Just figured it out

The Roid Rage

Getting Noticed By Management
So I just figured out that I need to log in with the abomination you've changed my username into. I didn't figure it out that I needed to log in as that until I went to reset my password thinking I was mistyping it or just forgot it because I normally just have it saved with my web browser. Then in the password reset email I noticed it said "The Roid Rage" and thought "Oh fuck, I seriously have to sign in as that?" And so I have.

Now that I have figured that out I most certainly am showing up, and can't tell you how amusing it was to read the rest of the utter crap I saw most of you writing about me. I'm supposedly shit, but it has been said more than once that the majority of my accusers aren't half as good as I am, the truth stands there.

I would be happy to ruin everyone through the rest of the CLDL as I earned that spot no matter what anyone says. I have been the most dominant, led and points, and am the #1 seed. No matter what, that is mine, and no one can take that away, even if you do think I am shit. So far in the formal debate I am the best, and I will continue to be the best. While most of you were bitching about topics and which side you were on, I was kicking ass and taking names. I would be glad to finish anyone off here.
I would also like to take this opportunity to face any and all criticism for you the so called elite. I have plenty to answer for, and I will gladly. See, I have something called balls which means I don't mind owning up to my mistakes. Sure, I freaked out. What did you expect? To poke the lion with a stick and not get a roar? I maintain that hey, if you didn't push I wouldn't shove, but people seem to like to push me around figuratively speaking, and damn it I don't think I should have to take it and take it and take it. You can only eat so much shit before you puke.
I agree that you should be able to finish off the rest of the debate league, I don't know if ForTheSouth made a decision regarding it yet. I personally volunteered to take your spot if you are going to be eliminated, not as an actual competitor, but just to casually debate and to make sure that all semi-finalists have to put in the same effort as all the others.

One question though: are you going to continue posting here and work your way to parole? From your post I assumed you were done with this website.

Also, my debate offer still stands. Might be a way to further accelerate your parole, as I don't know how many good topics there will be to post in here.
I agree that you should be able to finish off the rest of the debate league, I don't know if ForTheSouth made a decision regarding it yet. I personally volunteered to take your spot if you are going to be eliminated, not as an actual competitor, but just to casually debate and to make sure that all semi-finalists have to put in the same effort as all the others.

One question though: are you going to continue posting here and work your way to parole? From your post I assumed you were done with this website.

Also, my debate offer still stands. Might be a way to further accelerate your parole, as I don't know how many good topics there will be to post in here.

For the CLDL, I'd recommend talking to FTS and just asking him if you can post replies in here. Can't imagine he'd say no on that.
For the CLDL, I'd recommend talking to FTS and just asking him if you can post replies in here. Can't imagine he'd say no on that.

Yes, I already spoke with him. Like I said, IDK if they (organizers of the league) have decided entirely what to do with Rage, whether he can post from the prison, PM his responses in, or whether an elimination should be a part of the punishment.

Frankly I would be more inclined to simply let Rage PM in his responses or post them here, even though that point of view wouldn't be in my best interest. That way the winner would be undisputed, it would be a shame for one of the arguably top competitors to be eliminated via other circumstances who can later claim they were never beaten.
Prisoners have no PM system.

Oh. Well then just post his responses in a thread here and they could be copied or transferred to the league, either way it makes no difference. My point remains that and I am thinking ahead with the winner in mind; it would be lousy to win and have another competitor claim that they were never beaten, or would have won. That could very much be the case, but I can foresee the situation now, so I would assume it would be best to avoid it.
I would also like to take this opportunity to face any and all criticism for you the so called elite. I have plenty to answer for, and I will gladly. See, I have something called balls which means I don't mind owning up to my mistakes. Sure, I freaked out. What did you expect? To poke the lion with a stick and not get a roar? I maintain that hey, if you didn't push I wouldn't shove, but people seem to like to push me around figuratively speaking, and damn it I don't think I should have to take it and take it and take it. You can only eat so much shit before you puke.

So, why couldn't you intelligently state why Mayweather/Mosley was a good fight from your point of view without threatening people? Nobody was "poking you with a stick". Nobody's intention was to bait you into flaming with that thread. Nobody was pushing you around.

So please, give us that much, and don't threaten to put me in the ICU this time, sweetie.
You're still cool in my book, Game. Just wish you wouldn't blow up like you do, man. Shit's really not all that serious.

