Jumping On My Kelly Kelly Bandwagon


The Future Mr. Kelly Kelly
I'm gone for a week... a fucking week !!!!!

And when I make my glorious return, I find that Eternal Dragon has taken it upon herself to start driving my Kelly Kelly bandwagon ??? What the fuck ???

There can only be one "future Mr. Kelly Kelly", not a "future Mrs. Kelly Kelly"... and I'm pulling a Ric Flair and calling your ass out Dragon !!!! I would wrestle you, but I retired a little more than a year ago and don't want to tarnish my legacy.

Meet me in the parking lot @#%^& (the original word was a little uncalled for considering the gender of my future beatdown) ??!!
I'll go Hornswoggle on her ass and fight from my knees... then I'm stealing her bike and Barbie !!!
what exactly is a bandwagon?

The Bandwagon effect, also known as "cromo effect" and closely related to opportunism, is the observation that people often do and believe things because many other people do and believe the same things.

The effect is often called herd instinct. People tend to follow the crowd without examining the merits of a particular thing.

The bandwagon effect is the reason for the bandwagon fallacy's success.

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