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John Morrison?

Screw it, I'd just wanna see him there for some kickass matches and some high spots. I mean, if given some free reign maybe he can capitalize and do what he can't at the moment. Cornette would say "Superstars become superstars when they are allowed to be themselves", and I don't think Morrison wants to be a doorknob.

So sign him for a year, let him have some high flying matches with the resident jumpers; give him some time, if you see no hope, let him go.
(Click here to pass on the haterade):icon_arrow: Ewww that's bitter.

I think that John Morrison has all the potential in the world to be as big a star as WWE or TNA could choose to make him. I think it's simply a matter of pulling the trigger and letting him run with the ball. I think he has all the tools and those that need sharpening aren't that dull.

TNA would have to be deaf, dumb, and blind not to sign Morrison. Like it or not he's a bigger star jobbing out in WWE than most of their guys winning titles. I mean, I love Austin Aries but I'll give you 10-1 odds if I ask most people which of these guys they've heard of they say "Oh yeah, John Morrison". That is reason alone to sign him. They can bring him in and play his WWE Superstar status up all day, and make him a bigger star there than the majority of the riff-raff they have that are just hanging around like freakin' spiders, collecting checks, and drawing ZERO dollars for them.

There's been some argument as to whether he should be heel or face, and whether he can pull it off as either or. I say why not both? Sounds confusing but just listen. If you want to do it right, you bring him in as a heel. He has to come in and act like he is bigger than the building, perception is reality. Let him act as arrogant and cocky as possible, and make him show some real attitude. Let him be that guy who knows he's better than everyone else and will beat the shit out of you if you say or think otherwise. Let him get viscous, AND wow people with his high flying daredevil moves.

I say the first person you put him up against should be none other than A.J Styles, the home grown fan favorite. You play it off as A.J. deciding to be the litmus test to see if Morrison can back up his bravado and is worthy of being in TNA, and Morrison should then go over in that feud. Feud him against whoever you want after that, but you keep putting him over, and making him look strong against his opponents. Eventually that heel character is going to get over, if not immediately, and as he gets over you start to feud him against heels without changing his character. This is how you make him what he should have been all along, a tweener. Neither full fledged heel or face, but a bad ass who takes on all comers, is spectacular to watch, and can excite the crowd as a result. A lot of the other stuff takes care of itself as a result.
If there is any wrestler out there who needs a complete blowup and total makeover its JO-MO!! Hes a spot monkey in a squash match everytime hes out there and well has the personality of a corpse!! Hes about as dead as a character is right now can be!! He once had that it factor but lost that along time ago.. Im sure it didnt help him when he shot his mouth off about trish stratus being in the WM match instead of Melina
I agree that Morrison needs a change. He's just better as a heel, period. He would be great as a heel in the X-Division of TNA, or better yet, a new Cruiserweight division in the WWE. Wishful thinking... *sigh*
If there is any wrestler out there who needs a complete blowup and total makeover its JO-MO!! Hes a spot monkey in a squash match everytime hes out there and well has the personality of a corpse!! Hes about as dead as a character is right now can be!! He once had that it factor but lost that along time ago.. Im sure it didnt help him when he shot his mouth off about trish stratus being in the WM match instead of Melina

You can't lose the "it" factor. You either have it, or you don't. The "it" factor is reserved for guys who are the total package. They just have it hence, the "it" factor.

John Morrison never had the it factor. He just had a gimmick that got him over for a bit as a brash and boisterous pretty boy/Hollywood elite.
Morrison would be a perfect fit for TNA. If you make an educated list of five guys who would actually benefit more from TNA than WWE, Morrison would be very close to the top if not the very first. He actually makes more sense in TNA than WWE. His style just works a lot better with the TNA roster compared to the WWE roster. There are numerous guys he could be pared with to put on a great match. Samoa Joe, Daniels, or Kaz feuds would make for some great matches And feuds with Aj Styles, Jeff Hardy, or RVD would make for some amazing PPV spots. Morrison would be the perfect talent to bring in to jump start the TV title picture, which right now just consists of Eric Young cutting comedy promos with it around his waste. They need to start actually making it a competitive division and a Morrison Vs. Young Feud would be a great way to do this. Have him come in as a heel and align with immortal since his mike work as a heel runs circles around his babyface work. Lets remember, his depush over the last year did not come because of lack of ability, he's just another victim of back stage politics. John Morrison is no where near the twilight of his career, he still has many years left in the tank and could easily propel himself into the heavyweight title picture of any company. If he leaves WWE, he will need a stage to preform on making a TNA signing a no brainer.
In all honesty I could see him going to TNA and building up his character only to eventually come back to WWE with more of a rep (ala Christian and both Hardys). He has talent but its just not his time in WWE. Plus as much as ppl hate to admit it TNA is the minor leagues where wrestlers go to build themselves up in hopes of 1 day getting called up to WWE so it wouldnt hurt him at all to go there and put on some good matches until he gets called back up to the big time.
Why can't the WWE look past Melina and see the talent they would be lossing in Morrison. If Vince always does whats best for the company which means whats best for business he should hold on to Morrison and use him properly. If Vince gets rid of him then I think his emotions are getting in the way of his business sense.
I quite frankly see him fitting in less in TNA than in WWE. Would I like to see him there? Why not? No harm, no foul. Maybe he can reboot his career. Morgan, Anderson and to an extent, Pope have done it. Why not Morrison? The X Division could always use another name. No, really. It could. 'Cause it's still a fucking small division. With only 1 point of interest.
If he's available, sign him. He has fans who are familiar with his work and character (you can't call him "John Morrison", sure, but the name is pretty stupid anyways and inessential to the act.) Right now the X-Division is a bunch of bland guys doing flips and Austin Aries. Even considering JoMo's lack of microphone talent, he already comes with the character recognition that wrestling companies seek to build in their employees. Why not take advantage of (or at least try) the WWE's work on him?

