Johnny Nitro...Oops I mean JOHN MORRISON

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Personnaly I like it a lot. Well I'm a HUGE Doors fan, but that's not the reason. Like someone said before, now he has THE LOOK of a champion. I don't know what it is exactly, but to me he looks more "mature", it's hard to explain.

I found the new clothes awesome. And his entrance music was really cool, really catchy. I won't say that it didn't feel strange not to hear his MNM music, but after a couple of weeks, we'll all get use to it.

And what about his promo? I really dig it. He showed a lot of potential, mic skill wise. He was getting good heat, the fans immediatly hated him, I thought it was really cool. I hope he'll retain at GAB to see how he'll develop his character. Yeah, John Morrison is here, and I hope that he's here to stay as A CHAMPION. I really see a good feud between him and CM Punk.
This is a horrible mistake on WWE's part. Imo, they've really missed the boat with Johnny "Don't call him Monday Night" Nitro. It all started back when they reformed MNM at December 2 Dismember. From there on they took him out of the IC Title picture where he had terrific matches with the likes of Shelton Benjamin, Carlito, and even Jeff Hardy. He was well on his way to the main event seen as Johnny Nitro. Then they move him to ECW to get him away from Melina, which begs the question...why? They were a great in-ring couple, they reminded me of Edge and Lita or Triple H and Chyna. Of course we all know how both Edge and HHH turned out, both being multi-time world champions. So my question is, if this formula works why not follow it? Why move Nitro to ECW, a show no body watches anyway?

It doesn't make sense! Too me WWE has messed up on his character so much so that it will be hard for him to recover.

My prediction: He'll be back to Johnny Nitro after losing the title to CM Punk(or is it Punky Brewster, you never know with WWE) at SummerSlam! You can take that to the bank!
I Really can't see why people are so upset with this. Johnny Nitro was a fucking distraction. It was the kind of over the top, too gimmicky shit that had me reaching for the controller the second his music hit. Nitro is a good wrestler, but I skipped his matches because of the gimmick, it was dumb.

How do we know this wasn't in the works for a while either? Remember, Nitro wasn't scheduled to win that ECW title. Whose to say that the WWE wasn't planning this after the split from Melina and the move to ECW. His whole title reign is shaky right now to begin with.

Again, this is a great move, and it allows me to take John Morrison a helluva lot more seriously then Johnny Nitro.

*Jim Morrison is a fucking God.
** Mad Metal = Best Sig Ever

Because it's ******ed? Now they got him with a 60's ripoff jim morrison wannabe gimmick with a stupid hairdo. Now I will be so hung up on his gimmick I won't be able to like his matches, at least with the Nitro gimmick I got past it and liked his matches, it wasn't ultra gimmicky at all. Now I will be to busy either laughing and shaking my head or watching something else to care about him. This was a bad move because it gets people TO hung up on an unproven gimmick.

All they needed to do was slightly alter his Nitro gimmick, not give him a new one. He was getting over just fine, now I forsee him in OVW within a year or fired.
I don't understand the problem is this a 60s gimmick? Is he wearing a headband and a tie dye shirt? No he's wearing the exact same clothing he was as Johnny Nitro. Because his last name is Morrison that's a 60s gimmick?

People...ITS THE SAME FUCKIN GIMMICK! The only difference is his name now! Nothing has changed, Nitro's gimmick was to stuck up celebrity guy and what is his new gimmick? Stuck up celebrity guy.

It's the same damn character people. I mean if the guys hairstyle is distracting you from his wrestling matches, then just don't watch it.
I think the main difference with the character is going to be the attitude though. Nitro was the cocky and cool, I'm better then you thing. Look at all the flash and dazzle, rah rah rah.

I think, and it's way too early to know for sure, the Morrison character is going to be, I'm good, and I'm going to tell you I'm good. I don't have a problem with Morrison on the mic.