And it's a shame you pulled this when you did, since we're having perhaps the best boxing discussion we've had yet in the MMA/Boxing Section. Would have loved to seen you be able to add your two cents to it.
Sure, I freaked out. What did you expect? To poke the lion with a stick and not get a roar?
Yes. I expected you, and rightfully so, to act like an adult and not throw your toys out of the fucking pram. You're down here for housebreaking, and you deserve it.

So, do I have to put my dukes up or have you finally figured out how to conduct yourself like a civilized person?
I didn't read that post but anyway. Why did you do that bro? I still have a headache from you yelling. PLEASE DON'T DO IT ANYMORE

I just said "Fuck It" that's all. I got fed up, I said how I felt, and this is what it got me as I expected. It's just so fucked up man, the people who are really "IN" with "the powers that be" can say anything as offensively as they wish, make fun of everything about you, and treat you anyway they want. But, when you retaliate "Oh Fuck No You Didn't, How Dare You Defend Yourself"

The most fucked up thing is that the stuff I get heat for and the things I am called, I am anything but. I am called a Bigot, and a Hate-Monger, and a Radical Christian, and a million other things because I simply don't agree with certain stuff and will stick up for my beliefs or ideals, and when I don't back down then they start throwing the insults which pissed me off like it would anyone, but then when I get pissed I'm a fucking loon, and I'm this and I'm that. Double standards and hypocrisy run these people.

Since it's the prison, I'll bite. You want to debate? Let's do so.

Topic: Why you suck.

Go ahead.

Hey! Prove your worth debating sometime and I'll even beat you in that debate affirming, I'm THAT DAMN GOOD!

I agree that you should be able to finish off the rest of the debate league, I don't know if ForTheSouth made a decision regarding it yet. I personally volunteered to take your spot if you are going to be eliminated, not as an actual competitor, but just to casually debate and to make sure that all semi-finalists have to put in the same effort as all the others.

Ya know what, if I can't finish you have my endorsement, kick their asses buddy.

One question though: are you going to continue posting here and work your way to parole? From your post I assumed you were done with this website.

I've got to be honest, I am very conflicted. I want to continue in a lot of ways because I love wrestling, I love writing, and I love debating all of which are provided here. But when I see what is allowed here and the way people treat other people because they either A. can't just agree to disagree or B. are just hateful and want to talk trash to people on a computer because they can't do it in the real world, it just turns me away and makes me want to just quit. I can't quit though, no matter how much I might want to at times because that means "THEY" win, and I don't like to lose. I wasn't necessarily saying I was leaving in that thread either, that is the way it was perceived. Funny how what you say and what you mean get twisted here huh?

Also, my debate offer still stands. Might be a way to further accelerate your parole, as I don't know how many good topics there will be to post in here.

Ya know, your about the only person I have seen that is even worth debating, so major props to you. You've shown up with a freaking vengeance or something and you haven't slipped off your game one bit from what I could tell. I would love to debate you, not right now though, we should save it for when I am out of here, and that can be my return.

One stipulation, we pick a topic that has nothing to do with religion in any way. Why? because I am tired of having to defend my religion. I don't see anyone else under attack for their faith except Christians and I really don't think that is fair or right. Why don't people get going on Islam with the way they treat women, or the caste system over there in the middle east? Why does it always have to be anything ever remotely related to Christianity? Why is everyone so eager to tear it down? I realize there are some people who do give reason, but that's not all of us, and that's what I've tried to communicate. The problem is, anytime you do no one wants to hear that. People are all to fond of the stereotypes and attaching them to anyone who professes a faith in Christianity.

That is the stuff that pisses me off, I have yet to say anything about anyones religion and you can look that up. We can go on any topic, but at least show me the respect of leaving my beliefs out of it. That's not what debate is about. It's not about supporting your beliefs. I could give a shit less about the topics I have defended in the CLDL but my job in those debates isn't to profess my beliefs but to show one side of the argument to have more relevance than the other. Let's stick to that, and try to keep it respectful and so many of these other people seem incapable of doing.
I just said "Fuck It" that's all. I got fed up, I said how I felt, and this is what it got me as I expected. It's just so fucked up man, the people who are really "IN" with "the powers that be" can say anything as offensively as they wish, make fun of everything about you, and treat you anyway they want. But, when you retaliate "Oh Fuck No You Didn't, How Dare You Defend Yourself"