He'll absolutely take someone's spot. Such is business. The X-Division is not in the state right now where there are no irreplaceable parts, and JoMo could do better for rebuilding the division than some of the curtain jerkers they're using now.
Morrison is a victim of bad luck. He should already have been a world champion by now in WWE. I'd rather he stay in WWE than go to TNA. However, if he did go to TNA he might see more opportunities. The X Division would be a perfect place for him to start and then he could move onto feuds with guys like Daniels or Styles to steal the show. I think he would end up in the world title scene within his first year there and might win the big one. I just hope if he does that it goes better than it did with Anderson, who saw his first world title win in TNA. Morrison would be a great addition for TNA's roster, but for Morrison himself it would be better to stick it out with WWE for that big push due to the awesome moment it would provide for fans if it happened at a bigger show like Summerslam or even Wrestlemania, compared to winning a first world title at a TNA show. It will be worth it in the end for him to stick it out and not leave.
The other major problem I see with Morrison is he comes as a package. You get him, you can bet youre getting Melina. Now while im not opposed to having Melina on my TV screen, she is the cause of so many problems backstage. Do we really need another drama queen in TNA?
Jesus fucking Chris. There is no backstage conspiracy with Morrison HE IS NOT OVER. HE IS NOT OVER. HE IS NOT OVER. HE IS NOT OVER. How many times do you need to see it? HE IS NOT FUCKING OVER. that's why he's not being pushed. FLIPS and a 6 pack don't mean you're a good wrestler. he doesn't carry his character for shit, doesn't have confidence when he comes out despite hiding behind a lot of flashiness that would suggest otherwise, he doesn't tell a story in the ring, and he's still doign the same stupid ass random flipity moves that makes no sense (and looks fake) as before.

He's not that good. However, he's a "held back" WWE guy with athleticism who "tries hard" (athough how is it trying hard when you only do what you're good at and never improve on what you're not?). In other words, he'll fit right in to TNA. For some reason, they like to cater entirely too much to ****** smarks who think a million moves a second, no matter how fake and contrived it is, is good and will give it a ridiculous 'this is awesome' chant or courtesy clap.
Jesus fucking Chris. There is no backstage conspiracy with Morrison HE IS NOT OVER. HE IS NOT OVER. HE IS NOT OVER. HE IS NOT OVER. How many times do you need to see it? HE IS NOT FUCKING OVER. that's why he's not being pushed. FLIPS and a 6 pack don't mean you're a good wrestler. he doesn't carry his character for shit, doesn't have confidence when he comes out despite hiding behind a lot of flashiness that would suggest otherwise, he doesn't tell a story in the ring, and he's still doign the same stupid ass random flipity moves that makes no sense (and looks fake) as before.

He's not that good. However, he's a "held back" WWE guy with athleticism who "tries hard" (athough how is it trying hard when you only do what you're good at and never improve on what you're not?). In other words, he'll fit right in to TNA. For some reason, they like to cater entirely too much to ****** smarks who think a million moves a second, no matter how fake and contrived it is, is good and will give it a ridiculous 'this is awesome' chant or courtesy clap.

Are you on fucking crack. No I'm serious watch Raw and listen when he comes out. Notice that he's the sixth most over babyface the WWE (Third on RAW) has an established fan base. Guess what he's been losing for literally months now and he's still more over then people who get wins weekly such as Zack Ryder, Mason Ryan, Sin Cara, and more. Look I don't care what you think about smarks John Morrison's been over when he was challenging Miz, he was over at Extreme Rules when he was in that triple threat cage match and he's still over today losing to every single main eventer on a weekly basis.

