Johnny Nitro...Oops I mean JOHN MORRISON

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SmackDown! is MY Show
Anyone that watched ECW say that Nitro changed his name from Johnny Nitro to John Morrison. And well i have to say that is prolly one of the worst ideas ever for Nitro opps i mean Morrison. His Nitro gimmick was somthing you could dislike, but i guess that is reserved for Melina. Oh well hopefully a gimmick and named change can help him. But I dunno John Morrison seems kinda blan.

Any Thoughts?
I guess they're trying everything to get SOMEBODY over in ECW. I really hope this works, but in all the years that I've watched wrestling I cannot recall them changing the name of a current champion. If they were going to re-package him and give him a name that sounded like a jobber, they should have had him drop the belt and keep him off TV for at least a few weeks. Really shows ECW is looking for any boost it can find anywhere IMO
Ya repacking a champions does seem a bit strange but from the looks they want to get Morrison on his own and really let him come in to his own on ECW. Though the name does have that jobber feel it just I dunno doesnt seem to catch anyones attention. Least Johnny Nitro rolled off your tonuge and the gimmick was but i guess if their wanting a future champ that gimmick wouldnt work.
Obviously, they want to distance him as far away as Melina as possible, with the new name, the terrible music, the Miami Vice reject getup, and the complete repackaging. Can't fault them for trying.

I kind of liked the promo he gave. I thought it was effective in trying to give him some sort of backstory and personality. The assault on Punk was good as well. Tonight was the first time that I really bought him as the ECW Champion. I'm looking forward to the match on Sunday.

Morrison should get the cheap win, and Punk should grab the ECW Title at Summerslam in some sort of gimmick match.
I can't say I like the name.. But I like the gimmick. I have always been a Nitro mark and I will stay a mark now that his name is Morrison. The gimmick to me looks like a mix between Mr. Perfect and Ravishing Rick Rude... Anyway, is it just me or did John Morrsion look like a 70's porn star tonight? I mean look at his feathered hair, his sideburns I mean the only thing he was missing was a nice looking ding-dong dusting mustache.
I cant say i like this gimmick.I never have been a big fan of the guy, but he is now sporting a "rockstar" gimmick with new hair, music and similarities to Jim Morrision.listen to this quote on
At 4 months old, I could walk. At 8 months old, I could run. How many people here could say they did that?” Morrison boldly asked. “As my mind grew up, so did my body. As a matter of fact I was so gifted intellectually, I skipped the first grade. I advanced straight to third grade. In high school, I was elected student body president… and I didn’t even run. That’s how much of a natural leader I am.”
am i the only one that thinks they are going for a kind of jim morrison thing here??

I agree; his hairstyle even reminds you of Jim; in case noone knows Jim Morrison is the late singer of The Doors; my guess is they want him to seem like more of a rockstar


Well they certainly look alike, they both have the rockstar attitude. I haven't seen ECW yet and won't get to until Friday, so i'll save my judgment until then but I can certainly dig it the whole Jim Morrison thing.

Although I find it funny how Jim Morrison was incredibly overrated.
I kinda thought the whole Jim Morrison thing too.. I didn't bring it up in my last post becasue it seemed alittle far fetched to me.. But it is a good point... But to me he still kind of looked like a 70's pornstar...
I agree; his hairstyle even reminds you of Jim; in case noone knows Jim Morrison is the late singer of The Doors; my guess is they want him to seem like more of a rockstar
I am pretty sure that is what they are going for. I think John Morrison looks like a champion. That's one thing I didn't see in Johnny Nitro. Although I was a huge Johnny Nitro fam from the beginning, I think John Morrison will be better in the long run.
lol, if you were paying attention to the show, they said it like 4 times....he IS a rockstar....Tazz said it....before he even started talking on the mic!....and if u read his said 62.....almost forgot....ecw sucked this week, so ur not missin much prax....
To me when I saw John Morrison and his new gimmick I instantly thought about Edge. They needed to fo something to change his gimmick and make him better because he isn't seen as an equal to the other heavyweight champions. He does have the skill but the crowd doesn't see "Johnny Nitro" as a real champion. However, a simple name change, new clothes, and a backstory doesn't really help that much.
Hopefully, John Morrison isn't seen as an Edge knockoff.
I like the new gimmick. It feels more like a main event sort of character. Still, it's pretty early to really tell if it'll work or not, so I guess we'll have to see.
John Morrison? bleh. I don't know which part of the name sucks more. The John or the Morrison. Morrison is just a terrible wrestling name and Johnny seems to go with his rock star gimmick more than John does. Johnny also shows that he is young and that it's time the young guys start taking over the WWE.