The most fucked up thing is that the stuff I get heat for and the things I am called, I am anything but. I am called a Bigot, and a Hate-Monger, and a Radical Christian, and a million other things because I simply don't agree with certain stuff and will stick up for my beliefs or ideals, and when I don't back down then they start throwing the insults which pissed me off like it would anyone, but then when I get pissed I'm a fucking loon, and I'm this and I'm that. Double standards and hypocrisy run these people.
When X or Armbar invite you to their house for tea and a trip to the ICU, let me know.
One stipulation, we pick a topic that has nothing to do with religion in any way. Why? because I am tired of having to defend my religion. I don't see anyone else under attack for their faith except Christians and I really don't think that is fair or right. Why don't people get going on Islam with the way they treat women, or the caste system over there in the middle east? Why does it always have to be anything ever remotely related to Christianity? Why is everyone so eager to tear it down? I realize there are some people who do give reason, but that's not all of us, and that's what I've tried to communicate. The problem is, anytime you do no one wants to hear that. People are all to fond of the stereotypes and attaching them to anyone who professes a faith in Christianity.

That is the stuff that pisses me off, I have yet to say anything about anyones religion and you can look that up. We can go on any topic, but at least show me the respect of leaving my beliefs out of it. That's not what debate is about. It's not about supporting your beliefs. I could give a shit less about the topics I have defended in the CLDL but my job in those debates isn't to profess my beliefs but to show one side of the argument to have more relevance than the other. Let's stick to that, and try to keep it respectful and so many of these other people seem incapable of doing.

I am down with that. Frankly I would rather not debate religion any way, it isn't going to go any where. Any one who has debated on the topic of religion knows that there are two kinds of people:
  • 1. Those that are willing to take that leap of faith.
  • 2. Those that aren't willing to take that leap of faith.
That isn't a jab at religion or religious folks, that's just the way it is. I have never proven a religion to be wrong (impossible to do so in my opinion), nor have I been so persuasive that some one went from 1. to 2. That's why I created that topic about God & Tyranny, it was another way to debate religion with out discussing whether the concept of God was real of not, it was fresh in a way.

I would personally be for a MMA vs Boxing debate, as I never even knew that thread existed until it was too late and too large to reasonably read and respond to.
Have you stopped crying and holding your breath because people disagree with you? Let me know whenever us elite start a thread in all capital letters entitled "FUCK YOU" and than we can talk about hypocrisy, okay bud?

And bragging about being in the lead in the cigar lounge debate league? Seriously now? Not much to brag about considering the majority of the best debaters on this forum don't participate in those leagues.
WORD FORT WARNING: If you aren't in for the haul, better back out now.

So, why couldn't you intelligently state why Mayweather/Mosley was a good fight from your point of view without threatening people? Nobody was "poking you with a stick". Nobody's intention was to bait you into flaming with that thread. Nobody was pushing you around.

So please, give us that much, and don't threaten to put me in the ICU this time, sweetie.

Firstly, I didn't threaten you or anyone. I told you what would happen to you if you came around these parts trying to talk to people the way you all were talking to me, and it would lead to ICU, I see it all the time and they get away with it. You know why? Because sometimes people deserve it, and the cops around here know that is how it works, and that you don't get it unless you do deserve it. Disrespecting someone in the fashion you all were with me, wouldn't even require my action as I said, other people would do it for me, I don't have to lift a finger, I've got it like that.

That kind of shit means something around here, you don't talk shit to people who can have your ass anytime they want. You treat people a certain way or they teach you a lesson. My guess is a lot of these folks would be scared shitless trying to walk my streets, and if they made the wrong move, they wouldn't be here very long. Des Moines might not be L.A. or N.Y. where they all claim it's so gangster but people don't fuck around here. You say the wrong thing, give the wrong look to someone even in traffic your fucked. They'll follow you to wherever you are going and beat the hell out of you even if it's your own front yard.

People here don't give a fuck about doing jail time to teach someone a lesson. Unless that jail time is life, your getting out and if the person who put you there is still around, they'll get it again until they learn. It's either put up or shut up, and the mouths these guys have on them would have them in scenarios they don't even want to deal with. I've done it, I've fought my way through trying to be a nice passive guy, but I am a big guy, and people always want to show how tough they are by trying to beat up the big guy. Well, this big guy has dealt them all a hand they couldn't play, I've been down but never out, and I've never lost a fight. I've taken everyone to task who ever came my way and thought they were going to disrespect me, and guess what? People don't do it anymore, they learned. I don't talk shit to anyone out here, I don't have to, they just know. Even strangers, they see me, they get out of way. I'm sorry but when you get that kind of respect on the streets, and then go to getting little to none here, it's a little infuriating.

