try to pass off a lie, make your choice.

What is it that I've done that's so bad? Defend myself against someone telling me I was evil? Yeah I threw some insults, what's your point? Insults had been thrown my way first, I never claimed to be above these petty spats (like you keep claiming that I have), and this is an example of that.

What have you done that's so bad? Well maybe in that one scenario you outlined that was supposed to embody the whole situation nothing. I already explained this above, go back and read it if you didn't catch it. It's your whole demeanor and way about things like so much is just beneath you. The only thing that doesn't seem to be is when you want to tear someone down, not defend yourself, when you want to make an example of people. I never said you claimed to be above petty spats, as a matter of fact that is what I am talking about. You don't seem interested in doing anything but throwing petty insults at people and making them feel like shit for having the nerve to speak something besides what you want to hear, just as you are with me now.

I don't know you very well, you obviously don't know me at all, but all I have to say is that you've conducted yourself absolutely 100% immaturely and that you need to learn to control your emotions.

I have behaved immaturely? Have you even seen what people have been trying to pull with me? The very same things that prompt you to “defend yourself” and that offend you I am somehow supposed to not be offended by or prompted to defend myself by? Who are you kidding? Because of that, and my fervent disapproval of peoples conduct you are calling me immature and saying I need to control my emotions? What about the assholes who fly off the handle at me all the time? Their ok, but I'm immature? Bullshit. I give everything I've got to you and everyone else trying to present different ideas, entertaining reading, and good conversation. The problem is that I can't have a conversation without someone going for my throat no matter what I say. And you talked about me trying to prop MYSELF as a internet tough guy when I have walked away from so many discussions when people have got out of line, avoided the confrontation, and based that basically on my one outburst there huh? No. I have tried to avoid conflict at the cost of looking like I couldn't finish what I started because I saw conversatons really going nowhere with people just hurling insults back and forth and decided not to be apart of it, until I had enough. Then when I did, supposedly I am all these rotten things. How nice of you all.

It's obvious you're an intelligent person, and like many intelligent people you're prone to letting your emotions get the best of you and getting swept up in your argument, but seriously, chill the fuck out.

Thank you, that's about one of the most mild and polite things I've heard today, and excuse me for maybe being more edgy but FUCK MAN, I've been being attacked at all angles since early this morning. I am tired, I am tired of it, and I am tired of having to justify standing up for myself. I have been trying to chill, but people keep coming to get their pound of flesh, what am I to do? Just say “Oh that's ok, your right anyways I am a pretty big *********** :)!” No man. I'm getting it from you and everyone, why? Because I had enough and it took me freaking the fuck out for any of you to figure it out or give a shit, but only enough to ridicule me more for it. That's horrible man, no one should be pushed to that point. You're saying I need to chill? What about everyone else? Why is is ok for everyone else to keep coming at me, and I have to just take it, and if I decide to dish it back be punished for it?

When you start challenging people to fights, you've crossed the line. You need to learn how to properly conduct yourself, and then maybe you can be released from here and not be receiving these attacks left and right for your childishness. Anything else you'd like me to clear up for you?

DUDE!!! For fuck sake man, I wasn't literally challenging anyone to fights, I was making a point that I already explained that is like the big Trump card you've been playing on me. That's not what I was doing for the last time. I know how to properly conduct myself, I had been doing it for quite a while until people decided to insult me in every way possible. I'm not being childish in asking for people to act like fucking human beings and stop being such assholes? How is that childish? Because I am not okay with people being fuckheads to me or anyone they want? I doubt it will ever stop, but I am one stubborn son of a bitch, and I won't stop either. I will stand, I will fight, I will resist, and with God as my witness I will not tolerate any bullshit.

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