I love his new look though. It seems he IS going to be pushed as the biggest thing on ECW. I hope he goes over tremendously on each and every top star on ECW, including CM Punk.

Hopefully the WWE does the same thing as when he was Eric Bischoff's assistant. He went from Johnny Blade to Johnny Blaze to Johnny Nitro all in 3 weeks. Seeing as how he's a world champion I don't see them changing his last name, but atleast he should go back to being "Johnny".
I'm another mark for going back to Johnny

John just doesn't sound right to me for Nit.. Morrison plus Johnny does fit his gimmick better then John. But I'm all for the gimmick change, seems to suit ECW more if you ask me (that's coming from an Original ECW fan) the whole A-lister thing was getting boring and as long as he keeps pulling off what he does in the ring and gets this gimmick pushed better then the last one then I see great things for Nit.. Morrison.

Unfourtunatly I will not see the title deffence this Sunday against CM Punk at the Bash due to the fact that I'm not ordering the PPV cuz the card sux since Edge's injury. Anyway, look for a long fued between Morrison and Punk with a few title switchs to push both these guys, and it's about time WWE pushed the younger superstars.
I love it. I have always found the Johnny Nitro and MNM paparazi shit to be insanely annoying and distracting. I for one think it is fucking awesome, and Nitro has jumped up in my book. I love it. Getting rid of the stupid gimmick to focus on the wrestler. I think this is a great move, I love it.
How dumb can you get? The WWE makes one bad move after another. Why change his catchy name with this? Johnny Nitro was a great name and he was getting over, his gimmick was unique and starting to work, and now you change him into a Jim Morrison rip off? This will hurt his overness and most likely be a sign the WWE plans to bury him and put over CM Punk. I was a fan of Nitro and felt he was the next HBK...But this whole rocker ripoff thing has dropped him off in my book. I see no reason to change, there was nothing wrong with his old gimmick.
First of all spelled there wrong...and there has been plenty wrong with his gimmick....epsecially in u even watch ECW? He was still sporting the MNM was horrible...i think it's a decent move...not great really moves him away from anything in the past and will really establish him as a singles wrestler....I do admit Johnny Nitro was catchy but that's only cuz he's been around for a while....I do dissagree with the Morrison though...but what can we do? It's Vince's choice to put on a shitty and shittier product every week, but its ur choice to watch....if you really want him to get the point...dont watch...thats what i do....if i dissagree with something i make sure they know it by making them lose ratings and overall money....i dont watch smackdown anymore and barely watch raw as it is...ecw i could care less about but im usually doing nothing when its on so i get suckered into it in a way.....
Although I find it funny how Jim Morrison was incredibly overrated.

You did not just say that Jim Morrison is the only member of the 27 club that isn't overrated, Id say he is criminally Underrated.

We have been through this before just not as drastic anyway, A gimmick change while Champ is the worst thing the WWE could do they could have had him do it after he loses the ECW title. As far as I can tell it has happened once where the guy gets a gimmick overhaul while champ and his name is John Cena, you have all complained about the fact that he changed from a Gangster/Rapper gimmick to his Marine gimmick. Why should this be any different.
Although I find it funny how Jim Morrison was incredibly overrated.

Ok seriously Jim Morrison is one of the greatest singer/songwriter frontman ever to grace the earth. His lyrics are mind blowing and he worked the crowd like no other. Long live Jim Morrison the inspiration behind my guitar shop "Break On Through Music" the Doors of Perception and take a look inside if you aren't scared to find out what's behind lol.