The truth is, is wasn't all just that conversation it was many over a period of time, and not just on Boxing and MMA. Why couldn't I state intelligently why the fight was good? Because as was so very apparent from the responses prior to my own nobody wanted to hear that, their minds were made up, and as fast as anyone could it turned into "MMA is better than Boxing" with people just disrespecting the athletes because of this bias. That alone was infuriating enough, then when compounded with everything else it was just too much.

It's the negativity man. I can't stand it. Why do so many of you have to hate so much and so many things. Like I said before, I don't go into mma discussions and just say "Yeah these guys suck at life and the sport sucks too" No. When it comes to the discussion of MMA vs Boxing everyone knows where I stand, I'm a boxing purist and loyalist, to me it's one of the most beautiful things in the world, it's something that's apart of me and that I love. So why would I not be upset when people tear down what I love? Think of anything you can say you love, and tell me if groups of people were just downing it constantly you wouldn't get tired of it and blow your top at some point too? We're all human, and you can't deny that's exactly what would happen, especially if it was something that meant so much to you.

Like I said as well, it wasn't just that conversation it was many. For instance I saw that new guy Twist doing everything he could to try and defend his beliefs and just get bombarded with hateful responses towards him, and why? Because he has faith in something and they don't like it? To tear him and his beliefs down? Just to be hateful and nasty? What's right about that? How are you to respond to all that?

Why do you think I make these word forts? So that I can attempt to respond to everything people say, but the more that is thrown at me, the more I have to respond to. It figured that as soon as everyone else turned on me, even my own friend in real life Fuel, so did Twist, probably just to avoid further torment, but what good did that do him in the long run? I saw him getting beaten for his beliefs, myself, and anyone else who would say anything contrary to what some of these people who think their word supersedes all did. You(not necessarily you specifically) don't want a conversation or a debate, you want to whip someone for not believing the same as you and what you deem as right or wrong. After seeing enough of it, it was enough. That's is what I mean by poking the lion with a stick. You can't just degrade someones beliefs and who they are over and over and over and think it's ok or that no one is going to say anything or call you on it.

I wasn't trying to threaten anyone either. I was making a point. People talk a lot of shit on here to others that they disagree with like they are going to beat their asses for disagreeing with them, that's the tone of their words. I said and stand by that if it were a face to face conversation these people who are normally so bold would suddenly not be, why? Because you'd know if you went too far there is going to be a consequence because you don't talk to people like that and expect to get away with it. The difference though is that this is the internet and they can to a degree and so they do which really pissed me off. It's like this: you wouldn't dare be so bold and hateful to my face because that would definitely warrant an ass beating, so don't do it here just because you think you can get away with it. That's what bitches do, I won't say anything to you here I am not willing to say to you in person, and I expect you to do the same.

You're still cool in my book, Game. Just wish you wouldn't blow up like you do, man. Shit's really not all that serious.

And it's a shame you pulled this when you did, since we're having perhaps the best boxing discussion we've had yet in the MMA/Boxing Section. Would have loved to seen you be able to add your two cents to it.

Thank you. None of that was really aimed at you anyways I wanted you to know that, your one of the only people here I've been able to "click with" I guess you could say. It seems like there is a mutual respect between the two of us, and I will maintain that as long as you do.

Trust me, I don't want to blow up. I don't want to do those things. I just gave them what they wanted, and foolishly so. I never said I was perfect or don't make mistakes. But I also won't be walked all over, talked down to, and treated like shit by anyone let alone a group. I've dealt with that in real life far more than my share, and I will be damned before I deal with it on the fucking internet.

I realize it's not supposed to be all that serious, but when people are making serious statements about you or the things you love the things that matter to you and are apart of you, that's when it gets real and when it gets serious. The other thing is that often times at least where I am involved, it is very serious, specifically the Cigar Lounge area. When people get to saying really serious hateful things towards you and anything you say, regardless of what you say, how are you not to be frustrated, offended, and even highly angry? I am not saying that means do what I did, freak out, and pay for it. But by God there has to be a point, there has to be a limit, some place where you say "I have taken all I can, and I can't take anymore."

Yes. I expected you, and rightfully so, to act like an adult and not throw your toys out of the fucking pram. You're down here for housebreaking, and you deserve it.

