My Apology


Pre-Show Stalwart
Dear Wrestlezone, I am sincerely sorry for my inapporpiate signature. It was never intended to offend anyone, and i'm extreamly sorry if it did. I wouldn't want anyone to look ill of me for my actions, and I want to insure I am not racisit, nor do I hate Obama. Infact, if I was old enough, I would have voted for him. I am, as well sorry for creating alternative accounts. When I made my account back in April, I vaguley read the rules, and I regret that. I had no idea creating an alternative account was not allowed. When I signed into the alternative, and it was banned, the reason simply said "Alt", I had no idea what that had meant. The second time I made one, It said "quit making multiple accounts." I then now knew that was a rule. If you count the third time, when I logged into my first account, to see how long I was banned for, it said it my password was invalid. So I tried registering the wwetributes897 name, and I thought it didn't even work. Later on, I logged it to that account, and it worked. I thought you had simply decided to put me in prison. When I later discovered my name had been changed. I am sorry for that.

I never meant to ever offend any African Americans by my post, I just did it because I thought it was funny, and I now know that was stupid. I have re-read the rules, and I fully understand all of them, and I will not break any one of them.

I am very sorry for what i've done, and I promise I will not do it again. I deserve to be in here 100%. Thank you for reading.
I like it better when the prisoners start flaming every person in sight. Tributes is going the correct path, just not the most entertaining
If you are serious start posting threads on here. maybe the mods/admins will notice and give you clemency. otherwise.... meet bubba.

Unfortunetly, I've already had the privlege of meeting him...during shower time earlier today...he helped me pick up my soap...
All right, I will give you my thoughts on the situation.

I like to think that people around here consider me a good poster and I would also like to think that you are sincere in your apology. That is a good thing. Admitting you made the mistake and accepting responsibility and the consequences for your actions are the first step to getting out of here. I don't know if you know Lee. He is a Power Mod around here and is one of the most active people on the forums. In fact, he won Mod Of The Year in 2009 and is worth every bit of it. He was in your position once and he managed to turn himself around. He is now very respected and has come full circle. If there is one thing that you should take away from this, is that this is not the end.

What you need to do now, is go about your business and create some threads. I don't mean threads about that girl, although others will tell you otherwise. The next step is to take a few subjects that you are passionate about and write up a few well thought out threads. This could be music, to video games. Wrestling to movies, it makes no difference. Just try and show us that you are a good poster and you will be out of here a whole lot quicker. If you are serious about your rehab, I insist that you follow this plan. The more active you are and the less you get sucked in by all of the people who come here to be entertained, the sooner you will be released.
All right, I will give you my thoughts on the situation.

I like to think that people around here consider me a good poster and I would also like to think that you are sincere in your apology. That is a good thing. Admitting you made the mistake and accepting responsibility and the consequences for your actions are the first step to getting out of here. I don't know if you know Lee. He is a Power Mod around here and is one of the most active people on the forums. In fact, he won Mod Of The Year in 2009 and is worth every bit of it. He was in your position once and he managed to turn himself around. He is now very respected and has come full circle. If there is one thing that you should take away from this, is that this is not the end.

What you need to do now, is go about your business and create some threads. I don't mean threads about that girl, although others will tell you otherwise. The next step is to take a few subjects that you are passionate about and write up a few well thought out threads. This could be music, to video games. Wrestling to movies, it makes no difference. Just try and show us that you are a good poster and you will be out of here a whole lot quicker. If you are serious about your rehab, I insist that you follow this plan. The more active you are and the less you get sucked in by all of the people who come here to be entertained, the sooner you will be released.

Thank you Dave, I will do as you say. I already have a few posts in mind, and I think i'm totally done with that girl, though haha, today at lunch, she asked me what my shirt said (it's a stupid saying really, don't really like it, I just like the fabric of the shirt, only kinds I like and can only be bought in certain places.), and I told her it said "Tits or GTFO", she acted like she couldn't hear me, but I know quite well she was aware, and suprised. Like I said, I'm done with her. If I get out, I might post again on the....Ellismanv2 thread -.-, just because alot of people liked it, but if you think I shouldn't I'll just leave it too be buried like undertaker at a 1990's Unforgiven.
You should be out soon with this approach and attitude. This is the right way to look at things. Good job, and good luck.
If you are serious start posting threads on here. maybe the mods/admins will notice and give you clemency. otherwise.... meet bubba.

Doug. Stop it. He sounds genuine. Let's encourage him and not try to provoke someone into going back to their old ways.

And, I don't know your previous name and am too tired to go look it up, I like your apology. I suggest sparking some conversation in here. Non-spam. After about another couple of days, I'll try to see what we can do about getting you out of here. But posting racist things in inexcusable and all we can hope is that you're learning your lesson. It might not be that important, but if you like to post, we want to see you post.
Our goal's not entertainment. Although some are damn funny. I think this guy can be solid once he's done his time here.

When Maintenance Bot is demoted and I am reinstated to my rightful position as King of Spam...then my goal will not be entertainment.

Until then...entertain me.
You should try to elevate yourself over the rest of the prisoners.

Well...there's only what..three other prisoners in her including me? Only one I see posting is ImAStupidCuntWhoCantFollowRules, and i'm sorry to say this dude, but I think I won that race. He has had some good posts indivudulely, but alot of his posts that i've seen since he's been in here are insulting to many staff and posters, and won't get him out.
Best name change ever.

However, you seem genuine, so I hope you can keep this attitude up and get out. Yeah!
Doug. Stop it. He sounds genuine. Let's encourage him and not try to provoke someone into going back to their old ways.

And, I don't know your previous name and am too tired to go look it up, I like your apology. I suggest sparking some conversation in here. Non-spam. After about another couple of days, I'll try to see what we can do about getting you out of here. But posting racist things in inexcusable and all we can hope is that you're learning your lesson. It might not be that important, but if you like to post, we want to see you post.

I was actually trying to encourage the guy... with a little humor thrown into it

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