Like X said, the 2nd he comes out with a rock band instead of paparazzi, then yes, stupid gimmick. Essentially though, it's the same character, maybe a little more edgey.
I hate it. John Morrison? Give me a fuckin' break. Putting Johnny Nitro in bad clothes, with a bad hair cut and sending him out to cut a really bad promo does not help his credibility as a champion. So the WWE wants to distant Nitro from the MNM gimmick?? Ok, give the guy some new entrance music and have the wardrobe department whip up something new and fresh for him to wear. The whole thing is just way too over the top for my taste. I am a fan of the old Johnny Nitro who is talented in the ring. He doesn't need some "half porn star / half Jim Morrison" gimmick to get him over.
I'll be happy with this new character/persona of johnny nitro/john morrison if this makes Morrison act differently in the ring. When I saw Nitro wrestle, I saw some potential, he had some good moves, but overall, he seemed to me to be a goof. Because he was such a goof, I could not take him serious. This new John Morrison persona, to me it seems more serious, more of a credible character to hold a wwe championship then was the aforementioned Johnny Nitro. If this new Morrison is packaged just right, I think it will be a good thing for his career at this point. If not, then as many have already said, John Morrison does sound like a jobber name.
i am a huge johnny nitro fan.i love the guy to death.and to me john morrison and johnny nitro are two completely different people.after ecw was over.i still had the ecw where vsed creamerr and vengence on tiVo.i watched him at vengence and the dreamer match.then i watched the morrison debut.and there is a big difference.he should of kept the johnny nitro name but changed his attitude or its like they handed the title to a new person.if he atleast kept the nitro name it would still be johnny nitro as champ.why did they need to change his name to give him a rockstar gimmick.joey mercury had the same last name as front man of queen freddie mercury.and he doesnt dress like a rockstar.and i feel like nitro will still be known as nitro to fans no matter how hard they try because of the time he changed his name.i think the gimmick is great.but not for morrison,but for nitro.lo although it would be kinda funny if they had mercury and morrison tag again as freddie mercury and jim morrison rip-offs.lolbut i am not digging the new gimmick right now.
I dont see whats so good about Nitro/Morrison hes not a credible champ, cant cut a promo, I havnt enjoyed him in the ring at all, he has not a lot of ability, no potential as a Champ.

He was wrestling guys like Shelton Benjamin who have ability and taging with Kenny and suddenly goes to being ECW champ

Its like Bobby Lashley all over again! Cept Lashley was good before and Nitro/Morrison has never been!

Someone explain why he deserves to be champ over Punk, Dreamer or anyone else on the ECW roster.
I dont see whats so good about Nitro/Morrison hes not a credible champ, cant cut a promo, I havnt enjoyed him in the ring at all, he has not a lot of ability, no potential as a Champ.

He was wrestling guys like Shelton Benjamin who have ability and taging with Kenny and suddenly goes to being ECW champ

Its like Bobby Lashley all over again! Cept Lashley was good before and Nitro/Morrison has never been!

Someone explain why he deserves to be champ over Punk, Dreamer or anyone else on the ECW roster.

First of all, I think Nitro was more credible name than Morrison. Viewers had gotten used to it and the name John Morrison just sound plain boring. What comes to the Championship, I think it was planned that Benoit would be the Champ of the ECW, but WWE had to make fast plans to replace him so they thought that it would be better if a heel wrestler would get the chip. (And Nitro was the up-and-coming young heel in the ECW) This would make CM Punk the crowd favorite (even more) when he battles for the Chip. I think he'll get it in the near future.
I think that wwe will give nitro a long title reign to try and make him into a more credible champion. Changing his name was a stupid move, is wwe just changed his gimmick it would have been better. I doubt that he will drop the title to punk anytime soon.
The only thing about the new name that bothers me is the name John. They should of just kept it to Johnny. The Morrison thing doesn't bother me much at all. As far as the new look goes. I like it. He looks more like a serious champ then he has before. Some of you are complaining about his wardrobe and hair cut he has now but when he was Johnny Nitro, his wardrobe and hair style was just as bad. The whole thing with him wearing supertight pants, with big fur coats, and with the slicked back hair with blonde streaks was just not doing it for me. I think if WWE and John Morrison can put this character together the right way and not screw it up, I think that this gimmick will start to grow on those who already dislike it.
Now I'm watching ECW and Morrison just did that promo and everything and I gotta say I'm liking it more now. I don't like how he comes out to music that sound simliar to 60's rock and going with the whole Jim Morrison thing and I don't like how he says stuf like "The shaman of sexy" thats totally Jim Morrison too. But he is off to a good start playing this ultimate heel character. He has always had the in ring talent and maybe now the promos will get better and catch up to his in ring ability. If it does I can see Morrsion as upper mid-card/ main event type heel
I just cant get into his promos he sounds like he is really scared to be on the mic and is unsure of himself. The whole gimmick change in the middle of a title run is kind of interesting to me and i am wondering how it will turn out.
Also watching ECW. I gotta say he's not bad on the mic at all. I like the idea of the 15 minutes of fame. Hes cocky and adds that cockiness in his voice. Gets alot of heat not sure if he messed up on Matt Leinart's name or if that was intentional. You can still tell he's inexperienced on the mic but he will improve over time. I like the character he plays the heel role well and I've always liked his in ring work. He will continue to improve over time and not doing to bad of a job right now at first I didn't think he was ECW championship worthy but now I can see him as worthy of the ECW belt and the ECW belt ONLY.
His promos are getting much better and he's really shinning in that character. One thing also to remember is that he apparently came up with that character so he's going to do his best to get him over. I think the guy's in ring work is coming along too and him and CM Punk might steal the show this Sunday. I think it would also be beneficial for the ECW brand and the WWE to keep him on ECW if he gets megahuge. ECW needs help establishing their own NEW stars and him and Punk are doing a great job keeping interest.
Ok I Guessing You Guys Weren't Alive For The OLD ECW! The Hardcore Mayhem! With Superstars Like Raven, Rhyno, The Dudlyez. Now That Was Extreme! Now I Know That Morrison And Punk Are Increadibly Talented And I Am A Fan Of Them But I Really Believe That Old ECW Was MUCH Better!
Ok I Guessing You Guys Weren't Alive For The OLD ECW! The Hardcore Mayhem! With Superstars Like Raven, Rhyno, The Dudlyez. Now That Was Extreme! Now I Know That Morrison And Punk Are Increadibly Talented And I Am A Fan Of Them But I Really Believe That Old ECW Was MUCH Better!