I don't care if you hate the prototypical smark wrestler but don't lie and say he isn't over because it's quite obvious he is.
Are you on fucking crack. No I'm serious watch Raw and listen when he comes out. Notice that he's the sixth most over babyface the WWE (Third on RAW) has an established fan base. Guess what he's been losing for literally months now and he's still more over then people who get wins weekly such as Zack Ryder, Mason Ryan, Sin Cara, and more. Look I don't care what you think about smarks John Morrison's been over when he was challenging Miz, he was over at Extreme Rules when he was in that triple threat cage match and he's still over today losing to every single main eventer on a weekly basis.

I don't care if you hate the prototypical smark wrestler but don't lie and say he isn't over because it's quite obvious he is.
uh...no, he's not the 6th most over guy. No one gives a shit about his comebacks, he gets no entrance pop. the only time people care about him is if he's in the ring with a monster heel. 3rd most over on Raw? Punk, Cena, Air Boom, all more over. With the pushes he's gotten, he should be a LOT more over than he is. They try to make him look like a big deal but there isn't a pop when he comes out, no one cares on his comebacks, no one is pleading for him when he's getting beat down. He's not over. He might be midcard over, but guess what, he's in the midcard. If he was more than midcard over, he'd be pushed. Instead he comes back from injury as a returning babyface against Truth and still gets midcard cheers.

I HOPE he's more over than Ryder, Ryan, and Cara. With as many pushes as Morrison has gotten, he should at least be Air Boom over.

"over when he was challenging the Miz" yea, and I hit home runs in batting practice, Miz is a fucking heat magnet. Winning and losing doesn't matter. Santino gets a bigger reaction. It's not obvious he's over. I regularly watch Raw with my non smark, non lifetime wrestling fan girlfriend. Almost EVERY time she goes "wow they're trying really hard with him and no one cares".

I'm probably the least bias poster on here. I am objective. Morrison is not over, that's why he's losing. If morrison were more over, he'd be getting a push. that's how it works. He's not making vince money in his current position so he's not going to be promoted to a position with higher drawing potential because he can't even satisfy this one.
uh...no, he's not the 6th most over guy. No one gives a shit about his comebacks, he gets no entrance pop. the only time people care about him is if he's in the ring with a monster heel. 3rd most over on Raw? Punk, Cena, Air Boom, all more over. With the pushes he's gotten, he should be a LOT more over than he is. They try to make him look like a big deal but there isn't a pop when he comes out, no one cares on his comebacks, no one is pleading for him when he's getting beat down. He's not over. He might be midcard over, but guess what, he's in the midcard. If he was more than midcard over, he'd be pushed. Instead he comes back from injury as a returning babyface against Truth and still gets midcard cheers.

I HOPE he's more over than Ryder, Ryan, and Cara. With as many pushes as Morrison has gotten, he should at least be Air Boom over.

"over when he was challenging the Miz" yea, and I hit home runs in batting practice, Miz is a fucking heat magnet. Winning and losing doesn't matter. Santino gets a bigger reaction. It's not obvious he's over. I regularly watch Raw with my non smark, non lifetime wrestling fan girlfriend. Almost EVERY time she goes "wow they're trying really hard with him and no one cares".

I'm probably the least bias poster on here. I am objective. Morrison is not over, that's why he's losing. If morrison were more over, he'd be getting a push. that's how it works. He's not making vince money in his current position so he's not going to be promoted to a position with higher drawing potential because he can't even satisfy this one.

They're trying really hard with him. I apologise I forgot losing every week was trying really hard. Did you hear the crowd when he came out at Extreme Rules hear it a little it's not doubt the guys over. If R-Truth had done his heel turn on anybody not named Morrison or Cena it wouldn't have worked have aswell.

So you're telling me it makes perfect since for Vince to give up with Morrison let him leave and try his luck with who exactly? Zack Ryder he hasn't lost a match in weeks and isn't as over in most crowds. How about Mason Ryan go ahead and try it I'm not sure it will work but I'll give him a chance at least. How about Kofi Kingston the guy whose had ten championship reigns and has not made even one of them memorable. Evan Bourne get's a reaction for the SSP and that's it he doesn't get cheered when he comes in that's for Kofi buddy see Evan Bourne by himself and guess what no reaction.

Morrison is more over then Air Boom other then Punk or Cena he is the third (Fourth including Triple H) most over and he's losing on a weekly basis. If he was more over then the Tag Team Champions I would be personally quite shocked.

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