Maybe so, but I'm not the only one. There are plenty of them who do worse daily, many of you just don't see it that way because you are never the recipients of it all. If it were you constantly under attack for anything and everything you say, no matter how reasonable, how fair, or how peaceful you try to be, they don't want that. They want to let you know they don't respect you, your thoughts, your beliefs, or anything else. They just want to whip you for having the courage to stand for yourself, and expect you to just shut up when they say so. If you don't and often times before it comes to that, it's just calling you any stereotype possible, and unkind name they can think of, and all because maybe you don't see things their way and your just completely wrong about everything according to them. Your just stupid for believing what you believe and it's because they said so. Ok, so that's how it works? Nice. Ring me when you get a heart and a clue (not you per-say but "They" as in the majority"

So, do I have to put my dukes up or have you finally figured out how to conduct yourself like a civilized person?

I always try to conduct myself like a civilized person. I'm not the one you need to be talking to, it's the fucking hyenas out there who push people like me to freak out because their bullshit never stops, and no one ever does anything about it. Most of the time it's you the Mods, and the ass sucks trying to become one or trying to be "IN" like Via Armbar and ZeroVX. The one that really chaps my ass is Xfearbefore(yeah I remember) who talks so condescendingly to any and all, and doesn't come out unless it's to belittle someone and tell them how worthless they are. Ya know what, he's the one who's worthless because that's what drives him, that's what he's about. He gets his kicks from treating people like dirt and trying to make them feel as small and insignificant as he can. That seems to be his only skill as I have seen it, but it's not like anyone is going to say anything to him or put him in his place. He's one of the "Chosen" one of the "Untouchables" who seems to have that privileged. Justify it any way you want it makes the staff look bad, it makes Wrestlezone look bad, and he's apparently too dumb to see that above all it makes him look bad.

I realize what I did makes me look no better, but I'm willing to sacrifice anything to make my point clear, that's because my beliefs and my convictions aren't hollow like many of these other people who just hate to hate, and argue to argue.

Your Dukes will not be necessary.

I would only like to know one thing: when do you plan on calling someone "Kojak" again?

Well guess what Kojack, you won't have to wait very long. you've been one of my main harassers and that's exactly what it is. Remember telling everyone to just put me on their ignore list and offering them green rep for doing it, and all the shit you talked about me? It confounds me how the behavioral standards for the Mods seems to be so low, as you all seem to have free reign to treat people any way you want, say anything you want about them, and brow beat them for not being "The All-Knowing Masters of the Universe" you all are apparently. But, then when someone like myself calls "Bullshit" I'm a pussy, I'm a bitch, I'm pathetic, I'm a shitty poster, I'm overrated, I'm a cry baby, I'm whining, and on and on and on and on until you've sullied my name all you can and got your fill from it. It gets old just like garbage, and stinks just as much when it does. I stand for what's right, period, and the way shit goes on around here 90% of the time isn't right. I'm not just crying about how unfair everyone is to me, it's far more than that and you could only wish it were as shallow as that. It's the people who I see come and try to include themselves, try to be apart of the group, and get slapped around for it. It's not just me, it's a lot of people. I'm just the only one with the balls to say it and call anyone out about it, you can put that in stone.
And bragging about being in the lead in the cigar lounge debate league? Seriously now? Not much to brag about considering the majority of the best debaters on this forum don't participate in those leagues.
Hell from what I'm lead to believe half the people who go out of their way to sign up for the CLDL don't even participate in the league... which is a shame actually...
To be fair the questions are so damn vague and 90% of the time are related JUST to american politics AND you're usually on the side you don't want AND you have 24 hours to make your first reply yet it takes four days for it to be judged?
Have you stopped crying and holding your breath because people disagree with you? Let me know whenever us elite start a thread in all capital letters entitled "FUCK YOU" and than we can talk about hypocrisy, okay bud?

It has nothing to do with disagreement and everything to do with treatment. You elite don't need to start threads like that, you just invade them and tell people their worth shit so you get the job done that way. It is hypocrisy if you can't see that, you never will. You can only lead the horses-ass to the stable, you can't make him shit there(yeeeaah you like that one, thought it up just now.).

And bragging about being in the lead in the cigar lounge debate league? Seriously now? Not much to brag about considering the majority of the best debaters on this forum don't participate in those leagues.

HA, This is the first time I have even mentioned it so maybe you should know what your talking about before you say anything. That right there I'm sure is why you "The Messiah" are not in the damn thing to begin with, apparently you don't have the focus. Regardless of what you say and how you try to shit on anything I've done I'm proud of it. I put plenty of effort in doing as well as I have and actually I've been disappointed with the level of competition thus far. It's been all too easy and I don't say that arrogantly. I've had Matt Fox quit, sivsyboi no show, someone else no show, but regardless MY debates have been the best thus far over people who all say their better than me.