John probably was tired of people making fun of him for having the name of a former american gladiator Nitro lol. This could be interesting to see where it goes I'm looking at it with an open mind. But if he doesn't do Jim justice I'll be out on it.
You did not just say that Jim Morrison is the only member of the 27 club that isn't overrated, Id say he is criminally Underrated.

We have been through this before just not as drastic anyway, A gimmick change while Champ is the worst thing the WWE could do they could have had him do it after he loses the ECW title. As far as I can tell it has happened once where the guy gets a gimmick overhaul while champ and his name is John Cena, you have all complained about the fact that he changed from a Gangster/Rapper gimmick to his Marine gimmick. Why should this be any different.

I agree, there was no reason to do this right now. What sense does it make to have him change his name how long after he won the title? There is no reason and this seems to have come out of the blue and is really confusing. If they wanted to change his gimmick, just alter it a bit, not change the whole thing.

I noticed people complain about Cena changing his gimmick while being champion..I just chalk that up to people hating him either way but hating him less as the rapper. Maybe they hate that change but like this one. But I agree this should be no different.


Well they certainly look alike, they both have the rockstar attitude. I haven't seen ECW yet and won't get to until Friday, so i'll save my judgment until then but I can certainly dig it the whole Jim Morrison thing.

Although I find it funny how Jim Morrison was incredibly overrated.

TELL did not just say that. PLEASE TELL ME PRAXY...that you did not just say Jim Morrison is overrated...

The Doors were probably the greatest psychedlelic rock band in all of history. Scratch that, they WERE the greatest psychedelic rock band in history. They also might just be the greatest band in history, period. not make me flip out....but when you insult Jim're in for an ass-whoopin' boy!

As for Nitro...personally I kinda like the gimmick. It makes him seem alot more human. Virtually its the same gimmick as Nitro, only with a new name, some new clothes, and he actually talks on the mic. Granted he's not exactly a Rock on the mic, but he is pretty good. Plus, that corkscrew neckbreaker is a pretty great move. Honestly I already loved Nitro for his in-ring abilities, and now its even better for me. Hopefully the WWE gives him the chance to hold onto this belt for awhile and build his character up instead of just killing it at the GAB.
What was wrong with Nitro? It was certainly catchier. Morrison isn't a bad name. But I dobt most WWE fans will be Doors fans. Completley pointless imo. And his hair is terrible. Molly Holly is going to sue WWE. It's just not right. I cant take him seriously as a champion with hair like that. Wrestlers can get away with mullets and lank hair. But not boufant.
Personally, I like the change.

I thought the entire "Johnny Nitro" gimmick/character was little TOO MUCH for a main eventer with the entire red carpet, huge fury jacket, the weird MNM theme song, etc. I always liked Johnny but I thought his character wouldn't fit with him as a main eventer. I always wanted a better last name for Johnny instead of Nitro. Sounds like he's a scientist or Mr. WCW, seeing he was Eric Bischoff's bitch & originally came out with the old WCW Nitro theme.

Even though it's hard to adjust to the change after calling him Johnny Nitro for 3 years prior to being apart of the MNM stable, I like the character. The style in general is much much better and the name sounds better as well.
I Really can't see why people are so upset with this. Johnny Nitro was a fucking distraction. It was the kind of over the top, too gimmicky shit that had me reaching for the controller the second his music hit. Nitro is a good wrestler, but I skipped his matches because of the gimmick, it was dumb.

How do we know this wasn't in the works for a while either? Remember, Nitro wasn't scheduled to win that ECW title. Whose to say that the WWE wasn't planning this after the split from Melina and the move to ECW. His whole title reign is shaky right now to begin with.

Again, this is a great move, and it allows me to take John Morrison a helluva lot more seriously then Johnny Nitro.

*Jim Morrison is a fucking God.
** Mad Metal = Best Sig Ever
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