This ECW isn't for "Hardcore Mayhem". It's for building up the younger stars by putting them on live TV and getting the chance to make it to the big shows and making a name for themselves in years to come. That is exactly what they were doing with Morrison,Punk etc...Why the hell it is called ECW I will never know but Hardcore wrestling isn't what WWECW is for and really shouldn't be because gimmick wrestling will get a wrestler nowhere.

If Punk/Morrison stick around on WWECW for awhile. They will be ready to step into the RAW/SD! main event/Upper Mid-Card scene instantly. Vince IMO has done an alright job with the WWECW brand. We get the chance to see superstars in the making. Punk/Morrison and Burke are the main 3.
This ECW isn't for "Hardcore Mayhem". It's for building up the younger stars by putting them on live TV and getting the chance to make it to the big shows and making a name for themselves in years to come. That is exactly what they were doing with Morrison,Punk etc...Why the hell it is called ECW I will never know but Hardcore wrestling isn't what WWECW is for and really shouldn't be because gimmick wrestling will get a wrestler nowhere.

If Punk/Morrison stick around on WWECW for awhile. They will be ready to step into the RAW/SD! main event/Upper Mid-Card scene instantly. Vince IMO has done an alright job with the WWECW brand. We get the chance to see superstars in the making. Punk/Morrison and Burke are the main 3.

Exactly what I've been thinking for a while. Once people realise that the old ECW is dead and WWECW is just a third brand which is used to develop the younger guys, then they'll see ECW as better. ECW has seemed to be a much more interesting show once I got over the whole lack of hardcore wrestling, but times change, things move with it :p
This ECW isn't for "Hardcore Mayhem". It's for building up the younger stars by putting them on live TV and getting the chance to make it to the big shows and making a name for themselves in years to come. That is exactly what they were doing with Morrison,Punk etc...Why the hell it is called ECW I will never know but Hardcore wrestling isn't what WWECW is for and really shouldn't be because gimmick wrestling will get a wrestler nowhere.

If Punk/Morrison stick around on WWECW for awhile. They will be ready to step into the RAW/SD! main event/Upper Mid-Card scene instantly. Vince IMO has done an alright job with the WWECW brand. We get the chance to see superstars in the making. Punk/Morrison and Burke are the main 3.

Is that a serious statement? Look at who old ECW has brought us... Many crowd favorites

Gimmick matches are some of the most memorable matches.. HIAC, Ladder, Cage, TLC.. Those matches really stick out compared to some of these boring matches when most of the times it's just a kick, punch, and submissions to kill the time until the final 10 minutes when there is actual wrestling.. Or attempted wrestling with some of these guys
Those matches really stick out compared to some of these boring matches when most of the times it's just a kick, punch, and submissions to kill the time until the final 10 minutes when there is actual wrestling.. Or attempted wrestling with some of these guys

Is it just me or is that what wrestling is?....
Gimmick matches are supposed to be saved for a special occasion, if we kept seeing them night in and night out wrestlers would get hurt and eventually you'd be bored with it because you can only script it up so many different ways.
i agree with lovegun101 JOHN MORRISON looks like a champion a main eventer and JOHNNY NITRO didnt he only seemed mid carder intercontinental, US title material but i dont really care i think he is hot has nice abs and a nice bum.

he really is


John Morrison, IMO is one of the best rising stars in the wwe right now(only behind Santino). At first I was really hesistant on the gimmick/name change cuz i loved Nitro & MNM, but after months of seeing John Morrsion I think wwe made a good decision. Either name he is a shinning talent and haves alot of abilty as a wrestler. Nitro was a good heel but seemed like a midcard(maybe b/c of his tag team, or the gimmick, music ect) he was a midcarder now with erasing that he seems to be more edgier and a better fit at main eventing. Either name he is one of the top guys in the wwe.
I think the Nitro/Morrison switch has done alot of good for him and character,i agree with jback thats as Nitro with MNM and that music and everything just fitted in as a mid carder and stuff,now the new character i think is much better,right now he has good mic skills,is great in the ring,and i think that he can be the major star on ECW for a while,IMO it's still a little bit away from him being high on the RAW or Smackdown ladder but i believe that his spot at the top of ECW is good for now.
I think he has a lot of potential he is an outstanding in ring performer I think, him and CM Punk and even the Miz had some classic matches on ECW, as for his Mic skills, still need work but getting better not as good as the Miz or Elija Burke but getting a lot better
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