I am down with that. Frankly I would rather not debate religion any way, it isn't going to go any where. Any one who has debated on the topic of religion knows that there are two kinds of people:

* 1. Those that are willing to take that leap of faith.
* 2. Those that aren't willing to take that leap of faith.

Exactly, that's one of the most intelligent things I've heard you say yet. That's what makes it so difficult to get into that realm because the two people are coming from such opposite sides and as it pertains to faith are polar opposites. It's like trying to explain to a deaf man that music is better than text, or a blind man the opposite. It's two completely different perspectives and two completely different kinds of understanding.

That isn't a jab at religion or religious folks, that's just the way it is. I have never proven a religion to be wrong (impossible to do so in my opinion), nor have I been so persuasive that some one went from 1. to 2. That's why I created that topic about God & Tyranny, it was another way to debate religion with out discussing whether the concept of God was real of not, it was fresh in a way.

I didn't think it was, and I can't thank you enough for showing just that amount of respect. As you see that's all I require to be completely civil, completely nice, and completely respectful myself. Trust me, I'm not an asshole in real life. I'm actually one of the nicest people you would ever meet, and one of the best friends you could ever have, I am very caring and very loyal to my friends. I just have very strong convictions and I stand for what I believe in. I try to make sure it doesn't get the best of me, but when you are talking about something you are so passionate about, I'm sure you can understand how your emotions can get the best of you in that scenario. That sucks too, put me in a crisis or something I'm the man, I can't be rattled, I'm the perfect picture of composure. Then you get me on something I am really passionate about and start saying the wrong shit, and it becomes very difficult to keep your cool.

I must admit that God/Tyranny thing came off really bad in some ways, in others it showed at least that you were curious or willing to learn about God, and that was a good thing. You at least didn't banish anyone else's explanations and were willing to hear the other side of the story. I can't say that for most of these other folks and when that is the case, that is when the anger comes in. There is nothing more frustrating than trying to make something make sense for someone else, and to have them just reject it because it might not be what they want to hear.

I would personally be for a MMA vs Boxing debate, as I never even knew that thread existed until it was too late and too large to reasonably read and respond to.

Well, damn. I've been so far down that road already. I don't think that is one I can win, there is a very very bias group here that definitely prefers MMA waaaaay over Boxing, probably partially due to me. How about this maybe, we change the nature of it. If you want to test me, why don't we make it a conversation rather than a debate, kind of like a Q&A. If I can't convince you that Boxing is a superior sport or form of fighting, than I will lose. You would present me with questions or challenges as in "If Boxing is superior, than how does it compensate for using less of the body to inflict damage?" for example. I'm just not sure if that is something to actually debate as it is another thing much like religion that is so steeped in opinion.

It's something that is easier taught one on one than typed if you know what I mean. If I were right there with you and we could stand up, I could show you things, and actually explain it in a more hands on way, I am completely confident within about 30 minutes you would know and you would see it my way. Since I can't do it like that though I figured the next best thing would be to answer any doubts you had and if I indeed could be persuasive enough or explain it well enough to make you either change your mind, or say "Ya know what he's got some serious points here, I'm not so sure now that MMA is in any way better" than I would win.

I will however say if that is what you want, a straight up MMA vs Boxing debate, a real debate, I will oblige, no excuses.
To be fair the questions are so damn vague and 90% of the time are related JUST to american politics AND you're usually on the side you don't want AND you have 24 hours to make your first reply yet it takes four days for it to be judged?

I will NOT be fair!
I will be self-righteous and indigna....eh I don't care,
carry on.
Oh I feel you all the way on that one Lee, but that is what being good at debating is all about, being able to jump into any debate on any topic and convince people you are right on the matter whether you really believe in it or not. It's not really about preference. Shit, when I was in high school and we went to debate tournaments, most of the time you didn't know until you got to your debate which side of the topic you picked (EX:Abortion, Vouchers, Immigration, etc....Hot topics in society and politics) you were going to be on. You'd show up, the three judges would say "You're going to be Pro, you're going to be Con" So you'd have to know both sides well enough at the drop of a hat to argue either one. It was tough but it was fun too. If you hate that, you'd have really loved Mock Trial, that's like literally going through court proceedings and arguing a real case like it's in a real court room. The formality of it gets so arduous sometimes you just want to either fall asleep or run out of the room.

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